ILK :: Volume #67

#6687: Can eat a soup

Lin Fei such making a move, gives to blow everyone. 林飞就这么一出手,就把所有人都给镇住。 Then appears especially peaceful. 接下来就显得格外的安静。 They walk are not. 他们这些人走也不是。 Does not walk is not. 不走也不是。 Naturally in their bones wants to wrestle. 当然他们骨子里还是想去搏一搏的。 They have not offended at present this Mysterious person in any case. 反正他们也没有得罪眼前这个神秘人 Mysterious person not to their making a move. 神秘人也没有冲着他们出手 This is best. 这就是最好的。 If this Mysterious person to their making a move. 这要是这个神秘人冲着他们出手的话。 That fate really is not quite good. 那下场还真的不太好。 At least they have no energy to be able from here to leave. 最起码他们没有任何的底气能从这里离开。 This person is different from others. 这人跟其他人不一样。 Seal gradual dispersing of that one layer / first level slowly. 慢慢的那一层的封印逐渐的散开。 They finally waits for most to make them excited the time. 他们终于等来最让他们激动的时候了。 This Immortal Mansion was opened finally. 这座仙府终于被打开。 Once this Immortal Mansion were opened. 一旦这个仙府被打开。 Then they can go in col­lec­tion this type thing. 那么他们就可以进去收集这个样东西。 Although here also another person. 尽管这里还来了另外一个人。 Very fearful exist. 一个非常可怕的存在 However they felt, so long as the common thing, their should has the opportunity to snatch. 但是他们觉得,只要一般的东西,他们应该还是有机会抢的。 At least did not have the heavenly thunder gate with the Heavenly Fire gate person. 最起码没有了天雷门跟天火门的人。 Lets their thorough relaxing of sufficiently. 足以让他们彻底的松了一口气。 The probability also increases. 概率也变大。 Previous time, they truly very anxious. 先前的时候,他们确实非常的紧张。 Here others. 在这里还有其他人。 These other person heavenly thunder gates with Heavenly Fire gate person. 这些其他人正是天雷门跟天火门的人。 Is unusual lives the courageous collapsing lake to spread. 都是非常的生勐的一塌湖涂。 Such person was really no one can resist. 这样的人真不是谁都能对抗得了的。 Is good because of them such was expelled. 好在他们就这样的被赶走。 Naturally was impossible saying that was expelled, more was extinguishes kills. 当然也不可能说是被赶走,更多是灭杀。 Also is left over two. 还剩下两个。 As for remaining was extinguished completely kills. 至于剩下的全部都被灭杀了。 This matter said that also really very makes people feel strange. 这种事情说起来还真的挺让人感觉到邪乎的。 Lin Fei also stood finally. 林飞也终于站起来了。 Felt that one layer / first level strength diverged slowly. 感觉到了那一层的力量慢慢的散去了。 His know can go in finally. 他就知道终于可以进去了。 Also has not thought. 也没多想。 On enter this Immortal Mansion. 率先的就进入了这座仙府了。 At this time did not go , did could it be also wait for others? 这个时候不自己进去,难道还等别人吗? It is estimated that they do not have that courage. 估计他们也没有那个胆子。 For fear that their moves, oneself killed their surface from behind, such possibility has. 生怕他们这一动,自己就从后面把他们的面杀了,这样的可能性还是有的。 They are the smart people. 他们这些人都是聪明人。 In fact is what is all about. 事实上就是这么一回事。 They do not dare first step first easily. 他们也不敢轻易的抢先一步 Whose know that mysterious can Expert give to kill them. 知道那个神秘的强者会不会把他们给杀了。 This truth they understand. 这点道理他们还是懂的。 Only if were silly. 除非是傻了。 When Lin Fei goes after the summer Yin. 等到林飞跟夏阴进去之后。 They one after another charged into this Immortal Mansion. 他们才纷纷的冲向了这座仙府 Finally has the opportunity to look for inside thing. 