ILK :: Volume #67

#6669: Complement

From his words. 从他的这个话里面。 Lin Fei will seek quickly on know these fellow should. 林飞知道那些家伙应该很快就会寻来。 Is good gives him because of this also time. 好在这还有些时间给他。 Such time, in Lin Fei looks like quite enough is used to promote strength. 这么点的时间,在林飞看来还是相当足够的用来提升实力 Or does what is very good. 或者说干什么都是非常不错的。 Also only then Maring most worried, was worried others gave to kill it. 也就只有马林是最担心的,就担心人家把它给杀了。 Lin Fei Ma Lin not killing, because his know killed Maring is not the what good deed. 林飞并没有把马林给杀了,因为他知道杀了马林并不是什么好事。 It is estimated that these people will seek came, therefore gives the control Ma Lin. 估计那些人就会寻了过来了,于是就把马林给控制。 After Maring was controlled, became the informer, the arranged past nail. 马林被控制之后就成线人,安排过去的一个钉子。 So long as that side has the what sound slightly, then some natural people will come. 只要那边稍微有什么动静,那么自然就会有人过来。 Here matter Maring first will help cover up. 这边的事情马林就会先帮忙遮掩起来。 Simultaneously will also make Maring look for a scapegoat, words as the matter stands did not need to be worried about what. 同时还会让马林去找个替死鬼,这样一来的话也不用担心什么了。 Lin Fei also on thorough reassurance. 林飞也就彻底的放心。 Let go Maring. 放走了马林。 Lin Fei found a place to start to get ready , to promote strength well. 林飞就找了个地方开始准备,好好的提升一下实力 So many points must certainly to prepare well. 这么多的积分当然得要好好的准备一下。 In his hand has many methods. 他手上已经有了不少的手段了。 For example on this is quite on hand overbearing Divine Weapon. 比如手头上的这把神兵利器就比较霸道的。 This ominous strength hits, is not they can unable to withstand. 这个不祥力量打出来,根本就不是他们所能承受得住。 This beginning time, Lin Fei was also grows in experience. 这次动手的时候,林飞也算是长了见识了。 Truly very overbearing also unusual is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 确实是非常的霸道也非常的厉害 Being used to cope with their is really relaxed. 用来对付他们那真是轻松的。 Otherwise such words you can think that is somewhat insufficient. 不然这样子的话你可以觉得还是有些不够。 Therefore he pondered over one, can look look for the point more suitable own. 于是他就琢磨了一下了,看看能不能找点更适合自己的。 His fight always felt that has not been considered as very suitable own. 他的战斗总感觉还不算是挺适合自己的。 Therefore so many points Lin Fei have not naturally planned to leave unused. 于是这么多的积分林飞自然也没打算闲置。 The weapon words, on use this dark Hei Tian sword temporarily. 兵器的话,暂时上就用这把暗黑天剑。 The ominous strength was not they can resist. 不祥力量就不是他们所能抵挡得住了。 This sword can in a steady stream the release of constantly this ominous strength. 这把剑可以源源不断的释放出这个不祥力量。 Even can say. 甚至可以说。 Limitless. 无边无际的了。 Very powerful method. 非常强大的手段了。 Had a look at these Expert of headquarters on know, in the face of this ominous strength, suppressed them unable to move directly. 看看总部的那些高手知道了,在这个不祥的力量面前,直接就压制着他们动弹不得。 Long-distance aspect. 远程的方面。 Lin Fei has. 林飞已经有。 The present words he needs the range big attack method, therefore is starting to seek. 现在的话他需要更加范围大的攻击手段,于是就在开始寻找了。 So many points, he naturally must look to compare the is difficult to deal with/ferocious method. 这么多的积分,他当然要找比较厉害的手段。 After looks, Lin Fei found one to let him actually at present a bright thing. 一通找下来之后,林飞倒是找到了一个让他眼前一亮的东西。 That is the so-called extinguishing world god thunder. 