ILK :: Volume #67

#6680: Who ate who

They arrived here to eat summer Yin. 他们两人一来到这里就吃定了夏阴。 Although summer Yin strength is also extremely strong, but they to own strength unusual trust. 夏阴虽然实力也是极强的,不过他们还是对自己的实力非常的相信。 No matter this time how about it must to make summer Yin handing over. 这次不管怎么样都得要让夏阴把人给交出来。 Not the words that the person hands over, they may probably begin. 不把人交出来的话,他们可就要动手了。 summer Yin recently follows Brother forest naturally to have many new methods, moreover strength compared with before time, but also really promoted to be many. 夏阴最近一段时间跟着林老弟自然是掌握了不少的新的手段了,而且实力比起之前的时候,还真的是提升了不少了。 Has not cared facing their two people actually, you said that the person here here, you news that must come from the what place.” 面对他们两人倒是没怎么在意,“你说人在我这里就在我这里啊,你们从什么地方得来的消息。” summer Yin will certainly not acknowledge, if really acknowledged that that brings many troubles. 夏阴当然不会承认了,真要是承认的话,那可是带来不少的麻烦了。 So long as did not acknowledge that does not have what to be good to be worried, not some people of know oneself here. 只要自己不承认,那就没什么好担心的,也不会有人知道就是在自己这里。 Their two brothers looked this consciousness, wants to make summer Yin acknowledge that basically was the not possible matter. 他们两兄弟一看这个就意识过来,想让夏阴承认那基本上是不可能的事情了。 It seems like must to hit well. 看来得要好好的打一场。 Since you did not acknowledge the person here, then can only both of us search.” “既然你不承认人在这里,那么只能我们两人自己去搜了。” Instantaneously, two people making a move. 瞬间,两人就出手 Two people making a move conducted Integration ability, changed to a young giant. 两人一出手就进行了合体能力,化作了一尊小巨人。 With before time one becomes formidable compared with two people Integration later strength. 之前的时候一比两人合体之后的实力变得更加的强悍 Directly is Great Perfection Level. 直接就是大圆满层次 Projected on this Void with summer Yin immediately. 立马就跟夏阴打到了这个虚空里去。 Only then they are clear outside dozen of that are not possible. 只有他们自己心里头清楚在外面打那是不可能的。 The brought sound is big. 带来的动静大。 On the contrary is easy offended, however the words in Void, that does not have the what good worry. 反倒是容易得罪人,但是在虚空之中的话,那就没什么好担心的了。 Void hits no matter how is also that a matter. 虚空不管怎么打也就是那么一回事。 Lin Fei in courtyard naturally also feels the aura that two people fought, the Integration ability that they display is really is very powerful enough. 在院子里的林飞自然也感受到了两人对打的气息,他们施展的这个合体能力还真的是挺够强大的。 The average people want to be such degree, but also is really not that easy matter, no wonder there is a courage to rush to here. 一般人想要达到这样的程度,还真的不是那么容易的事,怪不得有胆子跑到这里来呢。 Lin Fei has not prepared to see them, moreover on summer Yin strength can also relaxed gives to suppress them. 林飞没有准备去见他们,而且就夏阴的实力也是能轻轻松松的把他们给压制下去。 If one past, that appeared some underestimate summer Yin abilities, it is estimated that summer Yin unusual anger. 自己要是过去的话,那就显得有些小看夏阴的能耐,估计夏阴自己心里头都非常的愤怒了。 The Void situation, Lin Fei can also see very clearly. 虚空的情况,林飞也是能看得挺清楚的。 These two Integration later strength truly very powerful. 这两人合体之后的实力确实是非常的强大。 Compared with the average person, but also was really formidable many. 跟一般人一比,还真的是强悍了不少。 summer Yin Sword Move is also is difficult to deal with/ferocious, but also hit an evenness finally merely. 夏阴的剑招也是厉害,不过最后也仅仅是打了一个平手。 Their Integration ability are really very strong. 他们两人的合体能力真的是挺强的。 Strong letting summer Yin felt many pressures, finally two people retreated like this, even if such summer Yin came back scolded several. 强的让夏阴都感受到了不少的压力了,最后两人就这样的退去了,即便是这样夏阴回来的时候还是骂了几声。 „The fellow of bastard, this much long time? strength really had that big promotion, how does this also make?” “混蛋的家伙,这才多长的时间呢?实力竟然有了那么大的提升,这还怎么弄呢?” Coming back that summer Yin was foul-mouthed. 夏阴骂骂咧咧的就回来。 Lin Fei smiled one. 林飞笑了一声。 Their two truly are very powerful, but after being reasonable, they a little are truly improper, that is their Integration has certain flaw, you have not perhaps felt, in fact their flaws plate under them, so long as this flaw infinite pull, then they will not have the what advantage again.” “他们两个确实是挺强大的,不过合理之后他们确实有点不妥,那就是他们这个合体有一定的缺陷,你或许没感觉出来,实际上他们的缺陷就在他们下盘了,只要把这个缺陷无限的拉开,那么他们就不会再有什么优势。” As Lin Fei said slowly, the time made summer Yin realize how tidied up them. 随着林飞缓缓的说起来,顿时间就让夏阴意识到了怎么收拾他们两个人。 strength of their these two people truly are very formidable, will otherwise not make him fight to a draw, is any advantage does not have on the contrary. 他们这两个人的实力确实是挺强悍的,不然的话也不会让他打了个平手,反倒是任何的优势都没有。 