IKTT :: Volume #8

#787: Life Yuncheng lord

Hears the thin man to say the destiny at present, Feng Qi blurted out immediately: 听到眼前骨瘦如柴的男子自称命运,封棋当即脱口而出: „Are you life Yuncheng lord?!” “你是命运城主?!” You as if know me.” Life Yuncheng Lord also seems somewhat surprised. “你似乎认识我。”命运城主也显得有些吃惊。 Two people are dumbfounded at this moment. 两人在此刻大眼瞪小眼。 The Feng Qi itself/Ben thinks that this immortal body is on Pillar God of era, has not actually thought that unexpectedly is the life Yuncheng lord who and he locates an era. 封棋本以为这具不朽之躯是上个纪元的柱神,却没想到竟然是和他同处一个纪元的命运城主。 The life Yuncheng Lord whereabouts, are newly one of the world's biggest unsolved mysteries. 命运城主的去向,是新世界最大的未解之谜之一。 Has not actually thought powerhouse who certainly in the past vanished mystically assigns/life Yuncheng Lord to place in the Pillar God vestige islands unexpectedly. 却没想到当年神秘消失的绝强者命运城主竟然身处柱神遗迹岛屿之内。 At this time his heart has too many doubts to want the life Yuncheng lords to explain, when he wants to ask, assigns/life Yuncheng Lord actually to take the lead to inquire: 此时他内心有太多的疑惑想要命运城主解答,正当他想要开口询问时,命运城主却率先询问道: Your this appearance, a little meaning, I built life Yuncheng , in the past sees has gotten huge windfall wealth the life much, no has the feeling of sudden sudden wealth compared with your appearance.” “你这身打扮,有点意思,当年我建设命运城后见过不少一夜暴富的生命,没一个比你的打扮更有突然暴富的感觉。” Saying, assigns/life the Yuncheng lords to extend the thin arm, moves hangs in the necklace of Feng Qi neck. 说着,命运城主伸出骨瘦如柴的手臂,拨动挂在封棋脖子的项链。 Immediately hangs in five of Feng Qi nape of the neck hangs to fall collides mutually, sends out ding bell sound. 顿时挂在封棋脖颈的五条挂坠相互碰撞,发出“叮铃”声响。 Fierce.” “厉害。” Life Yuncheng Lord stretched out the pinky at this time, expressed the exclamation of innermost feelings to Feng Qi. 命运城主在这时伸出小拇指,向封棋表达自己内心的惊叹。 Feng Qi:...... 封棋:…… This hand signal Feng Qi is actually not strange, is life Yuncheng Lord in the special-purpose hand signal of ethnic group, the general meaning and human give the thumbs-up similarly. 这个手势封棋倒是不陌生,是命运城主所在族群的专用手势,大概意思和人类竖起大拇指相似。 This teasing, was saying obviously he looks like the nouveau riche who a gambling velveted. 这番调侃,显然是在说他像极了一个赌赢钱的暴发户。 But Feng Qi has not pondered this issue. 封棋并没有细想这个问题。 Since saw the life Yuncheng lord, the first matter is finds the way to obtain from his hand obtains to deposit in the bloodstone of life Yuncheng. 既然见到了命运城主,第一件事就是想办法获得从他手里获得存放在命运城的血石。 But has not waited for Feng Qi to ask, saw the life Yuncheng Lord double pupil is gradually atheistic, the vitality in within the body dissipates again. 可还未等封棋开口询问,就看到命运城主的双眸逐渐无神,体内的生机再度消散。 Died?” “死了?” Sees this, Feng Qi pastes the hand immediately in the life Yuncheng Lord chest, within the body the strength of vitality instills into toward the life Yuncheng main body, attempts the fire of continued from above life Yuncheng Lord life. 看到这一幕,封棋当即将手贴在命运城主胸口,体内的气血之力往命运城主体内灌输,试图续上命运城主的生命之火。 But how regardless of him diligently, to assign/life Yuncheng Lord within the body not to ignite the fire of life. 但无论他如何努力,命运城主的体内都没有燃起生命之火。 