ILK :: Volume #67

#6673: How owes you favor

Newest website: 最新网址 Their truly Contest quite is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 他们这些人确实争夺相当厉害了。 However no one can attain the first prize, because of each other relations of diversion. 不过谁也拿不到头筹,因为彼此牵制的关系。 They wanted to attain this while to spend more time more energy. 他们想要拿到这一会儿就得花费更多的时间更多的精力了。 Really had Expert to come out at this time, this was fearful Expert, this Expert came out to make them feel to dread at the scene especially. 就在这时候竟然有强者出来了,这是一个可怕的强者,这一强者一出来当场就让他们感受到了格外的忌惮了。 Realized immediately this situation was somewhat troublesome. 立马就意识到这情况有些麻烦了。 Or this person compared with imagination during must. 或者说这个人比想象之中的要更加的强了。 Gave up the mutual competition at the scene. 当场就放弃了相互的竞争。 Is staring at this fellow. 盯着这家伙了。 Looks that made them feel being incapable. 看着看着就让他们感受到了一阵的无力了。 Who they recognized this person unexpectedly are, that was famous summer Yin. 他们竟然认出来了这人是谁了,那就是大名鼎鼎的夏阴。 Such fearful exist, came out unexpectedly like this. 这么一个可怕的存在,竟然就这样的出来了。 „The words that your fellows do not want dead roll to me now, many rolls far to me, must wait for me to make your know what be called otherwise desperately.” “你们这些家伙不想死的话现在就给我滚,有多远给我滚多远,要不然的话等一下我会让你们知道一下什么叫做绝望。” summer Yin a sword cuts. 夏阴一剑斩来。 This sword, such as running water. 这一剑,如流水。 Among Instant, makes them realize that the bad risk aura, each article treasure appeared instantaneously. 刹那之间,就让他们体会到了凶险的气息了,一件件宝物瞬间就浮现了上来了。 Even so, still cannot shoulder this sword. 即便是这样子,依然扛不住这一剑。 Kept together the sword mark, this also let their one after another spread out, does not dare to stay again. 一个个身上都留下来一道剑痕了,这也让他们纷纷的拉开了距离,不敢再停留了。 At present this person was really fearful, how to have such fearful fellow? 眼前这人实在是太可怕了,怎么会有这么可怕的家伙? In the hearsay has compared terrifying obviously, but now as if compared with hearsay in must terrifying. 明明传闻之中已经比较恐怖了,但是现在似乎比传闻之中的要更加的恐怖了。 Such fellow asked that who can resist, their these people could not resist in any case. 这样的家伙就问谁能对抗得了,反正他们这几个人是对抗不了的。 Ugliest took several tens of thousands of Immortal Gate people, this thing appeared in their domains. 最难看的要数万仙门的人了,这个东西可是在他们的地盘上出现的。 Now is very but obvious, is to fall on others got up on hand. 可是现在很明显,就是要落在其他人的手头上了。 Especially this summer Yin. 尤其是这个夏阴。 Originally was the what good thing, if really fell on him in hand, wanted to give to snatch this thing again, that basically was the not possible matter. 本来就是不是什么好东西了,真要是落在他手头上的话,想要把这东西再给抢回来的话,那基本上是不可能的事情了。 They want Contest furiously, if succeeds. 他们还是想要奋力的争夺一下,万一成功。 Although this matter in the probability is not very high, but complete trying should is the issue is not big. 这种事情虽然概率上不是很高,可是完完全全的试一试应该是问题不大的。 Summer is cloudy I to respect you are a senior, your suspicious here prepares to pick up a bargain, is not quite good.” “夏阴我敬你是前辈,你这样偷偷摸摸的在这里准备捡便宜,是不是不太好。” The river sky words just now a saying ends. 江天的话才刚一说完。 Also was the cold light blasted out on the body together, made the river sky pound to fly at the scene to go out, the body blasted out scars. 又是一道冷光就在身上炸开了,当场就让江天砸飞了出去了,身上炸开了一道道的伤痕啊。 Each scar was alarmed, does not match on your such ants with me speaks, looks in you are in ten thousand Immortal Gate shares, keeps your poor life, go away, many rolls far to me, otherwise makes you die without the burial ground.” 每一道伤痕都让人触目惊心了,“就你这样的蝼蚁根本不配跟我说话,看在你是万仙门的份上,留你一条小命,滚,有多远给我滚多远,不然的话让你死无葬身之地。” Summer Yin complete has not regarded a matter the opposite party. 夏阴完全的就没把对方当成一回事。 Naturally the reputation of opposite party has that little deterrent force. 当然对方的名头还是有那么一点点的威慑力的。 Otherwise does not keep an opposite party life. 不然的话也不会留着对方一条性命了。 summer Yin gaze swept their others. 夏阴的目光扫下了他们其他人了。 You are also same, I do not want to say that second, can roll now, many rolls far.” “还有你们也是一样,我不想说第二遍,现在就可以滚了,有多远就滚多远。” Thick loud noise, they do not dare to stay. 浓浓的巨响,他们这些人再也不敢停留了。 time paid many prices, now makes them pay the price again, did not do well the poor life here. 刚才的时候就付出了不少的代价了,现在再让他们付出代价,弄不好小命都得要死在这里了。 Since, that has not hurried first to walk in this case. 既然这样子的话,那还不赶紧先走。 They are quite are intelligent, at this time walked, words that then perhaps can also unable to maintain a livelihood. 他们还是相当聪明的,这个时候走了,那么说不定还能活命不走的话。 That was the thorough no opportunity. 那可是彻底的没有的机会了。 Forms left rapidly. 一道道身影迅速地离开了。 The river sky they are also quite helpless, because their know at this time is really nothing's opportunity at present. 