IKTT :: Volume #8

#788: Chen Nianlao cured meat

Wakes up from the deep sleep, Feng Qi discovered oneself have returned to the reality. 从沉睡中醒来,封棋发现自己已经回到现实。 Sets out to look slightly to quiet, on his face that whistling rests greatly appears wipes the happy expression. 起身望向正在呼呼大睡的小幽,他的脸上浮现一抹笑意。 This time small quiet is very small one, probably a hamster of large size dug the buttocks to lie on the sofa sleeps, with memory in small quiet compared with, the build obviously shrank a great-circle. 这时候的小幽还是很小一只,像是一只大号的仓鼠撅着屁股趴在沙发上睡觉,与记忆里的小幽相比,体型明显缩水了一大圈。 Seemed like awakened by noise by him, small quiet low nan, turned over/stood up the inclined dependence on the sofa, two legs pointed to the ceiling following the sofa seat back cushion, continued to go to sleep. 似乎是被他吵醒了,小幽低喃了一句,翻身倾斜依靠在沙发上,两条腿顺着沙发靠背直指天花板,继续入睡。 To Feng Qi, small quiet such resting posture has been unalarmed by strange sights. 封棋而言,小幽这样的睡姿已经见怪不怪。 After all oddest time, small quiet even can side the edge rest, various all sorts of strange and unusual resting postures can stabilize go to sleep, is slightly not affected. 毕竟最离谱的时候,小幽甚至能边飞边睡,各种千奇百怪的睡姿都能稳定入睡,丝毫不受影响。 Put out a hand to rub the small quiet head, before he stood up the refrigerator, took one bottle of energy drink. 伸手揉了揉小幽的脑袋,他站起身来到冰箱前取了一瓶能量饮料。 This return, he does not plan to hold the scarlet Supreme Assembly. 这次归来,他不打算召开猩红最高会议。 The realistic line could not have kept up with the sacrifice line late development completely, even if holds the conference still to have no practical significance. 现实线已经完全跟不上牺牲线后期的发展,即使召开会议也没有什么实际意义。 Tests this link as for the miracle, has conducted in previous timeline. 至于奇迹测试这一环节,已经在上一条时间线进行过了。 The correlation data has retained in the belief database, does not need to conduct in the realistic line. 相关数据都已经保留在了信仰数据库里,没有必要在现实线里进行。 Therefore he can definitely directly enter the sacrifice line, seeks to answer the tuart to the Pillar God vestige. 所以他完全可以直接进入牺牲线,去往柱神遗迹寻找答桉。 Drinks the energy drink one breath, he returns the sofa place to lie down. 将能量饮料一口气喝下,他重新回到沙发处躺下。 The instance that the double pupil closes, the sleepiness then wells up like surging tides under the control of consciousness, the expression is gradually serene...... 双眸闭上的瞬间,睡意便在意识的操控下如潮水般涌来,表情逐渐安详…… ...... …… Waits for the Feng Qi again opening eyes pupil, the intense weak feeling raids. 封棋再度睁开眼眸,强烈的虚弱感袭来。 This is departing on behalf of the powerful main body, his consciousness has cut to the body of sacrificial line. 这代表着强悍的本体离去,他的意识已经切换至牺牲线上的身体。 The new sacrifice line, he did not plan to keep Star City, in the future the development of timeline he giving the Star City highest management is responsible. 新的牺牲线,他不打算留在星城,往后时间线的发展他会将给星城的最高管理层负责。 All defer to the established path development. 一切按照既定的轨迹发展。 The advantage of this timeline person clan are many. 这条时间线人族的优势非常多。 Only the earlier advantage has six points. 仅前期的优势就有六点。 First, using miracle carrier bead that the strength of belief builds, borrows the strength of miracle to the main body. 一、利用信仰之力打造的奇迹载体珠,向本体借用奇迹的力量。 Early period of this advantage has no influence a worthy opponent. 