At this moment, the Narrator sound resounds in his mind: 就在这时,旁白的声音在他的脑海里响起: He has not died, cleans up the memory.】 【他没死,清理内存呢。】 „?” “啊?” He is not you, has remembers in addition to hold infinitely, can disregard the knowledge and information instills into...... me to understand why now actually this fellow can fortunately survive in the Pillar God vestige islands, because it grasped cleaning up to know the Haixin breath the ability, whenever the memory will overload he to enter the cleaning up memory the condition, the condition of the memory overloading is restored by oneself, will not be exploded by the excessive information brace knows the sea.】 【他可不是你,拥有无限记忆加持,可以无视知识与信息的灌输……我现在倒是明白这家伙为何能在柱神遗迹岛屿上幸存了,因为它掌握了一个清理识海信息的能力,每当记忆过载他就会进入清理内存的状态,让自己从记忆过载的状态中恢复,不会被过量的信息撑爆识海。】 Listened to the explanation of Narrator, Feng Qi suddenly. 听了旁白的解释,封棋恍然。 Looks up to sitting cross-legged to sit the life Yuncheng lord before body, in him the calculation feeling is anxious. 抬头望向盘膝坐在身前的命运城主,他内心略感焦急。 He has stayed a lot of time in the Pillar God vestige islands, Little Black will arrive momentarily, he must make the best use of the time to understand more information. 他已经在柱神遗迹岛屿上停留了不少时间,小黑随时都会到来,他必须抓紧时间了解更多情报。 The present life Yuncheng lord, perhaps is an important breach. 眼前的命运城主,或许就是一个重要突破口。 Life Yuncheng Lord the understanding of this Pillar God islands are definitely more than him, after all assigned/life Yuncheng Lord to vanish the glorious years, during this, obviously was stranded in the Pillar God islands. 命运城主对这座柱神岛屿的了解肯定比他多,毕竟命运城主已经消失了悠久的岁月,这期间显然被困在柱神岛屿上。 Unceasing seeking and exploration, assign/life Yuncheng Lord definitely to grasp many important discoveries. 不断的寻找与探索,命运城主肯定掌握有不少重要发现。 And he can affirm, assigns/life the Yuncheng Lord present stage also to have certain relation with life Yuncheng. 并且他能肯定,命运城主现阶段还与命运城有一定的联系。 Previous timeline, assigned/life the Yuncheng Lord voice once to appear in the destiny palace. 上一条时间线,命运城主的声音就曾出现在命运殿里。 Also assigns/life the Yuncheng Lord voice, making the destiny law enforcement group give up among the fight with Little Black. 也正是命运城主的发声,让命运执法团放弃了与小黑之间的战斗。 Therefore assigns/life Yuncheng Lord definitely to know Little Black some secrets. 所以命运城主肯定知晓小黑的部分秘密。 Does to life Yuncheng Lord to clean up the memory at this time, when wakes up is completely the unknown, and big probability needs the long time digestion. 奈何此时命运城主正在清理内存,何时醒来完全是未知数,且大概率需要漫长的时间消化。 After all in the past Mu Yao once was also stranded in the Pillar God vestige islands, the time of but getting out of trouble has not assigned Yuncheng Lord so to be several tens of thousands of years. 毕竟当年慕暚也被曾困于柱神遗迹岛屿,但脱困的时间没有命运城主这般长达数万年之久。 Can imagine, assigns/life the Yuncheng lords to explore the process exception of Pillar God vestige islands to be difficult. 可以想象到,命运城主探索柱神遗迹岛屿的过程异常艰辛。 Basically walks several steps to stop cleaning up to know in the sea to save, then continues, this causes the life Yuncheng Lord whole time to be the cleaning up memory condition. 基本上走几步就得停下来清理识海内存,然后再继续出发,这导致命运城主大部分时间都处在清理内存状态。 