IWTOTSDF :: Volume #25

#2480: Law enforcement team

His plan had been looked through! 他的计划早已经被看破了! The complexion of middle-aged person will be pale, wishes one could to shame his fellow to tear to shreds immediately. 中年人的脸色铁青,恨不得立刻将羞辱他的那个家伙碎尸万段。 But he suddenly discovered the status of own opposite party does not know, discussed what retaliation? 可他突然发现自己连对方的身份都不知道,又谈何报复呢? Under his several masters sees that to keep silent, for fear that the middle-aged person short of breath gave vent to indignation with them. 他的几名手下见状噤若寒蝉,生怕中年人气急了拿他们来泄愤。 Damn......” “该死……” The middle-aged person look cursed one gloomy, immediately the opens the mouth puts out wisp of fairyism, plans to stimulate to movement gold/metal Feng the tracking down ability again. 中年人神色阴沉地咒骂了一声,随即张口吐出一缕仙气,打算再一次催动金蜂的追寻能力。 However at this moment, the top of the head of people passed over gently and swiftly suddenly a shadow. 然而就在这时,众人的头顶突然掠过一道黑影。 Bang! 砰! Flutters float to blast open suddenly in the yellow big bee of midair, the flesh and disgusting body fluid fly to scatter horizontally. 振翅悬浮在半空的黄色大蜂突然之间炸裂开,血肉与恶心的体液横飞四溅。 The people also see clearly that shadow that just passed over gently and swiftly, clearly is an arrow arrow that is sending out the cold light, seemingly sharp incomparable! 众人也看清了刚刚掠过的那道黑影,分明是一只散发着冷光的箭矢,看起来锋锐无比! What person!?” “什么人!?” The middle-aged people startled realized instantaneously, he cannot detect an indication unexpectedly ahead of time, then the strength of opposite party could also be imagined. 中年人瞬间惊觉了起来,他居然未能提前察觉到一丝征兆,那么对方的实力也可想而知了。 These words should be I ask you.” “这句话应该是我来问你们。” This group of people excel at rushing to the territory in immortal palace, the whereabouts are so stealthy, looks is not the good person!” “这帮人擅闯仙宫的领地,行迹还如此鬼鬼祟祟,一看就不是什么好人!” Junior Brother said right! The northern Senior Brother, we are about a point to intend them to take, to eliminate future trouble!” “师弟说的没错!北师兄,我们还是快一点出手将他们拿下,以除后患吧!” The disciples of several wear immortal palace legitimate say/way clothing/taking are talking going out after the jungle, seems like had not placed in the eye middle-aged person and the others. 几个穿着仙宫正统道服的弟子从密林后交谈着走出,看起来似乎根本就没有将中年人等人放在眼中。 Immortal palace......!” “仙宫……!” Hears several people of conversations, the middle-aged person pupil shrinks, immediately realized the gravity of matter. 听见几人的交谈,中年人瞳孔一缩,顿时意识到了事情的严重性。 Although he does not place in Sun Ran the eye, but that is because he knows the whole story to Sun Ran, the clear opposite party is researchers of no strength, so long as holds then can no matter what he acted bashful. 虽然他不将孙冉放在眼中,但那是因为他对孙冉知根知底,清楚对方不过是一个没什么实力的研究人员,只要抓住便可以任他拿捏了。 But at present the disciples in these immortal palaces look is not simple, the body even lends being as deep as a well aura, is difficult to be inadequate is the law enforcement team of immortal palace? 但眼前这几个仙宫的弟子一看就不简单,身上甚至散发出一股高深莫测的气息,难不成是仙宫的执法队? He once heard the members of immortal palace law enforcement team, although is the status of immortal palace disciple, but is completely outstanding existence, strength weakest also quite broke through the immortal empty boundary with him. 他曾听闻仙宫执法队的成员虽然都是仙宫弟子的身份,但全部都是其中出类拔萃的存在,实力最弱的也与他相当突破到了仙虚境。 Therefore he before avoided the time of immortal palace law enforcement team patrol specially, but has not thought that was bumped into at the scene. 因此他在来之前特意避开了仙宫执法队巡逻的时间,但没想到还是被当场撞见了。 