ILK :: Volume #67

#6675: This fellow enemy are really many

Newest website: 最新网址: Lin Fei in distant place on such quietly looks. 林飞就在远处就这样静静的看着。 Also can feel. 也是能感觉得出来。 They very worry. 他们这些人还是挺着急。 The summer truly opens Yin greatly gathers greatly. 夏阴确实大开大合的。 Sword Technique made them feel the infinite pressure. 剑法就让他们感受到了无限的压力了。 summer Yin also hid the method unexpectedly. 夏阴竟然还藏了手段了。 Also puts a sword, unexpectedly can cause the both hands sword in this legend. 又放出来一把剑,居然能使这个传说之中的双手剑。 This unusual difference. 这就非常的不一样。 A might of sword naturally is extremely strong. 一把剑的威力自然是极强的。 However the words of both hands sword were different. 但是双手剑的话就不一样了。 summer Yin here was actually some alternatives. 在夏阴这里却是有些另类了。 The both hands sword of opposite party similarly very powerful. 对方的双手剑同样是非常的强大。 It can be said that making a move also made them realize differently. 可以说是一出手也让他们体会到了不一样。 The place visited they could not endure. 所过之处他们就吃不消了。 Was repelled directly. 直接就是被击退了。 Finishing a job of broken hand. 断手的断手。 treasure breaks open. 宝物破开的。 Suddenly seems incomparable was distressed. 一时间显得无比的狼狈了。 Most important was they do not dare making a move easily. 最重要是他们再也不敢轻易的出手了。 In an instant cooked. 转眼之间就熘走了。 Also can feel fearful. 也能感受得到这其中的可怕了。 This person was not they can resist absolutely. 这个人绝对不是他们所能对抗得了的。 Now does not walk when also what time? 现在不走那还等到什么时候呢? They are very quick left. 他们还是非常快的就离开了。 Words that know did not walk at this time, that was thorough being hopeless. 知道这个时候再不走的话,那可是彻底的没戏了。 After . 等走了后。 summer Yincai was relaxes truly. 夏阴才算是真正的松了一口气了。 Some time worries of before. 之前的时候还是有些担心的。 Their know this fellow is truly different. 他们知道这个家伙确实挺不一样的。 Thanks your excellency, time has not meddled they, these fellows also really regarded themselves a matter, thing that I stared, that was they can take easily.” “谢谢阁下,刚才的时候没有插手其中他们,这些家伙还真把自己当成一回事了,我盯上的东西,那是他们这么容易就能拿到手的。” summer Yin was truly worried a moment ago. 夏阴确实刚才挺担心的。 This person is different from others. 这人跟其他人不一样。 If this person if really making a move. 如果这人真要是出手的话。 Oneself really must eat one to owe greatly. 那自己真的是要吃上一个大亏。 strength of opposite party is so strong, has not seen a bottom by the present. 对方的实力这么强,到现在也没有看出一个底。 Such person asked that are you afraid? does not fear. 这样的人就问你怕不怕了。 summer Yin very fears in any case. 反正夏阴还是挺怕的。 Is good does not have making a move because of this person, standing of quietly in the , does not participate in him, does not participate in their side complete neutrality. 好在这人并没有出手,还是静静的站在边上,不参与他这边,不参与他们那一边完全的中立。 In other words acknowledged his favor. 也就是说承认了他这个人情。 This is, most makes him feel fully. 这个才是,最让他感受到满满的。 His know just that words that started time to speak played affected, if were not like this wants to come to a stop. 知道刚开始时候自己说的那番话还是起到了作用了,如果不是这样子的话自己想要站得稳。 Really is too difficult. 实在是太难。 summer Yin rested. 夏阴休息了一下。 Gathered this different fire. 就去收取了这个异火。 This different fire will revolt. 这个异火还是会反抗的。 In the summer Yin front was not what. 在夏阴的面前根本就不算是什么了。 Few under was suppressed. 没几下就被镇压了下去。 Also made him receive this treasure fruitfully. 也让他如愿的收起来这个宝贝。 When he just received the different fire. 就在他刚收起异火的时候。 Felt the aura that had two formidable came. 就感受到了有两道强悍的气息过来。 These two aura time made him feel the difference. 这两道气息顿时间就让他感受到了异样了。 Who did he recognize these two aura is? 他认出来了这两道气息是谁了? Was his these old opponents. 是他的那些老对手了。 Was good because of him this different fire receiving. 好在他已经将这个异火给收起来了。 Also has the calm opportunity to resist their. 也就有从容的机会来对抗他们两个的。 Young people who naturally nearby has not known the details. 当然边上还有一个不知底细的年轻人。 If this can win over. 这要是能拉拢过来的话。 Coped with their should again becomes will be easier. 再对付他们两个应该会变得更加的容易了。 summer Yin, you act are very actually quick, unexpectedly this different fire receiving, you looked at that both of us came, is to this different fire handing over.” “夏阴,你动作倒是挺快的,居然把这异火给收了,你看我们俩人都来了,是不是要把这异火给交出来。” In Void two walked. 虚空之中又有两人走了出来。 These two high thin. 这两人一个高的一个瘦的。 Two people are passing the aura of vicissitudes, was so-called old bastard. 两人都透着挺沧桑的气息了,也都是所谓的老东西了。 Their this came to stare at summer Yin immediately. 他们这一现身立马就盯上了夏阴。 Has not actually cared regarding the nearby young person. 对于边上的年轻的人却没有怎么在意。 Because of their opponents also only then this summer Yin. 因为他们的对手也就只有这个夏阴了。 Here different fire has vanished without a trace. 这里的异火已经消失的无影无踪了。 Then can prove a matter. 那么可以证明一件事情。 That is this different fire in the summer Yin got up on hand. 