这个优势前期没有任何势力可以匹敌。 Even if the miracle quantity that Spirit Energy Race grasps is unable compared with the person clan. 纵使是灵能族所掌握的奇迹数量也无法和人族相比。 Second, this sacrificed the informer clan one step to establish the connection with life Yuncheng ahead of time, makes a connection with the resource optimization the channel, after all his main body had fused the space jump, the person the clan only needs to develop the belief system through borrowing the way of miracle 二、这条牺牲线人族将提前一步与命运城建立连接,打通资源优化的渠道,毕竟他的本体已经融合了空间跳跃,人族只需要发展信仰体系就可以通过借用奇迹的方式 Third, accelerates to catalyze through the miracle time plants to sell spirit to the life Yuncheng influence, gains the start resources of development fast. 三、通过奇迹时间加速催化灵植售卖给命运城势力,快速获取发展的启动资源。 Fourth, optimizes the merit law through the evolution token, making the merit law follow the progress growth of time, this sacrificial line will not have the merit law flaw problem. 四、通过进化令牌重新优化功法,让功法跟随时代的进步成长,这条牺牲线上将不存在功法缺陷问题。 Fifth, the flesh cauldron merit law of most update can raise the growth potential and growth of person clan substantially. 五、最新版的血肉鼎功法可以显着提升人族的成长潜力与成长速度。 Sixth, the infinite memory can make the person of clan members disregard the difficulty that the negativity brings, can definitely gain the previous timeline memory through the way that the memory transplants, making this timeline person clan member stand on the previous timeline own shoulder can grow. 六、无限记忆可以让人族成员无视负面情绪带来的困扰,完全可以通过记忆移植的方式获取上一条时间线的记忆,让这条时间线的人族成员站在上一条时间线自己的肩膀上得以成长。 In the future timeline is also so. 往后的时间线也是如此。 No longer is Feng Qi person lonely restarting time, everyone clan members will accompany him to restart each timeline. 不再是封棋一个人孤单的重启时间,所有人族成员都将陪同他重启每一条时间线 These six points are also only the earlier advantages. 这六点还只是前期优势。 In this period the person clan can in believing the database read on one timeline for 15000 years the information, ahead of time shut off these potential influences, or did not have the strength actually to grasp the influence of miracle, for example on timeline cheated the entire world, biting soul clan that grasped the miracle true words. 期间人族可以在信仰数据库里翻看上一条时间线15000年来的情报,提前扼杀那些有潜力的势力,或是没有实力却掌握有奇迹的势力,例如上一条时间线哄骗了全世界,掌握有奇迹真言的噬魂族。 This timeline person clan, in the future time. 这条时间线的人族,未来可期。 After leaving the room, Feng Qi found Wei Wei immediately, informs itself to convene the idea of Star City Supreme Assembly. 离开房间后,封棋当即找到蔚薇,告知自己想要召开星城最高会议的想法。 That night, Feng Qi published the plan over the next 50 years in the Star City Supreme Assembly. 当天晚上,封棋星城最高会议上发表了未来50年的规划。 The future plan of this timeline has the obvious change, once most attached great importance to domain study, the space study and merit legal science, waited for the domain not anxiously the development. 这条时间线的未来规划有明显的变化,曾经最被重视的领域学、空间学、功法学,等领域都不急着发展。 The construction of the most important thing is belief system. 最重要的是信仰体系的建设。 So long as believes the system to develop, the person the clan can obtain the miracle and talent the ability and belief database knowledge wait/etc contents in through the way of belief connection. 只要信仰体系得以发展,人族就可以通过信仰连接的方式获得奇迹、天赋能力、信仰数据库里的知识等等内容。 