IKTT :: Volume #8

#786: Creates the world guess

The present picture, solved the doubts of Feng Qi innermost feelings. 眼前的画面,解开了封棋内心的一个疑惑。 Mu Yao had once said very remote ten thousand years ago, she said that she seemed like the defect part. 慕暚曾在很久远的万年前说过,她说自己似乎缺失了一部分。 The defect of this part, causing oneself unable to control the new world perfectly. 正是这部分的缺失,导致自己无法完美的掌控新世界。 The present picture confirmed the guess of Mu Yao without doubt, solved his for many years doubts. 眼前的画面无疑证实了慕暚的猜测,也解开了他多年来的疑惑。 Why once he had doubts in the miracle, only then the evolution token was born the self-awareness, but other miracle goods, even if had not had similar situation to 15000 years later today. 曾经他非常疑惑为什么奇迹中只有进化令牌诞生自我意识,但其他奇迹物品纵使到了15000年后的今天都没有出现过类似的情况。 Now he found answered the tuart. 现在他找到了答桉。 Original three are the mysterious form of Pillar God time creates the test piece before Mu Yao, three births also made the mysterious form to creating Mu Yao had the confidence. 原来三尾是柱神时代的神秘身影创造慕暚前的实验品,三尾的诞生也让神秘身影对创造慕暚有了信心。 The birth as for black ink, is more like the Mu Yao twin. 至于墨的诞生,更像是慕暚的双胞胎。 This also explained why Mu Yao thinks oneself are incomplete, because its other half is actually in her eye the biggest opponent: black ink. 这也就解释了为什么慕暚会认为自己不完整,因为它的另一半其实就是她眼里最大的对手:墨。 The picture in mind is still continue broadcast. 脑海里的画面还在继续播放。 Finally the golden color and black part of energy ball stripped mutually, formed two hanging energy balls. 最终能量球的金色与黑色部分相互剥离,形成了两个悬空的能量球。 Left energy ball all over the body dark-red, dissipation scarlet ray, right energy ball golden color, blooming radiant golden light. 左边的能量球通体暗红色,散逸猩红色光芒,右边的能量球金色,绽放璀璨金光。 The mysterious form also called a halt at this time, the weak dependence before stone platform, the mold lake unclear face can see that vaguely wiped the smile to reappear. 神秘身影也在这时停手,虚弱的依靠在石台前,模湖不清的脸庞依稀能看到一抹笑容浮现。 The picture stops suddenly in this time. 画面在此时戛然而止。 The consciousness returns, Feng Qi looks before the body ancient stone platform. 意识回归,封棋望向身前古老的石台。 Here once was the place that Mu Yao and black ink were born, although has known Mu Yao and black ink the consciousness of the miracle being born, but he did not understand reason that the Pillar God time the mysterious form wanted to create the Mu Yao consciousness. 这里曾是慕暚与墨诞生的地方,虽然已经知晓慕暚与墨是从奇迹中诞生的意识,可他不理解柱神时代的神秘身影想要创造慕暚意识的原因。 Narrator, how do you see?” 旁白,你怎么看?” Unifies the beforehand situation, can analyze something actually, perhaps is such a possibility, we now the Pillar God islands, and even the Pillar God islands void world was actually once the Pillar God survival world, their world is defeated with the situation resistance, finally the whole world was swallowed by the endless darkness, forms the void world that we understood, only retained Pillar God islands is not corroded by the darkness.】 【结合之前的情况,倒是能够分析出来一些东西,或许是这么一个可能,我们现在所处的柱神岛屿,乃至柱神岛屿所处的虚空世界其实是曾经柱神生存的世界,它们的世界在与大势对抗中落败,最终整个世界都被无尽的黑暗吞噬,形成了我们理解的虚空世界,只保留了一座柱神岛屿没有受到黑暗侵蚀。】 【When can refer to you open the demon blade line the silver snake empire, finally also only retained islands, the huge influence domain was submerged by the sea water, civilized finally remembers that was deposited in islands that in you discovered.】 【可以参考你开启魔刀线时遇到的银蛇帝国,最终也只保留了一座岛屿,庞大的势力版图都被海水淹没,文明的最后记忆都被存放在了你发现的岛屿上。】 Why must create Mu Yao as for Pillar God, perhaps wants to create a brand-new world to be the opening epoch the goal.】 【至于柱神为何要创造慕暚,或许是想创造一个崭新的世界达到开启新纪元的目的。】 