ILK :: Volume #67

#6679: Special collection

Pill Refining Immortal Mansion, this lets some Lin Fei accidental/surprised actually. 一个炼丹仙府,这倒是让林飞有些意外 Jokes aside. 说真的。 He is not actually interested regarding these things, but summer Yin also received. 他对于这些东西其实并不是那么的有兴趣,可是夏阴又接下来说了。 What that Pill Refining was a very ancient fellow, heard that beforehand time col­lec­tion various types of special things, treated as Pill Refining material, some compared the is difficult to deal with/ferocious tree seed, it is reported that once col­lec­tion seed about world tree, do not know genuine and fake in his hand, therefore this many people want to go to look for this thing, on had several Large-scale sacred place likely, prepared to look for this thing.” “那个炼丹的是一个挺古老的家伙了,听说以前的时候收集了各种的特殊的东西,当做个炼丹材料,其中就有一些比较厉害的树种了,其中据传就曾经收集了关于世界树的种子,也不知道真假就在他的手上了,所以这次许多人就想去找这个东西了,就像有几个大型的圣地,也准备去寻找这个东西了。” The Lin Fei look was finally bright. 林飞的眼神终于亮了。 You said that if other thing, he also really looks does not glance. 你说要是别的东西的话,他还真的看不上眼了。 However words of this thing was really different. 但是这个东西的话那真的是不一样了。 Among Instant. 刹那之间。 Made him a little obviously feel, unexpectedly was the world tree. 就让他有点明显的感觉了,居然是世界树。 This is the first god tree. 这个是第一神树。 He has not thought here unexpectedly can hear a seed saying. 他从来没有想过在这里居然能听得见种子一说的。 Hasn't this thing disappeared without a trace? Unexpectedly remains. 这东西不是早已经消失得无影无踪了吗?居然还有留下来。 The human affairs does not have absolutely. 世事无绝对。 The meaning of Lin Fei nature know these words, beforehand time he has also heard. 林飞自然知道这句话的意思了,以前的时候他也听说过。 However has not thought here can obtain such a news. 但是从来没有想过在这里能得到这么一个消息。 Also the know summer Yin this fellow was what will say finally. 也终于知道夏阴这家伙为什么会这么说了。 Truly spoke of oneself heart movement place. 确实是说到了自己心动的地方了。 Brother forest, I actually have no interest what too big in that place, however your words were different, that thing has the enormous role to you, can the try one's chance meet by some chance.” “林老弟,我对那个地方其实并没有什么太大的兴趣的,但是你的话就不一样了,那东西对你来说还是有着极大的作用的,可以去试一试运气万一遇上呢。” Said, Lin Fei naturally must look. 都这么说了,林飞当然要去看一看了。 The do not know words were also good, said how not to care in any case. 不知道的话也好,说反正也不会怎么在意。 But since know, if not go, that therefore missed an opportunity on quite simply. 可是既然知道了,如果不去的话,那简直就相当于是错过了一次机会了。 But now the opportunity in this, he must certainly go at present. 而现在机会就在这个眼前了,那他肯定要去的。 That side is apart from leaves must require some time, but the brother can live me previous some time, our came to can drink tea to chat, many should are also you compares to think know. “那边距离开还得需要一些时间,不过老弟可以在我这边住上一段时间,咱们正好可以喝喝茶聊聊天,有许多应该也是你比较想知道的。 The summer invited Yin on own initiative. 夏阴主动的邀请了。 Lin Fei also followed the words to live in the summer Yin mansion. 林飞也就顺着话在夏阴的府邸住了下来了。 The matter of understanding was also more and more. 了解的事情也是越来越多了。 summer Yin was also quite polite. 夏阴也是极为的客气了。 His own know this that is different from the ordinary person at present. 他自己知道眼前这位那可是跟一般的人不一样的。 Must result in entertains quite. 必须得好生招待呢。 More good that so long as entertains. 只要招待的越好。 Then oneself and between him the relations will also be better. 那么自己跟他之间的关系也就会越好了。 Expert that after all such compares is difficult to deal with/ferocious, is no one can bump into, especially cultivation is difficult to deal with/ferocious thunder method. 毕竟这么一位比较厉害强者,可不是谁都能碰得上的,尤其还是修炼厉害的雷霆手段了。 If the heavenly thunder gate, perhaps he will not have that same idea. 如果是天雷门的话,他或许还不会有那么一样的想法。 This is not. 这一位根本就不是。 Such a came also to give summer Yin the opportunity. 这么一来也就给了夏阴的机会了。 Morning time summer Yin came, but his coming complexion appeared some slightly changes. 早上的时候夏阴又过来了,不过他这一趟过来脸色就显得有些稍稍的变了。 Brother, I just obtained a news, supports to you are not quite friendly, the fellow really disgusting person of that several bastard.” “老弟,我刚刚得到了一个消息了,对你挺不太友好的,那几个混蛋的家伙真是会恶心人的。” summer Yin sat to give itself but actually one cup of tea. 夏阴坐下来就给自己倒了一杯茶了。 Air/Qi. 来气。 The good tea that summer Yin collects, basically made Lin Fei drink the belly. 夏阴收藏的这个好茶,基本上都让林飞喝下了肚子了。 This time Lin Fei indifferent drinking tea. 此时的林飞淡然的喝着茶。 After summer Yin drinks tea . 等到夏阴喝了茶之后。 He was asking. 他才笑着问。 Some people stare at me.” “是不是有人盯上我。” Lin Fei this wind clear cloud Dan. 林飞这个风清云淡。 