IKTT :: Volume #8

#785: Pillar God vestige islands

The body across that moment of paint black crack, Feng Qi felt suddenly own consciousness is lax. 身体穿过漆黑色裂纹的那一刻,封棋忽然感觉到自己的意识正在涣散。 Lowers the head to look to the body, he discovered that own oneself flesh is decomposing. 低头望向躯体,他发现自己自己的血肉正在分解。 It looks like one suffering the years baptism models weakly, changes to the dust sand to diverge in the strong winds with the wind. 就像是一座饱经岁月洗礼的凋塑,在狂风中化作尘沙随风散去。 Before the decision ended in this manner, the person clan members who Feng Qi some guess, perhaps in the bloodlines had once hidden the regular strength can also likely the blue skin lifeform like that the free activity in another world. 决定以这种方式结束前,封棋曾有过一个猜测,或许血脉中潜藏有规则力量的人族成员也可以像蓝皮生物那般在另一个世界里自由活动。 But looking back now, this guess is without doubt wrong. 但现在看来,这个猜测无疑是错误的。 Still flutters in the body of dissipation to the endless darkness, Feng Qi opens the eye to look diligently to the paint black end, attempts truth that sees clearly the situation to arrive. 还在消散的躯体飘向无尽的黑暗,封棋努力睁开眼睛望向漆黑色尽头,试图看清大势降临的真相。 But at present the endless darkness is turning wells up, cannot see anything besides black. 但眼前只有无尽的黑暗在翻涌,看不到除了黑色以外的任何东西。 But in Feng Qi has been ready that the main body arrives, he felt that weak resistance raids, later the body seemed like across some invisible impediment, the resistance vanished instantaneously. 可就在封棋已经做好本体降临的准备时,他感觉到一股微弱的阻力袭来,随后身体像是穿过了某种无形的阻隔,阻力瞬间消失。 The front was still the endless darkness, but in darkness he saw picture that incomparably shocked. 前方仍是无尽的黑暗,但在黑暗中他看到了无比震撼的画面。 The bead that sends out the dim colored halo innumerably was painted the tentacle suspension that the black wriggles in the wide and open darkness, the internal scene of each bead is various, they look like the collection to be collected in this paint black world, was held appreciatively by the master of tentacle. 无数散发朦胧彩色光晕的珠子被漆黑色蠕动的触手悬吊于广袤无垠的黑暗,每一颗珠子的内部场景各不相同,它们就像是收藏品被珍藏于这座漆黑色世界,被触手的主人所把玩。 Here each bead, represented a radiant world. 这里的每一颗珠子,都代表了一个璀璨的世界。 Shock that being hard word stated turned in the Feng Qi innermost feelings wells up. 难以言述的震撼在封棋内心翻涌。 Present as if confirmed guess that the past holy spirit clan gave, was the world cultivation field theory. 眼前的一幕似乎证实了当年圣灵族给出的猜测,也就是世界养殖场论。 But this picture is more fearful than the guess of holy spirit clan. 但这幅画面远比圣灵族的猜测还要可怕。 In this paint black world medium, is similar to new world same existence innumerably. 在这漆黑色的世界中里,还有无数类似于新世界一样的存在。 Perhaps the new world is only a breeding farm. 或许新世界只是其中的一个养殖场。 As for the master of paint black tentacle, even if he tries hard to open eyes to look, could not see clearly the huge body of concealment in darkness. 至于漆黑色的触手的主人,即使他努力睁眼去看,仍看不清隐匿于黑暗中的庞然之躯。 This is compared with any super lifeform wants fearful existence, the body unable to the entire new world huge the situation of carrying/sustaining. 这是远比任何超级生物都要可怕的存在,躯体已经庞大到整个新世界都无法承载的地步。 The fast ablation of body in the darkness, the consciousness is gradually quiet, but the present picture actually frames in the Feng Qi memory. 身体在黑暗中快速消融,意识逐渐沉寂,但眼前的画面却在封棋的记忆里定格。 ...... …… When Feng Qi opens eyes again, discovered oneself are placing in a breeding farm. 封棋再次睁开眼,发现自己正身处一座养殖场里。 The land of under foot once was the Star City ruins, but after the daybreak city opened the fourth phase of construction project is planned as the culture zone. 脚下的土地曾是星城废墟,但在破晓城开启第四期建设工程后就被规划为养殖区。 Daybreak the city resident edible spirit beast, is from this region. 破晓城居民食用的灵兽,都是产自这片区域。 The land of under foot was covered with the green grass, the distant place can also see that the innumerable spirit beasts are running. 脚下的土地长满了绿草,远处还能看到有无数灵兽在奔跑。 The line of sight looks into the distance, can see that the energy barrier divided the different regions this side world, environment in each region was various. 视线眺望远方,能看到能量屏障将这方天地分割成了不同的区域,每一块区域里的环境各不相同。 Has the culture zone of the world of ice and snow, there is a culture zone that the black fog winds around...... the culture zone through the energy barrier isolation different environment, creation more adaptive different spirit beast habitual cultivation environment. 有冰天雪地的养殖区,也有黑雾缭绕的养殖区……养殖区通过能量屏障隔绝不同的环境,创造更适配不同灵兽习性的养殖环境。 Recalled picture that in the darkness sees, Feng Qi was silent. 回想黑暗中看到的画面,封棋沉默了。 He realized what suddenly must contend is fearful existence. 他忽然意识到要抗衡的是何等可怕的存在。 But the heart deep place, he did not have the idea that must give up slightly. 但内心深处,他仍没有丝毫要放弃的想法。 At this moment, backdrop energy barrier tearing, several forms change to the flowing light toward his lasing. 就在这时,天幕能量屏障撕裂,数道身影化作流光朝他激射而来。 to seal/confer!” “封老!” After is the soldier of head falls to the ground, respectfully toward the Feng Qi nod expresses best wishes, the miracle goods that later will carry along submit. 为首的战士落地后,恭敬地朝封棋点头致意,随后将随身携带的奇迹物品递交。 Other soldiers will also carry the miracle that comes to give Feng Qi. 其余战士也都纷纷将携带而来的奇迹交给封棋 Received the miracle, Feng Qi starts to dress. 接过奇迹,封棋开始穿戴。 Because the miracle is unable to be received the space item, or the space item is unable the rule of carrying/sustaining miracle, therefore can only carry along. 由于奇迹无法被收入空间道具,或者说空间道具无法承载奇迹的规则,所以只能随身携带。 Altogether 48 miracle goods clothing finished, on the Feng Qi neck hung five. 一共48件奇迹物品穿戴完毕,封棋脖子上就挂了五件。 Now only waits the main body miracle to absorb, this timeline effort can be the end. 现在只待本体奇迹吸收,这条时间线的努力就可以画上句号。 【, You do not have a more important matter to go to do!】 【不,你还有更重要的事去要去做!】 At this moment, cheap the familiar sound resounds in the mind. 就在这时,贱兮兮的熟悉声音在脑海里响起。 15,000 years later gathers again, Feng Qi only felt this cheap the sound is very kind. 一万五千年后的再次相聚,封棋只觉得这个贱兮兮的声音无比亲切。 I know.” “我知道。” Feng Qi held the space to jump at this time, immediately the side reappearing quiet blue color vortex, during revolving tore the space channel. 封棋在这时抓住空间跳跃,顿时身旁浮现幽蓝色漩涡,旋转间撕裂出空间通道。 The farewell comes to deliver several promising youth of miracle, Feng Qi arrives at the void world across the space channel. 告别前来送奇迹的几名后起之秀,封棋穿过空间通道降临虚空世界。 The terrifying void corrosion material is everywhere, corrodes his body. 恐怖的虚空腐蚀物质无处不在,侵蚀他的身体。 In such environment, the time can destroy to be possible be called the immortal thing. 在这样的环境里,时间能够摧毁一切堪称不朽的事物。 