Your meaning is, creates the new world to need with one set of rule to constitute the frame, therefore the Pillar God attempt does build the frame of new world with the miracle?” “你的意思是,创造新世界需要用一套规则来构成框架,所以柱神尝试用奇迹来搭建新世界的框架?” Is uncertain, may be the world frame build to complete, lacks is only similar to the world consciousness of Heavenly Dao, maintains the regular order of new world to be complete through it, quite lets the created world is born under the catalysis of time gradually improves, finally the birth life, becomes a complete world...... perhaps, but this world is Pillar God creates for oneself, but does not know that what reason caused Pillar God not to wait for the world to improve then welcomed the result.】 【不一定,也有可能是世界框架已经搭建完成,唯独缺少类似于天道的世界意识,通过它来维护新世界的规则秩序完整,好让被创造的世界诞生在时间的催化下逐步完善,最终诞生生命,成为一个完整的世界……而这个世界或许是柱神为自己而创造,但不知何种原因导致柱神还未等世界完善便迎来了结局。】 Reasonable.” “有道理。” Lowers the head to look to birth the stone platform of Mu Yao and black ink, Feng Qi decides to continue to go forward, explores more unknown possibilities. 低头望向诞生慕暚与墨的石台,封棋决定继续前进,去探索更多未知的可能。 Bridges over chocks up the region of stone platform, does not know how long, Feng Qi passed through the space barrier again. 跨过摆满石台的区域,不知走了多久,封棋再次穿过空间屏障。 What presents in present is completely different space environments. 呈现在眼前的是完全不同的空间环境。 In this space portrays massive blood-color symbols, is laying aside the portray blood-color node blood trough stage, here environment made Feng Qi think of the spirit beast cultivation room in daybreak city. 这处空间内刻画着大量血色符号,放置着刻画血色节点的血槽台,这里的环境让封棋想到了破晓城里的灵兽培育室。 According to the prompt of Narrator, Feng Qi found the flower petal shape mark in brand mark blood trough. 根据旁白的提示,封棋找到了烙印一处血槽里的花瓣状印记。 Puts out a hand after its contact, immediately massive pictures appear in his mind. 伸手与其接触后,顿时大量画面浮现在他的脑海里。 Emergence in this picture the Pillar God forms of three mysterious mold lakes, in the picture the sunspot was very crowded, but also lacked an corner/horn, causing the picture is not very clear. 这次画面里的出现了三个神秘模湖的柱神身影,画面中黑点十分密集,还缺少了一角,导致画面十分不清晰。 A moment ago the scene and Feng Qi in picture saw complete different. 画面里的场景与封棋刚才看到的完全不同。 Twinkle ray of shatter symbol in memory picture, just like note of beat float in in the air, follows the operation arrangements of three Pillar God forms. 许多破碎的符号在记忆画面里闪烁光芒,宛如跳动的音符悬浮于空中,跟随三名柱神身影的操作排列组合。 This process made Feng Qi think of the blue skin lifeform. 这个过程让封棋想到了蓝皮生物。 The blue skin lifeform also masters similar ability, they can combine the different regular strengths, then condenses a symbol, uses the strength of this symbol revision world. 蓝皮生物也掌握有类似的能力,它们可以组合不同的规则力量,然后凝聚成一个符号,利用这个符号修改天地之力。 This is one type exceeds becomes the boundary of rule, has the ability of temporary change world rule. 这是一种超越自成规则的境界,已经拥有短暂改变世界规则的能力。 Watched process, Feng Qi can only say that is a face compels ignorant. 观看的过程,封棋只能说是一脸懵逼。 Looked like human of Stone Age to watch the modern people to operate the smartphone, can only see is operating, probably was very flamboyant, but concrete was what principle does not have the clue. 就像是石器时代的人类观看现代人操作智能手机,只能看出在操作,好像很牛逼,但具体是什么原理毫无头绪。 At this time an operation of Pillar God caused the curiosity of Feng Qi. 这时柱神的一个操作引起了封棋的好奇。 Sees only a Pillar God form to cut own arm, immediately the golden liquid overflows from the wound place, hangs in the in the air transformation shape. 只见一名柱神身影划开自己的手臂,顿时金色的液体从伤口处溢出,悬于空中变换形态。 