ILK :: Volume #67

#6681: unlucky fate

Their these people rush to here. 他们这几个人跑到这里来。 Yin looks like with the summer in Lin Fei is bringing about own destruction. 林飞跟夏阴看来就是在自寻死路。 Had prepared them here. 早就在这里准备了他们。 Originally does not prepare to cope their. 本来是不准备对付他们的。 Who thinks that their such abandoned babies do not abandon. 谁想他们这么弃儿不舍的。 Since is like this, that Lin Fei must give them profound commemorating. 既然是这样子的话,那林飞怎么也要给他们一个深刻的纪念。 Therefore ambushes here. 于是就在这里伏击。 To come them also to follow to appear. 想来他们也会跟着出现的。 Really with thinks is the same. 果然跟所想的一样。 First followed to come to here. 第一时间就跟到这里来了。 Since follows to come to here, that without delay making a move. 既然是跟到这里来的,那就二话不说出手了。 Gave to suppress directly them. om 直接将他们给镇压下去了。om Summer Yin before time can also eat one to owe in their hands, even wants to beat them, does not have easy in that imagination. 夏阴之前的时候在他们手上还能吃上一个亏,甚至想要击败他们,也没有想象之中的那么容易。 But after having his technique related, was naturally different, can find among them the connection point. 可是有了他这个手法联系之后,自然就不一样了,能找到他们之间的联系点。 Suddenly made them feel what to be called reluctantly. 一时间就让他们感受到了什么叫做无奈。 what is called the headache. 什么叫做头疼。 Hit their is complains of hardship. 打的他们那是一个个叫苦。 Two brothers have not thought then long time, unexpectedly on such was found this flaw by them. 兄弟也没有想到这才多长的时间呢,居然就这样的被他们找到了这个缺陷了。 If gives opportunity again a time. 如果再给一次机会的话。 They absolutely not such harebrained came. 他们绝对不会这样冒冒失失的来了。 But as for the remaining people gave Lin Fei to come deal with directly. 而至于剩下的人直接都交给了林飞处理 Lin Fei deal with they, that naturally very easy. 林飞处理他们,那自然是非常的容易。 Also very relaxed. 也非常的轻松。 The thunder on the steamroll toward them passed. 雷霆就是往他们身上碾压了过去了。 Even has not thought are too many. 甚至没有想的太多。 They did not certainly think that the present person had is difficult to deal with/ferocious how, after when began truly, discovered unusual terrifying. 他们这些人当然不觉得眼前之人有多么的厉害了,可是等到真正动手之后才发现非常的恐怖的。 That thunder like long spear/gun equally on to bind on them. 那雷霆如长枪一样就扎在了他们身上。 They have certain defense treasure, but at this time is also radically does not have any using, directly by steamroll. 他们有一定的防御的宝物,可是此时也是根本就没有任何的用,直接就是被碾压了下去了。 That feeling makes them complain of hardship again and again. 那种感觉让他们自己都是叫苦连连的。 How to bump into such matter? 怎么会碰上这样的事呢? Directly is Insta-kill. 直接就是秒杀 Was has no way to hit completely. 完全就是没法打了。 You said that the strength such strong words they cannot try. 你说实力没这么强的话他们还可以试一试。 But this fights to make them realize that what is called desperately. 可是这一交手就让他们体会到了什么叫做绝望。 what regretted, was really virtually impossible to guard against 还有什么是后悔了,真的是防不胜防了 Lin Fei tidies up with ease here. 林飞轻松收拾完这边。 Looks at summer Yin. 就看夏阴。 This time summer Yin also arrived at quite essential time, gave to hit them directly. 此时的夏阴也到了相当关键的时候了,直接就把他们给打了下去了。 Cutting that even Sword Move non-stop falls on their bodies. 甚至连剑招都不停的斩落在他们的身上。 Their strength unusual, using that but has no at this time. 他们实力非常的强,可是此时却没有任何的用了。 what compared with this more fearful. 还有什么是比这个更可怕的了。 