According to the information that Mu Yao supplied in the past, Feng Qi holds up the space to jump again, after tearing the space, turns toward the direction that the Pillar God vestige islands are. 按照慕暚当年提供的信息,封棋再次举起空间跳跃,撕裂空间后向着柱神遗迹岛屿所在的方向出发。 Seemed like the time to make the coordinates go wrong, several times after space jump attempt, Feng Qi at present finally presents huge hanging islands. 似乎是时间让坐标出现了偏差,数次空间跳跃尝试后,封棋的眼前终于出现一座庞大的悬空岛屿。 This islands as if with fuse together void, does not have any ray shines can actually in void clearly discernible. 这座岛屿仿佛与虚空融为一体,没有任何光线照耀却能在虚空中清晰可见。 He stares carefully, actually cannot see clearly in the islands to have anything. 他仔细凝视,却看不清岛屿上到底有什么。 The entire islands were twisted by the invisible strength, is unable to reflect in the line of sight, can only see the outline of islands mold lake. 整座岛屿被无形的力量扭曲,无法倒映在视线里,只能看到岛屿模湖的轮廓。 Not hesitant, Feng Qi is close toward the Pillar God vestige islands. 没有犹豫,封棋向着柱神遗迹岛屿接近。 Enters the instance of Pillar God islands, at present some innumerable incomplete pictures are beating, non-stop switching over just like the slide. 进入柱神岛屿的瞬间,眼前有无数残缺的画面在跳动,宛如幻灯片般不停切换。 Meanwhile, the innumerable complex symbols turn in the mind well up. 与此同时,无数复杂的符号在脑海里翻涌。 Is good has grasped the infinite memory because of him, the huge information content floods into has not brought the memory burden to him. 好在他已经掌握有无限记忆,庞大信息量涌入并未给他带来记忆负担。 The memory light vessel has crossed Mt. Wanzhong, the puzzle that the information measuring tape comes has become past tense. 记忆轻舟已过万重山,信息量带来的困扰早已成为过去式。 The both feet falls to the ground, Feng Qi starts to size up the present scene. 双脚落地,封棋开始打量眼前的景象。 The innumerable colored dense mist encirclements cover this region, he can only see the regions within nearby three meters. 无数彩色氤氲雾气环绕笼罩这片区域,他只能够看到附近三米内的区域。 The under foot does not know ground that what material builds, above has the tiny pit that void corrodes all the year round leaves behind, but also portrays many have never been seeing various symbols, is the years traces left by time of old era to head on. 脚下是不知何种材料打造的地面,上面有虚空长年腐蚀留下的细小凹坑,还刻画着许多从未见过的各种符号,属于旧纪元的岁月沧桑感扑面而来。 Narrator, explores the way!” 旁白,探路!” Although had passed for 15,000 years, but under the infinite memory he achieved the perfect control to oneself memory. 虽然已经过去了一万五千年,但无限记忆下他对自己的记忆达到了完美掌控。 He still remembers that clearly Narrator has ability that sees clearly the sensation. 他还清楚记得旁白具有洞察感知的能力。 I am helpless, this side space seemed to be cut the different microcosms, my seeing clearly ability is unable to go to the scene in sensation another microcosm across the barrier of microcosm.】 【恕我无能为力,这方空间似乎被切割成了不同的小世界,我的洞察能力无法穿过小世界的壁垒去感知另一个小世界里的景象。】 Hears this reply, Feng Qi felt regret at the same time, immediately starts to start to explore. 听到这番回答,封棋感到遗憾的同时,当即启程开始探索。 About this Pillar God vestige islands, Mu Yao had once had the description. 关于这座柱神遗迹岛屿,慕暚曾有过描述。 The environment in islands is very complex, every step must lead the way cautiously, possibly loses in inside momentarily. 岛屿内的环境十分复杂,每一步都必须小心翼翼前行,随时都可能在里面迷失。 In the past Mu Yao in exploring the process of Pillar God vestige islands lost the direction, road that could not find. 