Feng Qi must do, in the belief system development escort of earlier manner clan. 封棋要做的,就是在前期为人族的信仰体系发展护航。 Ten years of arrangement, the belief withers builds in Star City likely like mushrooms after a spring rainfall, constantly emerges about his documentary film. 十年时间的筹备,信仰凋像如雨后春笋般在星城搭建,关于他的纪录片更是不断涌现。 All are developing in the Feng Qi established direction. 一切都在往封棋既定的方向发展。 Determined that the development of Star City has straightened out, Feng Qi no longer hesitates, decides to go to the Pillar God vestige islands officially. 确定星城的发展已经步入正轨,封棋不再犹豫,决定正式前往柱神遗迹岛屿。 On this day. 这天。 Scarlet Research Institute. 猩红研究院 Feng Qi returns to the room to see that small lives not to have quiet may the love with a head one after next hit sofa, the expression seems exceptionally depressed. 封棋回到房间就看到小幽生无可恋的用脑袋一下下撞击沙发,表情显得异常沮丧。 What's wrong?” “怎么了?” Eldest child, I grows up with great difficulty, now became such small.” “老大,我好不容易长大,现在又变得这么小了。” Hears these words, Feng Qi cannot help laughing. 听到这番话,封棋哑然失笑。 yesterday, he gave slightly transplanted the previous timeline memory quiet, then small quiet turned into this depressed appearance. 就在昨天,他给小幽移植了上一条时间线的记忆,然后小幽就变成了这副沮丧模样。 All right, the size in the eldest child eyes quiet and small quiet is the same.” “没事,在老大眼里大小幽和小小幽都一样。” Different, too painful...... my appetite small ten times, eaten quite few, is very happy.” “不一样,太痛苦了……我的食量小了十倍,吃的好少,好不痛快。” Saying, slightly holds a sofa hammer to vent the mood quiet again: 说着,小幽抱着沙发再次头锤宣泄情绪: „(??) Was short of ten times, the eldest child you know slightly quiet how many years to grow these ten times of appetites tried hard?” “(??)少了十倍,老大你知道小幽为了增长这十倍食量努力了多少年吗?” Saying, slightly is turning the head to look quiet to Feng Qi, the tears held up a finger simultaneously: 说着,小幽转头望向封棋,眼泪哗哗地同时举起了一根手指: *?)? 15,000 years of growth, a dynasty returned to the pre-liberation.” “*?)?一万五千年的成长,一朝回到解放前。” Then, slightly continues to turn the head with the head to thrash the sofa quiet , to continue to live not to have the love. 说完,小幽继续转头用脑袋捶打沙发,继续生无可恋。 Listened to small quiet narration, Feng Qi unable to bear laugh. 听完了小幽的讲述,封棋忍不住哈哈大笑。 He can definitely understand that small quiet this time mood, this feeling looked like the normal person to spend dozens years of laborious effort to accumulate the enormous wealth, just prepared to enjoy the life, finally all have come , the appropriate beast of burden worked to contribute money. 他完全能够理解小幽此时的心情,这种感觉就像是正常人花费数十年的辛苦努力攒下了巨额财富,刚准备享受生活,结果一切重新来过,又得当牛马重新打工攒钱。 When the small quiet mood vented ended, suddenly the bystander same wiped the tears, long breathes a sigh of relief: 待小幽的情绪发泄结束,忽然没事人一样抹去眼泪,长舒了一口气: Was more comfortable, the eldest child eats anything tonight.” “舒服多了,老大今晚吃啥。” Feng Qi:...... 封棋:…… I must go to the Pillar God vestige islands, do you want to go with me together?” “我要去柱神遗迹岛屿,你要不要跟我一起去?” Must go!” “要去!” Starts the grain bin your food, we will stay there are very long, you thinks the thing that needs takes completely, gives you one month of setup time.” “开始囤你的食物吧,我们会在那里待很久,把你认为需要的东西全部带上,给你一个月准备时间。” Good.” Small quiet nods without hesitation. “好哦。”