ILK :: Volume #67

#6667: That brat cannot run away

Ended ended, the what thing did not have. 完了完了,什么东西都没了。 They can only look helplessly these things were taken away. 他们只能眼睁睁的看着这些东西被收走了。 Wants know here thing is others sends exist here. 知道这里的东西都是人家寄存在这里的。 Rather than belongs their. 而不是属于他们的。 But now these things such received was clean. 可现在这些东西就这样的被收的干干净净了。 Among Instant. 刹那之间。 Makes their complexions is not general was ugly. 就让他们的脸色变得不是一般的难看了。 But they cannot say what, because others have that strength, has that capital. 可偏偏他们又不能说什么,因为人家有那个实力,有那个资本。 If they moving point what, that were embarrassed, perhaps waited to be killed. 他们要是动点什么的话,那不好意思了,说不定等一下就被打死了。 Actually they come. 其实他们进来的时候。 Has this thought and this suspicion at heart. 心里头早就有了这个念头和这个猜想了。 Also know this place is really not that can go in easily. 知道这个地方真的不是那么容易所能进得去的。 Also does not have a look at this place to seem like the what appearance, these fellows were the old foxes, was clear compared with others, if really began. 也不看看这个地方到底像是什么样子,这些家伙一个个都是老狐狸了,更比人家都清楚,真要是动起手来的话。 That is really no one can resist. 那真不是谁都能抵挡得住的。 Lin Fei does not have so many that they think actually, one group basically swept in the past. 林飞倒是没他们想的那么多,一路过去基本上就是不停的扫荡了。 Here thing also really many, even something were also held some methods by in addition, although these methods are not much. 这里的东西还真的不少,甚至有些东西还被加持了一些手段了,这些手段虽然不咋样。 However can also be able to block the person. 但是也是能拦得住人的。 In his front words, that is embarrassed, basically does not have what too big using, how wants to tidy up how to tidy up. 在他的面前的话,那就不好意思,基本上就没什么太大的用,想怎么收拾就怎么收拾了。 Was such a simple matter. 就是这么简单的一个事了。 Probably in long time. 大概没过多长的时间。 Lin Fei similar that these things receive, basically has not remained, is only left over their complexion incomparable paleness. 林飞就把这些东西都收的差不多,基本上没有留下来,只剩下他们三个人脸色无比的惨白。 As if unable to digest this. 似乎无法消化这一幕。 " Your three good, my think you will also begin, since you have not planned to begin, then this matter also ended, this thing I took, if some people look for me, made them find, I welcome them anytime and anywhere, the premise was ready is not given to butcher by me. " 「你们三个还是挺不错的,我还以为你们会动手,既然你们没打算动手,那么这件事情也就结束了,这东西我拿了,要是有人来找我的话,就让他们来找好了,我这人随时随地欢迎他们,前提得是做好准备别被我给宰了。」 Lin Fei left. 林飞离开了。 Three Elder also look at each other in blank dismay at this time. 三个长老此时也是面面相觑。 Jokes aside. 说真的。 They were truly annoyed, know really cannot make what at this time. 他们确实非常的恼火了,知道这个时候真的不能做什么 This fellow absolutely is a lunatic , the do not know what time will kill. 这家伙绝对是一个疯子的,也不知道什么时候会杀回来。 Words that if really kills, that was really rotten to the core. 万一真杀回来的话,那真的是糟糕透顶了。 Honest good. 还是老老实实的好。 They also gave the report this matter immediately in the past. 他们也在第一时间就把这事情给汇报过去。 Several days later some people arrived here. 数天之后就有人来到了这里。 The come person complexion is very ugly, first examines the thing that in checked. 来的人脸色挺难看的,第一时间就去查看了里面寄存的东西。 Finally. 结果。 These thing each article all without a trace. 这些东西一件件的全都无影无踪了。 This made their faces unable to hang suddenly. 这让他们的脸一时间都挂不住了。 The bad matter appears. 糟糕的事情还是出现。 do not know is who does, but also makes them realize this people with them for the enemy. 不知道是谁做的,但也让他们意识到这是有人跟他们为敌。 " You also are really, three people cannot block such a fellow unexpectedly, you were really useless. " 「你们也真是的,三个人竟然拦不住这么一个家伙,你们真是太没用了。」 Three Elder actually do not dare to speak, know this matter they truly very helpless. 三个长老其实也不敢吭声,也都知道这件事情他们确确实实非常的无奈。 Who makes that fellow strength so strong. 谁让那家伙实力这么强呢。 " Special Envoy, we do not have the means that is that fellow strength is too powerful, we are not his opponent, if really fights us only to stare dry/does. " 特使,我们也是没办法,实在是那家伙实力太强大,我们这些人都不是他的对手,真要是斗起来的话我们只能干瞪眼。」 They have that little ability. 他们还是有那么一点点的能耐。 How naturally also know should say. 自然也知道该怎么说。 Cannot defend this thing unable to blame them, can only say that is these fellow too is difficult to deal with/ferocious, they can only stare dry/does. 守不住这东西也不能怪他们,只能说是那些家伙太厉害,他们这些人只能干瞪眼了。 " This matter you did not need to manage, we took over! " 「这件事你们就不用管了,我们自己来接手!」 Special Envoy was also angry, do not know such person braves from the what place, really has that big method. 特使也是非常的生气了,也不知道这样的人是从什么地方冒出来的,竟然有那么大的手段。 Also started to investigate immediately. 也在第一时间就开始调查了。 So many things were taken away, in any event must this thing making. 这么多东西被人拿走了,无论如何都得要把这东西给弄回来。 Most important is here has several things or quite valuable. 