那就是这个异火就在夏阴的手头上了。 They came to here. 他们两人来这里了。 Naturally must this different fire gathering. 自然是要将这个异火给收取。 Looked that summer Yin is not tactfully tactful. 就看夏阴知趣不知趣了。 If he is not tactful, that must suffer a hardship. 他要是不知趣的话,那就得吃点苦头了。 The summer Yin this little while did not have to be that worried actually. 夏阴这会儿倒是没有那么的担心了。 The different fire has gathered. 异火已经收取了。 These two gave his enormous pressure. 这两人还是给了他极大的压力了。 Some that you come late, thing already my thorough took, you wanted to attain this thing to be possible not to have the opportunity, naturally did not say does not have the opportunity, if you can beat me, that naturally can take.” “你们来的有些晚了,东西已经被我彻底的拿下来了,你们想要拿到这东西可没机会了,当然不是说没有机会,如果你们能击败我的话,那自然能拿得走。” Summer Yin fearless to their two people. 夏阴毫无畏惧的对上他们两个人。 But their two people have not said what. 而他们两个人也没有多说什么 Directly was making a move. 直接就是出手了。 Hit to summer Yin. 冲着夏阴就打了下来了。 One with the sword, another unexpectedly is very rare. 一个是用剑的,另外一个居然是非常罕见的。 With this toxin. 用起了这个毒素的。 Appeared the unusual alternative. 显得非常的另类了。 Most important is this person of strength also is really not bad. 最重要是这人的实力还真的是不差。 Lin Fei has not thought that such a trivial different fire, brought in so many Expert unexpectedly. 林飞也没有想到就这么区区的一朵异火,居然引来了这么多的高手 before these Expert are not naturally considered as that what. 之前的那些高手自然不算是什么 Also only then these Expert are the genuine apexes. 也就只有这些高手才算是真正的顶尖。 With summer Yin one compared with complete with Level. 跟夏阴一比完完全全的就是在同个层次 summer Yin wanted to defeat their should is not easy. 夏阴想要击败他们两个应该没那么容易了。 That that looks in the nearby is with great interest. 在边上看的那是津津有味。 Moves on the difference opens the stool to come. 就差搬张凳子过来。 If there is this stool to come, that naturally can sit looks here well. 如果有这个凳子过来的话,那自然可以坐在这里好好的看一看了。 summer Yin seized this advantage from the beginning. 夏阴一开始还是抢占了这个优势。 However quickly is felt improper. 但是很快就是感觉到非常的不妥了。 Really did not have that ability. 真的是没有了那个能耐了。 Two people collaborate the coordination are very terrifying. 两个人联手配合还是非常恐怖的。 Summer is cloudy other your continues struggled, even if you struggle are still useless, because our two have familiarized your way, no matter how about it this chapter must this thing handing over, only had the good deed to you, will not have the fault, I think that your should understands.” “夏阴你就别继续的挣扎了,就算是你挣扎也没有用,因为我们两个已经摸透了你的路数了,不管怎么样这回总得把这个东西给交出来了,对你来说只有好事,不会有坏处,我想你应该懂的。” They hit to coordinate to fight conveniently truly. 他们俩人打起配合战确实非常的顺手。 Also only then summer Yin a face was uncomfortable. 也就只有夏阴一脸的难受了。 His method unexpectedly rapid was restrained. 他的手段居然迅速的都被克制了下去。 If were not restrained, pours does not need to be that worried. 如果不是被克制的话,倒也无需那么担心。 But was restrained, that is really the complete difference. 可是被克制了下去,那真的是完全的不一样。 quite made him feel constraining. 相当的让他感觉到了压抑。 summer Yin has no alternative, looked at the nearby young people. 夏阴无可奈何的,看了边上的这个年轻人。 Your excellency, can you help my one? I owe you a favor again.” “阁下,你能帮我一下吗?我再欠你一个人情。” summer Yin is also quite helpless. 夏阴也是相当的无奈的。 know must to seek the help of this opposite party at this time to be good. 知道这个时候还是得要寻求这个对方的帮忙才行。 The words that does not help feared that was the know different fire cannot defend. 不帮忙的话怕是知道异火根本就守不住了。 But that two people who at this time they begin also feel a difference. 而此时他们动手的那两个人也是感受到了一丝的异样了。 The formidable top Expert summer must seek making a move of young people Yin unexpectedly. 堂堂顶尖的强者夏阴居然要寻求一个年轻人的出手了。 Did this call the what matter? 这叫什么事呢? They could not have felt this person strongly. 他们没有感觉得出来这个人到底有多强。 Was could it be they feel wrong? 难道是他们感觉错了吗? Their mentalities appeared bad. 他们的心态显得非常的糟糕了。 If is really being mistaken, unlucky also can only be their two people. 假如真是看走眼的话,倒霉的也只会是他们两个人了。 Whish. 哗。 Black fog covered toward Lin Fei. 一片黑雾就朝着林飞笼罩了过来了。 It seems like very strange. 看上去还是非常的邪乎的。 In Void, even can hear that spoiled muddy sound. 虚空之中,甚至能听见那腐浊的声音。 This extremely poisonous is not ordinary. 剧毒不一般。 making a move must summer Yin killing by poison. 出手就要将夏阴给毒杀。 In addition this method is different from other method, but also really virtually impossible to guard against. 再加上这个手段跟别的手段不一样,还真的让人防不胜防呢。 Obviously is aims at the summer to be cloudy. 明显就是来针对夏阴的。 // // Invited remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: wap. 记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:wap.
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