终于有机会可以寻找里面的东西。 This comes to be able to feel that here has many good things. 这一进来就能感觉到这里还是有不少的好东西的。 The common thing he looks does not glance. 一般的东西他都看不上眼。 Felt that the place of most deep place has to make him feel the thing of sound. 只是感觉到最深处的地方有着让他感觉动静的东西了。 Does not need to guess that also know this was the what thing. 不用猜也知道这是什么东西了。 Also was the so-called that world sets up. 也就是所谓的那个世界树了。 Rapid on the past. 迅速的就过去了。 Also told summer Yin. 同时也跟夏阴说了。 Comes one rarely here, you can also look, here has the what thing, when the time comes I look for you again.” “难得来一趟这里,你也可以自己去找一找,这里有什么东西,到时候我再来找你。” Actually summer Yin also wants to seek other thing. 其实夏阴也想去寻一下别的东西。 Said embarrassed. 只是不好意思说。 Never expected that Brother forest said unexpectedly directly. 没想到林老弟居然直接的说了。 Appropriate. 妥当了。 Lin Fei passed through the numerous hindrance. 林飞穿过了重重的阻碍。 Here also has many methods. 这里也有不少的手段。 Probably Restriction is the same, there are much. 像是禁制一样的,还是有不少的。 Follows. 一座跟着一座。 Without the person of skill is unable to cross. 没点本事的人根本就无法越过。 Lin Fei has this thunder Body Defense, naturally different. 林飞有这个雷霆护身,自然就不一样。 Goes through went to the place of most deep place. 一路穿行的就来到了最深处的地方了。 Here also really has a very common small courtyard. 这里还真的有一个挺不起眼的小院子。 If not feels that slight sound. 如果不是感觉到那细微的动静。 He has really not believed. 他还真不相信。 This place unexpectedly was the place of here most core. 这地方居然就是这里最核心的一处地方了。 Has many in method do not know that this surroundings arrange. 在这周围布置的手段不知道有多少。 If really trades comes personally, that is really embarrassed. 真要是换个人过来的话,那真是不好意思。 The direct poor life must pass away. 直接小命都要一命呜呼了。 Also only then seems like Lin Fei such person to come here. 也就只有像是林飞这样的人才能来到这里。 Entered that courtyard. 走进了那院子。 countless Formation appeared instantaneously. 无数阵法瞬间就浮现了出来了。 Originally here is not the true place. 原来这里并不是真正的地方。 Lin Fei across 1st Layer heavy Formation. 林飞穿过一重重的阵法 Then pushed the door to enter this room. 这才推门走进了这个屋子吧。 This room is not considered as that very big, there are four rooms. 这个屋子并不算是很大,有四个房间。 Each room is closing inside has the strength of one layer / first level seal. 每个房间都关着门里面有一层封印的力量。 Lin Fei has not worried shoves open the seal of this one layer / first level level. 林飞并没有着急的去推开这一层层的封印。 Looks at the forefront place. 还是看一下最前面的地方。 The forefront place is a table. 最前面的地方是一张桌子。 On table on such is putting a box. 桌子上就这样的放着一个盒子。 On the box does not have the dust. 盒子上没有灰尘。 Also hangs a picture to mark in behind of box again, unexpectedly is golden light radiant Medicinal Pill. 在盒子的后面还挂下来一张画再画上,居然是一颗金光璀璨的丹药的。 On such hanging there. 就这样的挂在那里。 Also makes Lin Fei feel very accidental/surprised. 也让林飞感觉到挺意外的。 Such a picture placed here unexpectedly. 这么一幅画居然就放在了这里了。 If beauty what, perhaps also feels somewhat normal. 如果说是美女什么的,或许还觉得有几分的正常。 But this thing thinks with him also really somewhat different. 可是这东西跟他所想的还真的有些不一样。 Unexpectedly is this Medicinal Pill. 居然是这个一颗丹药 But this Medicinal Pill looked no matter how, Lin Fei cannot recognize unexpectedly. 