IWTOTSDF :: Volume #25

#2482: Black tiger help/gang

Otherwise, once by the person discovery clue of this world, by scarce of person of status arrival, definitely will bring in the huge root of trouble for Lin Yue! 若不然,一旦被这个世界的人发现端倪,以外界降临之人这个身份的稀少性,必然会为林越引来巨大的祸端! May contact the fairyism and immortal law is not an easy matter, after Lin Yue enters this small town, one after another with many people brushed past, may not feel existence of fairyism from their within the body. 可接触仙气、仙法并非一件易事,林越进入这座小镇后,也陆陆续续地与不少人擦肩而过,可从他们的体内都没有感受到仙气的存在。 Perhaps also only then enters in immortal palace such influence, has the opportunity to grasp the fairyism and immortal law...... 恐怕也只有进入仙宫那样的势力中,才有机会去掌握仙气、仙法…… In brother's grandson Ran's mouth he also knew many information about immortal palace, for example the immortal palace is in the big flame country an outstanding immortal influence, with it strength differs not much also only then few, from this point sufficiently see huge of its scale. 从孙冉的口中他也得知了不少关于仙宫的信息,比如仙宫是大炎国中出类拔萃的仙道势力,与之实力相差不多的也就只有寥寥几个,从这一点足以见得其规模的庞大。 But such colossus regarding present Lin Yue naturally is the unusual bad risk, even if calls it the dangerous spot is not overrated. 而这样的庞然大物对于如今的林越而言自然是非常凶险,哪怕称之为龙潭虎穴也不为过。 Once his real status were detected by the opposite party, perhaps did not have the leeway of turning over again, will only turn into a fish meat on block. 一旦他的真实身份被对方察觉,恐怕就再无翻身的余地了,只会变成砧板上的一块鱼肉。 Good Lin Yue discovered so long as oneself deliberately do not use the Brilliant Qi strength, others will not detect the unusuality of his within the body. 还好林越发现自己只要不刻意动用曜气的力量,其他人并不会察觉到他体内的异常。 Naturally after this point is brother's grandson Ran as well as Lin Yue enter the town, meets these mortals' responses to infer, if in this world powerful, Lin Yue is unable to determine whether Brilliant Qi of own within the body can hide the truth from the eyes of opposite party. 当然这一点是从孙冉以及林越进入镇子后遇到这些凡人的反应推断出来的,如果是这个世界中的实力强大者,林越也无法确定自己体内的曜气是否能瞒过对方的眼睛。 Furthermore said that even if really no one can see clearly the unusuality of Lin Yue within the body, for did not give oneself away, before grasping immortal law, Lin Yue is unable to display own strength frankly and uprightly, with weaponless mortal not different. 再者言,就算真的没有人可以洞察到林越体内的异常,为了不自己露出马脚,在掌握仙法之前,林越也无法光明正大地施展自己的力量,与手无寸铁的凡人无异。 Therefore Lin Yue urgently needed can contact the practicing fairyism now the medium, can change now the cautious same situation. 所以林越如今急需一个能够接触到修行仙气的媒介,才可以改变现在如履薄冰一样的处境。 Has this urgent feeling, night of time passes quietly. 带着这种紧迫的感觉,一夜的时间悄然流逝。 Next morning, Lin Yue the noise that resounds outside unceasingly opens the eyes. 第二天清晨,林越在外面不断响起的吵闹声中睁开双眼。 Then this sound before burnt a joss stick started, Lin Yue has not acted immediately, but also roughly had anything clearly. 这阵声音从一炷香前便开始了,林越并没有立刻出面,但也清楚大致发生了什么。 Should then be in yesterday's old man mouth that so-called black tiger help/gang sees to imitate the business of mess hall to be prosperous, leading people to come to look for trouble. 应该便是昨日老者口中那所谓的黑虎帮见仿膳堂的生意兴隆,带着一众人前来找麻烦。 Lin Yue sets out slowly, brought the track that he passed through along yesterday's partner, arrived fore room that imitated the mess hall. 林越缓缓起身,沿着昨日伙计带他走过的小道,来到了仿膳堂的前堂。 Just came out, he then sees ten tall tall and strong men to imitate the gate peristome of mess hall is watertight. 刚一出来,他便看见十来个身材高大魁梧的汉子将仿膳堂的门口围得是水泄不通。 