ILK :: Volume #67

#6677: Troublesome arrival

This tea truly supports not general. 这个茶确实挺不一般的。 Lin Fei drank one. 林飞喝了一口。 Realized difference immediately. 立马就体会到了其中的不一样。 This summer Yin also really very has sincerely. 这个夏阴还真的挺有诚心的。 Took such good tea to come out. 拿了这么好的茶出来。 Truly is unique. 确实是独一无二的了。 Drank several to put continually. 连喝了几口就放了下来。 This tea is truly good. 这茶确实是挺不错的。 Without guessing wrong, this tea should makes from very special place, moreover this tea should also only then such.” “要是没猜错的话,这茶应该是从挺特殊的地方弄过来,而且这個茶应该也就只有这么一株吧。” summer Yin selects nod, brothers is the good eye, is truly what is all about, that tea seedling had been given to make by me, this thing is others sacred objects is the same in their quite, has not been considered as before me what, was taken away by me directly, waits for your likes words to bring to select.” 夏阴点点头,“兄弟就是好眼力,确实是这么一回事,那个茶苗已经被我给弄走了,这东西在他们那里相当于就是人家的圣物一样,不过在我面前还不算是什么,直接就被我拿走了,等一下你喜欢的话可以带点走。” Such a is difficult to deal with/ferocious fellow. 这么一个厉害的家伙。 The summer naturally must know Yin well. 夏阴当然要好好的认识一下。 Also do not know this person braves from the what place. 不知道这人到底是从什么地方冒出来的。 But this strength is really the great strength of quite. 可是这实力真的是相当的强大。 Especially that thunder asked that you can shoulder. 特别是那雷霆就问你扛不扛得住。 He feels own this in any case, if shoulders. 反正他觉得自己这要是去扛的话。 Also cannot shoulder. 也是扛不住的。 True fearfulness. 真正的可怕。 terrifying of Soul deep place. 灵魂深处的恐怖 Has not thought has such fearful thunder. 从来没有想过有这么可怕的雷霆。 This thunder, even he himself cannot ponder over to brave suddenly from the what type place. 这个雷霆,连他自己都一时间琢磨不出来是从什么样的地方冒出来的。 A point that can determine is only this thunder has the big terrifying big might. 唯一能确定的一点就是这个雷霆拥有大恐怖大威力。 Even, the opposite party began a moment ago does not have making a move that full power to go, if this full power to go to leaves, that person of dying is own. 甚至,对方刚才动手的时候都没有全力以赴的出手,这要是全力以赴出走的话,死的那个人就是自己的。 Perhaps said makes one unable to believe. 说出来或许让人不敢相信。 In fact is like this. 事实上就是这样子。 Really is few individuals can shoulder this method. 真的是没有几个人能扛得住这个手段的。 „Our Small world do not have the what good thing, however was different in the words of culmination world, that side hears or has many good things, but that side belonged to quite to be wild, many is difficult to deal with/ferocious fellows assumed personal command, want to go to that side to make the thing is not easy.” “咱们这个小世界已经没有什么好东西了,但是在中天世界的话就不一样了,那边听说还是有不少的好东西的,但是那边属于相当蛮荒了,有不少厉害的家伙坐镇,想要去那边弄东西可没那么容易。” In the summer Yin cognition, this fellow braves from these is difficult to deal with/ferocious place. 在夏阴的认知当中,这家伙就是从那些非常厉害的地方冒出来的。 How otherwise to have such strong strength. 不然的话又怎么会有这么强的实力的。 The cultivation thunder, he also has to see, but is so probably strong, jokes aside, was first. 修炼雷霆,他又不是没见过,但是像是这么强的,说真的,还是第一个。 before time absolutely does not have. 之前的时候根本就没有。 „After that emptied time, can go to experience how about it.” “那以后空了的时候,可以去见识一下到底怎么样。” Summer Yin haha smiles, actually, outside place splendid, but in some Small world has many good things.” 夏阴哈哈笑,“其实,外面的地方更加的精彩,不过一些小世界里面还是有不少的好东西的。” summer Yin feels at present this person of likes hear of this things. 夏阴觉得眼前这人喜欢听这种事情。 Therefore said the matters in this aspects. 于是就说了一些这方面的事了。 