IWTOTSDF :: Volume #25

#2483: Exalted Immortal Sir

Is other person influences that the black tiger helps?” Lin Yue narrows the eyes to focus in the heart thinks, is analyzing the status of future. “是黑虎帮的人还是其他的势力?”林越眯着眼在心中思索,分析着来者的身份。 Quick, his issue then obtained the explanation. 很快,他的问题便得到了解答。 Thump- 咕咚- Imitates outside the mess hall to broadcast a pushing and shoving sound, the person who several black tigers help tumbles in the great hall unexpectedly distressedly, the complexion looks very pale, in the look also has a not being able to say fear. 仿膳堂外传来一阵推搡的声音,几个黑虎帮的人竟然狼狈地滚落进大堂内,脸色看起来十分苍白,眼神中也有一股说不出的恐惧。 Un?” “嗯?” The middle-aged man knitting the brows head, cold sound asked. 中年男人皱了皱眉头,冷声问道。 „Who is?” “是什么人?” The person who he one flock of black tigers helps behind turn head looks all around at a loss, later the look replied trembling, eldest child, probably the Sir in immortal palace......” 他身后一群黑虎帮的人茫然地回头环顾,随后神色战战兢兢地回答道,“老大,好像是仙宫的大人……” Immortal palace......!?” “仙宫……!?” The complexion of middle-aged man instantaneously changes, turn head looks hastily. 中年男人的脸色瞬间一变,连忙回头望去。 Stood in inside the main hall side Lin Yue also hears these words, the vision to transfer, saw an attire and king Ran is somewhat similar, the extraordinary man. 站在大堂里侧的林越也听见了这句话,目光调转过去,看见一个衣着与王冉有几分相似、气质不凡的男子。 The men have a pale long hair, the eyebrow is also the white, but is joined to the conjunction feeling of his appearance actually unusual conditions. 男子留着一头苍白的长发,就连眉毛也是白色的,但配上他的容貌却有一种浑然天成的契合感。 A little meaning.” “有点意思。” Sees this, in the Lin Yue heart, although some doubts, but also came a nature. 看见这一幕,林越心中虽有些许疑惑,但也来了一丝性质。 Beyond cool breeze secret art that except that king Ran displays, he has not seen the immortal law that in this world others have used is what appearance. 除了王冉施展的清风诀外,他还没有见过这个世界中其他人施展的仙法都是个什么模样。 The eldest child who just the black tiger helped that also regarded the hidden weapon the pebble, although use fairyism, but was not immortal law. 刚刚黑虎帮的老大那一下也不过是将石子当成了暗器,虽然动用仙气,可并不属于仙法之列。 The white hair man in that immortal palace enters gradually imitates in the mess hall, the people who everywhere one visit black tiger helps draw back to disperse one after another, does not dare with him directly relative, was quick he then to arrive at the black tiger to help eldest child's front. 那名仙宫的白发男子缓步走进仿膳堂内,所到之处黑虎帮的众人接连退散开来,丝毫不敢与他正面相对,很快他便来到了黑虎帮老大的面前。 „...... Is Exalted Immortal Sir in immortal palace, loses the respect to lose the respect!” “……原来是仙宫的上仙大人,失敬失敬!” Middle-aged man who the black tiger helps grinning, appeared by own expression is just not cut-throat, said very much respectfully. 黑虎帮的中年男人咧了咧嘴,让自己的表情显得没有刚刚那么凶狠,很是恭敬地说道。 But the attitude of that white hair man has therefore not relaxed many, he looked at an eye numerous panic-stricken mess hall partner of also to have the old man, later the look shot a look at cold to the middle-aged man. 而那名白发男子的态度并没有因此而缓和多少,他看了眼一众惊恐的仿膳堂伙计还有老者,随后眼神冷然地瞥向中年男人。 Originally is half foot treads into an immortal lucky person, but immortal cultivation for abuses power in the town/subdues of this mortal?” “原来是个半只脚踏入仙道的幸运人,只不过修仙只是为了在这个凡人之镇中作威作福?” Although in the tone of white hair man has not revealed the anger, but the middle-aged man also has the subordinates who his black tigers help to feel a fear from the heart. 虽然白发男子的语气中并没有流露出怒意,但中年男人还有他那些黑虎帮的手下都感受到一股发自内心的恐惧。 „...... It is not, the villain is only thought that immortal cultivation the later strength to increase, wants to strive to shelter these neighbor neighbors.” The middle-aged man blushing heart did not jump is telling the lie, simultaneously flattered to look to the opposite party. “不……不是,小人只是觉得修仙之后力量大增,想要出力庇护这些街坊邻居。”中年男人脸不红心不跳地说着假话,同时谄媚地看向对方。 The white hair man nods slowly, the middle-aged man thinks this matter, even if passed, after all even immortal cultivation in immortal palace, does not need to attack brutally for the restaurant boss in only mortal town. 白发男子缓缓点了点头,中年男人以为这件事就算是过去了,毕竟就算是仙宫的修仙者,也没必要为了区区一个凡人镇子中的饭馆老板而大打出手。 However at this moment, the white hair man lifts the hand unexpectedly beyond expectation, a palm pats on the chest of middle-aged man. 然而就在这时,白发男子竟然出人意料地抬起手,一掌拍在中年男人的胸口上。 Bang! 砰! After a dull thumping sound, the middle-aged man cannot believe to stare the big eye, the corners of the mouth drips slowly the blood stream. 一声闷响过后,中年男人不可置信地瞪大眼睛,嘴角缓缓淌下了血流。 You......!” “你……!” He simply has not thought that the white hair man will begin to oneself suddenly, does not have including a protection. 他根本没想到白发男子会突然对自己动手,连一丝的防备都没有。 However even if he has guarded ahead of time, it is estimated that finally will not have anything to change. 不过就算他提前有所防备,估计结果也不会发生什么改变。 After all his opposite party contained a fairyism palm strength unable to receive, proved between both sides sufficiently the disparate power gap. 毕竟他连对方只是蕴含了一丝仙气的掌力都无法接下,足以证明了双方之间悬殊的实力差距。 Looks at the surface to be well, the five main internal organs (entrails) of actual within the body has dropped down to breathe by the middle-aged man who the fairyism destroys slowly, the white hair man in this immortal palace shakes the head lightly, has not paid attention to the surrounding these has been scared the black tiger to help the man, but looked that said to the direction of old man, just the same as always.” 看着表面无恙,实际体内的五脏六腑都已经被仙气摧毁的中年男人缓缓倒下咽气,这名仙宫的白发男子淡淡摇了摇头,没有理会周围那些都已经吓傻了的黑虎帮汉子,只是看向了老者的方向说道,“还是老样子。” The old man and white hair man after counter are acquainted, but seems not clear about his real status, therefore the god rubbed the eyes good long while took a fresh look at white hair man one eyes, later shouts hastily. 柜台后的老者与白发男子相识,但似乎并不清楚他的真实身份,所以愣神了好半天揉了揉眼重新看了白发男子一眼,随后连忙喊道。 „...... Okay good, gives on Mr. Han quickly the food and wine!” “……好好好,快给韩先生上酒菜!” The black tiger helps the corpses of other man middle-aged men not dare to move, secretly to imitating the mess hall sneaks off. 黑虎帮其他的汉子连中年男人的尸首都不敢挪动,一个个偷偷向仿膳堂外溜去。 Who can think of a small restaurant in mortal small town, unexpectedly can also be connected with Exalted Immortal of immortal palace? 谁能想到一个凡人小镇的小饭馆,居然还能和仙宫的上仙有所关联? They have decided that later this imitated the mess hall is a place that in the town most cannot provoke! 他们心里已经打定主意,以后这仿膳堂便是镇子中最不能招惹的一处地方了! However at this time the white hair man spooky voice of actually spread to their ears, making body that they move secretly instantaneously static. 不过这时候白发男子幽幽的声音却传入他们耳中,让他们偷偷移动的身体瞬间静止了下来。 Do not throw the trash here, complete cleaning up is clean.” “不要把垃圾丢在这里,全部清理干净。” „Is is person hears Yanru who......” that more than ten black tigers help mashes up garlic the hurried nod, for fear that makes the opposite party be disgruntled. “是是是……”那十几名黑虎帮的人闻言如捣蒜般急忙点头,生怕让对方心生不满。 