IWTOTSDF :: Volume #25

#2481: Foot small town

Does not have dozens breaths, after the northern surname youth raises , a lead(er) of person to reappear before the people. 不出几十息,北姓青年提着一个人的后领重新出现在众人面前。 But middle-aged person who this person just ran away, but his time condition is actually incomparably distressed, is flooding the every large or small scar from top to bottom, does not have together complete place. 而这个人正是刚刚逃走的中年人,只不过他此时的状态却是无比狼狈,浑身上下充斥着大大小小的伤痕,没有一块完好之处。 Forgave me......” “饶了我……” The middle-aged people do not have the beforehand vigor, the complexion to say desperately, does not know just experienced anything in the hand of youth. 中年人早已没了之前的精气神,脸色绝望地说道,不知是刚刚在青年的手中经历了什么。 At this time, another immortal palace disciple said to the youth, „the northern source Senior Brother, how these people do need to process?” 这时,另外一名仙宫弟子对青年说道,“北源师兄,这些人要怎么处理?” Brings back to the immortal palace to interrogate well, that immortal palace disciple who involves must look.” The northern source is telling to the people, own vision shoots a look at to one in ground entraps. “带回仙宫好好审问一番,还有牵扯到的那名仙宫弟子也要找出来。”北源对着众人吩咐道,自己的目光则是瞥向地面上的一处坑陷。 In that earth pit, is burying a thin slice of piece of belt/bring blood, had not been affected in just battle. 那处土坑中,埋着一片带血的薄片,在刚刚的交战中并没有受到波及。 Because the northern source has actually noticed here situation, made the fight place be far away from here specially. 因为北源其实早就注意到了这儿的情况,特意让交手的地点远离了这里。 He just lifted the hand, the thin slice then whiz one flew. 他刚一抬手,薄片便‘嗖’地一下飞了过来。 „Does the courage vigor that you smelled before, originate from this?” “你之前嗅到的血气,是不是来源于这?” That asked small fellow disciple closing one's eyes moment, then nods again and again. 那名被问到的小个子弟子只是闭眼片刻,便连连点头。 Right right, is this flavor.” “没错没错,就是这股味道。” Northern source hears word throws to him the thin slice, which immortal palace disciple goes back to investigate clearly is.” 北源闻言将薄片抛给他,“回去调查清楚是哪位仙宫弟子。” Good!” “好!” Reorganizes a scene simply, the disciples of these immortal palace law enforcement teams then brought to be limited the middle-aged person of ability to act they to depart. 简单地整理一番现场,这些仙宫执法队的弟子便带着已经被限制了行动能力的中年人他们离去。 ...... …… Another side, Lin Yue has not known that one had been solved with his related hidden danger quietly. 另外一边,林越还不知道一场与他有关的隐患已经被悄无声息地解决。 He at this moment had arrived at the foot of the hill, and enters this to seem like also in the somewhat lively town at present. 此刻的他已经来到了山脚下,并进入了眼前这个看起来还有几分热闹的镇子中。 From his sensation, can judge that in surrounding human body not with Sun Ran the same strength, in other words this is a small town of mortal. 从他的感知当中,可以判断出周围的人体内并没有和孙冉一样的力量,也就是说这不过是一个凡人的小镇。 Lin Yue strolled some time on the street, but he actually faces an awkward issue, that is his present penniless, tonight should rest where? 林越在街上闲逛了一段时间,不过他却面临一个尴尬的问题,那就是他如今身无分文,今晚该在何处休憩? Although Lin Yue after killing Sun Ran can definitely plunder his wealth, but own status is sensitive, Lin Yue wants to pretend non-involvement the relations with Sun Ran as soon as possible, how also possibly to take his goods at will. 虽然林越在杀了孙冉之后完全可以搜刮他身上的钱财,可毕竟自己的身份如此敏感,林越想要尽快与孙冉撇清关系,又怎么可能随意拿取他身上的物品。 If there is some immortal law to trace him, to be penny-wise and pound foolish. 