Other two Pillar God also extract oneself blood from the body with the same way. 其余两名柱神也用相同的方式将自己的血液从身体里抽出。 Following three Pillar God start the unceasing arrangement symbol, and infiltrates in own blood, immediately the blood changes, from the initial golden change is the blue color, is the black, waits for the color. 接下来三名柱神开始不断排列组合符号,并打入自己的血液里,顿时血液发生变化,从最初的金色变化为蓝色,然后是黑色,等等颜色。 In this process, the blood splits unceasingly dilutes, after quick this side space everywhere is the blood splits the shape. 这个过程中,血液不断分裂稀释,很快这方空间到处都是血液分裂后的形态。 The blood after fission had not stopped changing, condenses different lifeform embryo shape unceasingly, but will be defeated and dispersed finally. 分裂后的血液仍没有停止变化,不断凝聚成各种不同的生物胚胎形状,但最终都会溃散开来。 Saw this, Feng Qi thought of the creation life. 看到这一幕,封棋想到了创造生命。 Creates Mu Yao to create the Heavenly Dao consciousness of new world, the maintenance world revolves normally, but the Pillar God present behavior is more like in the creation life. 创造慕暚是为了创造新世界的天道意识,维护世界正常运转,而柱神现在的行为更像是在创造生命。 It seems like to let the ecology in new world becomes more perfect and diversity, Pillar God wants to create more lives since the new world. 似乎是为了让新世界的生态变得更加完善与多样性,柱神想要创造更多的生命进入新世界。 This made Feng Qi think Mu Yao had said words, she said that human might be extension of Pillar God life. 这让封棋想到了慕暚曾经说过的一番话,她说人类极有可能是柱神生命的延续。 Pillar God uses the life sequence creation life the process, perhaps is Yin Shi of human birth. 柱神利用自己生命序列创造生命的过程,或许就是人类诞生的尹始。 At this moment, the picture stops suddenly. 就在这时,画面戛然而止。 The consciousness returns, Feng Qi looks to the flower petal shape mark in blood trough. 意识回归,封棋望向血槽里的花瓣状印记。 I felt suddenly, these flower petal shapes the pictures of mark record, as if give you to prepare specially, what we definitely know is that Mu Yao and black ink also seek to have been to these flower petal shapes the record mark, but they had not found the clue in these marks, actually grasped you of dream demon talent to read only.】 【我忽然觉得,这些花瓣状的印记记录的画面,似乎专门给你准备的,可以肯定的是慕暚与墨也寻到过这些花瓣状的记录印记,但它们都没有在这些印记上找到线索,却唯独掌握了梦魔天赋的你可以读取。】 Narrator said, in Feng Qi this moment heart thinks. 旁白所说,正是封棋此刻心中所想。 All these seem like prepare for him specially. 这一切都好像是专门为他而准备。 The dream demon lifeform is the first domain lifeform that in the true sense he kills, but he has never seen this kind of domain lifeform in the future years, even similar does not have. 梦魔生物是他杀死的第一只真正意义上的领域生物,但在往后的岁月他从未见过这类领域生物,甚至类似的都没有。 Narrator lost the memory, does not know any domain lifeform, will never direct him to hunt and kill certain domain lifeform, will only give some tips encouragingly. 旁白失去了记忆,不认识任何领域生物,也从不会指挥他去猎杀某些领域生物,只会勉为其难的给些小提示。 Throughout is Buddha hits the stance of worker, very would rather not work. 始终都是佛系打工人的姿态,十分不情愿干活。 But meets the dream demon beast time, Narrator wants him to initiate an attack the dream demon beast for the first time kills. 但遇到梦魔兽的时候,旁白第一次要他主动出击将梦魔兽杀死。 Narrator, why did you want me to kill the dream demon beast initially?” 旁白,你当初为什么要我杀梦魔兽?” Also, how you know that only spherical domain lifeform the name was called the dream demon beast, didn't you lose the memory?” “还有,你怎么知道那只球状的领域生物的名字叫梦魔兽,你不是失去了记忆?” 【It is not clear, at that time had the intense impulsion to hope that you strike to kill, why as for blurted out that the name of that domain lifeform, I am not clear, as if knows that it called the dream demon beast.】 【不清楚,当时就有强烈的冲动希望你去击杀,至于为什么脱口而出那只领域生物的名字,我也不清楚,就似乎知道它就叫梦魔兽。】 