ILK :: Volume #67

#6668: Seemingly caused trouble

The big chieftain or quite are intelligent. 大头目还是相当聪明的。 Also know this matter can perform a big merit absolutely. 知道这件事情绝对是能立下一个大功劳。 First caught said again. 还是先把人抓了再说。 As for the remaining matter that is the later matter. 至于剩下的事情那就是之后的事。 He is confident. 他是蛮有信心的。 This place thorough prohibiting, with peak treasure. 就将这一片的地方彻底的封禁,用上了最顶尖的宝物 Even if there is Expert to pass by here, could not detect any sound. 就算是有强者路过这里,也察觉不到有任何的动静。 This is this magic weapon the place of is difficult to deal with/ferocious. 这就是这件法宝的厉害之处。 He leads the person to pursue. 他自己带着人就追进来。 The side is top Expert. 身边都是顶尖的高手 That person of strength is very strong, but the big chieftain believes that takes opposite party should is not the what too difficult matter. 那人的实力挺强的,不过大头目相信拿下对方应该不是什么太难的事。 He he has been ready now. 他现在他已经做好了准备。 It is estimated that brat basic had stared on do not know. 估计那小子根本就不知道自己已经被盯上了。 After but the big chieftain pursues came, sees the front to stand young people very young is really being very accidental/surprised. 可等到大头目追了进来之后,就看到前方站着一个年轻人非常的年轻真的是挺意外的。 Looked on such smiling. 就这样的笑眯眯的看了过来。 " You act are very actually quick, my also think you require the spend some time to come. " 「你动作倒是挺快的,我还以为你要花点时间才能进来。」 A huge palm pressed directly ruthlessly. 一只庞大的手掌直接就狠狠的压了下来。 It is not good! 不好! The big chieftain is also Maring, the complexion time changes. 大头目也就是马林,脸色顿时间就是一变。 Emitted treasure hastily. 连忙就放出了一件宝物 If a disc one thing shouldered in the top of the head. 如一个圆盘一样的东西扛在了头顶上。 Person also begins immediately. 身边的人也在第一时间就动手。 " Your know I chase down you unexpectedly, your might as well is without a fight. " 「你竟然知道我来追杀你,那你还不如束手就擒。」 Bang. 轰。 This magic weapon just launched to be struck by this big hand fiercely. 这法宝刚一展开就被这大手猛的拍击了下来。 Rumble loud noise , to promote that even if his full power to go, at this time was still nothing's effect. 轰隆隆的巨响,就算是他全力以赴的推动,此时也是没有任何的效果了。 whole body shakes. 整个人都是一震。 Fell in the distant place. 就摔在了远处的。 But these top Expert of his side under this palm. 而他身边的那些顶尖的高手在这一掌之下。 The body seems the bubble to be common, among Instant vanishes into thin air. 身体就好像泡沫一般,刹那之间就烟消云散。 Maring scalp tingled with numbness. 马林头皮都发麻了。 The material has the mistake. 资料有错。 This fellow is big terrifying exist, his specially here waits for itself. 这家伙是个大恐怖存在,他特意的在这里等自己。 Maring does not dare turn head to look. 马林根本就不敢回头看。 Turned around runs. 掉头就跑了。 More runs is quicker. 越跑越快。 But the front presented a form suddenly, a strength of waving wild waves welled up own body. 可是前方忽然出现了道身影,一挥手骇浪的力量就涌到了自己的身上。 If a lone boat in sea, could not resist. 如大海上的一叶孤舟,根本就抵挡不住了。 Fell layer on layer/heavily on the ground, that person arrived at own front. 重重地摔在地上了,那人来到了自己的面前了。 The direct foot fell on his body, this foot entire body will as if blast out under a foot. 直接一脚就落在了他的身上,这一脚整个身体似乎在一脚之下都会炸开。 Frightens him to beg for mercy again and again. 吓得他连连就是求饶。 " Do not kill me not to kill me, has the matter saying that has the matter saying that I am only track down this treasure, how I have not really planned to cope with you. " 「别杀我别杀我,有事好说,有事好说,我只是过来追寻这个宝物,我真的没有打算怎么对付你。」 