只不过这颗丹药不管怎么看,林飞居然没有能认得出来。 Medicinal Pill do not know that refines has many, but also really does not have what Medicinal Pill is he cannot refine. 所炼制的丹药不知道有多少,还真的没有什么丹药是他所炼制不出来的。 This Medicinal Pill words seemed somewhat different. 这颗丹药的话就显得有些不一样了。 Fellow a little meaning of this Pill Refining, such a portrait that which also do not know does, could it be he wants to refine this Medicinal Pill.” “这个炼丹的家伙有点意思,也不知道哪来搞来的这么一张画像,难道他想炼制出这个丹药。” Lin Fei again stared at this picture to look. 林飞再次的盯着这张画看了。 As his is staring. 随着他这一盯着。 The golden light radiant picture changed to black hole instantaneously. 金光璀璨的画面瞬间化作了一个黑洞。 In the black hole presented a very special place. 黑洞之中出现了一个挺特殊的地方。 The Lin Fei mind has not moved, but is staring at this black hole. 林飞心神没有动,只是盯着这个黑洞。 Partly visible can see very strange one. 若隐若现的能看得见非常怪异的一幕。 Sees only a place, pill furnace inside some people there Pill Refining. 只见一处地方,一个丹炉里面有人在那里炼丹 In the Pill Refining surroundings, is lying down the every large or small corpse. 炼丹的周围,躺着大大小小的尸体。 Also do not know died the long time. 不知道死了多长的时间了。 But at this time, was only left over a person to stare at this stove stubbornly. 而此时,只剩下一个人死死的盯着这个炉子了。 As after this stove opens . 随着这个炉子打开之后。 Glittering and shining Medicinal Pill appeared like this. 一颗金光灿烂的丹药就这样的浮现了出来了。 Divine Pill reveals itself!” 神丹出世!” Under finishes speaking. 话音刚落下。 Saw the bucket thick thunder to pound together courageous, fell in front of this pill furnace. 就见一道水桶粗的雷霆勐地砸了下来,落在了这个丹炉面前。 A strength of destruction sweeps across directly, the surrounding entity was stirred the fragment powder in this flash. 一股毁灭的力量直接就席卷开来,周围的实体在这一瞬间都被搅成了齑粉了。 As for previously that Expert that makes the sound. 至于先前那个发出声音的强者 Also is the same. 也是一样。 Also by thunder instantaneously destroying. 也被雷霆瞬间给摧毁了。 Lin Fei know this thunder is what. 林飞知道这雷霆是什么 Also is so-called pill. 也就是所谓的丹雷。 However this pill as if during great strength compared with imagination. 不过这丹雷似乎比想象之中的更强大。 pill such, really had the strong might. 就这么的丹雷,竟然就有了超强的威力。 What is most fearful seems like such strength, is not together. 最可怕的是像是这样的力量,并不是一道。 Rumble, constantly has this pill to knock down. 轰隆隆的,不断的有这个丹雷打落下来。 Altogether enough 99. 一共足足九十九道的。 After pill, this Medicinal Pill changed to a Daoist shape unexpectedly. 丹雷过后,这个丹药居然化作了一道人形。 Whiz flew away like this. 嗖的一声就这样的飞走了。 Black swirl also vanishes to disappear. 黑色的漩涡也就消失不见了。 Lin Fei also returned to normal. 林飞自己也就恢复了正常了。 Then a moment ago his mind had some changes instantaneously. 刚才那么瞬间他的心神出现了一些变化。 Saw this Medicinal Pill entire process from this portrait. 从这幅画像上看出了这枚丹药的整个过程了。 Make him many several points of panic-stricken. 让他多了几分的惊骇。 Really has Medicinal Pill, can change to the human form. 竟然有丹药,能化作人形。 Also has shouldered 99 thunder. 还扛过了九十九道雷霆。 This appeared different. 这就显得非常的不一样了。 Each unusual terrifying. 每一道都非常的恐怖 Said that not to mention was the following thunder. 更别提说是后面一道道的雷霆了。 Unexpectedly shouldered like this. 居然就这样的扛了下来了。
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