当年慕暚就是在探索柱神遗迹岛屿的过程里迷失了方向,始终找不到回去的路。 When Mu Yao successfully leaves the Pillar God islands, black ink already layout good future plan. 慕暚成功离开柱神岛屿时,墨早已布局好了未来的计划。 But Feng Qi is not worried to become lost here. 封棋并不担心在这里迷路。 Come time, he has not planned to go back, and big probability is Little Black sends back. 来的时候,他就没打算回去,且大概率是小黑送回去。 Has not chased down to come while Little Black, he decides to explore the Pillar God vestige islands well, seeks clue that on an era leaves behind. 趁着小黑还未追杀而来,他决定好好探索柱神遗迹岛屿,寻找上一个纪元留下的线索。 The shuttle in the colored dense mist, Feng Qi goes forward gradually, does not let off any possibly to relate to the world truth the clue. 穿梭于彩色氤氲雾气之中,封棋缓步前进,不放过任何可能关系到世界真相的线索。 In the space that he is at besides the colored mist, stands and waits for a long time along the way is corroded the serious break stone column void, the dissipation is the aura of desolate ancient years alone, symbol on each stone column has become the mold lake, even if the eye of truth is unable to explain the mold lake unclear symbol. 他所在的这处空间里除了彩色雾气,沿途还伫立着许多被虚空腐蚀严重的断裂石柱,散逸着独属于荒古岁月的气息,每一根石柱上的符号都已经变得模湖,纵使是真理之眼也无法解读模湖不清的符号。 Here all things suffer the years baptism. 这里的一切事物都饱经岁月洗礼。 Does not know how long to go forward, Feng Qi feels the body suddenly by an intense resistance limit. 不知前进了多久,封棋忽然感觉到身体被一股强烈的阻力限制。 The body makes an effort slightly, he across invisible space impediment, what presents in present is the deathly stillness world. 身体稍微用劲,他穿过无形的空间阻隔,呈现在眼前的是死寂般的世界。 The withered towering giant tree stands tall and erect, the white silk thread of taking the form of spider's silk covers this side space the sky , without the blocking of colored mist, the line of sight to suddenly see the light. 已经枯萎的参天巨木高耸,形似蛛丝的白色丝线笼罩这方空间的天空,没有彩色雾气的遮挡,视线豁然开朗。 On the giant tree portrays many already the symbol that breaks, the external skin large surface area falls off. 巨木上刻画着许多已经断裂的符号,表皮大面积脱落。 Actuates the analysis ability of eye of truth, the shatter character heaves in sight. 驱动真理之眼的解析能力,破碎的字符映入眼帘。 The blue color...... the corrosion...... the vision...... spells to crowd together dozens characters, the explanation of Feng Qi is: 蓝色……腐蚀……目光……将数十个字符拼凑在一起,封棋的解读是: The blue color will follow anything, corrodes its vision institute and place. 蓝色会跟随什么,腐蚀它的目光所及之处。 Here blue color as if refers to the blue skin lifeform, but Feng Qi is unable to affirm own guess. 这里的蓝色似乎指的是蓝皮生物,但封棋无法肯定自己的猜测。 Massive characters have vanished, is unable to piece together a complete description. 大量字符已经消失,根本无法拼凑出一句完整的描述。 The squatting lower part of the body grasps sandy soil, here soil had lost the intelligence material, but unlike the soil of new world completely. 蹲下身抓起一把沙土,这里的泥土已经失去了灵性物质,但与新世界的泥土完全不同。 Stands up again, his line of sight sweeps to the front. 再次站起身,他的视线扫向前方。 Here does not have the path, four directions can go forward, Feng Qi choice position forward continues. 这里没有道路,四个方向都可以前进,封棋选择向前的方位继续出发。 Is standing and waiting for a long time along the way the decayed giant tree, has not actually preserved any construction. 沿途伫立着腐朽的巨木,却没有保留任何建筑。 