ILK :: Volume #67

#6672: Somewhat is disappointed

Newest website: 最新网址 Drives out them. 把他们赶出去。 They naturally had this qualifications Contest this thing. 他们自然有这个资格争夺这东西了。 River sky facing people's taunt snort/hum. 江天面对众人的嘲讽哼了一声。 It seems like you are refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality, I help you.” “看来你们是不见棺材不掉泪的,那我就成全你们。” Jiang Tianyi beckons, sees only stone tablet to cross Void. 江天一招手,只见一座石碑横渡虚空 Among Instant appears here. 刹那之间就出现在这里。 Toward their middle one. 往他们中间一阵。 Among Instant, Void as if sinks, has been suppressed. 刹那之间,虚空仿佛一沉,得到压制。 Their six person time realized were troublesome. 他们六个人顿时间就意识到有麻烦了。 Even Lin Fei in Void Small world still felt that Void as if received certain limit. 就算是在虚空小世界里的林飞也感觉到虚空似乎受到了一定的限制。 This ten thousand Immortal Gate also are really very powerful, unexpectedly such treasure. 这个万仙门还真的是挺强大的,居然还有这样的宝物 stone tablet clearly is important treasure, looked that their six people can shoulder live. 石碑分明就是一件重要的宝物,就看他们六个人能不能扛得住了。 Their six people had prepared, one after another emitted treasure. 他们六个人早就有所准备了,纷纷放出了宝物 However in battle efficiency somewhat some influences. 不过战斗力上还是多多少少有些影响的。 Six people reluctant also fights to a draw with them. 六个人勉勉强强的也就跟他们三个人打成了平手了。 This also made the guess of Lin Fei obtain fulfilling, strength of these fellows truly were quite powerful. 这也让林飞的猜测得到了应验,这些家伙的实力确实是相当的强大的。 Had a look at the present situation on know. 看看眼下的情况就知道了。 The average people want also really to shoulder this are not that easy matters. 一般人想要扛得住这个还真的不是那么容易的事。 You had a look at others on know, the words of others are not good. 你看看其他人就知道了,其他人的话根本就不行了。 However their six people also truly very anti- shoulder. 不过他们六个人也确实还是挺耐扛的。 They want to gain this victory, without is so easy. 他们想要取得这个的胜利,也没有那么容易。 Was difficult. 非常的艰难了。 Lin Fei does not have making a move, but is quick he to realize that some people dive unexpectedly. 林飞也没有出手,不过很快他就意识到竟然又有人潜进来。 This person also is really very is difficult to deal with/ferocious, quietly without interest submerged, does not have any sound. 这个人还真的是挺厉害的,悄然无息的就潜入了进来,没有任何的动静。 These people who even if begin have not perceived. 就算是动手的这几个人也没有觉察得到。 Thing should must come out evidently immediately. 看样子东西应该马上要出来了。 Also makes Lin Fei curious, this also has the what thing importantly so. 也让林飞更加的好奇,这到底还有什么东西如此的重要。 Came Expert unexpectedly. 竟然又来了一个高手 This and usually thinks also really somewhat different. 这和平时想的还真的有些不一样呢。 After the opposite party dived came, does not have the what method. 对方潜了进来之后就没有什么手段了。 As if also in preparing the praying mantis is catching the cicada canary, or was the idea that the freshwater mussel crane contended with benefit as the third party in a dispute. 似乎也是在准备着螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后,或者说是蚌鹤相争渔翁得利的想法了。 Lin Fei at heart snort/hum under. 林飞心里头哼了下。 They want to seek this advantage, first asks do oneself agree. 他们想谋取这个好处,就得先问问自己同意不同意的。 It is estimated that without is so easy. 估计没那么容易。 Nine people hit the time of quite different fire, suddenly in the magma blooms the multi-colored sunlight. 九个人打了好异火的时间,忽然岩浆之中绽放出霞光。 