Really, on your boy has the big secret, perhaps you are room that Pillar God stays behind.” “果然,你小子身上藏有大秘密,或许你是柱神留下的伏笔。” Has a possibility, I am lose the memory Pillar God.】 【有没有一种可能,我就是失去记忆的柱神。】 Has the possibility.” “有可能。” Has not investigated carefully this issue, Feng Qi that the consciousness returns to continues to the front searches. 没有细究这个问题,意识回归的封棋继续向前方探去。 A search in this space, he had not found other useful clues the thing, can only continue to go forward. 在这座空间里一番搜寻,他并未找到有其他有用线索的事物,只能继续前进。 Brings to the curiosity of Pillar God islands, Feng Qi to bridge over space barriers. 带着对柱神岛屿的好奇,封棋跨过一座座空间屏障。 Most things on this islands have vanished, the trace that under the corrosion of time remains piece together any useful clue radically insufficient. 只是这座岛屿上的大部分事物都已经在时间的腐蚀下消失,残留下来的痕迹根本不足拼凑出任何有用的线索。 But this islands, making Feng Qi think of the domain world. 而这座岛屿,让封棋想到了领域世界。 In the domain world has not fused before the world, the environment and Pillar God of islands domain world are very similar, was divided into the microcosm and level world. 在领域世界还未与人类世界融合前,领域世界的环境和柱神岛屿十分相似,被分为小世界和层世界。 Each world looks like the different spaces on Pillar God islands, was isolated by the energy barrier. 各个世界就像是柱神岛屿上的不同空间,被能量屏障所隔离。 This as if verified the Narrator beforehand guess, this islands look like Pillar God to create the simulation field before new world, constructed the new world embryonic form that wanted to create. 这似乎印证了旁白之前的猜测,这座岛屿就像是柱神创造新世界前的模拟场,构建出了想要创造的新世界雏形。 Perhaps after is Pillar God dies, the consciousness of Mu Yao and black ink has not regained consciousness, the time catalysis next two different energies were split two world. 或许是柱神死后,慕暚与墨的意识都还未苏醒,时间催化下两种不同的能量被分割成两个世界。 Also is the world and domain world. 也就是人类世界与领域世界。 These two world are essentially incomplete, represents Sun and black ink months of these two world core sources is also so. 本质上这两个世界都不完整,代表这两个世界核心本源的太阳与墨月也是如此。 black ink turned into a mascot, is unable to control the domain world that is, Mu Yao has the control to world not to have the creativity and execution of black ink. 墨变成了一个吉祥物,无法掌控所在的领域世界,慕暚拥有对世界的掌控却没有墨的创造力与执行力。 This was separated from the Pillar God initial tentative plan obviously. 这显然脱离了柱神最初的设想。 Now the answering tuart of Mu Yao defect part is clear, the Feng Qi next timeline development plan needs to plan. 现在慕暚缺失部分的答桉已经清晰,封棋原本下一条时间线发展计划需要重新规划。 In his tentative plan, finally the war is key one step that the person clan rises. 原本在他的设想中,最终战是人族崛起的关键一步。 It looks like the quiet cinema city Lord novice gift parcel on beforehand timeline, the war income can raise the development speed of person clan substantially. 就像是之前时间线上的幽影城主新手礼包,战争收益可以显着提升人族的发展速度。 But looking back now, he cannot move black ink. 但现在看来,他不能动墨。 Sun and black ink moon/month fuse the new world to be complete, he has the reason to believe, truly perfect world the spiritual energy that between the speed or the world that the resources are born are full, will obtain several times, even is dozens times of increases. 太阳与墨月融合新世界才能完整,他有理由相信,真正完美的世界无论是资源诞生的速度还是天地间充盈的灵气,都会获得数倍,甚至是数十倍的增幅。 This increase will give the new world to bring the brand-new growth environment. 这个增幅将给新世界带来崭新的成长环境。 Also is various entire world clans will welcome the strengthening in entire aspect, the land of the world becomes more bountiful, delivers more development resources. 也就是全世界各族都将迎来全方面的强化,世界各地的土地都将变得更加富饶,产出更多的发展资源。 By 15,000 years later today, all -round strengths of various clans could promote several scales. 