His appearance, broke the process of life Yuncheng Lord cleaning up memory a moment ago without doubt, now gives continued from above. 刚才他的出现,无疑是打断了命运城主清理内存的过程,现在又重新给续上了。 If continues here, without doubt is wasting the time. 如果继续等在这里,无疑是在浪费时间。 At this moment, Feng Qi thinks suddenly the miracle goods that oneself carry along, took out a mark of hexagon from the pocket later. 就在这时,封棋忽然想到了自己随身携带的奇迹物品,随后从口袋里取出了一枚六边形的印记。 The name of this miracle goods called soberly. 这枚奇迹物品的名称叫“清醒”。 Can cause the locked goal in any negativity, or the influence of spiritual attack ability returns to the sober condition subconsciously. 可以使被锁定的目标在任何负面情绪,或是精神打击能力的影响下意识回归清醒状态。 Not hesitant, he sobering in activation aims at the life Yuncheng lord it immediately. 没有犹豫,他当即激活手里的清醒将其对准命运城主。 Sees only the miracle to burst out the radiant ray soberly, the release flowing light hits the life Yuncheng lord together, life Yuncheng of deathly stillness condition Lord opened a pupil suddenly. 只见奇迹清醒迸发璀璨光芒,释放一道流光击中命运城主,原本死寂状态的命运城主陡然睁开了眼眸。 Discovers the miracle to be effective, assigns/life Yuncheng Lord to wake up, Feng Qi does not wait for its opens the mouth to inquire hastily: 发现奇迹有效,命运城主已经醒来,封棋不等其开口连忙询问道: „The life Yuncheng lord, I wants you to place the bloodstone fragment in life Yuncheng, I can exchange with you with anything.” “命运城主,我想要你摆放在命运城里的血石碎块,我可以用任何东西与你交换。” Hears these words the life Yuncheng Lord expression to be stunned, does not seem to regained consciousness from the condition of information processing, after being shortly silent, the delay in his eye gradually dissipates, slightly curious looking inquired to Feng Qi: 听到这番话的命运城主表情错愕,似乎还未从信息处理的状态中苏醒,短暂沉默后,他眼里的呆滞逐渐消散,略显好奇的望向封棋询问道: What do you want the bloodstone fragment to make? Also, why you any were not affected here, can your knowledge sea save the infinite information?” “你要血石碎块做什么?还有,你为何在这里不受任何影响,难道你的识海可以存储无限的信息?” Feng Qi wants to explain, but he knows that leaves itself and life Yuncheng Lord time are not many. 封棋想要解释,但他知道留给自己与命运城主的时间不多了。 Will assign the Yuncheng lords to awaken forcefully, but the life Yuncheng Lord knowledge sea has not been cleaned up, quick because knows the sea excessive information to flood into falls into the deep sleep. 强行将命运城主唤醒,但命运城主的识海还未得到清理,很快又会因为识海过量的信息涌入重新陷入沉睡。 His situation is too complex, for a short time could not explain. 他的情况太复杂,一时半会根本解释不清。 I have the infinite memory, does not need to be worried about the information to overload, I need the bloodstone fragment in your hand now.” “我有无限记忆,不需要担心信息过载,我现在需要你手里的血石碎块。” What originally is really capable of infinite memory...... you needing the bloodstone fragment to make?” “原来真有无限记忆能力……不过你需要血石碎块做什么?” Life Yuncheng lord a you really very flamboyant expression, later asks slowly, does not seem anxious. 命运城主一副你果然很牛逼的表情,随后又缓缓开口询问道,丝毫不显得焦急。 Facing the life Yuncheng Lord inquiry, Feng Qi innermost feelings sighed. 面对命运城主的询问,封棋内心一阵叹气。 He suspects that now life Yuncheng Lord gave in the Pillar God vestige islands was dull silly, after all whole time were the memory cleaning up condition, then can act on free will here some time, then returned to clean up to know the sea again the sitting in meditation condition. 