ILK :: Volume #67

#6678: Interested place

Lin Fei shifted this heavenly thunder gate body all of a sudden. 林飞一下子就转移到了这个天雷门的身上。 Since this heavenly thunder gate is so strong. 既然这个天雷门这么强。 Evidently also very overbearing, that definitely collected many good things. 看样子还非常的霸道,那肯定是收藏了不少的好东西了。 Since collected so many good things. 既然收藏了这么多的好东西。 Are oneself can also patronize. 那自己是不是也是可以光顾一下。 For example catches their some people. 比如抓他们一些人。 When the time comes had the opportunity stratagem to seize their these good things. 到时候就有机会谋夺他们这些好东西了。 He believes the summer Yin should know heavenly thunder gate good thing. 他相信夏阴应该知道天雷门的好东西的。 summer Yin is very surprised. 夏阴很吃惊。 Also without wants to say. 也没多想就道。 Heavenly Thunder gate really has this good thing, it is said their heavenly thunder gate has the most powerful god of journeys thunder to be called thunder explodes.” “天雷门确实是有这個好东西的,据说他们天雷门有着最为强大的一道神雷叫做雷爆。” A very powerful god thunder. 一种非常强大的神雷。 Unusual Berserk. 非常的狂暴 So far also no one can give the fusion it. 目前为止还没有人能将它给融合。 Once fused successfully, it is said the strength will stride in very fearful degree. 一旦融合成功了,据说战力将跨入非常可怕的程度。 No one dares to offend the heavenly thunder gate. 没有人敢去冒犯天雷门。 It is said heavenly thunder unusual is difficult to deal with/ferocious of this thunderstorm. 据说这个雷暴的天雷非常的厉害 Also can the short time be given to grasp strength to rise dramatically. 也能短时间被人给掌握实力暴增。 Afterward this body on thorough was waste. 事后这个身躯就彻底的废了。 No one energy carrying/sustaining thunder. 没有人能承载这道雷霆。 Became heavenly thunder gate most treasure. 成了天雷门的最宝物 Said, summer Yin can feel, heavenly thunder should of this thunderstorm is out of the ordinary. 这么说,夏阴就能感受得出来,这个雷暴的天雷应该是非比寻常。 do not know compares how about it with own god thunder. 不知道跟自己的神雷一比怎么样 Own this god thunder can also do not know give the annexation this thunder. 自己这个神雷也不知道能不能将这种雷霆给吞并了。 He felt, if annexes, truly can be obtained certain promotion by own thunder. 他觉得如果吞并的话,确实能让自己的雷霆得到一定的提升。 Do not look that he has reached this degree now, this thunder is very is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 别看他现在已经达到了这个程度的,这个雷霆已经算是非常厉害的了。 His know this thunder can the continues promotion. 知道自己这个雷霆还是可以继续提升的。 In other words this heavenly thunder gate is good. 也就是说这个天雷门还是挺不错的。 If the person of heavenly thunder gate really looks. 如果天雷门的人真找过来的话。 Then Lin Fei, naturally will go to come to one's door to have a look at this thunder explodes. 那么林飞,自然而然的就会去找上门去看看这个雷爆。 Now on a difference such opportunity. 现在就差这么一个机会。 Getting the gate is not quite certainly friendly. 打上门当然是不太友好。 Let alone outside matter. 更何况外面的事情。 Lin Fei is not so clear. 林飞并不是那么清楚。 Is good because of having summer Yin. 好在有夏阴。 summer Yinxiang knows Lin Fei, naturally also said many about outside matter, wants to listen to one to say. 夏阴想认识林飞,自然也是说了不少关于外面的事情了,一个想听一个想说。 Two people naturally chat quite was elated. 两个人自然是聊得相当的欢畅了。 From the morning to afternoon, is drinking tea at the same time. 从上午到下午,一边喝着茶。 At the same time is chatting. 一边聊着天。 Also makes Lin Fei profit infinitely. 也让林飞受益无穷。 As for summer Yin words not to mention. 至于夏阴的话更不用说了。 Although time from the beginning is very anxious. 尽管一开始的时候还是挺紧张的。 