The process of exploration, the Feng Qi innermost feelings filled with the anticipation. 探索的过程,封棋内心充满了期待。 Although has no discovery temporarily, but Mu Yao and black ink had once had many major discoveries here. 虽然暂时没有任何发现,但慕暚与墨却曾在这里有过许多重大发现。 For example the temple and scarlet rune/symbol of writing Jingshi, Little Black Pillar God time...... the person clan possibly is the guess clue that the Pillar God life continues also came from this mysterious island. 例如柱神时代的神庙、猩红符文晶石、小黑……就连人族可能是柱神生命延续的猜测线索也是来自这座神秘岛屿。 But leaves the time of Feng Qi exploration is not many, he makes the best use of the time to hurry along. 但留给封棋探索的时间并不多,他抓紧时间赶路。 Once again across the impediment, Feng Qi discovered oneself arrived at a quiet blue space that covers entirely various strange symbols. 又一次穿过阻隔,封棋发现自己来到了一座布满各种诡异符号的幽蓝色空间。 Here sky and ground, everywhere are the same characters. 这里的天空、地面,到处都是相同的字符。 Under the analysis of eye of truth, this symbol was translated the content that he can understand. 真理之眼的解析下,这个符号被翻译成他能够理解的内容。 The gods know the creation! 神识创造! But what these four characters represent is what meaning, he remained unknown. 但这四个字代表的是什么意思,他无从得知。 Here Feng Qi saw many ancient breakages stone platform, each stone platform also carved completely the symbol, but has damaged mostly, is unable to see the original appearance, did not know these uses of stone platform. 在这里封棋看到了许多古老破损的石台,每一座石台同样刻满了符号,但大都已经破损,无法看出原来的模样,也不知晓这些石台的用处。 In Feng Qi prepares to continue explores to the front, the Narrator sound suddenly in its mind resounds: 就在封棋准备继续向前方探索时,旁白的声音忽然在它的脑海里响起: Waits a bit, stone platform of 3 o'clock direction, above has a different symbol, and in this symbol also leaves leeway the energy of full.】 【稍等,三点钟方向的大石台,上面有个不一样的符号,且这个符号里还留有充盈的能量。】 Good!” “好!” Before Feng Qi takes a step stone platform that immediately arrives at Narrator to refer, this stone platform was located in all the centers of stone platform in a big way, the volume compared with all around stone platform several times, saw only in stone platform to portray a flower petal shape quiet blue symbol. 封棋当即迈步来到旁白所指的石台前,这座石台位于所有石台的中心,体积比四周的石台大了数倍,只见石台上刻画着一朵花瓣状的幽蓝色符号。 Puts out a hand to stroke the flower petal mark, the eye of analysis ability Feng Qi actuation truth, the writing in quiet blue symbol twists the change in his eyes. 伸手抚摸花瓣印记,封棋驱动真理之眼解析能力,幽蓝色符号上的文字在他眼里扭曲变化。 At this moment, Feng Qi suddenly discovered that the spirit knows the into the sea|nautical mile talent track to present the change, a talent ability bead was activated automatically. 就在这时,封棋忽然发现精神识海里的天赋轨道出现异动,一枚天赋能力珠自动被激活。 This talent ability, was quiet the glorious years dream demon. 这个天赋能力,正是沉寂了悠久岁月的“梦魔”。 In an instant, quiet blue symbol blooming radiant ray, was also activated, the energy pours into Feng Qi within the body unceasingly. 刹那间,幽蓝色符号绽放璀璨光芒,也随之被激活,能量不断灌入封棋体内。 Absent-minded within, Feng Qi saw a form of mold lake stands at present. 恍忽间,封棋看到了一个模湖的身影站在眼前。 Its busy rushes about in this space, in each stone platform is laying aside a component, the careful observation can find that these place the component in stone platform unexpectedly are the miracle goods. 