But yesterday stood with the old man also several partner complexions that he talked in the great hall ugly/difficult to look at, did not know this appearance of should do. 而昨日与他搭话的老者还有好几名伙计正脸色难看地站在大堂内,一副不知该如何是好的样子。 Imitates the number of mess hall partner is also many, because yesterday too was only left over two people late, Lin Yue takes a broad view to look now again, altogether seven and eight people. 仿膳堂伙计的数量也不少,昨天因为太晚只剩下了两人,林越如今再放眼看去,一共着七、八人。 The person who although the quantity does not need the black tiger to help are too much less, but ripe strong ripe weak, even if not begin still one to see the result , helping that group of muscle guys compared with the black tiger, imitates the waiters in mess hall to be thin like bamboo poles. 虽然数量不必黑虎帮的人少太多,可熟强熟弱即便不动手也一眼可以见出分晓,比起黑虎帮那群肌肉大汉,仿膳堂的伙计们瘦得就像一根根竹竿。 old man, our eldest children are willing to cover you to imitate the mess hall to you face, you have courage unexpectedly bargain back and forth here, was tired of living!?” “老头,我们老大愿意罩着你们仿膳堂是给你面子,你居然还有胆在这里讨价还价,是不是活腻了!?” At this time, sound that ridiculed together the crowd that helped from the black tiger resounds. 这时,一道嘲弄的声音从黑虎帮的人群中响起。 The old men hear the word complexion one white, but goes forward saying that is not the old man bargains back and forth, is only the prices of two immortal stones, we imitate the mess hall are really......” 老者闻言脸色一白,但还是上前说道,“不是老夫讨价还价,只是两枚仙石的价格,我们仿膳堂实在是出不起啊……” The person who the black tiger helps heard that the word shows the look that highly does not believe that questioned that looks to the old man. 黑虎帮的人闻言都露出非常不相信的神色,质疑地看向老者。 You imitate the mess hall to entertain so many guests daily, one month of even/including two immortal stones profits? Gave up any idea of that deceives us!” “你们仿膳堂天天招待那么多客人,一个月连两枚仙石的利润都没有?休想骗我们!” Imitates partner some of mess hall is not convinced said, how can deceive people! We imitate the mess hall to operate are the meager profits actual benefits that so many years depend, have come the guests are clear!” 仿膳堂的一个伙计有些不服气地说道,“怎么会是骗人!我们仿膳堂经营这么多年靠的就是薄利实惠,来过的客人都非常清楚!” Finishes speaking, in the middle-aged male person eyes that in the black tiger help/gang an appearance does not lose face severe light flashes. 话音刚落,黑虎帮中一个样貌并不出彩的中年男人眼中厉光一闪。 Only listens to ‚’ one, one group of shadows leave from his hand. 只听‘咻’地一声,一团黑影从他手中脱出。 Yo!” “诶呦!” Just spoke that partner to bend the waist directly, covers the belly to fall down painfully. 刚刚说话那名伙计直接弯着腰,捂着肚子痛苦地倒在地上。 Lin Yue saw that to select the eyebrow, he felt fairyism from just the attack of middle-aged man unexpectedly! 林越见状挑了挑眉,他居然从刚刚中年男人的攻击中感受到了一丝仙气! However when Lin Yue investigates the opposite party using divine conscious, discovered before strength that his within the body has might as well, loses to oneself Sun Ran hand/subordinate. 不过当林越利用神念去探查对方时,发现他体内存在的力量还不如之前败于自己手下的孙冉。 In it seems like that this town is not the ordinary mortal , helping this type of faction also exist to contact an immortal person like the black tiger, but crosses the threshold from the strength continually does not have. 看来这个镇子中也不全是普通的凡人,像黑虎帮这种帮派也存在接触过仙道的人,只不过从实力上来看连入门都没有。 The middle-aged man look stares, all around the head shifted looked at the moment, but anything had not actually discovered, therefore frowns. 中年男人神色一愣,头转向四周看了片刻,但却什么都没有发现,于是皱起了眉头。 He just one types the investigated feeling, may not discover other immortal cultivation from the surroundings...... 