小幽毫不犹豫地点头。 Over the next month, Feng Qi is preparing to the resources that the Pillar God islands need to carry. 随后的一个月时间,封棋都在准备去往柱神岛屿需要携带的资源。 This time goes to the Pillar God islands, must undergo the long exploration process. 这次前往柱神岛屿,必然要经历漫长的探索过程。 But the resources that he carries along are impossible to span for 15,000 years, now the spatial technology still in the initial steps, he can carry the past resources unable to withstand him to consume for 15,000 years. 但他随身携带的资源不可能跨越一万五千年,现在空间技术还在起步阶段,他能携带过去的资源也经不起他消耗一万五千年。 Meanwhile, his life span and cultivation resources link up. 与此同时,他的寿命与修炼资源挂钩。 The consumption of flesh cauldron to resources is very terrifying, the resources of cultivation consumption will also intensify along with the rise of strength unceasingly. 血肉鼎对资源的消耗十分恐怖,修炼消耗的资源还会伴随着实力的提升不断加剧。 By the resources reserve of present Star City, even if takes away still insufficiently him to consume the use completely. 以现在星城的资源储备,即便是全部带走也不够他一个人消耗使用。 Therefore he needs to return from the Pillar God vestige islands regularly, returns to Star City, or the daybreak city replenishment supply, and even the cultivation resources, guaranteed oneself live enough remote. 所以他需要定期从柱神遗迹岛屿归来,回到星城,或是破晓城补充物资,乃至修炼资源,保证自己活得足够久远。 How as for can come out from the Pillar God islands, the space jumps has no way to use obviously. 至于如何才能从柱神岛屿出来,空间跳跃显然没法使用。 The entire Pillar God islands by the strength of shield principle, are the space jump of strength of principle are unable to penetrate the strength of barrier that principle Pillar God leaves behind. 整个柱神岛屿被法则之力屏蔽,同是法则之力的空间跳跃也无法穿透柱神留下的法则之力屏障。 He can only look for the outlet in the exploration. 他只能在探索中寻找出路。 In the past Mu Yao and black ink can walk from there, he believes that oneself can also achieve. 当年慕暚和墨能从那里走出来,他相信自己也可以做到。 15,000 years, he will definitely have the multiple opportunities to return from the Pillar God islands. 一万五千年的时间,他必然会有多次机会从柱神岛屿归来。 The resources that therefore carries only need to support for several hundred years then. 所以携带的资源只需要支撑数百年即可。 ...... …… A month later. 一个月后。 The Feng Qi consciousness connection belief space, took out two miracle carrier beads. 封棋的意识连接信仰空间,从中取出了两颗奇迹载体珠。 When the consciousness returns, he took out a necklace from the space link, one side the miracle carrier bead is giving together is eating food small quiet. 待意识回归,他又从空间手环里取出了一根项链,连带着奇迹载体珠一起递给一旁正在进食的小幽。 Slightly sees that quiet, swallows the food in hand, does not scratch the hand, after receiving the necklace, directly hangs in the nape of the neck, later grabs miracle carrier bead, toward the Feng Qi serious nod: 小幽见状,一口将手里的食物咽下,也不擦手,径直接过项链后挂在脖颈,随后抓着奇迹载体珠,朝封棋严肃点头: Eldest child, small has been ready quiet!” “老大,小幽已经准备就绪!” How should use the miracle carrier bead, obtains a timeline memory small quiet seems very skilled, after all slightly quiet believes the patron in space. 该如何使用奇迹载体珠,获得上一条时间线记忆的小幽显得十分熟练,毕竟小幽早已是信仰空间里的常客。 He who once timeline changed into the guide, the only foreign telephone conversation channel is the young quiet envoy. 曾有一条时间线还是化为引路人的他,唯一对外的通话渠道就是小幽使者。 