ILK :: Volume #67

#6670: Really thing

After another strength advanced greatly . 又一次的实力大进后。 The Lin Fei thoughts naturally were simple especially. 林飞的心思自然是格外的简单了。 Inquires about again this Small world also some what things. 再去探寻一下这个小世界还有些什么东西。 He went to many places, but he feels somewhat also some omissions. 他已经去过了不少的地方,但是他觉得多多少少还会有些遗漏的。 Let alone Lin Fei has taken Malin, Malin is clear to this world or quite, know also has the thing of what place is best. 更何况林飞已经拿下了马林,马林对这个世界还是相当清楚的,也知道还有什么地方的东西是最好的。 Has not said what. 没有多说什么 Sent a material. 就送来了一份资料。 Had this material. 有了这份资料。 Lin Fei also patronized these places. 林飞也就去光顾了这些地方。 Also gives the patronage the remaining places on over six months time. 也就半年多的时间就把剩下的地方都给光顾。 Especially after grasping this extinguished the world god thunder, making his defense formidable, this extinguishes the world god thunder not only to attack, can regard the strongest defense. 特别是掌握了这个灭世神雷之后,让他的防御变得更加的强悍了,这个灭世神雷不光可以攻击,也可以当成最强的防御。 Lin Fei or quite are satisfied, poured also harvested many points. 林飞还是相当满意的,倒也收获了不少的积分 Time in a flash. 时间一晃。 Is one year passes. 就是一年过去。 Entire Small world does not have the what too big change, was that side Malin spread a news. 整个小世界并没有什么太大的变化,就是马林那边传来了一个消息了。 That time is this matter could not conceal the truth. 那就是这一次的事情瞒不住。 That side has come the person. 那边已经来人。 The preparation gathers these things. 准备收取这些东西。 Inside has many things to have certain value. 里头有不少的东西都是拥有一定的价值的。 These things some people will gather once in a while. 这些东西隔一段时间就会有人来收取。 Can hide the truth from the long time, is quite is not easy. 能瞒得过这么长的时间,已经是相当的不容易。 The news comes. 消息一过来。 Naturally was makes Lin Fei have a psychology to prepare, otherwise they sought to be possible somewhat to be troublesome. 自然是让林飞有个心理准备了,不然的话他们这些人寻来可就有些麻烦。 Lin Fei actually does not want to treat here. 林飞其实已经不怎么想待在这边了。 To go to that so-called ten thousand Immortal World to have a look at the situation. 就想去那个所谓的万仙界看看情况了。 News naturally also know that must come from Malin there. 从马林那里得来的消息自然也知道 They come from this ten thousand Immortal World, that place compares a is difficult to deal with/ferocious region. 他们正是从这个万仙界过来的,那个地方算是比较厉害的一个区域。 strength also especially powerful. 实力也是格外的强大。 In here Saint level Great Perfection is most is difficult to deal with/ferocious, but to that side words, the Saint level is not most is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 在这边圣级大圆满算是最厉害的,但是到了那边的话,圣级并不是最厉害的。 Naturally the Saint level is not considered as that most is difficult to deal with/ferocious is not considered as worst. 当然圣级不算是最厉害也不算是最差的。 That side is also can be the upper reaches, naturally the premise you must be complete. 那边也算是可以属于上流的了,当然前提你得要圆满。 After Lin Fei knew this news, arrived at the nearby of headquarters. 林飞知晓了这个消息之后就来到了总部的附近。 After the headquarters previous time come, Lin Fei has not come again. 总部上次来过后,林飞再也没有来过。 To him does not have what to affect, he is paying attention here. 对他来说没有什么影响,他只是在这里关注着。 These fellows from the what place. 到底那些家伙到底从什么地方来的。 Maring has not said them from the what place. 马林并没有说过他们是从什么地方来的。 They puncture a channel with special treasure randomly. 他们是用特殊的宝物随机打穿一条通道。 Goes to this place. 前往这个地方的。 This place may also be the dangerous place, may be the safe place, as for in which position. 这个地方也有可能是危险的地方,也有可能是一些安全的地方,至于到底在哪个位置。 He is not good to determine, this also increased certain danger. 他自己也不好确定,这也就增加了一定的危险。 Also is the places of their Gao Ming. 也是他们的高明之处。 If by some chance were given to defend that somewhat to be troublesome. 万一被人给守住了那就有些麻烦了。 How when the time comes dead do not know, pouring the not as good as randomness is quite strong. 到时候怎么死都不知道,倒不如随机性比较强。 Lin Fei truly prepared to defend their. 林飞确实本来准备去守一守他们的。 Finally depressed this thought that others said. 最后就压下了这个念头了,人家都这么说了。 Words that oneself defend again does not have the meaning, pours not as good as to let their driving appearances on the line. 自己再去守的话那多没意思,倒不如让他们主动的现身就行。 In an inn. 在一个客栈里。 Lin Fei felt that sound finally. 林飞终于感受到了那动静。 This sound whiz arrived here. 这动静嗖的一声就来到了这边了。 Flashing past. 一闪而过。 Only if the strength extremely strong person, must not perceive this point change otherwise. 除非是实力极强的人,要不然的话根本就觉察不到这一点变化。 Also really came the person, the one breath came three big Expert.” “还真的来人了,一口气就来了三个大高手。” Lin Fei clear can feel, truly some people came. 林飞清清楚楚的就能感觉到,确确实实是有人来了。 