那就是所谓的灭世神雷。 This is a method of powerful cultivation thunder, the extinguishing world god thunder that cultivation comes out, has the super fearful destruction strength. 这是一种强大的修炼雷霆的手段,修炼出来的灭世神雷,具有超级可怕的毁灭力量。 Compared with the common thunder must terrifying. 比一般的雷霆都要更加的恐怖了。 One of most ancient one god thunder. 最为古老的一种神雷之一。 Naturally the points not cheap lord, needed 10 million entire points. 当然积分也不便宜主,都需要一千万整的积分了。 This might that was needless saying that can make the fearful god thunder region, the thunder under the god thunder such as extinguished the world, rumble getting down, can them thoroughly making into fragment(s). 这个威力那是不用说了,可以制造出可怕的神雷区域,在神雷之下雷霆如灭世,轰隆隆的下来,就能将他们彻底给打成碎片 The attack method of wide scope had. 大范围的攻击手段有了。 He thought that this extinguishes the world god thunder is good. 他觉得这个灭世神雷还是挺不错的。 Must spend 10 million points, but in his opinion this 10 million points or quite are worth, no one was can prevent own. 要花一千万积分,但是在他看来这一千万积分还是相当值得的,没有谁是能阻止得了自己的。 Lin Fei has not worried to exchange, searched one. 林飞也没有着急去兑换下来,还是又去查找了一下了。 He must well looks at how about it, the following thing price was quite expensive, so many expensive things his also know wants to make, that definitely was not the what easy matter. 他得好好的看一看到底怎么样,后面的东西价格就比较昂贵了,这么多昂贵的东西他也知道想要弄下来,那肯定不是什么容易的事了。 Therefore determined this extinguishes the world god thunder. 于是就确定了这灭世神雷。 This thing is different from other thing. 这东西跟别的东西不一样。 Felt oneself can cultivation. 觉得自己还是可以修炼的。 Words body as the matter stands had the striking power. 这样一来的话身躯方面有了攻击力。 Strength also had. 力量方面也有了。 The long-distance aspect also has that thing, as if also became simple especially. 远程方面又有那个东西,似乎也变得格外的简单了。 Decisive used 10 million points to extinguish the world god thunder trading this. 果断的就用了一千万积分将这个灭世神雷给换了下来。 Like the sphere same thunder, is glittering in the Lin Fei palm back and forth, even glittered still to make him feel the fearful might. 一个如圆球一样的雷霆,在林飞的手心上来回的闪烁着,就算是闪烁也能让他感觉到可怕的威力了。 So long as gently moves, as if this place can change to a piece of terrifying thunder in Instant. 只要轻轻的一动,似乎这一片的地方都可以在刹那之间化作一片恐怖的雷霆。 Luckily Lin Fei ahead of time time on here method of arrangement. 幸亏林飞提前的时候就在这里布置的手段了。 Also without letting this aura transmits outside, was relaxed slightly, this simply was super fearful powerful exist. 也没有让这个气息传递到外面去,也算是稍微的松了口气了,这简直就是超级可怕强大的存在了。 Does not try also real do not know. 不试试还真的不知道 The present words he is quite satisfies, because this gadget thing to him is very effective. 现在的话他还是相当满足的,因为这玩意儿东西对他来说还是挺有效果的。 Without delay choice this thing building up. 二话不说就选择将这东西给炼化了。 He thought that first refine to melt this thing, that was most appropriate. 他觉得先把这东西炼化了,那是最合适。 Once refine to melt that not to need to be worried were too many. 一旦炼化了那就不需要担心的太多了。 This refining up. 这一炼化。 The instantaneous thunder walked randomly in within the body. 瞬间雷霆就在体内游走了。 The flash must give to break open his body thoroughly, was good becomes because of his body is especially powerful. 一瞬间就要将他的身躯彻底给破开,好在他的身躯变得格外的强大了。 