Chatted is chatting him to discover that at present during this does not seem to imagine was so difficult to speak. 聊着聊着他就发现眼前这位似乎并没有想象之中的那么难说话。 On the contrary is very friendly. 反倒是挺和气的。 This is different from others. 这就跟其他人不一样。 This also makes him feel happily especially. 这也让他感觉到格外的高兴。 Luckily invited, must say otherwise, missed such a opportunity. 幸亏邀请,要不然的话说真的,就错过了这么一次机会了。 You may hear that outside this what place has this very special thing, for example the tree seed and so on, is special is better.” “那你可听说这外头什么地方有这个非常特殊的东西,比如树种之类的,越是特殊的越好。” summer Yinzheng chatted happily. 夏阴正聊得开心。 Suddenly such a saying. 冷不防这么一说。 Lets he a little small accidental/surprised actually. 倒是让他有点小小的意外 „The could it be Brother Lin younger brother wants this special tree seed, if wants this special tree seed, this also really has probably, making me think.” 难道林兄弟想要这个特殊的树种,如果是想要这个特殊的树种的话,这个好像还真有,让我想一想。” summer Yin has asked the opposite party to be Brother Lin. 夏阴已经叫对方为林兄 Also know opposite party name. 知道对方姓名的。 Naturally outside these families, really no powerful family, called such a name probably. 当然在外面的这些家族里面,好像还真的没有哪一个强大的家族,是叫这么一个名字的。 Undeniably strength of opposite party was too is really strong. 不可否认对方的实力真的是太强太强了。 Unlike the ordinary person is really. 跟一般的人真的是挺不一样。 Probably such strength asked that several people can be victorious. 像是这样的实力就问有几个人是能打得过的。 Absolutely did not have. 根本就没有了。 Oneself can know him, that picks up a big bargain absolutely. 自己能认识他,那绝对是捡了大便宜。 Lin Fei does not worry leisure is listening. 林飞也不着急慢悠悠的听着了。 Also wants to listen to have such thing. 也想听一听到底有没有这样的东西。 If gets so far as one again, that had no issue. 如果再弄到一颗的话,那就没啥问题了。 summer Yin after seeking for one. 夏阴在寻找了一番之后。 Finally had this result. 终于有了这个结果了。 At present the time is one bright. 眼前顿时间就是一亮。 I also really found one, it is said had a tree to be called the Saint tree in too white sacred place inside, what quality that was unknown, in any case this too white sacred place from time to time presented some top Expert, therefore too white sacred place outside world was also one not the place that was possible to offend.” “我还真的找到了一个,据说是在太白圣地里面里面有一棵树叫做圣树,什么品质那就不得而知了,反正这个太白圣地时不时的就出现一些顶尖的高手,所以在外面的世界里面太白圣地也是一个不可能得罪的地方。” summer Yin said one. 夏阴说完一个。 Also mentioned another place. 又说起了另外一个地方。 Lin Fei that was quite naturally happy. 林飞那自然是极为的高兴了。 know the objects of many choice are i.e. more. 知道的越多也就是说选择的对象越多。 No longer is that sole. 不再是那么单一。 If a sole sacred place. 如果是单一的一个圣地的话。 That is actually very troublesome. 那倒是挺麻烦的。 If 34 that is different. 如果是三四个的话那就不一样。 Lin Fei can leisure comes. 林飞可以慢悠悠的来。 summer Yin the one breath said five places. 夏阴一口气就说了五个地方了。 These five places have some especially unusual tree seed. 这五个地方都有一些特奇特的树种。 Has the extremely strong help, some are can promote the life span, some manufacture the Pill Refining important thing. 都有着极强的帮助,有些是可以提升寿命的,有些是制作炼丹的重要的东西。 Each tree has the special function in any case. 反正每一棵树都有着特殊的作用。 Was regarded treasure same treatment in their these sacred place directly. 在他们这些圣地里面直接就被当成宝贝一样的对待了。 Even outside Third Level Third Level has Expert to guard, will not make one be close absolutely. 甚至里三层三层的都有高手把守着,绝对不会让人接近。 The summer obviously can feel Yin. 