它忙碌的在这座空间里奔波,每一处石台上都放置着一件器件,仔细观察能发现这些摆放在石台上的器件竟然都是奇迹物品。 The form of mold lake as if conducts some research. 模湖的身影似乎进行某种研究。 The present picture has the destroyed sunspot, seeming like, because the time is remote, causing the picture to present the damage. 眼前的画面存在许多被破坏的黑点,似乎是因为时间过于久远,导致画面出现损坏。 Is good can see clearly because of the approximate situation. 好在大致的情况还是能够看清。 The mysterious form walks randomly in different stone platform unceasingly, will try and place the miracle goods in stone platform each time connects, is conducting the operation of being able to understand. 神秘身影不断游走于不同的石台,每次都会尝试与摆放在石台上的奇迹物品进行连接,进行着看不懂的操作。 The time passes rapidly. 时间飞速流逝。 Before the mysterious form arrives at a stone platform, the Feng Qi virgin hole contracts suddenly. 当神秘身影来到一处石台前,封棋的童孔骤然收缩。 Places the miracle goods in stone platform unexpectedly is he very familiar evolution token. 摆放在石台上的奇迹物品竟然是他非常熟悉的进化令牌。 The mysterious form stands before placing stone platform of evolution token, outlined the world regular path unceasingly, the strength of principle poured into the evolution token, the token also floats the spatial blooming radiant ray. 神秘身影站在摆放进化令牌的石台前,不断勾勒天地规则轨迹,法则之力灌入进化令牌,令牌随之浮空绽放璀璨光芒。 Has not known how long, the mysterious form seems exceptionally excited. 不知过了多久,神秘身影显得异常兴奋。 Feng Qi also in this time panic-stricken discovery, the mysterious form poured into the principle energy in evolution token to condense a form of being familiar unexpectedly. 封棋也在这时惊骇发现,神秘身影灌入进化令牌中的法则能量竟然凝聚成了一只熟悉的身影。 But this immature form, is three embryonic forms. 而这只幼小的身影,正是三尾的雏形。 This time three seemed very weak, the body of energy will as if collapse to disperse momentarily. 只是这时候的三尾显得十分虚弱,能量化的躯体仿佛随时都会崩散开来。 The mysterious form injects the evolution token own strength unceasingly, is maintaining three crashing life structures cautiously. 神秘身影不断将自己的力量注入进化令牌,小心翼翼地维持着三尾正在崩塌的生命结构。 This makes Feng Qi feel has doubts, he does not understand that what the mysterious form is making? 这让封棋感到十分疑惑,他不明白神秘身影到底在做什么? To give the miracle to create the life consciousness? 难道是想给奇迹创造生命意识? Heroes think alike, I also think that this fellow as if in test whether can create the consciousness to the miracle, the test failed, why until conducting successfully...... this also to prove for 15,000 years to three here, only then three were born the self-awareness, other miracles are actually the dying thing.】 【英雄所见略同,我也是这么想的,这家伙似乎在测试是否能给奇迹创造意识,刚才的测试都失败了,直到进行到三尾这里才成功……这也就证明了为何一万五千年来只有三尾诞生了自我意识,其他奇迹却都是死物。】 „Is the goal of doing that what?” “这么做的目的是什么?” How would I know.】 【我哪知道。】 Since did that has its goal inevitably, Feng Qi continues to watch. 既然这么做了,必然有其目的,封棋继续观看下去。 After picture skipping, the old man arrived at this space most central area giant stone platform, is activates the dream demon ability the stone platform. 画面跳转过后,老者来到了这座空间最中心区域的巨大石台处,也就是激活梦魔能力的这座石台。 Sees only in stone platform to float a wash bowl size hangingly, energy ball that the golden color and dark-red interweave. 只见石台上悬空漂浮着一颗脸盆大小,金色与暗红色交织的能量球。 The mysterious form has not started to test directly, but outlined the principle mark unceasingly, seemed very discrete, as if created three to give these step prepares. 