What come is three big Expert Great Perfection level, naturally Great Perfection level, still compared with the average person must even is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 来的是三个大高手大圆满级别的了,当然就算是大圆满级别的,也比一般人要更加的厉害 They came to the later earliest possible time to come toward the headquarters. 他们现身之后第一时间就朝着总部来了。 Has not covered up, very direct. 根本就没有遮掩,非常的直接。 Lin Fei can say the clarity of induction. 林飞可以说感应的清清楚楚。 Three big Expert, it seems like they also really very take seriously oneself thing.” “三个大高手,看来他们还真的挺重视自己的东西的。” Lin Fei has not locked them again. 林飞没有再去锁定他们。 Although their air/Qi field restrains good, but that vigorous accumulation, is actually not the what method can cover up. 他们身上的气场虽然收敛的挺不错的,但是那种浑厚积累,却不是什么手段都能遮掩。 This during moon with night does not have what to distinguish. 这跟黑夜之中的月亮没什么区别。 Can say relaxed can detect. 可以说轻轻松松的就可以察觉得到了。 Their three arrived here in an instant. 他们三个转眼之间就来到这里了。 How to confess as for Maring, Lin Fei has not cared. 至于马林怎么去交代,林飞并没有怎么在意。 It is estimated that will soon have the sound to come out, in fact is truly what is all about. 估计很快就会有动静出来了,事实上确实是这么一回事。 Several days later. 数天后。 The news travelled quietly, that several fellows as if also went out, do not know is seizes the object or what. 就有一个消息悄然的传开了,那几个家伙似乎也出去了一趟,也不知道是去抓捕对象还是什么 Ma Lin arrived in the courtyard in inn actually. 倒是马林来到了客栈的院子里了。 lord the know that one layer / first level thing had been robbed, now is capturing these fellows, it is estimated that this matter really could not have hidden the truth from the long time.” 大人他们已经知道一层的东西被抢走了,如今正在追捕那些家伙,估计这件事情还真的瞒不了多长的时间。” Maring Station is saying the situation in the Lin Fei front. 马林站在林飞的面前说着情况。 Besides this matter, they also has other matter not to have, said that these time specially for this thing.” “除了这个事情之外,他们还有别的事情没有,还是说,这一次专程就是为了这东西来的。” Lin Fei prepares to understand clear said again. 林飞准备了解的清楚再说。 Copes with their several not to worry actually, now he has grasped the formidable strength to cope with their several actually is really very easy. 对付他们几个倒是不着急,如今他已经掌握了更加强悍的力量对付他们几个其实真的是挺容易的。 The method that own that extinguishes the world god thunder came out to be able their thorough steamroll to get down, no one can be opponent. 自己那个灭世神雷的手段一出来就可以将他们彻底的碾压了下去了,没有人会是其中的对手。 They probably besides receiving this thing, but must look for the what thing to be the same in this side world, concrete was what my do not know, but seemingly very cared to be the same, I also heard that they must treat here previous some time, it is estimated that do not have this matter even, they still treated here previous a long time, making concrete I was not quite temporarily clear for the what matter, should had the relations for this treasure, I can the inquiry of continues.” “他们好像除了收这个东西之外,还要在这方世界寻找什么东西一样,具体是什么我就不知道了,但是看上去似乎挺在意一样,我还听说他们要在这里待上一段时间,估计就算是没有这件事,他们也在这里待上很长的一段时间,具体为了什么事我暂时还不太清楚,应该是为了这件宝物有关系,我可以继续的打探。” This Small world also has other thing. 这个小世界还有别的东西吗。 Lin Fei also real do not know, wants know here good thing basically to be gathered by him was similar. 林飞还真的不知道,要知道这里的好东西基本上已经被他收取的差不多了。 Will not have the what thing to omit again, then here also said in other words the do not know thing is going born. 根本就不会再有什么东西遗漏下来了,那么也就是说这里还有自己说不知道的东西将要出世。 Sent Ma Lin. 把马林打发了回去。 Lin Fei pondered over, no matter how he ponders over. 林飞就琢磨了,但是不管他怎么琢磨。 Cannot ponder over, the what thing falls. 始终都琢磨不到,还有什么东西是落下来的。 Is good does not worry because of Lin Fei, in any case is not such a day two days, they arrived here. 好在林飞也就不着急了,反正也不是那么一天两天的时间,他们都来到了这里。 Then oneself when an elderly fisherman resulted, could not spend the long time in any case. 那么自己就当一次渔翁得了,反正也花不了多长的时间。 That three people just started was together, later separated. 那三人刚开始的时候是一起了,之后就分开了。 Also do not know has the what progress. 不知道什么进展。 Lin Fei prepared secretly with, catching one is staring is being. 林飞本来准备偷偷的跟上去,逮着一个盯着就是。 Afterward thinks or considers as finished, so long as that thing were born. 后来想想还是算了吧,只要那东西出世。 Their three people certainly again gathers. 那他们三个人一定会重新的聚集在一起。 This is most obvious. 这就是最明显的。 Arrived that time again making a move naturally is most simple. 到了那时候自己再出手自然是最简单的了。 Also does not need to be worried to walk to reveal the what news. 也不用担心走露什么消息。 He did not think the person in headquarters can lock the news is so firm. 他可不觉得总部的人能把消息锁的那么牢。 It is estimated that will have others to come here, why oneself also worry. 估计还会有其他人来到这里,自己也何必那么着急。 In any case to him some are the time. 反正对他来说有的是时间。
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