他现在怀疑命运城主在柱神遗迹岛屿上给呆傻了,毕竟大部分时间都处在内存清理状态,然后才能在这里自由行动一段时间,然后再次回到清理识海的打坐状态。 Even the anxious temper, still gave to smooth by grinding in the long years. 就算是再急切的性子,也在漫长的岁月里给磨平了。 How long can you also insist?” “你还能坚持多久?” Probably 1 instantly, then on starts to clean up to know a into the sea|nautical mile excessive information as soon as possible, otherwise I was possibly exploded by the excessive information brace know the sea.” “大概一刹时,然后就得尽快开始清理识海里过量的信息,否则我就可能被过量的信息撑爆识海。” One instantly is one of life Yuncheng units of time, refers to 6 minutes 32 seconds. 一刹时是命运城里的时间单位之一,指的是6分钟32秒时间。 Realized also has 6 minutes 32 seconds can exchange, Feng Qi opens the mouth to say immediately: 意识到还有6分32秒的时间可以交流,封棋当即开口道: My ethnic group faced with the challenge, is needing the bloodstone fragment to solve the crisis, my body is hanging the miracle is casual you to select, so long as you can carry off in life Yuncheng to me the jurisdiction of that miracle.” “我的族群正在面临挑战,需要血石碎块才可以解决危机,我身上挂着的奇迹随便你挑,只要你能给我带走命运城里那块奇迹的权限。” What crisis, I am very interested, you say carefully.” “什么危机,我很有兴趣,你仔细讲讲。” Upwarping one leg on the other that the life Yuncheng lords have a relish, you continued, I had the stance that the interest listened to very much. 命运城主饶有兴致的翘起二郎腿,一副你继续说,我很有兴趣听的姿态。 Worthily is the number-one rare and beautiful flowers on rivers and lakes, does not worry...... I to give you to translate his present mood, is I know probably you are very anxious, but should not be first anxious, explained in detail clear/pain exactly had anything, after all your clansman encounters crisis anything, to me seemingly and has no loss.】 【不愧是江湖上的头号奇葩,根本不着急……我给你翻译一下他现在的心情,大概就是我知道你很急,但你先别急,详细讲清楚到底发生了什么,毕竟你的族人遭遇危机什么的,对我而言貌似并没有任何损失。】 You must the deep sleep, I not have the time to explain to you quickly again.” “你很快就要再次沉睡,我没时间跟你解释。” All right, you and others I will regain consciousness to continue to say next time were not good, the information when I will overload cleans up completely, when can 3 demons time exchange with you probably.” “没事,你等我下次苏醒继续讲不就行了,等我将过载的信息完全清理,大概能有三罗刹时的时间与你交流。” When three demons is one of life Yuncheng units of time, when demons refers to for 1 hour 12 minutes, three demons are 3 hours 36 minutes. 三罗刹时是命运城里的时间单位之一,一罗刹时指的是1小时12分,三罗刹便是3小时36分钟时间。 In other words, assigns/life the Yuncheng lords to complete the information processing to have 3 hours 36 minutes activity time each time. 也就是说,每次命运城主完成信息处理都有3小时36分的活动时间。 How long do you clean up memory to need a time?” Helpless Feng Qi the inquiry said. “你清理一次记忆需要多久?”封棋无奈询问道。 Probably in 1 ancient demons about.” “大概在一古罗刹左右。” Hears these words, Feng Qi hates the tooth to be itchy. 听到这番话,封棋恨得牙痒痒。 This does not make fun of people intentionally. 这不存心耍人嘛。 1 ancient demons calculate according to the unit of time of human, probably in 2 years 87 days. 一古罗刹按照人类的时间单位计算,大概在二年87天。 In other words, he needs to wait for more than 2 years of time to wait here to assign/life Yuncheng Lord free activity 3 hours 36 minutes. 