ILK :: Volume #67

#6676: The friends, the favor also wants

They are also worried that the matter were many. 他们也是担心事情多了。 Decisive first tidying up said this year light fellow again. 果断的先把这年轻的家伙给收拾了再说。 If by some chance this fellow , there would be no worry without that strength. 万一这家伙没有那个实力也就没有担心了。 But after this poison comes, heard a sound. 可是这个毒物过来之后就听见噼里啪啦的一阵响了。 Rapid was disintegrated. 迅速的就被瓦解了掉。 They responded immediately. 他们立马就反应了过来了。 Really by that summer Yin saying right. 真的被那夏阴给说对了。 This brat strength also is really extremely strong. 小子实力还真的是极强。 Was mistaken. 看走眼了。 Even this Saint level can a killing poison be able to shoulder easily, their know this matter is not fond of playing jokes. 连这种圣人级别都能面杀的毒物都能轻而易举的扛了下来,他们就知道这个事情不好弄了。 However they are confident. 不过他们还是有信心的。 Even you can how about it, should be able again very easy gave to take you. 就算是你再强又能怎么样,应该还是能非常容易的就把你给拿下了。 One of them withdraws. 其中一人就脱身出来。 Comes to Lin Fei. 冲着林飞过来。 Young people, I thought that do not meddle was good, if you do not meddle, when we what matter have not seen, let alone this fellow is not the what good thing, it is estimated that under waited to use you, turn head gave to tidy up you.” “年轻人,我看你还是不要插手其中好了,你要是不插手其中的话,我们就当什么事情都没有看见,更何况这家伙也不是什么好东西,估计等下利用完你了,回头就把你给收拾了。” This person of making a move. 这人一出手 Similarly is saying while is hitting. 同样一边说着一边打着。 Also is the preparation Lin Fei thorough extinguishing killed here. 也是准备把林飞彻彻底底的给灭杀在这里了。 Lin Fei launched this thunder directly. 林飞直接就展开了这个雷霆。 Formed a defense. 形成了一道防御。 Among Instant, gave to block opposite party the attack of toxin. 刹那之间,就将对方的毒素的攻击都给拦住了。 Thunder fell like meteor same pounding. 一道道的雷霆如流星一样的砸落了下来。 This fellow diverting. 就将这个家伙给牵制下来。 Also made him feel to have no alternative. 也让他感受到无可奈何了。 Really was too terrifying. 真的是太恐怖了。 How to emit such fellow? 怎么会冒出这样子的家伙呢? Obviously can feel that this fellow was really unusual is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 明显就能感觉到这个家伙真的是非常的厉害了。 This toxin is really strong. 这个毒素真的是强的。 Somewhat fearful. 有些可怕的。 If not such strong, but also does not have what to be good to be worried. 如果不是这么强的话,还没什么好担心的。 But the present words these, the thunder makes him feel the pressure. 可现在的话就这些,雷霆就让他感受到压力。 He strongest toxin does not have any used in front of the thunder of opposite party radically. 他最强的毒素在对方的雷霆面前根本就没有任何用了。 Was disintegrated directly. 直接就被瓦解了。 Probably was restrained to be the same. 就好像被克制住一样。 A little cat same distinguished with the mouse. 有点猫跟老鼠一样的区别了。 Make him very helpless. 让他非常的无奈。 This matter, his first meet. 这种事情,他还是第一次遇上。 Beforehand time, he has also bumped into this matter. 以前的时候,他也碰上过这种事情。 The thunder of opposite party is not so courageous. 对方的雷霆就没有这么勐了。 But now this thunder was really quite terrifying. 可现在这个雷霆真的是相当恐怖了。 The completeness is not he can shoulder. 完完全全就不是他所能扛得住的。 What to do this lets him, was uncomfortable. 这让他怎么办,非常的难受了。 Has been paying attention to summer Yin, finally one happy. 一直关注着的夏阴,终于一喜。 The young people are reliable. 年轻人还是靠得住的。 Although said and owes a favor, but said no matter how today take many advantages finally. 虽然说又欠下了一个人情了,但不管怎么说今天自己总算是占了不少的便宜。 Roared, erupted. 吼了一声,就爆发了。 Without his help, I thought how you can block my Sword Move.” “没有了他的帮忙,我看你如何能挡得住我的剑招。” summer Yin an eruption truly broke through this hindrance. 夏阴的一爆发确实冲破了这个阻碍。 The pressed opposite party had a headache. 压的对方非常的头疼了。 Among that aspect Instant well on disappearance without a trace. 那个好好的局面刹那之间就消失的无影无踪了。 Also made him hate this young people. 也让他恨上了这个年轻人。 Naturally hates to turn over to hate, can feel this terrifying from the body of opposite party. 当然恨归恨,还是能从对方的身上感受到了这个恐怖的。 Receives to incur! 收招! Two people quite tacit understanding, without wants to leave directly. 两人相当的默契,没有多想直接就离开了。 The words that their know had not left at this time, wait for by their two dozens one, must die here. 他们知道这个时候还不离开的话,等下被他们两人二打一,说不定就得死在这里了。 Used on hand on treasure directly. 直接动用了手头上的宝物 In an instant two people left. 转眼之间两个人就离开了。 summer Yin relaxes finally. 夏阴终于松了一口气了。 Takes out the Medicinal Pill clothing/taking to get down hastily. 连忙取出丹药服下去。 brothers, I thought that this place was not safe, not as good as changes a place, my also has the liquor water, making me thank your excellency well, is not your words really must come a big cropper today.” 