The middle-aged people do intentionally calmly, goes forward to say with a smile, had once lost goods below nearby this, comes to search for specially, does not want to alarm several you in immortal palace, is really is sorry......!” 中年人故作镇定,上前笑着说道,“在下曾在这附近遗失过一件物品,特意前来搜寻,不想惊扰了仙宫的几位兄台,实在是抱歉……!” Suddenly, the slightly immature sound resounds together. 突然,一道略显稚嫩的声音响起。 „The northern Senior Brother, he is deceiving people!” “北师兄,他在骗人!” Un?” “嗯?” The one who is called the northern Senior Brother is stands before several people most a youth, his look solemn is ordinary like the cold ice, cold intent in pupil is rich is close to change into the essence. 被称为北师兄的是站在几人中最前的一位青年,他神色冷峻如同寒冰一般,眸子里的冷意浓郁得接近化为实质。 He said indifferently, said your real motives, perhaps a way out.” 他冷漠地说道,“说出你们的真实目的,或许还有一条生路。” The middle-aged people hated look at the eye just to speak to see through his small fellow immortal palace disciple, later was saying to the person of frontline, „the northern immortal friend, was not I conceals intentionally, the immortal treasure that but I lost was very precious, does not hope that too many people knew.” 中年人怨恨地看了眼刚刚出言拆穿他的小个子仙宫弟子,随后对着最前方之人说道,“北仙友,不是我故意隐瞒,只是我遗失的这一件仙宝十分贵重,不希望太多人知晓。” His where dares to tell the facts, if makes the disciples of these immortal palace law enforcement teams know that he is having the ideas of these immortal bases, even his dozens lives still insufficiently lose! 他哪里敢实话实说,要是让这些仙宫执法队的弟子知道他在打那些仙基的主意,就算他有几十条命也不够丢的啊! Northern Senior Brother, this fellow lie serial, most likely (80%) will not confess anything, but I smelled a person on one's own side courage vigor flavor from this probably......” “北师兄,这家伙谎话连篇,八成是不会交代什么了,不过我从这附近好像嗅到了一丝自己人血气的味道……” The small fellow disciple finishes speaking, the looks of several other immortal palace disciples changed instantaneously. 小个子弟子话音刚落,其他几名仙宫弟子的神色瞬间发生了变化。 They only think this is common intrusion, has not thought that also involved the disciple in their immortal palace! 原本他们只以为这是一次寻常的闯入事件,没想到还牵扯到了他们仙宫的弟子! After north the surname youth hears these words, on the solemn face also appears to wipe the astonished meaning, immediately the atmosphere in space became heavier. 就连北姓青年听见这番话后,冷峻的脸上也浮现出一抹惊愕之意,随即空间中的气氛变得更加沉重了起来。 Quiet for a long time, the youth said slowly, dares to act to the immortal palace disciple, simply is crazed!” 沉寂许久,青年缓缓说道,“敢对仙宫弟子出手,简直是丧心病狂!” The middle-aged person complexion changes, he feels an intense sense of crisis to drop from the clouds suddenly, hides hastily in the direction of body side. 中年人面色一变,他突然感受到一股强烈的危机感从天而降,连忙向着身侧的方向躲去。 Bang-! 轰-! When the middle-aged person has looked back, discovered the place that oneself were just at has become burned black unexpectedly, sends out the burn the flavor. 当中年人回过头来看的时候,发现自己刚刚所在的地方竟然已经变得一片焦黑,散发出烧焦的味道。 Comes really!?” “来真的!?” The middle-aged people startled and shout angry, simultaneously puts out fairyism hastily, oneself whole body will wrap. 中年人又惊又恼地喊道,同时连忙吐出一口仙气,将自己全身上下包裹起来。 He knows Daoxiangong law enforcement team the strength of member everyone is not weaker than him, naturally does not dare to treat it lightly. 他知道仙宫执法队里的成员每一个人的实力都不比他弱,自然是不敢掉以轻心。 Meanwhile he is also observing all around with the split vision unceasingly, attempted to find the most appropriate escaping route. 同时他还不断用余光观察着四周,企图找到一条最合适的逃跑路线。 As for that several strength might as well his subordinates, this moment middle-aged person could have ignored so many, can only make them meet one's fate with resignation. 至于那几名实力还不如他的手下,此刻中年人已经顾不得那么多,只能让他们听天由命了。 