Naturally he actually also wants to ask own this favor what time others can be useful, or he has the what thing to want. 当然他其实也想问问自己这个人情什么时候人家能用得上,或者说他有什么东西是想要的。 The words in that case, oneself can also help supply ideas. 那样一来的话,自己也就可以帮忙出谋划策。 On adds on a strength. 或者上帮上一份力。 Taking the liberty asked that brother such young should came out from the heavenly thunder gate.” “冒昧的问一下,老弟这么年纪轻轻的应该是从天雷门出来的吧。” The summer said Yin suddenly extremely earnestly. 夏阴忽然极为认真的说。 before time, he will not have thought of here, but a moment ago or he obviously had some feelings. 之前的时候,他还不怎么会想到这里,但是刚才或者查的时候他明显就有了一些感觉。 Perhaps that is this person does not do well at present from this place. 那就是眼前这人也许弄不好就是从这个地方来的。 Also only then the person in this place is most powerful. 也就只有这个地方的人才是最强大的。 The heavenly thunder gate, that is Expert converges. 天雷门,那可是高手云集。 Wanting know is that side person, is lunatics. 知道是那边的人,很多都是一个个的疯子。 Craziness of quite. 相当的狂。 Average person basically not willing with these people bumping into. 一般人基本上不怎么愿意跟这些人给碰上。 They most excel displays the thunder. 他们最擅长的就是施展雷霆。 Lin Fei shakes the head, you misunderstood, I am not the what heavenly thunder gate, looks at your appearance, this heavenly thunder gate as if very is difficult to deal with/ferocious appearance.” 林飞摇摇头,“你误会了,我并不是什么天雷门,看你的样子,这个天雷门似乎很厉害的样子。” Summer Yin unusual accidental/surprised. 夏阴非常的意外 Really had the idea of first impressions are most lasting a moment ago. 刚才确实有了先入为主的想法了。 This fellow should is in the heavenly thunder gate comes out. 这家伙应该就是天雷门里面出来的。 But this saying makes him feel startled. 可是这话却让他感觉到非常的吃惊了。 This person unexpectedly is not that place. 这人居然不是那地方的。 This is really, making him feel unthinkable. 这真的是,让他感觉到匪夷所思了。 How can be this situation? 怎么会是这个情况? This person is not that place comes out unexpectedly. 这人竟然不是那个地方出来的。 brothers, you, since is not day of cold Leimen, this really very lets person accidental/surprised, wants the know cultivation thunder most is difficult to deal with/ferocious place is this so-called heavenly thunder gate, they kept promises.” 兄弟,你既然不是天冷雷门的,这这真的是挺让人意外的,要知道修炼雷霆最厉害的地方就是这个所谓的天雷门,他们说一不二。” summer Yingang said, the complexion was follows slightly changed, as if recalls came the what matter. 夏阴刚说完,脸色就是跟着微微一变了,似乎想起来了什么事情。 If other matter also even, but the words of this matter, he realizes immediately differently. 要是别的事情的话也就算了,但是这个事的话,他立马就意识到不一样。 That side truly is unusual is difficult to deal with/ferocious, method that this heavenly thunder gate uses also very overbearing, by grasping the thunder, really without that influence can compare.” “那边确实是非常的厉害,这个天雷门施展的手段也是非常的霸道,论掌握雷霆,真没那个势力能一比的。” Lin Fei one hear of this saying as if understand something. 林飞一听这话似乎就明白过来一些事情。 That is this heavenly thunder gate should is not the common gate. 那就是这个天雷门应该不是寻常的门。 Must others not say otherwise absolutely. 要不然的话人家也绝对不会这么说的。 More importantly, they grasp the cultivation thunder. 重要的是,他们掌握修炼雷霆。 Listens to brother's meaning, this heavenly thunder gate also does some unfriendly matter besides overbearing evidently, for example am I had this trouble.” “听老哥的意思,看样子这个天雷门除了霸道之外还做一些非常不友好的事,比如我就有了这个麻烦是不是。” Compared to other person perhaps a short time being able to find out so many things. 相对于其他人或许一时半会的想不出那么多的东西来。 Lin Fei that is unusual is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 林飞那是非常的厉害的。 The time of such One Revolution eye. 就这么一转眼的时间。 