他刚刚有一种被人探查的感觉,可从周围并没有发现其他的修仙者…… Thereupon, he also regards the misconception just feeling, the vision placed imitates these people in mess hall at present. 于是乎,他也只是将刚刚的感觉当成了错觉,目光重新放在了眼前仿膳堂的这些人身上。 You want to do!?” “你想干什么!?” Imitates the people in mess hall to see that reveals the startled color, but makes noise to shout. 仿膳堂的众人见状纷纷露出惊色,但还是出声喊道。 Hehe, do I want to do? That depends on you, no matter I you have what reason, so long as does not hand over today to me two immortal stones, do not blame our black tiger to help not be impolite!” The middle-aged man sneered, later said icily. “呵呵呵,我想干什么?那取决于你们,我不管你们自己有什么原因,但只要今天不将两枚仙石给我交出来,就别怪我们黑虎帮不客气了!”中年男人冷笑了一声,随后冷冰冰地说道。 Meanwhile, he draws out a to operate the short sword of blade from the waist, the look has stared at the people with raw hate is looking like. 同时,他又从腰间拔出一柄开过刃的短刀,眼神凶狠地盯着众人看来。 The black tiger helps others also take out the weapon in abundance, shows a covetous expression, the greatly word does not gather the appearance that then must begin. 黑虎帮其余的人也纷纷取出武器,露出一副虎视眈眈的表情,大有一言不合便要动手的样子。 Imitated the waiters in mess hall to see that failed to explode immediately, they did odd jobs in the restaurant, the imposing manner or the strength, had no way to place on a par with these people who the black tiger helped. 仿膳堂的伙计们见状顿时哑火了,他们不过是在饭馆里打杂的,无论是气势还是实力,都没法跟黑虎帮的这些人相提并论。 The old man complexion flood white looks at this, after arrived at the counter tremblingly, prepares to the person compromise that the black tiger helps. 老者脸色泛白地看着这一幕,颤颤巍巍地来到了柜台后,准备向黑虎帮的人妥协。 Is tactful, otherwise makes you see the blood today.” The middle-aged man saw that cold snort/hum. “还算知趣,不然今天就让你们见见血。”中年男人见状冷哼了一声。 Although he obtained an immortal law remnant volume accidentally, later then partly know half solution to start to study the cultivation, but quick then discovered that own strength had was raised rapidly. 虽然他只是偶然间获得了一门仙法残卷,随后便自己半知半解地开始专研修炼,但很快便发现自己的力量有了飞速地提升。 The past opponent linked several moves to support before him will then be defeated, this also made the influence that the black tiger helped day by day big, was found in the entire town. 以往的对手在他面前连几招都撑不过便会落败,这也让黑虎帮的势力一天比一天大,遍布了整个镇子。 At this time, the Lin Yue look moved slightly, looks to the entrance position. 这时,林越眼神微动,看向了门口的位置。 He not in the plan that in front of the people acts, follows the middle-aged man to come back to give back to the old man immortal stone Duo who he plunders at most afterward, on the other hand he mainly wants to obtain the clue about cultivation immortal law from the middle-aged male population. 他并没有在众人面前出手的打算,顶多事后跟随中年男人将他掠夺走的仙石夺回来还给老者,另外一方面他主要是想从中年男人口中得到关于修炼仙法的线索。 What Lin Yue can determine, the middle-aged man who this black tiger helps is not immortal palace such big influence disciple, but since even the feudal bully in his town can contact the immortal law, then oneself why not? 林越可以确定的是,这个黑虎帮的中年男人绝非仙宫那样的大势力弟子,可既然连他这个镇子中的恶霸都可以接触到仙法,那么自己又有何不可? While he prepares to put after the action, actually detected that imitated wisp of aura that outside the mess hall transmits. 可正当他准备付诸于行动后,却察觉到了仿膳堂外传来的一缕气息。 This aura with before the middle-aged man also has dies Sun Ran in his hands is quite similar, showed that the opposite party is also a immortal cultivation person. 这股气息与与中年男人还有之前死在他手中的孙冉极为相似,证明对方也是一名修仙之人。
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