神秘身影并没有直接开始实验,而是不断勾勒法则印记,显得非常谨慎,似乎创造三尾就是为了给这一步做准备。 After unceasing deduction, the mysterious form moved finally. 不断的推演过后,神秘身影终于动了。 He follows a set pattern, with creating three ways outlined the strength of the world rule to instill into unceasingly to the energy ball. 他如法炮制,用创造三尾的方式不断勾勒天地规则之力灌输至能量球。 Passes along with the time, the mysterious form drops suddenly, seemed like the experiment failure. 伴随着时间流逝,神秘身影忽然放手,似乎是实验失败了。 But the mysterious form stands after in same place short thinking, the choice starts the attempt again. 但神秘身影站在原地短暂思索后,选择再次开启尝试。 A time , ten times...... are defeated twice each time, the mysterious form will outline the world conveniently, leaves behind a character, in the character as if retained the mysterious form to the failure attainment of this attempt. 一次、两次、十次……每次失败,神秘身影都会随手勾画天地,留下一个字符,字符里似乎保留了神秘身影对这次尝试的失败心得。 After innumerable failure, the mysterious form also welcomed the success finally. 无数次的失败过后,神秘身影也终于迎来了成功。 In the Feng Qi unbelievable look, on the hanging energy ball appears a golden mold lake little girl form. 封棋难以置信的眼神中,悬空的能量球上浮现一个金色的模湖小女孩身影。 But this form Mu Yao embryonic form, the mysterious form sees with own eyes successfully, increased to the principle strength irrigation of energy ball. 而这道身影正是慕暚的雏形,神秘身影眼见成功,加大了对能量球的法则力量灌注。 Immediately the form of rolling up little girl becomes from the mold lake clear, tended to the structure of collapse also gradually to stabilize. 顿时蜷缩小女孩的身影从模湖变得清晰,原本趋于崩坏的结构也逐渐稳定。 In order to guarantee this consciousness can continue to exist, the mysterious form does utmost to instill into the energy, own body also becomes dark peaceful. 为了保证这道意识能够继续存在,神秘身影竭尽全力灌输能量,自己的身躯也随之变得暗澹。 But in the structure of new student/life consciousness becomes stable, on the hanging energy ball the black part starts to absorb the principle energy of little girl, causing the new student/life consciousness to tend to the collapse again. 可就在新生意识的结构变得稳定时,悬空的能量球上黑色的部分开始吸取小女孩的法则能量,导致新生意识再次趋于崩坏。 Mysterious form not slightly hesitant, even if oneself have been on the verge of the collapse, still chose to continue to pour into the energy to maintain the new student/life golden consciousness. 神秘身影没有丝毫犹豫,纵使自身已经濒临崩溃,仍选择继续灌注能量维持新生的金色意识。 The part that the golden color and dark-red on energy ball interweave also starts gradually to separate. 能量球上的金色与暗红色交织的部分也开始逐渐分离。 Left the ball is the dark-red, right the ball is the golden color. 球左边是暗红色,球右边是金色。 The little girl is the consciousness of golden part, but the dark-red part was also born the brand-new consciousness after absorption massive energies. 小女孩是金色部分的意识,而暗红色部分在吸收大量能量后也诞生了崭新的意识。 Sees only together the black form becomes from the mold lake clear, rolls up with the golden little girl symmetrically hangingly. 只见一道黑色身影从模湖变得清晰,与金色小女孩对称蜷缩悬空。 But this consciousness Feng Qi very familiar "Mo". 而这道意识正是封棋非常熟悉的“墨” The Narrator sound also resounded at this time: 旁白的声音也在这时响起: Mother, I understands probably the Mu Yao defect that partially was anything!】 【妈耶,我好像明白慕暚缺失的那部分是什么了!】
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