The Five Colors multi-colored sunlight anchorage here Void seemed to be same, made their nine people feel differently. 五彩的霞光仿佛定住了这边虚空一样,也让他们九个人都感受到了不一样。 one after another looked to the magma of distant place. 纷纷看向远处的岩浆了。 Had the thing to raise in that magma slowly, bright, they gave up making a move. 在那岩浆之中有东西徐徐的升起了,灿烂之间,他们就放弃了出手了。 Everyone's gaze fell on the place of that multi-colored sunlight. 所有人的目光都落在了那霞光之处了。 Must come out!” “要出来了!” Each one breath rapid were many, with multi-colored sunlight raising slowly, that thing revealed the truth about the matter finally. 个个呼吸都急促了不少了,随着霞光慢慢的升起,那东西总算是露出了庐山真面目。 Even after were Lin Fei looked, was sigh with emotion. 哪怕是林飞看了之后,也是感慨了。 Unexpectedly is one in the hot lotus that in the magma splits open. 竟然是一朵在岩浆之中绽开的火莲。 This hot lotus is closing, but Lin Fei can actually induce in inside to not the dangerous aura, as if there contains together very aggressive exist. 这火莲闭合着,但是林飞却能在里头感应到不危险的气息的,似乎那里蕴藏着一道非常凶悍的存在 As for was what that on was unknown temporarily, but his know this thing absolutely not simple. 至于是什么那暂时上就不得而知了,但是他知道这东西绝对不简单了。 If who attained this thing to refine can become in hand big trump card, no wonder so many people rushed to here. 谁要是拿到了这东西炼化就能成为手头上一大杀手锏,怪不得这么多人跑到这里来。 For evidently they this thing consumed many thoughts. 看样子他们为了这东西可是耗费了不少的心思了。 Different fire came out finally.” “异火终于出来了。” Some people sighed with emotion one. 有人感慨了一声。 Stubbornly is staring at that fire. 死死的盯着那火。 Different fire? 异火? Lin Fei also heard to be clear about the different fire. 林飞也听得清楚了异火。 exist of his know this type of thing, is that type is certainly born in one between Heaven and Earth is on fire has the might. 他当然知道这种东西的存在了,是那种诞生于天地之间的一种起火非常的有威力。 Once erupts is not the common flesh and blood can shoulder. 一旦爆发出来不是寻常的血肉之躯所能扛得住的。 Beforehand time Lin Fei has exchanged with such Expert. 以前的时候林飞就跟这样的强者交流过。 But he is somewhat looks to this type of thing does not glance, will never expected that appear under the nose today unexpectedly, this had several points of value actually. 只不过对这种东西他还是有些看不上眼,没想到今天居然会出现在眼皮底下了,这倒是有了几分的价值了。 Also no wonder their Contest such vigorously, whish. 也难怪他们争夺的这么起劲,哗的一声。 That hot lotus flower opens again slowly, everywhere flame, floods along with the magma in the trim bottom deep place. 那火莲花再次缓缓地打开,漫天的火焰,伴随着岩浆充斥在整片地底深处。 Everyone placed oneself in the middle of this flame. 所有人都置身在这火焰当中了。 Void made the sound. 虚空都发出噼里啪啦的声响了。 Their one after another emitted treasure, is resisting the attacks of these flame. 他们这些人纷纷的放出了宝物,抵挡着这些火焰的侵袭了。 Strength of unusual formidable these fires, made them feel the pressure. 这些火之力非常的强悍,也让他们感受到了压力。 Does not dare to treat it lightly, Lin Fei also realized. 一个个也不敢掉以轻心了,林飞也体会到了。 Had the strength of this fire to infiltrate to Void appears in the hand of Lin Fei. 有这火之力渗透到虚空当中出现在林飞的手上了。 „The good formidable might, this flame has the enormous impact on any body, they attach great importance to no wonder, do not know this thing big price, I must take to fuse my thunder it, or brings to sell money should is also good.” “好强悍的威力,这个火焰对任何的身躯都有着极大的影响,也怪不得他们如此的重视,不知道这东西多大的价,我要不要把它拿到手融合到我的雷霆当中,或者说拿来卖个钱应该也是挺不错的。” Strength Lin Fei of god thunder is at heart clear, but the might of this different fire actually is also rude, naturally compares with his god thunder. 