万一存在某种仙法可以借此追踪到他,岂不是因小失大了。 However at this moment, Lin Yue was stopped by calling out by a street old man. 然而就在这时,林越被街边一个老者叫住了。 The appearance of old man benign countenance, leans on is asking to Lin Yue on a bamboo chair. 老者的长相慈眉善目,倚靠在一个竹椅上对着林越问道。 Young man, I thought that you walked back and forth several in this, what difficult matter but there is?” “后生,我看你在这来来回回走了好几遍,可是有什么难事?” Although Lin Yue has not studied the language of this world, their words in the Lin Yue ear were actually transformed the meaning that automatically, for can understand, like former Lin Yue these writing that in the test record saw. 虽然林越并没有学习过这个世界的语言,不过他们的话在林越耳中却被自动转化为了可以听懂的意思,就像之前林越在试验记录上看见的那些文字一样。 Response rapidness of how Lin Yue, but the moment then pretended to have an awkward embarrassed appearance to reply, uncle, I just came this place, winding around actually does not know when lost, has not known that tonight can settle down to rest where......” 林越的反应何其之快,只是片刻便假装出了一副为难窘迫的样子回答道,“老伯,我刚来此地,身上的盘缠却不知何时丢失了,还不知今晚能在何处驻足歇息……” Oh...... the black tiger helps these people so, ask your outsiders to start frequently specially, your winding around, most likely (80%) were also suitable for by them!” The old men shake the head, somewhat said indignantly. “唉……黑虎帮那些人经常如此,专门找你们这种外来人下手,你的盘缠啊,八成也是被他们顺走了!”老者摇了摇头,有些气愤地说道。 However he has not waited for Lin Yue to reply, is continues to say. 不过他未等林越回答,便又是继续说道。 „After I look at your , the living person is also good, the words that does not shut out can tonight in my shop on an evening.” “我瞧你这后生人也不错,不嫌弃的话今晚可以在我这店里将就一晚吧。” Lin Yue hears word looked up the eye, old man behind was named imitated mess hall the shop, although was seemingly modestly sized, the flavor that may flutter was actually good. 林越闻言抬头看了眼,老者的身后是一家名为‘仿膳堂’的店铺,虽然看起来规模不大,可从中飘出的味道却是不错。 Lin Yue nods, holds the fist in the other hand saying that also good, that many thanks uncle!” 林越点了点头,抱拳说道,“也好,那就多谢老伯了!” The old men beckon with the hand, get up are walking into the shop with Lin Yue. 老者摆了摆手,起身带着林越走入店中。 At this time the weather is late, in the shop does not have the guest, only then two waiters are still tidying up after the kitchen. 此时天色已晚,店内已经是没有客人了,只有两个伙计还在后厨收拾着。 The old men caressed white Xu, said gently, behind my also has a vacant room, you then can live in that tonight, when waited to sufficiently collect wound around leaves again is not late.” 老者抚了抚白须,慈祥地说道,“我这后面还有间空房,你今晚便可以住在那,等何时凑足了盘缠再离开也不迟。” Afterward he also asked that two waiters the mouth to eat for Lane Lin Yue, although was not the delicacies, but the good and evil was one hot. 随后他又叫那两名伙计为林越了口吃食,虽然不是什么佳肴,但好歹是一口热乎的。 When Lin Yue pretends normal young people to encounter this situation appearance, expressed gratitude grateful repeatedly. 林越装作一名正常年轻人遭遇这种情形时的样子,感激地连声道谢。 After having used the meals, Lin Yue was brought the following vacant room by a partner. 用过膳后,林越被一个伙计带到了后面的空房。 Master heart is friendly, must not exposed to the bystander meet misfortune, usually in acts a lot uses/gives Zhu, but I may probably warn you, if you had several people to mix to eat in our shop like before to mix to drink, is not willing to leave, do not blame my Zhao two to start brutally!” “老爷心善,见不得外人落难,平日里没少出手施助,但我可要警告你,如果你像之前有几个人那样在我们店里混吃混喝,迟迟不愿离开的话,可别怪我赵二下手无情了!” This as if saw this situation named Zhao two waiters, the attitude to Lin Yue was very vigilant, before leaving, has not forgotten to remind his. 