ILK :: Volume #67

#6666: Pretending non-involvement

In the face of so powerful strength. 在如此强大的力量面前。 Their three Elder do not dare to say what, can only first meet this person of all requests to say at present again. 他们三个长老也不敢多说什么,只能先满足眼前这人的一切要求再说。 Otherwise perhaps they at present this brat in hand. 不然的话说不定他们就得要死在眼前这小子的手头上。 On the strength that condense comes is really the incomparable great strength. 就那凝练而来的力量真的是无比的强大。 The concentration is the essence, they understood the true significance of these words finally. 浓缩就是精华,他们终于体会到了这句话的真正的意义。 So long as this strength falls on them, they cannot shoulder absolutely. 只要这个力量落在他们身上,就他们这些人绝对扛不住。 When the time comes really must die without doubt, real do not know braves from the what place like the fellow. 到时候真的是必死无疑了,真不知道像这样的家伙到底是从什么地方冒出来的。 They have not seen in any case, but they actually felt at this time was fearful. 反正他们从来都没有见过,但是此时他们却感受到了其中的可怕了。 They also not incompetent first can only accept the condition of opposite party to say again. 他们也就无无能的先只能答应了对方的条件再说。 Only then like this not continues hits. 只有这样子才不会继续的打下去。 Otherwise on their headquarters estimated that do not know must die many people. 不然的话就他们总部估计不知道要死多少人。 This brat also is really very overbearing. 小子还真的是挺霸道的。 Receives this group of strengths. 收起这团力量。 Quietly without interest, this group of strengths on clean of dissipation. 悄然无息的,这团力量就消散的一干二净。 They felt shock. 他们感受到了其中的震撼。 Takes and puts away freely. 收放自如。 This fellow is really grasps to this strength very perfect. 这家伙真的是对这力量掌握的非常的完美。 Time from the beginning, if you are so direct, then as for was so troublesome, I want your here best thing, but I must to choose personally.” “一开始的时候如果你们就这么直接,那至于这么麻烦了,我要你们这里最好的东西,不过我得要亲自的挑选。” They could not say the what words at this time from the start. 他们这个时候也压根就说不出什么话来。 Only can select nod. 只能点点头 Set out to bring Lin Fei to go to the place of headquarters most core. 起身就带着林飞去往了总部最核心的地方。 one layer / first level level checkpoint, who came to look at scalp tingles, this time words can only opening of one layer / first level one layer / first level. 一层层的关卡,不论是谁来了都得看得头皮发麻的,不过此时的话只能一层一层的打开。 They naturally do not dare to have the what type thoughts, after having experienced that group of strengths, they understand how came is a matter. 他们自然也不敢有什么样的心思了,见识过那团力量之后,他们就明白了过来了是怎么一回事的。 On that strength, wants to block this fellow is not not possible at present. 就是就那力量,想要拦得住眼前这家伙也根本不可能了。 They can only to opposite party enter this huge Treasure House, compared to before went to the place, this Treasure House appears the unusual difference. 他们只能任由对方进入这座庞大的宝库,相对于之前去过的地方,这座宝库就显得非常的不一样。 Lin Fei also expressed admiration. 林飞也是不由称奇。 Really is the magnanimous resources here head, but has not so far let the thing that he sees to satisfy. 真的是海量的资源都在这里头呢,只不过目前为止并没有让他看到能满意的东西。 «My Cure Is Game» 《我的治愈系游戏》 They three most powerful people have walked in the nearby. 他们三个最为强大的人一直都走在边上。 Also does not dare to spread out too far. 也不敢拉开太远的距离。 Although they also want to spread out too far. 虽然他们也想拉开太远的距离。 But if their know this does that others are not glad, perhaps will suspect that their what time employs a stratagem gives to kill him directly here. 可是他们知道这要是这么做的话,人家可不乐意了,说不定就会怀疑他们什么时候动手段直接就将他给杀死在这里。 Only then follows in certain range, even if they have the what type method unable to do. 只有跟在一定的范围内,那他们就算是有什么样的手段也做不出来。 If really the moving point method, others this begins to be able them thoroughly striking to kill, others will also calculate. 真要是动点手段的话,人家这一动手就能将他们彻底给击杀,人家也是会算的。 I need to see most core the thing, rather than these common things, I think that three should do not have the what opinion.” “我需要见最核心的东西,而不是这些不起眼的东西,我想三位应该什么意见吧。” Lin Fei smiles looks. 林飞笑眯眯的看着过来。 He swept one also to have Heavenly Cave on know here a moment ago. 刚才他扫了一眼就知道这里还别有洞天 Looked that their three are glad. 就看他们三个乐不乐意。 Their three very helpless opened Second Level. 他们三个很是无奈的打开了第二层 The Second Level thing appeared the value to be many. 二层的东西就显得价值了不少了。 Lin Fei cannot have a liking, with arrived at Third Level. 林飞还是看不上,跟着就到了第三层 The Third Level words were different, here truly was some peak things. 三层的话就不一样了,这里确实都是一些最顶尖的东西了。 However Lin Fei shakes the head. 不过林飞还是摇摇头。 However quite nitpicking appearance, makes their three Vung Tau time sink at heart. 不过相当挑剔的样子了,也让他们三个心里头顿时间就是一沉。 Really supported is not good to entertain. 真的是挺不好招待了。 This fellow had a liking for the what thing, even these things cannot have a liking, what Divine Armament Cultivation Technique and so on, these are most Top Grade, who took away. 