Saw on the small house arrest the eye, Feng Qi also closed a pupil at this time. 看到小幽闭上眼睛,封棋也在这时闭上了眼眸。 The consciousness appears in the belief space later, small quiet consciousness group on float in not far away. 意识随后出现在信仰空间,小幽的意识团就悬浮在不远处。 Sky over Feng Qi controlled the consciousness to fly to at this time, led to bridge over the talent stars sea slightly quiet, finally hovering in the second talent track place. 封棋在这时操控意识飞往上空,领着小幽跨过天赋星辰海,最终悬停在了第二天赋轨道处。 The miracle is divided into the community to borrow the kind with borrow the kind alone, the two functions of infinite memory, the heart refining up the platform and memory palace can by the ability that the community borrows. 奇迹分为群体借用类与单独借用类,无限记忆的两个功能,心炼平台与记忆宫殿都是可以被群体借用的能力。 And the infinite memory palace looks like the holy spirit consciousness storehouse, can divide respectively the memory information that the different regions save borrowing. 其中无限记忆宫殿非常像圣灵意识库,可以划分成不同的区域分别存储借用者的记忆信息。 Pushes to the infinite memory the miracle carrier bead in hand, with the instance of its contact, the infinite memory bursts out the radiant ray. 将手里的奇迹载体珠推向无限记忆,与其接触的瞬间,无限记忆迸发璀璨光芒。 The strength of rule floods into the miracle carrier bead, the golden miracle carrier bead will exaggerate the white. 规则之力涌入奇迹载体珠,将原本金色的奇迹载体珠渲染成了白色。 Completes all these, Feng Qi and small quiet consciousness return reality. 做完这一切,封棋与小幽的意识回归现实。 Integrated within the body the infinite memory palace, Feng Qi takes out the carrier bead that the carrying/sustaining miracle space jumped at this time. 将无限记忆宫殿融入体内,封棋在这时取出了承载奇迹空间跳跃的载体珠。 The infinite memory is the body increase class miracle, after integrating the body , is unable to use other increase class miracles again. 无限记忆属于身体增幅类奇迹,融入躯体后便无法再使用其他增幅类奇迹。 But the space jump is the function class miracle, will therefore not conflict with the infinite memory. 但空间跳跃属于功能类奇迹,所以不会与无限记忆冲突。 With consciousness input coordinates, immediately spatial warping, together quiet blue space channel in his not far away formation. 用意识输入坐标,顿时空间扭曲,一道幽蓝色的空间通道在他的不远处形成。 Small quiet .” “小幽,出发了。” Saying, Feng Qi takes the lead to make great strides forward the space channel. 说着,封棋率先迈进空间通道。 Came.” “来了。” Slightly sees that quiet, without hesitation follows the Feng Qi form, falls into the quiet blue space channel. 小幽见状,毫不犹豫的跟随封棋的身影,一头栽进幽蓝色空间通道。 ...... …… Across the space channel, Feng Qi and small appears in the void world quiet. 穿过空间通道,封棋与小幽出现在虚空世界。 Corrodes the material also to engage in factional strife void. 虚空腐蚀物质随之倾轧而来。 The main body can resist the corrosion of void material with ease, but the body of sacrificial line is not obviously good, will contact the void material to be corroded fast is defeated and dispersed. 本体可以轻松抵御虚空物质的侵蚀,但牺牲线上的身体显然不行,接触虚空物质就会被快速腐蚀溃散。 Was good was ready because of Feng Qi ahead of time, built two energy barrier necklaces with the void stone. 好在封棋提前做好了准备,用虚空石打造了两根能量屏障项链。 This void stone is the quiet cinema city lord builds one of the quiet cinema city principal materials, is strong to the tolerance of void corrosion. 这虚空石是幽影城主打造幽影城的主材料之一,对虚空腐蚀的耐受性较强。 After activating the void stone necklace, the energy barrier covers him together. 