Maring must shout 'motherfucker'. 马林心里头都要骂娘了。 How to have such is difficult to deal with/ferocious fellow, such a fellow actually news does not have, let alone appears in such a place. 怎么会有这么厉害的家伙,这样的家伙竟然一点消息都没有,何况还是出现在这么一个地方。 How these fellows handle matters, know has such a formidable fellow early here. 那些家伙到底是怎么办事的,早知道有这么一个强悍的家伙在这里。 Gives him 100 courage, does not dare to rush to here, true terrifying fellow. 给他一百个胆子,也不敢跑到这里来啊,真正恐怖的家伙。 In order to want a merit, bumped into such a matter finally. 为了想要一个功劳,结果就碰上了这么一件事。 He wants to himself a palm of the hand, the previous time has not thought that can also have such exist. 他自己都想给自己个巴掌,先前的时候万万没有想到还能有这么一个存在 Exceeded his imagination completely. 完全超出了他的想象。 A foot got down, the opposite party directly is one of the bang. 一脚就下来了,对方直接就是轰的一声。 Felt whole body wants thoroughly was finished, is good after the next second he is also thorough got back one's composure. 感觉整个人都要彻底的完蛋了,好在下一秒之后他也算是彻底的回神了过来。 Oneself are also living. 自己还活着。 He has not killed himself. 他没有杀自己。 Was a very lucky matter, must he not dare to imagine otherwise is the what appearance. 算是非常万幸的一件事情了,要不然的话他都不敢想象是什么样子了。 " You think that know what you me told I honest told you. " 「你想知道什么你跟我说我都会老老实实的跟你说的。」 Maring somewhat intelligent know also should said some what at this time, he himself was clear. 马林还是有些聪明的也知道这个时候应该说些什么,他自己清楚。 The dishonest words, oneself may on the thorough death. 再不老老实实的话,那自己可就彻底的死定了。 Did not have the what person to save itself. 也没有什么人能救得了自己。 Lin Fei raised gives to withdraw him. 林飞一提就把他给提走了。 Also has not stayed here. 也没留在这里。 Is also struck to kill as for the person who began a moment ago. 至于刚才动手的人也就被击杀了。 Optional changed a place, was also taken away as for these magic weapons. 随意的就换了一个地方了,至于那些法宝也被收走。 Changed a place. 换了个地方。 Threw conveniently loses on the ground. 随手一扔就丢在了地上。 " I am very interested to your places, I think very much know these things will be what will place this place, I think that your should will always be able to talk clearly. " 「我对你们那个地方挺有兴趣的,我很想知道这些东西为什么会放在这个地方,我想你应该总说得清楚吧。」 Truly very wants to be clear. 确实挺想清楚。 The influence of this another side is what will place that one layer / first level this thing. 这个另外一方的势力为什么会把这个东西放在那一层 That one layer / first level is truly important, however so many things place here like this, truly let some of his somewhat accidental/surprised. 一层确实挺重要的,但是这么多的东西就这样放在这里,确实让他多多少少有些意外了。 Was always impossible saying that this place was very suitable to grow. 总不可能说这个地方挺适合生长。 He thought that is unlikely, either is another reason. 他觉得不太可能,要么就是另外一个原因。 That was these things places here to regard a crafty person has several ways out same exist. 那就是这些东西放在这里可以当成狡兔三窟一样的存在了。 Words as the matter stands, do not need to be worried about what accidental/surprised. 这样一来的话,就不用担心出什么意外 Lin Fei thought that this truth can use in common. 林飞觉得这个道理还是可以通用一下的。 The words of other reason, he cannot think for a short time. 别的原因的话,他一时半会也就想不出来。 Now looks how this Maring said. 现在就看这个马林到底怎么说。 Ma Lin inspires. 马林吸了口气。 Confessed honestly. 老老实实地交代了。 With Maring's explaining. 随着马林的交待。 Lin Fei is also the what thing can place here on know. 林飞也就知道什么东西会放在这里。 