也就是说,他需要在这里等待二年多的时间才能等来命运城主自由活动3小时36分。 He did not mind actually the time is too long, so long as can obtain the useful information, let alone 2 years, are 20 years, 200 years he can wait. 他倒是不介意时间太久,只要能够获得有用的信息,别说二年,就是20年,200年他都等得起。 But the issue is, he is willing to wait, black Sir does not want. 可问题在于,他愿意等,黑大爷可不愿意。 How long Little Black could not want to raid, defeated the bone to raise the ash him. 要不了多久小黑就会袭来,将他挫骨扬灰。 Has the possibility of negotiations with anyone, the black Sir person aggressive statement are not only many, to his any opportunity, will not meet swallows. 跟谁都有谈判的可能,唯独黑大爷人狠话不多,不会给他任何机会,见面就是吞噬。 Black Sir makes me pass on to you, when the time comes must see your courageous tiger fist updated version, hopes that you can fire off one set of flow dead again, don't let me down.】 【黑大爷让我转告你,到时候要看到你的勐虎拳升级版,希望你能打完一整套流程再死,别让我失望。】 Feng Qi:...... 封棋:…… At this moment, assigns/life Yuncheng Lord to ask suddenly: 就在这时,命运城主忽然开口询问道: Now can the outside world have what kind of change, the situation may once arrive?” “现在外界可发生了何等变化,大势可曾降临?” Situation has bullied near, the change can with earth-shaking describe that...... was right, you cannot establish the connection with life Yuncheng, why can also inquire me?” “大势已经欺近,外界的变化可以用翻天覆地来形容……对了,你不是能够与命运城建立连接,为何还要询问我?” Facing the life Yuncheng Lord inquiry, Feng Qi cannot bear roll the eyes, thought of the previous timeline bitter experience. 面对命运城主的询问,封棋忍不住翻白眼,想到了上一条时间线的遭遇。 At that time he will assign Yuncheng to regard as the main body to absorb the refuge shelter of miracle, wanted to delay Little Black using the strength of life Yuncheng, has not actually thought that the life Yuncheng lords made noise to stir yellow his plan. 当时他将命运城视为本体吸收奇迹的避难所,想要利用命运城的力量来拖延小黑,却没想到命运城主出声搅黄了他的计划。 Obviously assigns/life Yuncheng Lord, although places the Pillar God vestige islands, is actually also keeping the contact with the outside world. 可见命运城主虽然身处柱神遗迹岛屿,却还与外界还保持着联系。 Hears these words life Yuncheng Lord also seems very surprised: 听到这番话的命运城主也显得十分吃惊: How you know that I also do have the relation with life Yuncheng?!” “你怎么知道我与命运城还有联系?!” What therefore you do hide in want to make in secret?” Feng Qi continues to pursue asks. “所以你躲藏在暗中到底想要做什么?”封棋继续追问道。 „Do I hide? The father cannot go out, had gone out, you think that I am willing to treat here? Each ancient demons I can have the short acting on free will time, most of the time is cleaning up the excessive information in mind, you know how many to go out I made diligently?” “我躲藏?老子要不是出不去,早就出去了,你以为我愿意待在这里?每一古罗刹我才能拥有短暂的自由行动时间,绝大部分时间都在清理脑海里的过量信息,你知道为了出去我做了多少努力?” As for you said that I and life Yuncheng have the relation, truly not wrong, but so-called relation for when cleaning up knows the Haixin breath kills the time, watches splendid gambling in destiny palace with the consciousness.” “至于你说我和命运城还有联系,确实没有错,但所谓的联系只是为了在清理识海信息时打发时间罢了,用意识观看命运殿里的精彩博弈。” Is looking at a face indignation, the life Yuncheng lord of not mincing matter mood, the Feng Qi expression is awkward. 望着一脸愤慨,丝毫不掩饰情绪的命运城主,封棋表情尴尬。 