Spoke these words, the white hair man has not then opened the mouth again, is waiting silent the partner who imitates the mess hall serves food. 说完这句话,白发男子便没有再开口,沉默地等着仿膳堂的伙计上菜。 People who the black tiger helps cleaned up the bloodstain in ground at the maximum speed, that corpse of middle-aged man, then disappears speedily. 黑虎帮的一众人以最快的速度清理了地面上的血迹,还有中年男人的那具尸首,便一溜烟地不见了。 Imitates outside the mess hall not to have other guests to enter, the person who although the black tiger helps has departed, may just see some people dead in the shop, some where also people dare to come in again. 仿膳堂外迟迟没有其他的客人进入,虽然黑虎帮的人已经离去,可刚看见有人死在店中,哪里还有人敢再进来。 Therefore the Lin Yue form becomes somewhat is here conspicuous, he has not sat at the table orders food, same has not juggled in the great hall with other waiters. 因此林越的身影在这里就变得有些显眼起来,他既没有坐在桌旁点菜,也没有和其他伙计一样在大堂内忙里忙外。 The vision of white hair man also shifted his body unknowingly, Lin Yue is also observing him just in time. 白发男子的目光也不经意间转移到了他的身上,正巧林越也在观察着他。 Two people look in the eyes, Lin Yue friendly smiles to him, where without the performance takes the post to be unusual. 两人四目相对,林越对他友善地一笑,没有表现出任何地异常。 Afterward Lin Yue arrives by the counter, looks the old man who the mood has gotten back said that many thanks last night uncle let stay overnight below, resting one was good to think, then must leave the next today.” 随后林越来到柜台旁,看着情绪已经恢复过来的老者说道,“多谢昨夜老伯让在下留宿,睡了一个好觉,在下今日便要离开了。” Young man, stays for several days is not late again.” Old man hears word is also said gently. “后生,再多住几天也不迟的。”老者闻言也是慈祥地说道。 Lin Yue shakes the head, he planned to inquire in the town news today about immortal palace, after seeing the black tiger to help the eldest child who grasps the fairyism, just think then obtains by illegal purchase some related information from the opposite party mouth, the opposite party person by sudden the immortal palace was killed unexpectedly unexpectedly. 林越摇了摇头,他原本打算今日在镇子中打听关于仙宫的消息,看见黑虎帮的老大掌握仙气后正想着接下来从对方口中套取一些相关的信息,没成想对方居然被突然出现的仙宫之人弄死了。 But he now wants to understand the fairyism and immortal law kind of item, but contacted the immortal palace directly actually extremely in the danger. 而他现在虽然想了解仙气、仙法这一类事项,可直接去接触仙宫却又太过于危险了一些。 Now he also has to walk one step to look at one step. 现在他也只好走一步看一步了。 The old men see the Lin Yue attitude, knows that he has decided that but sighs saying that „, since your opinion has decided that the old man I did not open the mouth to persuade, but you, if really nowhere stopped over, but can also return to imitate mess hall here, how so long as you are willing to make to live slightly, the issue old men of basic necessities of life can help you solve.” 老者看见林越的态度,知道他已经决定下来,只是叹了一口气说道,“既然你意已决,那老夫我也不开口相劝了,不过你要是真的无处落脚,还可以回仿膳堂这里来,只要你肯稍做些咋活,衣食住行的问题老夫都可以帮你解决。” Said these, he reaches out to try to find out the moment the counter, takes out several money to give Lin Yue, young man, these you first takes well, settles oneself, the old man does not use you.” 说完这些,他又向柜台下伸手摸索片刻,取出几枚钱币递给林越,“后生,这些你先拿好,把自己安顿好,老夫不用你还。” Many thanks uncle!” “多谢老伯!” Lin Yue does intentionally said excitedly, simultaneously the split vision shoots a look at to the white hair man. 林越故作激动地说道,同时余光瞥向白发男子那边。 In discovering the opposite party has taken back the vision, after has not continued to observe itself, Lin Yue also relaxes quietly. 在发现对方已经收回目光,并没有继续观察自己后,林越也是悄然松了一口气。
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