ILK :: Volume #67

#6674: The favor, I recognized

Newest website: 最新网址: Can make summer Yin say that is quite is not easy. 能让夏阴这么说那是相当的不容易的。 He can feel, at present this person really with other person of unusual differences. 他能感觉得出来,眼前这个人真的是跟其他人非常的不一样。 Such person cannot hit making a move greatly, he is also worried also to have others often in the hidden place. 这样的人还是不能大打出手,他也担心还有其他人常在暗处。 If really begins, when the time comes the odds of success has. 真要是动起手来的话,到时候胜算是有。 The price of however paying is very big, he to the present cannot guarantee that certainly can beat at present this fellow. 但是付出的代价挺大的,他到现在也不敢保证一定能击败眼前这家伙。 The thunder of opposite party seems unusual is not ordinary, he has also hit with Expert of thunder, but opposite party thunder indistinct passes one type to belittle to extinguish the feeling of the world. 对方的这个雷霆显得非常的不一般,他也跟雷霆的高手打过,但是对方这个雷霆隐隐约约的透着一种蔑灭世的感觉。 Such thunder is really quite was rare, therefore he thought that oneself is careful the point is quite good. 这样的雷霆真的是相当的少见了,所以他觉得自己还是小心点比较好。 If by some chance the what time suffers a loss, that was really finished, pours not as good as to give away a favor. 万一什么时候吃了个大亏,那真是完蛋了,倒不如让出一个人情得。 Favor. 人情。 Doesn't this thing use? 这东西不就是这么用吗? The opposite party really have this qualifications, these 100 million probes, strength of his know opposite party was not a moment ago inferior in oneself. 对方真的有这个资格,刚才这一亿试探,他就知道对方的实力丝毫不逊色于自己。 He was the understanding of quite, if can achieve certain cooperation with him. 他还是相当的理解了,如果能跟他达成一定的合作。 Then natural is easy, also does not need to be worried about what. 那么自然是容易的很嘛,也不用担心什么 Hopes the opposite party can receive this favor, this is a matter that he most regards as important. 希望对方能承这个人情,这才是他最看重的一个事。 Lin Fei haha laughs obviously some accidental/surprised, this fellow also really very meets the worldly wisdom, delivers a favor unexpectedly. 林飞哈哈大笑显然有些意外,这家伙还真的是挺会人情世故的嘛,居然送一个人情。 Favor, your saying is truly interesting, but you want to deliver me a favor, that must look at you to have this strength, without words wish of this strength makes me acknowledge your favor, that not possible matter.” “人情,你这话确实挺有意思的,不过你想送我一个人情,那得看你有没有这个实力了,没有这个实力的话想要让我承认你这个人情,那根本就不可能的事。” haha laughs, everywhere thunder, similarly like meteor shower same pounded was getting down, enormous and powerful. 哈哈大笑,漫天的雷霆,同样如流星雨一样的就砸着了下来了,浩浩荡荡的。 That scale is basically similar to the method that summer Yin showed a moment ago. 那规模跟夏阴刚才展现出来的手段基本上是差不多的。 Also made the summer feel the gravity Yin immediately, this situation also was really appears somewhat bad, unlike others. 也让夏阴立马就感受到了严重性,这个情况还真的是显得有些糟糕了,跟其他的人不一样。 During is know this fellow should has not imagined at heart was so good to do. 心里头也是知道这家伙应该没有想象之中的那么好打交道了。 Since is like this, he must certainly put out a real capability, but will not fight your resistance the opposite party. 既然是这样子的话,那他肯定要拿出点真功夫的,不过也不会跟对方拼你的对抗。 If really resists, that obviously is inappropriate, perhaps will also eat one to owe greatly. 真要是那么对抗的话,那显然是不合适的,说不定还会吃上一个大亏。 That unusual is not good. 那就非常的不行了。 Matter that he can make now naturally was simple especially. 他现在能做的事情那自然是格外的简单了。 