到了一万五千年后的今天,各族的综合实力或许能够提升数个档次。 If black ink is willing to stand with Mu Yao the person clan like that the person the clan will become the strongest influence that the new world deserves. 如果墨愿意和慕暚那般站在人族这边,人族将成为新世界当之无愧的最强势力。 Is willing to cooperate as for black ink...... is not willing also to want. 至于墨愿不愿意合作……不愿意也得愿意。 The initial steps of sacrifice line, had no way to look for black ink to negotiate, after all that time person clan was emaciated, even the ratio was inferior to many middle-grade influences. 牺牲线的起步阶段,没法找墨谈判,毕竟那时候的人族羸弱,甚至比不如许多中等势力。 At this time negotiated is very difficult to have the initiative, even black ink is willing to cooperate will still harbor the wishful thinking. 这个时候谈判很难掌握主动权,即使墨愿意合作也会怀有小心思。 Perhaps will revise the layout plan that fights finally, starts an unexpected new plan. 说不定会修改最终战的布局计划,开启一个意料之外的新计划。 Therefore the best time of next timeline negotiations is powerful when the person clan enough, can grind the collapsing moon/month influence, at that time the initiative will completely grasp in person clan. 所以下一条时间线谈判的最佳时间是在人族足够强大,可以碾压墨月势力时,那时候主动权将完全掌握在人族手里。 Had not pondered that this issue, Feng Qi focuses on the way forward , to continue to explore about the person clan, and even the secret of new world. 没有细想这个问题,封棋将注意力集中在前进的道路,继续探索关于人族,乃至新世界的秘密。 In this period he discovered the spatial structure and destiny palace of life Yuncheng on Lord design Pillar God islands is very similar. 期间他发现柱神岛屿上的空间结构与命运城主设计的命运殿十分相似。 The space is the motion condition momentarily. 空间随时都处在移动状态。 After he attempts to bridge over together the space barrier turns back, finally discovered that entered one unexpectedly before the completely different spaces. 他尝试跨过一道空间壁垒后折返,结果发现竟然进入了一个与之前完全不一样的空间。 Also Mu Yao will lose no wonder initially here. 也难怪当初慕暚会在这里迷失。 Now he has also lost in the vestige space, at all is not possible to seek for again the road. 现在他也已经迷失在了遗迹空间里,根本不可能再找寻到回去的路。 If must go out, can only continue to explore unceasingly, perhaps the luck good to return to the zero point. 如果要出去,只能不断的继续探索,或许运气好能回到原点。 Don't be upset , to continue to explore on the line, black Sir will raise the chopper to come to deliver the return service...... to remember personally to the high praise!】 【不要慌,继续探索就行,黑大爷会提着砍刀亲自上门送回归服务……记得给个好评!】 Feng Qi:...... 封棋:…… Disregards complaining of Narrator, bridges over the invisible space barrier again, what presents in his present is one piece is full of the lustrous color space. 无视旁白的吐槽,再次跨过无形的空间屏障,呈现在他眼前的是一片充满绚丽色彩的空间。 Various color energy objects not, as time by peaceful, still float in this space. 各种颜色的能量物体并未随着时间被澹化,仍悬浮在这座空间里。 Here also leaves leeway the memory mark, 2 o'clock directions!】 【这里也留有记忆印记,二点钟方向!】 Hears the prompt of Narrator, Feng Qi walks toward the goal place immediately. 听到旁白的提示,封棋当即朝目标地点走去。 Soon, he stood before a scarlet red energy platform. 不多时,他站在了一座赤红色的能量平台前。 The instance that just stood, the platform above hanging red square energy body launched fast, the energy flooded into the platform unceasingly, was centered on Feng Qi red energy formation to launch slowly. 刚站上去的瞬间,平台上方悬空的赤色正方形能量体快速展开,能量不断涌入平台,以封棋为中心赤色的能量阵法徐徐展开。 But formation outlined completely, stops suddenly, loses the energy the square energy body also to drop. 阵法勾勒完全,就戛然而止,失去能量的正方形的能量体也随之跌落。 Obviously the time has made the energy of mysterious component border on to dry up, his appearance looks like runs over the camel the last straw, the energy of only saving exhausts thoroughly. 