兄弟,我看这个地方也不怎么安全了,不如换一个地方,我那还有酒水,让我好好谢谢阁下,不是你的话今天真的得栽上一个大跟头。” How summer Yin also know thanks at present this young people. 夏阴也知道怎么感激眼前这个年轻人。 After all this young people truly are very at present different. 毕竟眼前这个年轻人确实挺不一样的。 Most is mainly his unusual is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 最主要是他非常的厉害 This was no one can compared with. 这就不是谁都能比得了的。 Probably such is difficult to deal with/ferocious person. 像是这么厉害的人。 Oneself are decisive must know. 自己还是果断的要认识一下。 This will only be good to him, but will not have the fault. 这对他来说只会有好处而不会有坏处。 But very hopes the opposite party can comply. 但还是挺希望对方能答应的。 If the opposite party complies, oneself can become friends with is difficult to deal with/ferocious Expert. 如果对方答应下来的话,自己还是可以结交一个厉害高手 Especially his thunder. 尤其是他这个雷霆。 Truly supports not general. 确实挺不一般的。 Lin Fei has not cared to this actually. 林飞对这个倒是没怎么在意。 Drinks tea that to drink a tea, came to also understands that side situation. 喝个茶那就喝个茶吧,正好也了解一下那边的情况。 He already from big fellow here know some situations. 他已经从大家伙这里知道了一些情况。 Multi- understanding, said is better. 多了解个,岂不是说是更好的。 Is the good tea, I do not drink.” “是好茶,我不喝。” summer Yin stares, with laughs on haha. 夏阴一愣,跟着就哈哈大笑。 brothers, relax, here has the good tea, the genuine good tea, will not disappoint you absolutely.” 兄弟,放心,我这里有好茶,真正的好茶,绝对不会让你失望的。” Like this two people left here rapidly. 就这样两人迅速的离开了这里了。 When the departure later before two also come. 等到离开之后之前那两人也就现身出来。 Also very helpless. 也是非常的无奈的。 Almost selected us to eat summer Yin, but can also rob his thing, what a pity by that brat destroying, do not know that brat braved from the what place, this thunder too terrifying, my toxin had no way to infiltrate the past.” “差一点点咱们就吃掉夏阴了,还能抢走他的东西,可惜都被那小子给破坏了,不知道小子是从什么地方冒出来的,这雷霆也太恐怖了吧,我的毒素根本就没法渗透过去。” Appears with poisonous Expert very helpless. 用毒的这个高手显得非常的无奈。 Meets such a fellow. 遇上这么一个家伙。 You said that must be this, the words of thunder can also cope, is the oddness of this thunder formidable, was he who hit is really caught off guard. 你说要是不是这个,雷霆的话到底还可以对付,可是这雷霆强悍的离谱,真的是打的他措手不及了。 I can also feel, his thunder unusual terrifying, is his thunder absolutely the common thunder, since, we can look for an opponent to him in this case at the appointed time, don't forget, that heavenly thunder gate has been seeking for various powerful thunder to fuse one, the achievement strongest thunder, if know has such powerful thunder, definitely interested, when the time comes they come, enough that brat drinks a pot.” “我也能感觉得出来,他这个雷霆非常的恐怖,不过他的雷霆绝对是不是一般的雷霆,既然这样子的话,咱们到时可以给他找个对手,别忘了,那个天雷门一直在寻找各种强大的雷霆融合一身,成就最强雷霆,要是知道有这么强大的雷霆,肯定会有兴趣的,到时候他们这些人过来,就足够那小子喝上一壶。” Two people thoughts are also enough evil and cruel. 两人的心思也是够歹毒的。 Time of such meeting, know emitted the method of unexpectedly tidying up the person. 就这么一会的时间,居然知道冒出了一个收拾人的法子。 If not this brat. 如果不是这小子的话。 Their these will not suffer that big time absolutely. 他们这一次绝对不会吃上那么大的亏。 Also flies back without any results. 还无功而返。 They have the thoughts directly. 他们直接就是动起了心思了。 Must give a that brat profound lesson. 要给那小子一个深刻的教训。 what compared with this better method. 还有什么是比这个更加好的手段。 Lin Fei do not know, because hit, others were given in the caring by others. 林飞不知道,就因为自己打了一下,人家就被人家给惦记上了。 Also must look for cultivation to have the person of same thunder to cope with him. 还要找来修炼出同样雷霆的人来对付他。 How naturally even Lin Fei know will not regard a matter this matter. 当然就算林飞知道了也不会把这个事情怎么当成一回事。 In his opinion this matter was really most simple. 在他看来这种事情真的是最简单不过了。 Originally Lin Fei think this fellow should will also go to other place to drink tea. 本来林飞以为这家伙应该是会去别的地方喝茶的。 Finally discovered oneself want to be many, was not that matter, on the contrary was here. 结果才发现自己想多了,根本就不是那个事了,反倒是就在这边了。 Very common mansions. 有一个挺不起眼的府邸。 This maidservant will very enjoy. 还有这个侍女挺会享受的。 This was the place that this king usually lived, was seemingly not much, but drinks tea.” “这就是本座平时住的地方了,看上去不咋样,但是喝喝茶还是可以的。” summer Yin led the opposite party to arrive at the mansion. 夏阴带着对方就来到了府邸了。 Let the person first make this tea. 让人第一时间就泡起了这个茶了。 Most Top Grade tea. 还是最顶级的茶。 At present this person must result in entertainment well. 眼前这人必须得好好的招待好的。 Does not entertain the good words, really misses becoming friends with opportunity a time. 不招待好的话,真的错过一次结交的机会。 how about it? This tea, this tea I make from the special place, only this.” 怎么样?这茶还可以吧,这茶我是从特殊的地方弄过来的,仅此一份。”
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