Was truly said by you right, that side the heavenly thunder gate spread the news to come, said that was you stole their heavenly thunder gate god of journeys thunder they, must you arresting “确实是被你说对了,天雷门那边放出消息来了,说是你窃取了他们天雷门的一道神雷了他们,要把你给抓捕回去” The tea that Lin Fei drinks, did not know whether to laugh or cry, do not think, know definitely was the method that two fellows moved, will otherwise not spread such a news to come absolutely. 林飞喝的茶,哭笑不得了,不要想,也知道肯定是那两个家伙动的手段了,不然的话绝对不会放出这么一个消息来的。 It seems like their stares at my cultivation the thunder method.” “看来他们这是盯上我修炼的这个雷霆手段了。” After Lin Fei cultivation this thunder, naturally also seems like such is difficult to deal with/ferocious thunder to be given to stare on know sooner or later. 林飞修炼这个雷霆之后,自然也就知道像是这么厉害的雷霆早晚会被人给盯上的。 Has not thought that this stares at own person to come is so quick. 只是没有想到这个盯上自己的人来的这么快。 Spread the news all of a sudden, that said many people are seeking. 一下子就放出了消息,那岂不是说很多人都在寻找了。 Or estimated that found your here to come in less than the long time. 或者说估计用不了多长的时间就找到到你这里来了。 Lin Fei has not truly cared to this, they said that really comes ten eight even. 林飞对这个确实没怎么在意,就他们这些人说真的就算是来个十个八个的。 Also was the thunder gives to extinguish them together. 也是一道雷霆就把他们给灭了。 summer Yin said with a smile, brother is difficult to deal with/ferocious, these fellows seeking of keeping, is not truly having the accidental/surprised words, perhaps will arrive at our here quickly, their these fellows to obtain heavenly thunder gate Bounty, that was very earnest rigid sought.” 夏阴笑道,“老弟厉害,那些家伙确实在不停的寻找,不出意外的话,也许很快就会来到咱们这里的,他们这些家伙为了得到天雷门的悬赏,那可是非常的认真执着的去寻找的。” Must seek here to come, that directly not extinguishing killed them by you, cannot a how convenient matter.” “要寻到这里来,那还不是由你们直接把他们给灭杀了,不就得了多么省事的一件事情。” Lin Fei is very optional. 林飞很是随意。 In fact he had felt that had Expert to come here. 事实上他已经感觉到有强者来到了这边了。 Here arrives naturally different. 一来到这边自然就不一样。 In fact truly can feel different. 事实上确确实实能感受到其中的不一样了。 How even arrived here to be able, he extinguished directly kills. 就算是来到了这里又能如何,他直接灭杀了。 summer Yingeng has not thought that they came unexpectedly quickly. 夏阴更没有想到他们这些人居然这么快就来了。 Arrived at this Small world. 就来到了这个小世界 What is most fearful was arrived in front of his mansion, found summer Yin. 最可怕的是来到了他的这个府邸面前,找到了夏阴。 The summer Yin is actually not very accidental/surprised, this matter will pass on sooner or later, who made himself ask this young people to help. 夏阴其实并不是很意外,这个事早晚会传出去的,谁让自己请了这个年轻人帮忙了。 Then they will certainly follow the clue to find oneself here. 那么他们一定会顺着线索找到自己这里来的。 Summer Yin personal came out, standing outside unexpectedly is two Expert. 夏阴亲自的就出来了,站在外面居然是两个强者 These two Expert complexions extremely excited. 这两个强者脸色都是极为的兴奋。 Finally found the summer Yin this fellow, moreover paid many prices, now finally found. 终于找到了夏阴这家伙,而且还花了不少的代价,如今终于找到。 Summer is cloudy you, since here, then hurries, confessed honestly that person went to the what place, do not blame our brothers two people making a move, our two people brothers making a move, may not have the what advantage to you.” “夏阴你既然在这里了,那么赶紧,老实交代那个人到底去什么地方了,别怪我们兄弟两人出手,我们两人兄弟出手的话,对你来说可没什么好处了。” These two also are really two brothers, high low, such standing in the front of mansion. 这两人还真的是两兄弟,一个高的一个低的,就这样的站在了府邸的面前。 Ruthlessly is staring at summer Yin. 狠狠的盯着夏阴。 summer Yin knew certainly that these two brothers, these two brothers very is difficult to deal with/ferocious, two people can display move of powerful Integration ability, strength obtained dramatic rise instantaneously. 夏阴当然认识这两个兄弟了,这两个兄弟还是挺厉害的,两人能施展一招强大的合体能力,实力瞬间就得到了飙升。 Their times one-on-one is not naturally strong, only has Integration time is strongest. 他们单对单的时候自然是没那么强了,也就只有合体的时候才是最强的。 After having this strength, they in this Saint level Great Perfection Level, that are also quite become famous. 拥有了这个实力之后,他们在这个圣级大圆满层次,那也是相当出名的。 In addition two person most is difficult to deal with/ferocious methods look for missing people, can in the shortest time finding. 除此之外两个人最厉害的手段就是寻人,能在最短的时间内把人给找出来。 In addition on some treasure, they can very definite matter, that be on hand that young people are very likely with summer Yin in the same place. 再加上手头上的一些宝物,他们可以非常确定一件事情了,那就是那个年轻人极有可能就是跟夏阴在一起了。 This matter said that will not have several people to believe that but is what is all about in fact. 这种事情说出去都不会有几个人相信,可事实上就是这么一回事。 Very likely with summer Yin in the same place, can they not be happy? 极有可能跟夏阴在一起,他们能不高兴吗? The heavenly thunder gate emitted Bounty. 天雷门可是放出了悬赏 Even their Saint level complete Expert incomparable heart movement. 连他们两个圣级圆满的强者都无比的心动。 . The apex cell phone version renews the quickest website: 。顶点手机版更新最快网址:
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