First thinks over strongly he, therefore his method also before time must become formidable more. 先掂量一下他到底有多强啊,于是他的手段也比之前的时候要变得强悍了不少了。 More hit more to make him feel the so-called heart startled. 越打越让他感觉到了所谓的心惊啊。 How to have such terrifying fellow. 怎么会有这么恐怖的家伙。 With imagination during is really the complete difference, do not know this fellow braves from the what place. 跟想象之中的真的是完全的不一样,也不知道这家伙是从什么地方冒出来的。 Especially opposite party cultivation the thunder, is called true terrifying. 尤其是对方修炼的这个雷霆,才叫做真正的恐怖 Is infiltrating, his body cannot compel below, can only resist with certain strength, this appears very helpless, moreover this thing somewhat is truly hard to deal with. 不停的渗透着,他的身躯逼不得以下,只能用一定的力量去抵抗了,这就显得非常的无奈,而且这东西确实有些难缠。 Own Sword Technique unexpectedly by opposite party unable to move of thunder suppression. 自己的剑法居然被对方的雷霆压制的动弹不得了。 The thunder of his know opposite party compared High Rank, can suppress own Sword Technique, if this continues gets down is not truly good. 他就知道对方的雷霆比较高级了,能压制自己的剑法,这要是继续下去的话确实是不行了。 He displayed the quite powerful several swords. 他还是是展出了自己比较强大的几剑。 Each sword can pull out certain distance, making the opposite party feel own great strength. 每一剑都能拉出一定的距离,让对方感受到自己的强大。 Truly can feel this summer Yin was powerful. 确确实实能感觉得到这个夏阴的强大了。 In Sword Technique also contained several, is strong. 剑法之中还蕴含了好几道,非常强的。 At this time without beginning, that naturally is because, he from the start would have no to plan to go all out. 这个时候没有动手,那自然是因为,他压根就没打算拼命了。 If went all out is not now this appearance, Lin Fei had not certainly planned that went all out with him. 如果拼命的话就不是现在这个样子了,林飞当然也没打算跟他拼命了。 In a moment ago he had felt that has other strength, submerged came, in other words some people came. 就在刚才的时候他已经感觉到有别的力量,潜入了进来了,也就是说又有人过来了。 Wants Contest this different fire, actually significance of this different fire regarding Lin Fei is not considered as that very big, he is comes to see purely, this thing one compared with formed certain gap with these things that own col­lec­tion arrived. 想要争夺这个异火,其实这个异火对于林飞来说意义并不算是很大,他纯粹就是来看一看的,这东西跟自己收集到的那些东西一比还是形成了一定的差距了。 This gap is very big, this makes Lin Fei not plan that fights a life and death the opposite party. 这个差距还是挺不小的,这就让林飞并没有打算跟对方拼出一个生死。 If really puts together a life and death, but was not now this appearance, therefore he slightly( this chapter has not ended!) 真要是拼出一个生死的话,可就不是现在这个样子了,于是他就稍(本章未完!) Chapter 4961 favor, I recognized 第4961章人情,我认了 Slightly controlled own method. 微的控制了自己的手段了。 The thunder has not bloomed the too strong might, made summer Yin feel the good intentions that the opposite party expressed actually. 雷霆也没有绽放出太强的威力,倒是让夏阴感受到了对方表达过来的善意了。 The know opposite party without planning to fight oneself, so long as does not fight oneself, that would have no what good worry. 知道对方并没有打算跟自己拼到底,只要不是跟自己拼到底的话,那就没什么好担心的了。 Also after comparing notes one next . 又切磋了一下之后。 summer Yin on the thorough receiving hand, such a compared notes strength of his know opposite party. 夏阴就彻底的收手了,这么一切磋他就知道对方的实力比自己强了。 Thunder also very fearful, can contain fearful Killing Move. 