这名叫做赵二的伙计似乎见多了这种情况,对林越的态度很是警惕,离开前还不忘提醒了他一番。 Afterward then cold snort/hum turned around to depart. 随后便冷哼了一声转身离去。 Lin Yue not with the meaning that he haggles over, after all looks like from the Zhao two words, the old man is good-hearted, before had also helped others a lot, but in these people have part actually to use his benevolence to deceive to eat to deceive to drink, imitates the partner in mess hall, saw that Lin Yue comes to have this response is also really normal. 林越也没有与他计较的意思,毕竟从赵二的话看来,老者心地善良,以前也没少帮助过其他人,但那些人中有一部分却在利用他的善心来骗吃骗喝,身为仿膳堂的伙计,见到林越前来有这种反应也实属正常。 Enters the room, although a little light stale taste, but the bed reorganizes up and down very cleanly. 进入房间,虽然有一点淡淡的霉味,但床铺上下都整理得很是干净。 Lin Yue sat cross-legged on the bed, starts to think to have the future arrangement. 林越在床榻上盘坐了起来,也开始思索起今后的安排。 The weather is late, Sun Ran corpse estimate already by jungle in wild animal minute/share, but eating, some people had found his head otherwise. 天色已晚,孙冉的尸首估计早已经被丛林内的野兽分而食之了,若不然早已经有人找到了他的头上来。 The trouble of status comes to the end temporarily, the matter that but following Lin Yue must conduct is not simple. 身份的麻烦暂时告一段落,可接下来林越要进行的事情也不简单。 First issue about immortal base, now God King Token memory more than ten immortal bases, but besides the world of the living immortal base, other immortal bases seemed damaged generally , there is nothing to the thought of Lin Yue responds. 首先是关于仙基的问题,如今神王令内存着十多个仙基,可除了阳间仙基外,其余的仙基都仿佛被损坏了一般,对林越的意念没有任何地回应。 But the immortal base of the world of the living, Lin Yue divine conscious, although can enter, but also observes the present situation in the world of the living at a God angle of view merely, is unable to have any influence on it, no one can see him. 而阳间的仙基,林越神念虽然可以进入其中,可也仅仅只是以一个上帝视角来观察阳间的现状,无法对其产生任何影响,也没有人可以看见他。 This is no different than the idea of Lin Yue to be incompatible, therefore he must deeply understand that actually the immortal base is what, why breeds a world? 这无异于林越的想法不符,所以他必须要更加深入地了解仙基究竟是什么,为何孕育出一个世界? If solved these problems, perhaps some day he then can travel between this world and world of the living. 如果解决了这些问题,说不定有朝一日他便可以往返于这个世界和阳间之间。 In addition the issue is puzzling Lin Yue, although enters God King Token after the world of the living immortal base, he has been able to absorb Brilliant Qi to supplement itself slowly, but this method in the world must not exposed to now eventually up in him, was then seen the clue, even produces with person's of related association the arrival. 另外还有一个问题困扰着林越,虽然在阳间仙基进入神王令后,他已经可以从中缓慢地汲取曜气补充自身,可这种手段在他如今所处的世界中终究还是见不得光的,一眼便被人看出端倪,甚至产生与外界降临之人有关的联想。 A duty that therefore Lin Yue must conduct presently is the understanding fairyism and immortal laws as well as a series of related information, best practicing that can quickly grasp the fairyism, covers the Brilliant Qi trace in the cultivation system of this world. 所以林越当前务必要进行的一项任务便是了解仙气、仙法以及一系列相关的信息,最好可以尽快掌握仙气的修行,以这个世界的修炼体系来掩盖曜气的痕迹。
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