ILK :: Volume #67

#6671: Finally must see

Newest website: 最新网址 In fact also really by Lin Fei guessing right. 事实上还真的是被林飞给猜对。 Later. 之后。 Truly felt one after another had the sound to come toward here. 陆陆续续确实感觉到有动静朝着这边来了。 Although is not very obvious appearance, but he can feel, really some people came. 虽然不是很明显的样子,但是他还是能感觉得出来,真的有人进来了。 These person of strength are not inferior in before their several people. 这些人实力丝毫不逊色于之前他们那几个人。 In other words own guess, the completeness is right these thing should appears very important. 也就是说自己的猜测,完完全全就是对的那些东西应该是显得非常的重要的。 Must they not come here otherwise absolutely. 要不然的话他们绝对不会来到这里。 Interesting really interesting, it seems like that this place must become immediately is more interesting!” “有意思真有意思,看来这个地方马上要变得更加的有趣了!” Drinking tea. 喝着茶。 Lin Fei felt that had several forms to come. 林飞又感觉到有几道身影进来了。 These forms have not gathered in together, but can also make him feel, their should also to some type of thing. 这几道身影并没有汇聚在一起,但是也能让他感觉得出来,他们应该也是冲着某种东西来的。 Also really very lets person accidental/surprised, on do not know was the what type thing. 还真的挺让人意外的,就不知道到底是什么样的东西了。 He decides waiting of continues. 他决定继续的等一等。 Meanwhile. 与此同时。 That three super Expert of Tang gathered together. 盛唐的那三个超级强者汇聚在一起。 Their before was tracks down to steal inside treasure fellow. 他们之前是追寻盗取了里面宝物的家伙。 No matter how they seek also does not have any traces. 但是不管他们怎么寻也没有任何的蛛丝马迹。 Probably vanished baseless was the same. 就好像凭空消失了一样啊。 Their three thought that here should has the issue. 他们三个觉得这里头应该有问题。 This issue may be possible to be small greatly. 这个问题可大可小。 Even. 甚至。 They also think a possibility, that was the Tang headquarters has problems. 他们还想到了一个可能性,那就是盛唐总部出了问题。 Some people collude with outside person stealing this thing. 有人勾结外面的人把这东西给窃取出去。 Possibly is not quite high, but they feel or have certainly possibility. 可能不太高,但是他们觉得还是有一定的可能性的。 Also lets their unusual angers. 也让他们非常的愤怒。 Discussed to that person looking secretly in any event. 暗自商量了一下无论如何都得把那人给找出来。 Does not find that this person is really troublesome. 不将这人找出来那真的是麻烦。 I just felt that some people came , the person who it seems like wants to struggle that thing is not infrequent, we must the center of gravity moving.” “我刚刚感觉到有人进来了,看来想要争那东西的人不在少数,咱们得要把重心给移过来。” Might as well, even if they came, wants on to rob from us on hand is not easy, whose Lord location also does not have a look here is, we gave to bring treasure.” “无妨,就算是他们进来了,想要从咱们手头上抢走也没那么容易,也不看看这里是谁的主场地,咱们可是把宝物都给带了过来。” Hopes that they, our several begin inevitably striking to kill them tactfully otherwise, here later some people will not affect us.” “希望他们知趣点,不然的话咱们几个动手必然将他们给击杀,在这里以后再也不会有人影响到咱们。” Three people discussed after one next, the decision temporarily gives up tracing this matter. 三个人商量了一下之后,就决定暂时放弃追查这件事。 First stared to tighten the soon-to-be-born thing said again, so as to avoid fell on their in hand. 先把即将出世的东西盯紧了再说,免得落在他们的手头上。 They must drop a management ineffective hat. 他们就得落下一个办事不力的帽子。 For this time duty, they spent many prices to attain this opportunity. 为了这次的任务,他们可是花费了不少代价才拿到这个机会的。 The thing of headquarters lost also said fortunately, after all that thing is not considered as most important, was this thing has not mainly taken to lose. 总部的东西丢了也还好说,毕竟那东西并不算是最重要的,主要是这件东西没有拿到手弄丢了。 That was the worst matter. 那才是最糟糕的事情了。 On their faces could not hang. 他们脸上都挂不住了。 Matter that at this time can handle, naturally is no matter how about it must this thing making. 这个时候能做的事情,自然是不管怎么样也要把这东西给弄回来。 Probably such exchange, and not just in them. 像是这样的交流,并不止于他们三个人。 Is exchanging there in other place similarly some people. 在别的地方同样有人在那里不停的交流着。 To this thing, this thing is different from other thing after all, was full of the enormous value. 都是冲着这个东西来的,这东西毕竟跟别的东西不一样,也是充满了极大的价值了。 Arrived, them does not hope as a last resort absolutely this thing falls on others on, must this thing snatching on hand. 不是到万不得已之下,他们绝对不希望这东西落在其他人的手头上,一定要将这东西给抢回来。 To many, was not truly clear that this matter is the what type. 对于许多人来说,确实并不怎么清楚这个事到底是什么样的。 Some people actually keep in the hidden place is staring. 有些人却在暗处里不停的盯着呢。 Lin Fei was the most relaxed optional person, even can say that no one know he is actually thinking some what. 林飞算是最轻松随意的一个人了,甚至可以说没有人知道他到底在想些什么 from time to time can feel that some forms arrived to this side world. 时不时的就能感觉到有些身影降临到这方世界了。 However even arrives. 不过就算是降临。 In his opinion, is that a matter, how does not need to care. 在他看来,也就是那么一回事,根本就无需怎么去在意。 