雷霆也非常的可怕,能蕴含出可怕的杀招 Your this favor is also, I can not making a move Contest this thing, but the words of others may not have to say.” “你这个人情还算是可以,我可以不出手争夺这东西,但是其他人的话可没那么好说了。” summer Yin relaxed finally, so long as at present this fellow does not participate in these actually good. 夏阴终于松了一口气了,眼下这个家伙只要不参与这其中的话倒是还好。 If this were involved is the most troublesome matter. 这要是参与其中的话才是最麻烦的事了。 Of bang. 轰的一声。 Also saw several forms to kill came out, these forms also locked on the summer Yin body. 又见几道身影杀了出来了,这几的身影也是锁定在夏阴的身上了。 They actually also saw situation roughly in the hidden place. 他们其实也都在暗处看到了大体的情况了。 Also know this young people unusual is difficult to deal with/ferocious, particularly the method of this thunder, but also is really not several people can shoulder, does not have a look at this method how about it. 也都知道这个年轻人非常的厉害了,尤其是这个雷霆的手段,还真不是几个人所能扛得住的,也不看看这手段怎么样 Person who they can deal with also only then this summer Yin. 那他们能对付的人也就只有这个夏阴了。 The summer Yin seems like quite good to cope, perhaps can also obtain some advantage. 夏阴看起来还是比较好对付的,说不定还能得到一些好处呢。 summer Yin, this thing we also had a liking, hopes that you can the old honest junction, not make us not happy.” “夏阴,这玩意我们也看上了,希望你能老老老实实的交出来,别让我们不痛快。” Person strength that these come to is quite is powerful. 这几个现身出来的人实力都是相当强大的。 This came to hit toward him immediately. 这一现身出来立马就是朝着他打了上来了。 Also has not thought any damage, obviously was also eats the opposite party to be the same. 也没有想过任何的有损,显然也是吃定了对方一样。 Lin Fei was no one attacked on the contrary, as if the know attack did not have the what advantage. 林飞反倒是没有人来攻击了,似乎也都知道攻击没有什么好处。 The most important thing is they can feel this not to plan to mix these, that was also not their opponents. 最重要的是他们能感觉得出来这一位并没有打算掺合到这其中,那也就不是他们的对手了。 If mixing, that is really very different. 如果掺合着其中的话,那真的是挺不一样的。 They perhaps are many is difficult to deal with/ferocious Expert. 他们说不定还多出一个挺厉害高手 But the present words that was really all does not have the what too major problem. 而现在的话那真的是一切都没有什么太大的问题了。 Lin Fei has not truly planned to be involved. 林飞确实没打算参与其中。 Such a while so many people are involved unexpectedly, evidently the competition is strong. 就这么一会儿居然这么多人参与其中,看样子竞争还是蛮强的。 summer Yin sent Divine Power greatly. 夏阴就大发神威了。 On your any cat and dog also feels all right to run up to here to act unruly, does not have a look at is in itself the what thing.” “就你们这些阿猫阿狗的也好意思跑到我这里来撒野,也不看看自己是个什么东西。” Has not taken any advantage in Lin Fei here him, but in their front that is the complete difference. 林飞这里他没有占到任何的便宜,可是在他们这些人的面前那个是完全的不一样。 He feels or has this ability to suppress these people. 他觉得还是有这个能耐镇压住这些人的。 Sword Technique became especially was sharp, moreover Sword Move was also same, with before time compared, had the change of overturning the heavens, is completely different. 剑法就变得格外的犀利了,而且剑招也是一样,跟之前的时候一比,有了翻天的变化了,完全就是不一样。 Suddenly pressed them to be hard to deal with, how to have such fearful method. 一时间就压得他们非常的难缠了,怎么会有这么可怕的手段。 Obviously time seems like the consumption very in a big way. 明明刚才的时候看上去消耗挺大的呀。 Pit. 坑了。 Chapter 4961 favor, I recognized 第4961章人情,我认了 // // Invited remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: wap. 记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:wap.
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