Originally that place is this Space most special place. 原来那个地方是这个空间最特殊的一个地方。 No matter the what thing places here, growth speed will obtain the enormous promotion, even if the parts of all spiritual energy most essence gather there. 不管什么东西放在这里,生长速度都会得到极大的提升,就算是所有的灵气最精华的部分都汇聚在那里。 Regarding any biological growth that is twice the result with half the effort. 对于任何的生物生长那是事半功倍的。 But like the place, each world, only then such. 而像这样的地方,每个世界只有这么一处。 This for what that headquarters there reason. 这就是为什么那个总部会在那里的原因了。 After listening to such a saying , your is also suddenly enlighted. 听了这么一说之后您这也就恍然大悟。 No wonder he always felt the place that the headquarters choose is somewhat different from other places. 怪不得他总感觉总部选的地方跟其他地方有些不一样。 A short time a little cannot think. 一时半会的又有点想不出来。 Originally here also has such a secret. 原来这里头还有这么一个秘密。 Lin Fei also asked this background. 林飞又问起了这个背景。 Their backgrounds are the what types. 他们的背景到底是什么样的。 Asked in later know. 问在之后才知道 This background that is quite powerful, Small world and not just that such probably like this grasps. 这个背景那是相当的强大的,像是这样掌握的小世界不止这么一个。 In their hands, grasps dozens it is said. 在他们手上,据说掌握几十个。 Each Small world is their cultivation places. 每个小世界都是他们的栽培的地方的。 All resources belong to them. 所有的资源都是归他们所有的。 As long as strength achieves certain foundation will obtain their gathering. 但凡实力达到一定基础的都会得到他们的招揽。 Becoming the member in their headquarters. 成为他们总部的一份子。 But Lin Fei was actually alternative exist, if not make that big noise otherwise. 林飞却是一个另类的存在了,若不然的话也不会闹出那么大的动静。 Lin Fei also catches up with the time. 林飞也赶上时候。 It is said probably such Small world some people will inquire once in a while. 据说像是这样的小世界每隔一段时间就会有人来查询。 The inquiry emits some new Expert, gathers regarding new Expert willing, that was gathered, the words that not willing gathers, were struck to kill directly. 查询有没有冒出一些新的高手,对于新的高手愿意招揽的,那就被招揽,不愿意招揽的话,直接就被击杀了。 This also vanishes the reason that for what these peak Expert does not see. 这也是为什么那些最顶尖的高手一个个都消失不见的原因。 Lin Fei promotes strength to be quick this period of time, goes far beyond the time that they budget. 林飞这段时间提升实力快,远远超过他们预算的时间。 Also became quite alternative exist, otherwise the thing of headquarters by Lin Fei not taking away. 也就成了一个相当另类的存在,不然的话总部的东西也不会被林飞给拿走了。 " Then like my such alternative exist, once were known by you, must set out the mighty force to strike to kill me. " 「这么说来像我这么一个另类的存在,一旦被你们知晓了,就得出动千军万马来击杀我了。」 The opposite party select nod. 对方点点头 " Only if your willing hands over the thing, must they be able to chase down otherwise your, no one can escape to obtain our chasing down! " 「除非你愿意把东西交出来,要不然的话他们一定会来追杀你的,没有人能逃得出了我们的追杀!」 " This news I could not conceal the long time, most years their side will know, here will have the special person to cross collects. " 「这个消息我也隐瞒不了多长的时间,最多数年的时间他们那边就会得知了,会有专门的人过这边来采集。」 Provides the big god to be lovable in «Invincible Leveling King» quickest renewal for you, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神可爱内内的《无敌升级王》最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签! Chapter 4955 seemingly caused trouble free reading. 第4955章貌似闯祸了免费阅读.
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