Really did not have. 还真的没了。 They realized that what is called the nightmarish pain. 他们两人都体会到什么叫做噩梦般的痛苦。 Was cut to fall one by summer Yin directly at the scene. 直接就被夏阴当场斩落了其中的一个。 Cooked the extraordinarily good luck as for a remaining movement also quick earliest possible time. 至于剩下的一个动作也快第一时间就熘之大吉了。 The words that does not cook may on thorough being finished. 再不熘的话可就彻底的完蛋了。 summer Yin has not gone to pursue. 夏阴并没有去追。 Own know, if really pursues, not necessarily can catch up with this fellow. 自己知道,真要是这么去追的话,也未必能追得上这家伙。 Only can let he such departure. 只能让他就这样的离开。 Brother forest is your method is difficult to deal with/ferocious, was not the words of your method wants cutting to kill him, is not easy, what a pity ran, but the fellow will not have the what good fate.” “林老弟还是你这个手段厉害呢,不是你这手段的话想要把他给斩杀了,可没那么容易,可惜被跑了一个,不过那家伙也不会有什么好的下场了。” summer Yin especially was also self-satisfied at this time. 夏阴此时也是格外的得意了。 Their two brothers jointly in together. 他们两兄弟联合在一起的时候。 That naturally is incomparable was powerful. 那自然是无比的强大了。 But once were only left over a person, that was needless saying that the fate was naturally miserable. 可是一旦只剩下一个人了,那就不用说了,下场自然是非常的惨了。 Imagination during must be worse. 比想象之中的要更糟糕了。 do not know has many people to want them to give to cut to kill. 不知道有多少人想把他们都给斩杀。 What Lin Fei know summer Yin said certainly was the what meaning. 林飞当然知道夏阴说的是什么意思了。 This person somewhat is truly different. 这人确实有些不一样。 If really begins, that naturally must die without doubt, no one can save them. 真要是动起手来的话,那自然就是必死无疑了,没有人能救得了他们了。 Two people left rapidly. 两人迅速的离开了。 After departure. 随着离开之后。 Has one actually.( This chapter has not ended!) 倒是有一。(本章未完!) Chapter 4968 unlucky fate 第4968章倒霉蛋的下场 The form arrived here. 道身影来到了这里了。 After the form arrived here . 身影来到这里之后。 The surroundings became the incomparable ebullition instantaneously. 周围瞬间变得无比的沸腾了。 All is thunder. 全是一道道的雷霆。 This person of gaze narrows the eyes. 这人目光一眯。 Really felt the different thunder, here really had aura of very powerful thunder, evidently was the fellow of that thunder.” “果然感受到了不一样的雷霆,这里真的有一个非常强大的雷霆的气息,看样子就是那个雷霆的家伙。” This person tracked down. 这人一路的追寻了过来。 Naturally to find this so-called Top Grade thunder. 自然是为了找到这个所谓的顶级的雷霆了。 Originally he has not believed that however the present words, he is thorough believed that really has such matter. 本来他还不怎么相信呢,但是现在的话,他是彻底的相信了,确实是有这么一回事。 Has that together the powerful thunder. Correct renewal 有那么一道强大的雷霆。无错更新 This thunder now under own nose. 这道雷霆现在就在自己的眼皮底下。 what a pity came some late, but has not disappointed him. 可惜来得有些晚了,不过并没有让他失望。 Is haha laughs on the contrary. 反倒是哈哈大笑。 The surrounding thunder jumps cheerfully. 周围的雷霆跳跃得更加的欢快。 For a long time very long has not met such is difficult to deal with/ferocious thunder very much, even my thunder had thinks the thought of urgently fighting, I thought you can also hide the what place, even if were the Tianya/horizon cape, I can also give to look you.” “很久很久没有遇上这么厉害的雷霆了,连我的雷霆都有了迫切想之交手的念头,我看你还能藏到什么地方去,纵然是天涯海角,我也能把你给找出来。” Lin Fei has changed a place with summer Yin. 林飞跟夏阴已经换了一个地方了。 