He listened to some ways. 他就听出了一些门道来。 Perhaps that is this heavenly thunder gate will have certain dispute with oneself. 那就是这个天雷门也许跟自己会产生一定的纠葛。 This matter says some people not to believe. 这种事情说出来都不会有人相信。 But in fact is what is all about. 但事实上就是这么一回事。 Also does not have a look at his words inside meaning. 也不看看他的话里面的意思。 Clearly has this possibility. 分明就是有这个可能性。 summer Yin smiled bitterly. This heavenly thunder gate works is truly overbearing, because of their most likes col­lec­tion this thunder, more will be the is difficult to deal with/ferocious thunder is given to take away by them, then smelted to own body, now heavenly thunder gate generation has a madman, must receive to spread around the world the bodies of various thunder achievement strongest thunder.” 夏阴苦笑了一声。“这个天雷门做事情确实挺霸道的,因为他们最喜欢收集这个雷霆了,越是厉害的雷霆就会被他们给收走,然后熔炼到自己的身躯里面啊,如今天雷门这一代就出了一个狂人,要收遍天下各种的雷霆成就最强的雷霆之体。” Time at this point. 说到这里的时候。 Was Lin Fei on know summer Yin, what will ask a moment ago? 林飞知道夏阴,刚才为什么会这么问了? In other words oneself this god thunder was very easy to be given to stare. 也就是说自己这个神雷很容易就被人给盯上了。 Especially that two fellows in summer Yin on suffers a loss on hand, if they have not selected the thought of retaliation, that is strange matter. 特别是那两个家伙在夏阴的手头上吃了大亏,他们要是没点报复的念头,那才是怪事。 Then the final result will certainly come this heavenly thunder gate Expert. 那么最后的结果一定会来了这个天雷门的强者 When the time comes seeks oneself thunder. 到时候谋取自己身上的雷霆。 Originally is like this, that is actually very interesting, after I since cultivation had/left this thunder, but also has not really met several resembles appearances Expert, if the Expert a little method of heavenly thunder gate, that actually a little meaning.” “原来是这样子,那倒是挺有意思的,我自从修炼出了这个雷霆之后,还真的没有遇上几个像样子的高手呢,要是天雷门的强者都有点手段,那倒是有点意思。” Actually summer Yin has been observing this young people. 其实夏阴一直都在观察着这个年轻人。 In his on has not seen any fear on hand. 并没有在他的手头上看到任何的恐惧。 Fame of heavenly thunder gate is very resounding. 天雷门的名气那可是非常响亮的。 Anyone, hears later to feel fearfully, was this person of words was different, unexpectedly a disregarding type. 不论是谁,听到之后都会感受到可怕,可是这人的话就不一样了,居然一副无视的样。 How in other words not to have cared about this place quite the same as. 也就是说浑然就没有把这个地方怎么在意了。 In other words such a fellow, has the absolute confidence to own strength, even if they want to emit some thoughts. 也就是说这么一个家伙,对自己的实力有着绝对的信心了,就算是他们想要冒出一些念头来。 Also must to think over to hit. 也得要掂量一下能不能打的过。 Summer Yin rejoicing. 夏阴更加的庆幸。 Can know at present this person. 能结识了眼前这人。 Also owes the next two favors. 还欠下两个人情。 Wants know his favor, that is very precious. 知道他的一个人情,那个是非常珍贵的。 According to you said, in this heavenly thunder gate also has the good thing.” “按你这么说,这个天雷门里面也是有好东西。” Lin Fei asked suddenly. 林飞忽然就问。 Because various issue addresses change to invite everyone collect the new address to avoid becoming lost 由于各种问题地址更改为请大家收藏新地址避免迷路 The homepage version chapter content is slow, please download to like reading app to read the newest content 网页版章节内容慢,请下载爱阅app阅读最新内容 Please withdraw transfers the code page, please download to like reading app to read the latest chapter. 请退出转码页面,请下载爱阅app阅读最新章节。 Provides the quickest Invincible Leveling King renewal for you newly, Chapter 4964 troubles arrival free reading. 新为你提供最快的无敌升级王更新,第4964章麻烦到来免费阅读。
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