激活虚空石项链后,一道能量屏障将他笼罩。 Turns the head to look slightly to quiet, at this time small quiet had also activated the void stone necklace, is sizing up the distant place grand hanging islands curiously. 转头望向小幽,此时小幽也已经激活了虚空石项链,正好奇的打量着远处宏伟的悬空岛屿。 This coordinates place has not made a mistake. 这次坐标地点没有出错。 Feng Qi brings quiet to go forward toward the Pillar God islands immediately slightly, finally falls in one of the Pillar God islands. 封棋当即带着小幽朝柱神岛屿前进,最终在柱神岛屿的一处落下。 Enters the instance of Pillar God islands, they were being pulled by the chaotic space force entrance beginning that sent in the Pillar God islands. 进入柱神岛屿的瞬间,他们就被混乱的空间力量拉扯着送入了柱神岛屿的入口起点。 Feng Qi is familiar with here, the front rich colored mist obstructs the view, cannot see clearly the path. 封棋对这里非常熟悉,前方浓郁的彩色雾气遮蔽视线,看不清道路。 Brings to bridge over the beginning space slightly quiet the invisible barrier, presenting at present is actually not the familiar scene, but is a brand-new space. 带着小幽跨过起点空间的无形屏障,呈现在眼前却不是熟悉的场景,而是一片崭新的空间。 Regarding this Feng Qi does not feel the accident/surprise actually. 对此封棋倒是不觉得意外。 The innumerable spaces of Pillar God vestige islands are the condition of motion switch over momentarily, at all not possible to try to find out a planned path through the memory. 柱神遗迹岛屿的无数空间随时都处在移动切换的状态,根本不可能通过记忆来摸索出一条既定的路线。 His following goal is to seek for life Yuncheng Lord and Mu Yao. 他接下来的目标是寻找命运城主与慕暚 Especially assigns/life the Yuncheng lord, he can be the gather intelligence important breach. 尤其是命运城主,他会是情报搜集的重要突破口。 As for Mu Yao, actually does not seem that important. 至于慕暚,倒是不显得那么重要。 This timeline, Mu Yao whether returns ahead of time is unimportant, how more importantly should let Mu Yao and black ink is settled. 这条时间线,慕暚是否提前归来并不重要,重要的是该如何让慕暚与墨达成和解。 We sprang from the selfsame root, should you kill me with burning anger. 本是同根生,相煎何太急。 Then is along the way the possible flower petal shape memory mark, these marks will bring the important information about Pillar God time to him. 然后是沿途可能出现的花瓣状记忆印记,这些印记将给他带来关于柱神时代的重要信息。 It is a pity that sacrificial line does not have the Narrator companion. 遗憾的是牺牲线上没有旁白陪伴。 The process of exploration does not have Narrator to the prompt, he needs carefully to observe all along the way, prevents to miss the flower petal shape memory mark. 探索的过程没有旁白给提示,他需要十分仔细地观察沿途的一切,防止错过花瓣状的记忆印记。 ...... …… The time passes rapidly. 时间飞速流逝。 Feng Qi does not know how long, he with small quiet was always going forward. 封棋也不知道过去了多久,他与小幽始终都在前进。 Bridged over more than 200 spaces, found memory mark that 30 Pillar God left behind, in this period was hungry to stop to eat, tired looked for a comfortable environment to go right to sleep. 跨过了两百余座空间,找到了三十个柱神遗留的记忆印记,期间饿了就停下来吃食,累了就找个舒服的环境倒头就睡。 The sacrifice line initial steps, the body of Feng Qi was emaciated, is unable to look like can in the future like that long-term did not sleep the rest, is unable long-term did not eat food. 牺牲线起步阶段,封棋的身体羸弱,无法像未来那般可以长时间的不睡觉休息,更无法长时间的不进食。 Therefore he will stop the cultivation flesh cauldron every day. 所以他每天都会停下来修炼血肉鼎。 This is the key of his longevity, without the flesh cauldron support, his life span most more than hundred years will come to the end. 