Situated in another small Small world. 位于另外一个小的小世界了。 This Small world must be ordinarier compared with before that Small world, does not have what Expert. 这个小世界比起之前的那个小世界要更加的普通了,也没有什么高手 Even even/including Shengji Expert does not have. 甚至连圣级的强者都没有。 With the summer Yin words, probably such place, basically does not have the what person to operate an abacus. 用夏阴的话来说,像是这样的地方,基本上没有什么人会打算盘的。 Because the small place has no value like this. 因为这样的小地方没有任何的价值。 Even something still received was clean. 就算是有东西也是被收的干干净净了。 Only can a little use was also these population. 唯一能有点用的也就是这些人口了。 However only if these population are the evil member otherwise no one to their making a move. 不过这些人口除非是邪恶的修士不然的话没有人会对他们出手的。 They are very actually safe. 他们倒是挺安全的。 Here treated after some time . 在这里待了一段时间后。 Summer Yin from time to time made outside news. 夏阴时不时就弄来了外面的消息了。 It is said outside is looking for his person is more and more. 据说外面在寻找他的人还是越来越多。 Was cut to kill one running away one as for before that two brothers, after remaining escape, by enemy extinguishing. 至于之前那两兄弟被斩杀了一个逃走的一个,剩下的一个逃出去之后就被敌人给灭了。 Some people are staring at that two brothers. 有人盯着那两兄弟了。 Sees them only to be left over a person, that also with saying, has the achievement directly to come up cutting to kill him, captured all treasure of opposite party at the scene. 一见他们只剩下一个人,那还用说的,直接带着成就为了上去将他给斩杀,当场夺取了对方的所有宝物 Gained one ruthlessly. 算是狠狠的赚了一笔。 Another many accidental/surprised. 另许多人意外 That side Immortal Mansion sound was getting more and more obvious, the strength of seal was also more and more weak, our should can pass evidently.” “那边仙府的动静越来越明显了,封印的力量也是越来越弱了,咱们看样子应该可以过去。” summer Yin came. 夏阴又来了。 Some time being together gets down. 一段时间的相处下来。 summer Yin also thought that this Brother Lin younger brother is really good, although strength is strong, but this people skills are very amiable. 夏阴也觉得这个林兄弟还真的是挺不错的,实力虽强,但是这个为人处事还是非常的平易近人的。 Without the understanding time felt that this person of strength is strong, should is difficult is also close, but after waiting till understanding slowly, discovers this person really with other differences. 没认识的时候感觉这人实力非常强,应该也是难以接近的,可是等到慢慢的认识之后,才发现这人真的跟其他的不一样。 At least before the summer is cloudy, has such strong strength time. 最起码夏阴以前有这么强的实力的时候。 Will not seem like like this absolutely. 绝对不会像是这样子的。 The low key is really low-key does not make sense. 低调真的是低调的不像话。 Only if begins, must otherwise no one know this person of true strength. 除非是动手,要不然的话没有人知道这人的真正的实力 Lin Fei does not worry actually. 林飞倒是一点都不着急。 Drinking tea. 喝着茶。 Slowly is enjoying time safely. 慢慢的享受着安然的时光。 Heard that this Immortal Mansion must open immediately, he also received this sluggish thoughts, was the time can look. 听说这个仙府马上要开了,那他也就收起了这个懒散的心思了,也是时候可以去看一看了。 Hopes do not disappoint themselves, after all oneself need the thing of the world tree, even if not the seed, even if trunk and branches is still nothing issue, in the same old way Ok.. 希望不要让自己失望,毕竟自己还是需要世界树的东西就算不是种子,哪怕一条枝干也是没啥问题,照样可以。。 Chapter 4968 unlucky fate 第4968章倒霉蛋的下场
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