夏阴明显就能感觉得出来。 This Brother Lin is interested to this unusual tree seed. 这个林兄对这个奇特的树种非常的有兴趣。 Emitted a strange thought at heart. 心里头冒出了一个怪怪的念头了。 Was always impossible saying that he wants to go to col­lec­tion these tree seeds. 总不可能说他想去收集这些树种吧。 If like this, that is really very big troublesome. 如果是这样子的话,那真的是挺大的麻烦的。 Does not have the what advantage with them to. 跟他们对上没什么好处。 They are not the small influences, that is true experts as common as the clouds. 他们可不是小小的势力,那可是真正的高手如云 Such strength also really few individuals are can shoulder. 这样的实力还真的没有几个人是能扛得住的。 summer Yinxiang urged, finally bore. 夏阴想劝一下,最后还是忍住。 If know really urged, that was not good. 知道自己真要是去劝的话,那是根本就不行。 On the contrary is also others offending. 反倒是还会把人家给得罪。 Impression with great difficulty did not have thoroughly. 好不容易的印象就彻底没了。 Brother forest, wants this thing the words, I thought that recently had opportunity a time, you can consider, perhaps also really has the harvest.” “林老弟,想要这个东西的话,那我觉得最近就有一次机会了,你可以考虑一下,说不定还真的有收获的。” summer Yin said suddenly. 夏阴忽然说。 This place I also prepare one, originally my before is prepares to find several people together, but that several person strength were also ordinary, but if there are Brother forest to go to that more appropriate together.” “这个地方我也准备去一趟的,本来我之前是准备找几个人一起的,不过那几个人实力也就一般了,但是如果有林老弟一起去的话那就更妥当。” Lin Fei has not worried now. 林飞现在还不怎么着急。 Own know went really is not quite cost-effective at this time. 自己知道这个时候去还真的是不太划算。 But if gives him to select the time again. 可要是再给他点时间的话。 He had the absolute assurance to get so far as this thing. 他就有绝对的把握去弄到这个东西了。 Now heard that had such place to make him come several points of interest actually all of a sudden. 现在听说有这样的地方倒是让他一下子就来了几分的兴趣了。 Then, here presented a good place, that also really must mention listens, perhaps I to such place interested.” “这么说来,这边是出现了一个好地方,那还真的要说来听听呢,说不定我对这样的地方有兴趣。” summer Yin that thoughts, he at heart is actually clear. 夏阴的那点心思,他其实心里头是清楚的。 Then he naturally prepared under the experience. 那么他自然准备去见识下了。 If can under the experience that be good. 如果能见识下的话那就再好了。 Perhaps can also obtain many good things. 说不定还能得到不少的好东西呢。 Actually presented ancient Immortal Mansion to leave behind a is difficult to deal with/ferocious treasure that side an unmanned star it is said that some unusual Pill Refining material, therefore these had many people to try one's luck time, but that place has not selected strength really is very difficult.” “其实就是在一个无人的星球那边出现了一个古老的仙府了据说里面留下了挺厉害的一件宝贝,还有一些奇特的炼丹材料,所以这一次就有许多人想去碰碰运气了,不过那个地方没点实力还真的挺难进去的。” This? 就这? If this, he also really not that big interest. 如果就这样的话,他还真的没那么大的兴趣。 Because various issue addresses change to invite everyone collect the new address to avoid becoming lost 由于各种问题地址更改为请大家收藏新地址避免迷路 The homepage version chapter content is slow, please download to like reading app to read the newest content 网页版章节内容慢,请下载爱阅app阅读最新内容 Please withdraw transfers the code page, please download to like reading app to read the latest chapter. 请退出转码页面,请下载爱阅app阅读最新章节。 Provides the quickest Invincible Leveling King renewal for you newly, the Chapter 4965 interested place reads free. 新为你提供最快的无敌升级王更新,第4965章有兴趣的地方免费阅读。
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