神雷的力量林飞心里头清楚,但是这个异火的威力其实也是不逊,当然跟他的神雷一比。 That was falls far short, both's Realm not in Level. 那还是差得远多了,两者的境界就不在一个层次了。 But even such thing is still very valuable. 可就算是这样子的这东西也是非常有价值的。 If can take a good collection the thing of this thing. It is estimated that side person highly cares to this type of thing. 如果能把这玩意的东西弄到手还是挺不错的一件收藏品。估计那边的人对这种东西还是非常在意的。 In the middle of the flame of everywhere flaming combustion presented one group of holy flame. 漫天熊熊燃烧的火焰当中出现了一团圣洁的火焰了。 This group of different fire. 这团异火一出。 Other flame restored peacefully. 其他的火焰就恢复了安静。 Saw the eldest child is the same, everyone withstood the breath. 见到了老大一样,所有人顶住了呼吸了。 At this time that three people emitted a great net to grasp this different fire directly. 此时那三个人直接就放出了一张巨网抓上这个异火。 The big net just a contact, saw the different fire to bloom the strength of flame to fall on this greatly online. 大网刚一接触,就见异火绽放出火焰之力落在了这张巨网上。 Great net that uses special material to make, unexpectedly shortly will be burnt down. 用着特殊材料制成的巨网,居然在顷刻之间就被烧毁。 Obviously this might is really unusual. 可见这威力真的是非同一般。 Others also felt this pressure, realized thing should not that easy matter that wanted to attain. 其他人也感受到了这个压力了,也都意识到想要拿到的东西应该没那么容易的事了。 Also did not have a look at a moment ago that method courageous. 也不看看刚才那个手段有多勐。 My know you definitely cannot take this thing, must look at us with this thing.” “我就知道你们肯定拿不下这东西的,拿这东西还得看我们。” A Fire Type long whip such as class/flow moon/month same curling passed. 一条火系的长鞭如流月一样的卷了过去了。 Is sending out the attack to this group of different fires. 对着这团异火就发出攻击。 Obviously also underestimated this different fire might, is nothing's small achievement. 明显也是低估了这异火的威力的,也是没有任何的寸功。 This made them realize. 这就让他们意识到了。 This different fire really with legend is same. 这异火真的跟传说之中的一样。 To take it, the truly not easy matter, it is estimated that really must put many thoughts to take. 想要把它拿到手,确实不容易的事,估计真的得花不少的心思才能拿到手了。 Their making a move one after another, but no can let this different fire limit. 陆陆续续的他们都出手了,但是没有一个能让这异火限制。 Looks incomparably was clear. 看得无比的清楚了。 This thing may not have is so good to take, but he, if took may be easy. 这东西可没那么好拿,不过他要是拿的话可就容易了。 The god thunder as hand takes the thing to be common directly, but the fellow has not come now in secret. 神雷如手直接取物一般,不过现在暗中还有一个家伙没有现身。 Does not have the accidental/surprised words, this thing he wants making a move absolutely. 不出意外的话,这东西他绝对要出手的。 This observation observed, if he not making a move, that appeared some to be not quite normal. 该观察的都观察了,他要是再不出手的话,那就显得有些不太正常了。 haha, your several little fellows also wants to give to take this thing, pours not as good as to make this king come, which this type of different fire is you can peep, wants to have that is also this king has the qualifications to have, is predestined friends with this king.” 哈哈哈,就你们几个小家伙也想把这东西给拿到手,倒不如本座来好了,这种异火哪是你们所能窥视的,想要拥有那也是本座才有资格拥有,与本座有缘。” // // Invited remember this book first round domain name: Cell phone version reading website: wap. 记住本书首发域名。手机版阅读网址:wap.
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