The more better that Expert comes, words as the matter stands have the opportunity to take. 强者来的越多越好,这样一来的话自己也就更有机会弄到手。 exist that also think this ten thousand Immortal World should monopolize the power in a place, but now seems like not that a matter. 以为这个万仙界应该是非常独霸一方的存在,但是现在看来并不是那么一回事。 Without is difficult to deal with/ferocious in that imagination. 没有想象之中的那么厉害 Flashes by on such several months time. 就这样数月的时间就一晃而过。 The come person basically does not have, this lets his very look forward to. 来的人基本上已经没有了,这让他挺期待的了。 Does not have the accidental/surprised words, the person should is comes was similar. 不出意外的话,人应该是来的差不多了。 Began that to be unknown as for the what time. 至于什么时候动手那就不得而知了。 Looked coming out that thing what time can hatch. 就看那东西什么时候才能孵化的出来了。 Or appears on the market. 或者说是面世。 So long as does not come. 只要不现身。 That will never be clear that the what time will come, but should could not spend the long time evidently, Lin Fei like this was leisurely. 那永远不清楚什么时候会来,不过看样子应该花不了多长的时间,林飞就这样悠哉悠哉的。 On this day. 这一天。 Finally felt among Heaven and Earth some fluctuations. 终于感觉到了天地之间些许的波动了。 whole body left the inn. 整个人就离开了客栈。 Keeps Shuttle in Void, made a volcano place bottom deep place most afterward. 虚空之中不停地穿梭着,最后来做了一座火山的地底深处了。 As he comes. 随着他一现身出来。 Continued has these people to appear one after another here. 续陆陆续续就有这些人出现在这里了。 Everyone arrived here. 所有人都来到了这里了。 Looked that each other look was full of certain competition. 看彼此的眼神都充满了一定的竞争。 When they appear, Lin Fei directly own body going into hiding. 在他们出现的时候,林飞直接就将自己的身形给隐匿住了。 His extinguishing world god thunder attacks not only powerful, the defense is powerful, even can make him open unique small Void. 他的灭世神雷不光攻击强大,防御强大,甚至能让他开辟出一个独一无二的小虚空 Can temporary covering up own body, only if were cultivation the strength of thunder, otherwise could not detect the accident in this Void. 可以暂时的遮掩住自己的身形,除非是修炼了雷霆的力量,不然的话根本就察觉不到这虚空之中的变故。 1234 a total of nine big Expert, but also really very regards as important this thing, unexpectedly came nine Saint level Great Perfection Expert, this background thick very much, feared is Great Perfection can be as good as ordinary about 78.” “一二三四总共九个大高手,还真的是挺看重这东西的,居然来了九个圣级大圆满强者,这底蕴厚实的很,怕是一个大圆满就抵得上普通七八个左右吧。” The Saint level complete Expert accumulation that Lin Fei before meets is very weak. 林飞之前遇上的圣级圆满高手积累都是非常弱的。 Also is such about 1-2, probably now comes up is 89, but also is really very rare. 也就是那么1-2左右,像是现在一上来就是八九个的,还真的是挺少见的。 Obviously strength of these fellows were really strong, when Contest should became will be intense, looked who can take finally thing. 可见这些家伙的实力真的是太强了,等一下争夺应该会变得非常的激烈了,就看谁最后能拿得走的东西了。 Also keeping is looking for this thing in the what place. 同时也在不停的寻找着这东西到底在什么地方。 He only saw the lava had not actually seen other things. 他只看到了熔岩却没有看到了其它的东西。 But at this time three people quite appeared striking, they stood in the place that most began. 而此时有三个人就比较显得醒目了,他们站在最上手的地方。 Your courage may very be big, this is our ten thousand Immortal Gate domains, if not want dead here, I urged you to hurry to leave, we can treat as the what matter not to happen.” “你们胆子可都挺不小的,这是我们万仙门的地盘,若是不想死在这里的话,我劝你们还是赶紧离开,我们可以当做什么事情都没有发生过。” River sky coldly looks at these people. 江天冷冷的看着这些人了。 He was in three people most strength strongest one. 他是三个人里面最实力最强的一个了。 The background is also thickest, looks at their look ice-cold. 底子也是最厚实的,看着他们眼神冰冷了。 These six people of coming are naturally representing all parties' influence. 进来的这六个人自然是代表着各方的势力的。 Facing the river sky words is disdaining of quite. 面对江天的话都是相当的不屑。 You ask me to leave walk, your ten thousand Immortal Gate very incredible / extraordinary.” “你让我走就走啊,你们万仙门牛逼啊。” Even can incredible / extraordinary how about it, not suffer a stick again a while ago? treasure that this Heaven and Earth is born was not you can grasp.” “就算是再牛逼又能怎么样,前段时间不是挨了一棍子吗?这种天地诞生的宝物也不是你们所能掌握得了的。” This thing must look at strength, whose strength is good, whose falls in hand, we were naturally speechless, if your three can suppress our these people, we were also naturally speechless.” “这东西就得看实力了,谁的实力好,就落在谁的手头上,我们自然无话可说了,你们三个要是能压得住我们这些人,那我们自然也是无话可说了。” After their six people looked at each other one, shortly. 他们六个人短暂的对视了一眼之后。 Naturally clear. 自然清楚的很。 First drove out ten thousand Immortal Gate people said again. 先把万仙门的人赶出去再说。 // // Invited remember this book first round domain name: Cell phone version reading website: wap. 记住本书首发域名。手机版阅读网址:wap.
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