这家伙到底看上了什么东西,连这些东西都看不上,什么神兵功法之类的,这些都是最顶级的,不论是谁拿走了。 Can be promoted by own strength, but this fellow actually cannot have a liking for this thing the thing. 都能让自己的实力得到提升,可偏偏这家伙竟然看不上这玩意的东西。 They want to curse at people, really damn, this fellow wanted the what thing, was always impossible saying that wants that Fourth Level thing. 他们都想骂人了,真是见鬼了,这家伙到底想要什么东西,总不可能说是想要那第四层的东西吧。 These things may be safeguard here, they may not have the right of handling, but Lin Fei on such staring looked came, saw that they afraid tingled with numbness, helpless opened Fourth Level. 那些东西可都是看管在这里的,他们可没有处置的权利,可是林飞就这样的直勾勾的看了过来了,看到他们心虚了发麻了,也就无奈的打开了第四层了。 Remote antiquity Elder said, your excellency here is the place of our most core, inside these things do not belong to us to manage, but temporary insurance exist here, your excellency, if takes away this thing, I feared that your excellency had when the time comes in a big way troubled, but outside here thing you may take casually, opinion that we had no.” 太上长老说道,“阁下这里就是我们最核心的一个地方,里面这些东西并不是归于我们所管,而是暂时的保存在这里,阁下要是拿走这东西的话,我怕阁下到时候就有大麻烦了,但是这里外头的东西你随便可拿,我们都没有任何的意见。” At this time remote antiquity Elder naturally must this saying talking clearly. 这个时候太上长老自然要把这话给说清楚。 So as to avoid these people begin when the time comes, this fellow backhanded retaliated them, that may suffer a loss when the time comes. 免得到时候那些人动起手来,这家伙反手就是报复了他们,那到时候可就吃亏了。 They cannot shoulder making a move of this person in any case, particularly a that special sword, erupted the ominous strength. 反正他们也扛不住此人的出手,尤其是那特殊的一把剑,爆发出了不祥的力量。 Everyone felt the unusual trouble. 不论是谁都感觉到非常的麻烦了。 This matter must first to talk clearly, only then talked clearly this, after them, meets is given the retaliation by this fellow. 这个事情怎么也得要先说清楚,只有把这个说清楚了,那他们以后才会不被这个家伙给报复。 These people truly are quite savage. 那些人确实是相当凶残 They cannot naturally also look at inside thing not to have idea. 他们没能看得住里头的东西自然也是没辙。 strength of these fellows truly are quite formidable, but this person is not good to tidy up at present. 那些家伙的实力确实是相当强悍,但是眼前这人也不是那么好收拾的。 If really made this fellow escape the birth day, his they had the sorrow of life. 真要是让这家伙逃出生天了,他那他们就有性命之忧。 They are quite intelligent. 他们还是比较聪明的。 One group of fellows who do not have the courage, the thing I naturally took, will not look for your troubles, so long as inside thing can make me satisfy.” “一群没胆子的家伙,东西我自然拿了,也不会来找你们的麻烦,只要里面的东西能让我满意。” More was they said. 越是他们这么说。 Is know, these fellows tidy up the west. 越是知道,这些家伙就是替人收拾西。 Own present went in these things gives to receive. 自己现在就进去把这些东西都给收了。 First goes. 第一个进去的。 Their three come in later, does not dare many stays. 他们三个随后就进来,也不敢过多的逗留。 Whose know this brat will emit the what type thought. 知道小子会冒出什么样的念头。 Honest coming. 还是老老实实的进来吧。 This came in Lin Fei to smile, here unexpectedly saw several towering big tree, these towering big tree also really somewhat different, unexpectedly tied special fruits. 这一进来林飞就笑了,在这里居然看到了好几个参天大树,这几个参天大树还真的有些不一样呢,居然结了一颗颗特殊的果子。 These fruits also really support not general, looked at Lin Fei that all of a sudden is on the heart movement, how his know was a matter. 这些果子还真的挺不一般的,看得林飞那是一下子就心动了,他就知道是怎么一回事。 These are the good things. 这些都是好东西啊。 No wonder places this Fourth Level. 怪不得放在这第四层 If not they opens with joint forces, he cannot believe these things, unexpectedly places here like this. 如果不是他们合力打开的话,他都不敢相信这些东西,居然就这样放在这里。 To him these things really gain greatly gain especially, but matter most simple that now he must make, that these things receiving. 对他来说这些东西真的是大赚特赚,而现在他要做的事情最为简单了,那就是将这些东西给收了。 Good good, finally made me find the satisfied thing, these things I had a liking, your several kept to the side just wait.” “不错不错,终于让我找到满意的东西,这些东西我看上了,你们几个就靠边等着吧。” Their three truly complexions seem somewhat ugly/difficult to look at, has not thought that this fellow really must give to take away these things unexpectedly. 他们三个确实脸色都显得有些难看,没想到这家伙竟然真的要将这些东西都给收走。 could it be he did not fear that these fellows chase down them, these things want to take away let alone are not easy. 难道他就不怕那些家伙来追杀他们,更何况这些东西想要收走也没那么容易啊。 They may be clear, but others said that they do not dare to say what, can only stand honestly the nearby. 他们可都是一清二楚了,不过人家都这么说了,他们也不敢多说什么,只能老老实实的站到了边上。 They saw inconceivable one. 他们就看到了令人不可思议的一幕。 With the opposite party place visited, the treasure of this each article whiz was taken away unexpectedly. 随着对方所过之处,这一件件的奇珍竟然嗖的一声就被收走了。
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