At heart secret came by luck, this thunder unexpectedly was never so expected that overbearing. 心里头暗暗的侥幸来下了,没想到这个雷霆居然这么霸道。 His before time has not cared, does not want to assume one's post little also capsizes. 之前的时候并没有怎么去在意,没想到差一点点还翻船了。 Originally this thunder can erupt the super powerful force in the flashes of contact, can destroy the body. 原来这个雷霆在接触的一霎那之间就能爆发出超级威力强大,能摧毁身躯。 The been able to withstand words vanished in a puff of smoke directly. 承受不住的话直接就是灰飞烟灭。 This point he was the real do not know present words understands finally. 这一点他是真的不知道眼下的话总算是了解了。 Really is a pit. 果然是个坑。 It seems like, must be careful. 看来以后自己得小心一点。 The words that one does not pay attention planted a big hole, how that was really dies do not know dead. 一不留神的话种了一个大坑,那真的是死都不知道怎么死了。 Lin Fei body accepts ability naturally is very strong. 林飞身躯的接受能力自然还是很强的。 Relaxed this thing accepting. 轻轻松松的就把这东西给接受下来了。 Also without what is good to be worried, with his body slowly was transformed, the effect of transformation is very courageous. 也没有什么好担心的,跟着他的身躯就慢慢的被改造,改造的效果还是挺勐的。 Latter used the less than half month called this gadget thoroughly refine succeeds. 前后后用了小半个月的时间才叫这玩意儿彻底的炼化成功了。 As after his refining up the success, the whole body was the thunder. 随着他这炼化成功之后,周身都是雷霆了。 This thunder can change to the fearful attack at will. 这雷霆随意之间就可以化作了可怕的攻击了。 Lowers thunder in the surroundings, these thunder are Purple, thunder very on big. 在周围降下一道道的雷霆,这些雷霆都是紫色的,雷霆非常的高大上。 Lin Fei attempted, truly satisfied with grasping of this thunder. 林飞尝试了一下,对这个雷霆的掌握确实非常的满意了。 Launched to release a fearful domain. 一展开就可以释放出一个可怕的领域了。 In this domain. 在这个领域之内。 He was most powerful exist. 他就是最为强大的存在了。 This thunder has destruction ability not only, even can also make the body be imprisoned in that Instant. 这个雷霆不光拥有毁灭的能力,甚至还能让身躯在那一刹那之间被禁锢住。 This is also so-called supplementary ability, truly is different. 这也就是所谓附带的能力的,确实是不一样。 10 million points spends unusual worth. 千万积分还是花得非常的值得的。 Usually he cannot have a liking for this gadget thing, however the present words his really very likes this thing, the thing is really very different. 平时他看不上这玩意儿东西,但是现在的话他真的挺喜欢这玩意的,东西真的是挺不一样的。 " Now I had this to extinguish the world god thunder, the attack method of wide scope became powerful many, controlled this thunder to form various powerful methods. " 「现在我有了这个灭世神雷,大范围的攻击手段又变得强大了不少,操控这个雷霆就可以形成各种强大的手段。」 Saw him to wave these thunder to fall like meteor shower same pounding. 就见他一挥手这些雷霆如流星雨一样的砸落了下去了。 The attack becomes rapid courageous, in addition oneself thunder can also change to the lance, whiz directly on the body of puncture opposite party. 攻击变得更加的迅勐的,除此之外自己雷霆还可以化作长矛,嗖的直接就击穿对方的身躯。 Makes him satisfy more and more. 越来越让他满意。 The quickest renewal asked the browser to input- Examines to the essence book pavilion 最快更新请浏览器输入--到精华书阁进行查看 Provides the big god to be lovable in «Invincible Leveling King» quickest renewal for you, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神可爱内内的《无敌升级王》最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签! Chapter 4956 complements free reading. 第4956章补全免费阅读.
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