Just like the history said that this fellow was really rare and beautiful flowers. 正如历史所言,这家伙果然是个奇葩。 He also thinks that life Yuncheng Lord plans the layout in secret, has not actually thought the when relation of this fellow and destiny palace for bored watches gambling to kill the time. 他还以为命运城主暗中谋划布局,却没想到这家伙与命运殿的联系只是为了无聊时观看博弈打发时间。 Worthily is you.” “不愧是你。” What worthily is I, your boy had not explained that was what origin...... was right, whether you could help me go out...... “什么不愧是我,你小子还没解释到底是什么来历……对了,你能否帮我出去……。” The words have not said, assigns/life the Yuncheng Lord look gradually the delay, later the fire of life is put out again. 话还未说完,命运城主的眼神逐渐呆滞,随后生命之火再度熄灭。 Feng Qi:...... 封棋:…… Sees this, Feng Qi, helpless sighed. 看到这一幕,封棋无奈叹气。 He knows that this sacrifice line is unable to obey orders in the Yuncheng Lord hand to obtain useful intelligence information obviously. 他知道这条牺牲线显然无法从命运城主手里得到更多有用的情报信息。 But his innermost feelings not discouraged. 但他的内心并未气馁。 The main body stays in the future time is limited, but if was sacrificed the line to enter the Pillar God vestige islands, he will have 15,000 years explored. 本体停留在未来的时间有限,可如果是牺牲线进入柱神遗迹岛屿,他将拥有一万五千年的时间进行探索。 If 15,000 years of insufficient of sacrificial line, that used more sacrifice line time to continue to explore. 如果一条牺牲线上的一万五千年不够,那就用更多的牺牲线时间继续探索。 He believes that wants to oneself enough time, the secret of Pillar God vestige islands to be decoded by him. 他相信只要给自己足够的时间,柱神遗迹岛屿的秘密都会被他破解。 Looks to the life Yuncheng lord of closing eyes deep sleep, Feng Qi no longer disturbs. 望向闭目沉睡的命运城主,封棋不再打扰。 Although the miracle can help him continue soberly to awaken the life Yuncheng lord, but the life Yuncheng Lord knowledge Haixin breath has overloaded, uses to regain consciousness unable to obtain any useful information unceasingly, perhaps will also cause life Yuncheng Lord, because the information overloads consciousness to wither away. 虽然奇迹清醒可以帮助他继续唤醒命运城主,但命运城主的识海信息已经过载,不断地使用苏醒得不到任何有用的情报,或许还会导致命运城主因为信息过载而意识消亡。 The main body strikes to kill the big probability to cancel the life Yuncheng lords. 本体击杀大概率会将命运城主抹去。 This means that he will lose an important message source. 这就意味着他将失去一个重要的情报来源。 The next sacrifice line 15000 years of exploration, he believes that can meet with this big rare and beautiful flowers again, when the time comes some are the opportunity obtains by illegal purchase the information. 下一条牺牲线15000年的探索,他相信会与这个大奇葩再次相遇,到时候有的是机会套取情报。 Wants the bloodstone fragment, dependence life Yuncheng Lord jurisdiction. 想要得到血石碎块,也得依靠命运城主的权限。 Perhaps next timeline you can with carry over the Pillar God islands him as the chip, exchanges the information and bloodstone fragment with him.】 【或许下一条时间线你可以用将他带出柱神岛屿作为筹码,与他交换情报和血石碎块。】 Heroes think alike.” “英雄所见略同。” Feng Qi nodded at this time, later turned around to leave. 封棋在这时点头,随后转身离开。 Then, he decides to continue to explore the Pillar God vestige islands, seeks about the intelligence information that Pillar God leaves behind. 接下来,他决定继续探索柱神遗迹岛屿,寻找更多关于柱神遗留的情报信息。 