最重要是这里头有几件东西还是相当有价值的。 Placing here naturally is because here advantageous. 放在这里自然是因为这边得天独厚。 Now was given to make, they naturally must immediately this thing seeking. 现在被人给弄走了,那他们自然得要在第一时间就将这东西给寻回来了。 These things seeking words, that lost to them enormously. 把这些东西给寻回来的话,那对他们来说就是极大的损失了。 Forms rapid arrived at this side. 一道道身影迅速的就来到了这一边。 But had observed good period of time in hidden place Lin Fei. 而在暗处林飞已经观察了好一段的时间。 Has to say. 不得不说。 Comes here person strength extremely to be strong, moreover came from a Space-Time node, determined this world was given to manage. 前来这里的人实力都极强的,而且还是从一个时空节点过来的,也就更加的确定了这个世界是被人给管理的。 These things place here, nature because of here advantageous spiritual energy. 这些东西放在这里,自然因为这里得天独厚的灵气。 Can be long well. 可以长得更好。 When the Lin Fei enter that side place, know, has actually been what is all about at heart. 林飞进入那边地方的时候,心里头其实已经知道,就是这么一回事。 Now what he must do mixes in that place. 现在他要做的是就是混入那个地方。 Has a look at some that side also what good things. 看看那边到底还有些什么好东西。 Since these things can fall here, that definitely not simple. 这些东西既然能落在这里了,那肯定不简单 making a move that Lin Fei does not worry, stared directly Special Envoy. 林飞也不着急的出手,直接就盯上了其中一个特使 With such a huge influence is the enemy, Lin Fei naturally must be cautious. 跟这么一个庞大的势力为敌,林飞自然得要小心翼翼的。 If kills alone, that naturally does not have the what issue, but he wants they on hand on thing. 如果单独杀来杀去,那自然是没什么问题的,但是他想要他们手头上的东西。 On for example the thing of this harvest, makes Lin Fei obtain benefits great. 就比如这次收获的东西,就让林飞获益不浅。 Also kept thinking about that side situation, therefore he stared a big chieftain. 也就更加惦记那边的情况了,于是他就盯上了其中一个大头目的。 This big chieftain, strength is very strong, this comes is Great Perfection level strength, naturally they arrived here as if also to spend the enormous price. 这个大头目,实力还是很强,这一来就是大圆满级别实力,当然他们来到这里似乎也是花费了极大的代价了。 Can look. 可以看得出来。 treasure that this big chieftain stimulates to movement. 这大头目催动的一件宝物 Is seeking. 不停的在寻找的。 Result several days get down. 结果数天下来。 Unexpectedly is harvestless. 居然毫无收获。 The brow wrinkles. 眉头皱起来。 That brat is so unexpectedly hard to deal with. 小子竟然这么难缠。 They obtain the character portrait of opposite party, but did not have the form of that fellow in such a world unexpectedly. 他们已经得到了对方的人物画像,可就在这么一个世界里面居然没有了那家伙的身影。 Probably vanishes to be the same baseless, he thought that is unlikely. 就好像凭空消失一样,他觉得不太可能。 Wanted to leave that to from here need the enormous price. 想要从这边离开那得需要极大的代价了。 In other words on that brat has special treasure. 也就是说那小子身上有一件特殊的宝物 Lin Fei truly isolated the reconnaissance of opposite party with the strength. 林飞确实是用力量隔绝了对方的侦察了。 Although they have this assurance, but strength was too bad. 他们虽然有这个把握,但是实力太差了。 It is not able urging to send the true function of this treasure. 无法将这件宝物的真正作用给催发出来。 It is not naturally able to lock the Lin Fei position. 自然也就无法锁定林飞的位置了。 On this day. 这一天。 The big chieftain promoted treasure again, they have searched through the big world, sound that has no. 大头目再一次地推动了宝物了,他们已经寻遍了大个世界,却没有任何的动静。 Suddenly. 忽然。 His treasure makes the sound of prompt, the big chieftain is some have the discovery instantaneously. 他的宝物发出提示的声音,大头目瞬间就是一些有发现。 " This brat also really can hide, unexpectedly hides in this direction, pursues to me, in any event must taking. " 「这小子还真会藏,居然藏在这个方向,给我追,无论如何都得要把人给拿下。」 The big chieftain has not reported the news, this is the merit that is in sole possession, got what one deserves oneself to enjoy. 大头目并没有将消息汇报回去,这可是一份独有的功劳,活该自己享用了。 Became this matter, perhaps oneself can become a little side head when the time comes. 成了这件事,说不定自己到时候就能成为一小方的负责人。 Does not seem like same works as a chieftain now. 不像是现在一样当一个头目。 The big chieftain is also good, but falls far short from the head. 大头目也是挺不错的,但是距离负责人还是差得远。 The power and influence is not big. 权势也没有那么大。 Such opportunity also only had such a time. 这样的机会也就唯有这么一次了。 Big chieftain rapid leads the person to come , made one emit treasure, gave to encircle the nearby. 大头目迅速的就带人过来,同时也让人放出了宝物,将附近给团团围住了。 Oneself led the person to kill. 自己就带着人杀了进来。 The quickest renewal asked the browser to input- Examines to the essence book pavilion 最快更新请浏览器输入--到精华书阁进行查看 Provides the big god to be lovable in «Invincible Leveling King» quickest renewal for you, for you can also examine the quickest renewal of this book next time, please must preserve the good bookmark! 为您提供大神可爱内内的《无敌升级王》最快更新,为了您下次还能查看到本书的最快更新,请务必保存好书签! Chapter 4954 that brat being able to run away free reading. 第4954章那小子跑不掉免费阅读.
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