可见时间早已让神秘器件的能量濒临枯竭,他的出现就像是压死骆驼的最后一根稻草,将仅存的能量彻底耗尽。 The gorgeous colored fast dissipation centered on him, the float energy body removes the color to drop in abundance on the ground. 绚丽的彩色以他为中心快速消散,悬浮的能量体纷纷褪去颜色跌落在地上。 But the line of sight of Feng Qi actually focuses in the under foot platform the flower petal shape mark of brand mark. 封棋的视线却聚焦在脚下平台上烙印的一道花瓣状印记。 The squatting lower part of the body, he hand according to the flower petal shape mark, the flower petal shape mark blooming radiant ray, the dream demon talent in within the body also activated immediately. 蹲下身,他将手按在了花瓣状印记上,顿时花瓣状印记绽放璀璨光芒,体内的梦魔天赋也随之激活。 The brand-new picture appears in the Feng Qi mind. 崭新的画面在封棋的脑海里浮现。 In the picture the innumerable immature seed floats in the in the air, careful observation can find that in each seed really has the embryo outline of life. 画面中无数幼小的种子漂浮在空中,仔细观察能发现每一颗种子里竟然都有生命的胚胎轮廓。 The innumerable energy silk thread and space vault is connected, instills into the life energy to give the life embryo unceasingly. 无数能量丝线与空间的穹顶相连,不断灌输生命能量给生命胚胎。 But took a fast look around, Feng Qi had not seen with the human similar life embryo structure. 但扫视了一圈,封棋并未看到与人类相似的生命胚胎结构。 The memory picture of this read is very short, does not wait for the Feng Qi careful research, the picture in mind to be defeated and dispersed suddenly. 这次读取的记忆画面十分短暂,不等封棋仔细研究,脑海里的画面忽然溃散。 After consciousness return, Feng Qi has not hesitated , to continue to go forward. 意识回归后,封棋没有迟疑,继续前进。 Walked not far, Feng Qi halts suddenly. 才走了没多远,封棋忽然止步。 Sees only by the blue platform in not far away, sits cross-legged to sit together the thin form, the long years seized the flesh in his body, are only left over skinny, have not actually erased the trace that he has. 只见不远处的一座蓝色平台旁,盘膝坐着一道骨瘦如柴的身影,漫长的岁月夺走了他躯体里的血肉,只剩下皮包骨头,却并没有抹去他存在的痕迹。 Arrives at this form advance party to decide, Feng Qi careful observation. 来到这座身影前站定,封棋仔细观察。 On his not clear century distance now, how long passes. 他不清楚上一个世纪距离现在,到底过去了多久。 Perhaps is 100,000 years, perhaps is 1 million years, possibly is remote years. 或许是十万年,或许是百万年,也可能是更久远的岁月。 This form obviously is Pillar God, although the consciousness withers away, the flesh is also on the wane, but his body actually spans the corrosion of time to remain now. 这道身影显然就是柱神,虽然意识消亡,血肉也已经凋零,但他的躯体却跨越了时间的腐蚀留到现在。 Obviously powerful of this body, may be called immortal. 可见这具身体之强悍,堪称不朽。 „Is this Pillar God?” “这就是柱神吗?” Looks at carefully the losing plant form that sits cross-legged to sit carefully, he thinks that Pillar God can be the great physique, but seems like might as well the crack day god to compel the standard. 仔细端详盘膝而坐的枯死身影,他本以为柱神会是何等伟岸的身姿,但看起来似乎还不如裂天神主有逼格。 But in Feng Qi wants to put out a hand to touch the Pillar God body, sits cross-legged the form that sits actually to open the eye suddenly. 可就在封棋想要伸手触碰柱神的身躯时,盘膝而坐的身影却陡然睁开了眼睛。 Double pupil looking at each other, in two people looks appears simultaneously stunned, surprised, doubts, waits for the mood. 双眸对视,两人的眼神中同时浮现错愕、惊讶、疑惑,等等情绪。 Who!” “谁!” Feng Qi retroceded one step, inquired subconsciously. 封棋后退了一步,下意识地询问道。 The thin form swayed from side to side the body at this time, immediately the body sends out to stir-fry the bean sound, later breathes a sigh of relief long, looks opens the mouth to say with the hoarse sound to Feng Qi: 骨瘦如柴的身影这时扭动身躯,顿时身体发出爆炒豆子般的声响,随后长舒了一口气,望向封棋用沙哑的声音开口道: My famous destiny, who are you?!” “吾名命运,你又是谁?!”
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