I thought that our places cannot treat again, they had not obtained any result, will then definitely find the person to come back.” “我看咱们这地方也不能再待下去,了他们没有取得任何的结果,那么肯定会去找人回来的。” summer Yin does not care about this place, was worried that their appearance can make Lin Fei not happy. 夏阴不怎么在意这个地方,就是担心他们这些人出现会让林飞不高兴。 If by some chance affected that some is not quite good, therefore this matter he must to talk clearly. 万一影响到了那就有些不太好了,所以这个事他得要说清楚了。 not as good as we change a place, this place does not need to stay they, smelled the fellow of shark taste to be the same probably, it is estimated that can lead many people to affect you to drink tea.” 不如咱们换个地方吧,这个地方也没必要呆了他们,就好像闻到了鲨鱼味的家伙一样,估计会带不少人过来影响你喝茶。” summer Yin very know speech. 夏阴还是挺知道说话的。 Regarding living in the what place has not actually cared. 对于住什么地方其实并没有怎么在意。 He is also quite repugnant troublesome, since said. 他也是比较讨厌麻烦的,既然都这么说了。 He has not said what, changed a place directly. 那他也没有多说什么,直接就换了一个地方了。 After leaving . 离开之后。 Here came the person, was before two brothers, two brothers have not taken any advantage, ate on the contrary owed little. 这里又来人了,正是之前的两兄弟,两兄弟并没有占到任何的便宜,反倒是吃了一点点亏。 Let they unusual in a bad mood, after going back, looked for the helper. 让他们心里头非常的不爽了,回去之后就找来了帮手了。 The preparation searches again. 准备再去探探。 summer Yin thought that person should was here. 夏阴觉得人应该就是在这里了。 Looks naturally was the best friend, Fei Shui did not flow the bystander field, they also understood this truth. 找来的自然是自己最好的朋友了,正所谓肥水不流外人田,它们也是懂这个道理的。 So long as the person falls on them in hand, then these advantage still in hand. 只要人落在他们手头上,那么这些好处依然在手上。 Will not fall on others in hand, when just they come time, was ignorant. 不会落在其他人的手头上,只不过等到他们两人来的时候,就懵了。 summer Yin left this unexpectedly. 夏阴居然离开了这。 Their faces somewhat could not hang, unexpectedly left quickly. 他们的脸都有些挂不住了,居然这么快就离开。 Also made them excited, since at this time left. 也让他们兴奋了一下了,这个时候既然离开了。 Then can also determine a matter, it is estimated that others with that summer Yin in the same place, will not leave otherwise absolutely at this time. 那么也就能确定了一件事情了,估计人家就是跟那夏阴在一起的,不然的话绝对不会这个时候离开的。 Pursues! They ran to be quick absolutely, pursues the opportunity that we rendered meritorious service to come.” “追!他们俩人绝对跑得不了那么快,追上去咱们立功的机会就来了。” Two people were especially excited, even brought the helper. 两人格外的兴奋了,就算是带来了帮手。 At this time is also same is also very excited, obviously can feel, that fellow in the front place. 此时也是一样也是挺兴奋的,明显能感觉得出来,那个家伙就在前面的地方了。 Two brothers in tandem pursued, even the nearby helper is still equally rapid with. 兄弟一前一后的追了出去,就算是边上的帮手也是一样迅速的跟了上来。 They tracked down following the clue that this left behind, finally went to an unmanned place. 他们顺着这留下的线索一路的追寻了过去,最后来到了一处无人的地方。 Goes to this unmanned place, two brothers emitted treasure, protected itself, walked summer Yin the form with Void. 一来到这个无人的地方,两兄弟就放出了宝物,护住了自己,跟着虚空之中就走出来夏阴的身影。 Following is Lin Fei. 跟着就是林飞的。 Lin Fei also followed to come out, may really be very hates regarding these two fellow summer Yin that. 林飞也跟着走了出来了,对于这两个家伙夏阴那可真是挺恨的。 Finally came, my here wait for you very long time, but also think you do not come, since came that us to begin.” “终于来了,我在这里等你们很久的时间,还以为你们不来呢,既然来了那咱们可以动手。” summer Yingen had not planned rubbish with them. 夏阴根本就没打算跟他们废话。 The sword light/only cuts attacks to their two people. 剑光一斩就攻向他们两人。 Two brothers also follow haha to laugh. 兄弟也跟着哈哈大笑。 Really is you wear out iron shoes on the hunting grounds, must come is not all time-consuming, you really have the relation with him, but also acknowledged that has not seen.” “真是踏破铁鞋无觅处,得来全不费工夫,你果然跟他有联系,还承认没有见过。” Their rapid entangled this summer Yin. 他们两人迅速的就缠上了这个夏阴。 As for bringing the helper also stared at this young people. 至于带来的帮手也盯上了这个年轻人。 Their naturally also know heavenly thunder gate emitted Bounty. 他们自然也知道天雷门放出了悬赏 Must arrest at present this fellow unexpectedly is such young, truly very accidental/surprised. 要抓捕眼前这个家伙居然是这么年轻,确实挺意外的。 Their think age should will be big, has not thought unexpectedly so young, even also cultivation a unique is difficult to deal with/ferocious thunder method. 他们还以为年纪应该会不小的,可没想到居然如此的年轻,甚至还修炼了一门独特厉害的雷霆手段了。 They naturally do not believe that the words of heavenly thunder gate, can have the what person to be able from them on to rob this thing on hand. 他们自然不相信天雷门的话了,能有什么人能从他们手头上抢走这个东西的。 In other words this fellow cultivation not should cultivation thunder method. 也就是说这家伙修炼了不应该修炼的雷霆手段了。 . 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