The time passes in the exploration rapidly, wears is absorbed by the main body at miracle one after another, transforms integrates the talent sequence track as the miracle bead. 时间在探索中飞速流逝,佩戴在身上的奇迹一个接一个地被本体吸收,转化为奇迹珠融入天赋序列轨道。 But these miracles only then miracle goods were included the second talent sequence track, had not appeared includes the miracle of first talent sequence track sufficiently. 但这些奇迹只有一件奇迹物品被列入第二天赋序列轨道,仍没有出现足以列入第一天赋序列轨道的奇迹。 In more than 40 miracle goods of absorption, can with the infinite memory compound miracle miracle growth. 吸收的40余件奇迹物品中,能够与无限记忆并列的奇迹正是奇迹成长。 The process that continues to explore, Feng Qi has not met the memory mark that Pillar God leaves behind again, many spaces that explores the large surface area has collapsed, in the invisible dark material by void was corroded. 继续探索的过程,封棋没有再遇到柱神遗留的记忆印记,探索到的多处空间已经大面积坍塌,被虚空中的无形黑暗物质所腐蚀。 Even some spaces have collapsed thoroughly, form the paint black void vortex. 甚至有些空间已经彻底崩坏,形成漆黑色的虚空漩涡。 Enters this kind of space, Feng Qi will leave decisively, otherwise is very likely to be whirled away by the void vortex, was escorted to does not know where. 进入这类空间,封棋都会果断离开,否则极有可能会被虚空漩涡卷走,被送往不知何处。 The time passes in the exploration rapidly. 时间在探索中飞速流逝。 Then Feng Qi has not obtained the useful intelligence information again. 接下来封棋再也没有得到有用的情报信息。 All miracles when he will carry along absorb completely, his some surprise Little Black have not appeared unexpectedly. 当他将随身携带的所有奇迹全部吸收,他有些诧异小黑竟然还未出现。 This makes him unable to bear the suspicion, perhaps places the Pillar God vestige islands to shield the localization of Little Black to chase down. 这让他忍不住怀疑,或许身处柱神遗迹岛屿可以屏蔽小黑的定位追杀。 But has not waited for him to be happy, hears Narrator is inexpensive the sound to resound in the mind: 可还未等他高兴,就听到旁白贱兮兮的声音在脑海里响起: Do not want is too many, you can suspect other, do not suspect that black Sir firm...... black Sir had come to delivering you went home this matter, hurried to prepare before performance, this black Sir must look at you to fire off one set of complete courageous tiger fist.】 【别想太多,你可以怀疑其他,别怀疑黑大爷对送你回家这件事的坚定……黑大爷已经来了,赶紧做好演出前的准备,这次黑大爷要看你打完一整套完整的勐虎拳。】 Falls along with the Narrator voice, Feng Qi turns head courageous. 伴随着旁白的话音落下,封棋勐地回头。 Sees only the space vault to reappear paints the black space vortex together. 只见所处空间的穹顶处浮现一道漆黑色的空间漩涡。 The body that Little Black atomizes spews out from the vortex. 小黑雾化的身躯从漩涡中喷涌而出。 Little Black of this arrival seemed like touches certain taboos on Pillar God vestige islands, in the process of overcoming an obstacle the strength obtained the obvious increase, in the black fog can see the regular symbol of jump indistinctly. 这次到来的小黑似乎是触碰到了柱神遗迹岛屿上的某些禁忌,闯关的过程中实力得到了明显的增幅,黑雾中隐约能看到跳跃的规则符号。 Not hesitant, Feng Qi exhibited the courageous tiger fist decisively gesture. 没有犹豫,封棋果断摆出了勐虎拳的起手式。 Even if must die without doubt, but does not give up is the brand mark in insistence of his heart. 哪怕必死无疑,但绝不放弃是烙印在他心底的坚持。 Can be victorious is a matter, hits is a different matter. 打不过是一回事,打不打又是另外一回事。 You...... come!” “你……过来啊!”
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