江天他们这些人也是相当的无奈的,因为他们知道这个时候真的是没有任何的机会了眼前。 This summer Yin will not be absolutely good to speak, can only bring, helpless left like this. 这个夏阴绝对不会那么好说话的,只能带着无奈就这样的离开了。 After summer Yin drove away them, suddenly the sword light cut together to the Void deep place. 夏阴赶走了他们这些人之后,忽然一道剑光就斩向了虚空的深处了。 After this sword cut came, seemed somewhat different. 这一剑斩了过来之后就显得有些不一样了。 You can come out, looked at such long time, other think my do not know, in fact all in the middle of grasping of this king, you, if comes out not to come out fortunately, this king did not mind big making a move.” “你可以出来了吧,都看了这么长的时间,别以为不知道,实际上一切都在本座的掌握当中,你要是出来还好不出来的话,本座就不介意大大出手了。” The place that summer Yin looks at was just the Lin Fei position. 夏阴看的地方刚好是林飞的位置了。 Lin Fei opened such small Void, just accommodates a person, but wants to see that his trail comes is not that easy matter. 林飞开辟了这么一个小虚空,也就刚好容纳一个人,但是想要看出他的踪迹来可不是那么容易的事。 Now this fellow looks unexpectedly, this seemed somewhat different. 现在这家伙竟然看出来了,这就显得有些不一样了。 It can be said that this fellow appears unusual formidable. 可以说这家伙还是显得非常的强悍的。 Also has not thought these fellows will hit making a move with this fellow greatly. 也没有想过那些家伙会跟这家伙大打出手 Two Level seemed different. 两个层次就显得不一样了。 Lin Fei also walked calmly. 林飞也就从容的走了出来了。 You are some eyesight, does not seem like their what unable to look, but your words see quite clearly, now did I come out to move start? If begins, we may as early as possible came, if under the news travelled, others rush to here, you want to obtain this thing to be possible again not to be so easy.” “你还是有些眼力的,不像是他们什么都看不出来,而你的话还是看得比较清楚的,现在我出来了是不是要动一下手呢?要是动手的话,那咱们可就趁早的来了,万一等下消息传开了,其他人跑到这里来,那你再想得到这东西可没有那么容易了。” The summer somewhat could not completely understand Yin, at present this fellow. 夏阴有些看不透,眼前这家伙了。 This fellow very strange, but the body actually gave people a very dangerous feeling. 这家伙非常的陌生,但是身上却给人一股非常危险的感觉了。 Feeling also do not know of such danger braves from the what place, but let his know a matter. 这样的危险的感觉也不知道是从什么地方冒出来的,但是让他知道了一件事情。 That is this brat is not good to tidy up, if not he has special treasure, it is estimated that could not have perceived. 那就是这小子不好收拾,如果不是他有特殊的宝物,估计还觉察不出来。 Some such fellows hid in such Void. 有这么一个家伙藏在这么一个虚空里面了。 Most important is this Void or draws support from the special method formation, this seemed somewhat different. 最重要是这虚空还是借助特殊的手段形成的,这就显得有些不一样了。 Even if oneself want to put in order such unique small Space is not that easy matter. 就算是自己想要整出这么一个独一无二的小空间也不是那么容易的事。 It is estimated that consumption enormous price, but the opposite party put in order like this came out, this was most makes one shock. 估计得耗费极大的代价,可偏偏对方就这样的整了出来了,这个才算是最让人震撼的。 You really very have the positive result, moreover this skill also is difficult to deal with/ferocious, no wonder, can hide here, what a pity this king came, you absolutely did not have the qualifications to take away this different fire.” “你确实挺有名堂的,而且这个本事也厉害,怪不得,能藏在这里了,可惜本座来了,那你根本就没有资格拿走这个异火了。” Although summer Yin dreads strength terrifying of this fellow, but began without delay, myriad sword light fly to shoot. 夏阴虽然忌惮这家伙的实力恐怖,但是还是二话不说就动手了,万千的剑光飞射过来。 Is really enormous and powerful, unusual terrifying. 真的是浩浩荡荡的,非常的恐怖了。 He wants first to probe this brat strength strongly, if cannot shoulder including oneself this move, that was needless saying that wants to resist with oneself, because absolutely did not have that qualifications. 他想先试探一下这小子实力到底有多强,如果连自己这招都扛不下来的话,那也不用说想跟自己对抗了,因为根本就没有那个资格了。 Myriad swords have not only been close to Lin Fei certain range, collides with the thunder instantaneously together. 万千的剑光还没接近林飞一定的范围之内,瞬间就跟雷霆碰撞在一起。 Kept off directly. 直接就挡了下来了。 It is not able to be close. 根本就无法接近。 Even myriad sword light were a type result, let summer Yin thorough attaching great importance. 甚至万千的剑光都是一个样的结果了,也让夏阴彻底的重视起来了。 Never expected that you unexpectedly are Expert of cultivation thunder, is really very rare, Expert like you, other place does not go to come to here unexpectedly, but I thought that this different fire is to you useless, if you present can withdraw, I do owe you favor how about it?” “没想到你竟然还是一个修炼雷霆的高手,真是挺少见的,像你这样的高手,别的地方不去居然来这里,不过我觉得这个异火对你来说没有用,你要是现在能退出的话,我欠你个人情怎么样?” // // Invited remember this book first round domain name: Cell phone version reading website: wap. 记住本书首发域名。手机版阅读网址:wap.
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