The northern surname youth notices this secretly, the look does not have the mighty waves, but wielded a hand signal lightly, other immortal palace disciples then received the instruction to be common probably, dispersed tacitly, and his these formed potential of the surrounding to the middle-aged person hand/subordinate. 北姓青年注意到这一幕后,神色毫无波澜,只是淡淡挥出了一个手势,身后其他的仙宫弟子便像是接收到了指令一般,非常默契地分散开来,对中年人与他那些手下形成了一个包围之势。 The middle-aged person complexion secretly thought/passage, was not pale wonderful , to continue to tow really to fall in their hands!” 中年人脸色铁青地暗道,“不妙,继续拖下去就真的要落在他们手里了!” He remembered had heard the prestige about immortal palace law enforcement team, cannot help but the whole body trembled, if were really held to be possible not to have a good end by this fellows. 他想起曾经听说过关于仙宫执法队的威名,不由得浑身一颤,要是真被这帮家伙抓住可没有一个好下场。 Thinks of here, the middle-aged person pulled out a porcelain bottle from the bosom, ‚’ fell vigorously on the ground. 想到这里,中年人从怀中掏出了一个瓷瓶,‘啪’地一声大力摔在了地上。 Scoffs- 嗤嗤嗤- The rich white smoke emits from the porcelain bottle of disruption, the flash then sweeps across the audience. 浓郁白烟从碎裂的瓷瓶中冒出,一瞬之间便席卷全场。 The form of middle-aged person also hidden enters, making several immortal palace disciples lose to his field of vision. 中年人的身影也隐入其中,让几名仙宫弟子丢失了对他的视野。 Well? This fellow also grasps this grade of concealment immortal law unexpectedly, some actually meanings......” a somewhat sturdy immortal palace disciple said interestingly, seems like not worried the middle-aged person while will run away from their hands randomly. “咦?这家伙居然还掌握这等隐匿仙法,倒是有些意思……”一名有些壮实的仙宫弟子饶有兴趣地说道,看起来丝毫不担心中年人会趁乱从他们的手中逃走。 But is smelled there is something wrong by that several masters who under the middle-aged person leaves behind, cannot attend to complaining that the middle-aged person did not speak the friendship to drop out them to slide, mixed in the white smoke also to take advantage of this opportunity girl of marriageable age hastily. 而被中年人留下的那几名手下见势不妙,也顾不上抱怨中年人不讲情义抛下他们自己溜了,连忙混入白烟中也想趁此机会桃之夭夭。 But since the immortal palace law enforcement team the prestige remoteness, naturally does not have the means facing this situation. 但仙宫执法队既然威名远扬,面对这种情况自然也不是毫无办法。 Sees only the disciple in that several immortal palaces to stimulate to movement the fairyism, uses mysterious immortal laws baseless, suppresses half person of altitude the range that the white smoke covered unexpectedly. 只见那几名仙宫的弟子纷纷催动仙气,凭空施展出一道道玄妙至极的仙法,竟然将白烟笼罩的范围压制到了半人的高度。 As the matter stands, escapes into the white smoke that several people of form to expose immediately. 这样一来,遁入白烟中那几人的身影顿时暴露出来。 That small fellow immortal palace disciple who the next quarter, opened the mouth before repeatedly waves, from in the air lowers several yellow turbans, that several had looked at that the dumbfounded white clothing person belays completely, formed law of the imprisonment instantaneously! 下一刻,之前频频开口的那个小个子仙宫弟子一挥手,从空中降下几条黄巾,将那几个已经看傻眼的白衣人全部套住,瞬间形成了一道禁锢之法! However after catching these people, he somewhat had doubts looked at around the eye, „did that old fogy who before lied which go?” 不过抓到这些人后,他有些疑惑地看了眼周围,“之前撒谎的那个老家伙去哪了?” Originally, after the white smoke was suppressed, appears in the field merely only then under several masters of middle-aged person, actually does not see his own form. 原来,在白烟被压制之后,出现在场内的仅仅只有中年人的几名手下,却不见他自己的身影。 Waits a minute in this.” “在此稍候。” The northern surname youth seeing that ear moves slightly, the form from has then disappeared same place does not see. 北姓青年见状耳朵微动,身影便已经从原地消失不见。
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