这是他长寿的关键,如果没有血肉鼎支持,他的寿命最多百余年就会走到尽头。 The future road is very long, Feng Qi for a while, the cultivation cannot be eagerly he explores daily in Pillar God vestige islands process. 未来的路还很长,封棋不急于一时,修炼会是他探索柱神遗迹岛屿过程中的日常。 ...... …… On this day. 这天。 Feng Qi bridges over one piece by the region that the white fog covers, what presents in present is the brand-new space. 封棋跨过一片被白雾笼罩的区域,呈现在眼前的是崭新的空间。 This side space was flooded by the peaceful blue liquid, enters instantaneous, Feng Qi turns very quiet immediately, for fear that the inspiration mysterious liquid causes to leave the stage ahead of time. 这方空间被澹蓝色的液体充斥,进入瞬间,封棋当即屏住呼吸,生怕吸入神秘液体导致提前退场。 Small quiet also blew up the mouth at this time, suppressed the expression to start the gesture hand signal. 身后的小幽也在这时鼓起嘴巴,憋着表情开始比划手势。 With consciousness exchange!” “用意识交流!” Almost forgetting, the eldest child, here liquid also had the residual energy, seemingly can eat.” “差点给忘记了,老大,这里的液体还有残留的能量,貌似可以吃。” Do not do, I feared that you did not have.” “别作死,我怕你没了。” Good.” The small quiet regret nods. “好吧。”小幽遗憾点头。 Paddles the both arms, Feng Qi brings quiet to search slightly toward this space deep place, seeks flower petal shape memory mark that possibly has. 划动双臂,封棋带着小幽往这座空间深处探去,寻找可能存在的花瓣状记忆印记。 Small quiet radar starts, locking target!” “小幽雷达启动,正在锁定目标!” The small quiet sound resounds in the mind, turns the head to look, sees only the small quiet head high and low about to rock just like the propeller fast, I am seeking for the stance of memory mark diligently. 小幽的声音在脑海里响起,转头望去,只见小幽的脑袋宛如螺旋桨般上下左右快速晃动,一副我正在努力寻找记忆印记的姿态。 Disregarded the small quiet this conspicuous package, the Feng Qi vision paddled the glance front with the both arms. 无视了小幽这个显眼包,封棋的目光随着双臂划动扫视前方。 At this moment, the small quiet sound resounds again: 就在这时,小幽的声音再度响起: Eldest child, 3 o'clock directions discovers a Chen Nianlao cured meat, seeming like the year should be very long!” “老大,三点钟方向发现一块陈年老腊肉,看起来年份应该挺久了!” Old cured meat?” “老腊肉?” Has the doubts, Feng Qi to turn the head to look to the direction that small refers to quiet, the line of sight across braving the blue liquid of blister, he sees a break the black stone column peak, sits cross-legged to sit together the thin form. 带着疑惑,封棋转头望向小幽所指的方向,视线穿过冒着水泡的蓝色液体,他看到一根断裂的黑色石柱顶端,盘膝坐着一道骨瘦如柴的身影。 This form, he in the life Yuncheng lord who end of the previous sacrifice line meets. 这道身影,正是他在上一条牺牲线末尾相遇的命运城主。 Unlike the previous meet, this life Yuncheng Lord condition is obviously much better, although is thin, but the body surface actually covered dim light, the vitality is completely reserved. 与上次相遇不同,这次命运城主的状态明显要好很多,虽然骨瘦如柴,但体表却镀上了一层幽光,生机完全内敛。 The Feng Qi itself/Ben thinks that must search for a long time has the opportunity and life Yuncheng lords very much meets, has not actually thought the pleasant surprise can come so sudden. 封棋本以为要搜寻很久才有机会与命运城主相遇,却没想到惊喜会来的如此突然。 Not hesitant, he paddles the both arms...... the life Yuncheng lords to swim away toward the cured meat immediately. 没有犹豫,他当即划动双臂朝腊肉……命运城主游去。
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