IATV :: Volume #23

#2266: Chapter 2266 compels me to act, cool breeze flame

Chapter 2268 compels me to act, cool breeze flame 第2268章逼我出手啊,清风炎将 At this moment, along with five side self-satisfied big laughter. 此刻,伴随着五方老得意的大笑声。 Five people stretch across the road that the sea of fire opens to go directly. 五人直接横跨火海开的路而去。 So long as comes to the end point of road, then they can enter to the nether world territory in thoroughly. 只要走到路的终点,那么他们就可以彻底进入到幽冥域内。 However next quarter. 然而下一刻。 That void day profound cold iron covers again. 那虚空中的天玄寒铁再一次笼罩而来。 These blade one point two, two are divided into three, three points of inexhaustible. 这些刀一分二,二分为三,三分无穷无尽。 In vault of heaven at this moment, full is the dense and numerous blade light. 此刻的苍穹上,满是密密麻麻的刀光。 A cold blade as if received provocatively. 一柄柄寒刀仿佛受到了挑衅般。 Xu Zimo looks at five side self-satisfied appearance, shakes the head slightly. 徐子墨看着五方老得意的样子,微微摇头。 The heart exsomatize, hides to cope with general cultivator it to be truly useful. 心脏离体,将它藏起来对付一般的修炼者确实有用。 But the true powerhouses can trace the source, found the heart position. 但真正的强者都是能追溯本源,找到心脏位置的。 Although this backward, is not worth mentioning compared with the Xu Zimo returning source destruction, but cuts to kill a heart is not difficult. 虽然这种追溯,比起徐子墨的回源覆灭不值一提,但是斩杀一颗心脏却也不难。 Only hears rumble the sound resounds. 只听“轰隆隆”的声音响起。 The innumerable blade light fall, but has not actually cut to five side, these blade light fuse together. 无数的刀光落下,但却没有斩向五方老,这些刀光融为一体。 Finally changes to together the extremely powerful aurora, like the blade of daybreak Sun. 最终化作一道极其强大的极光,如同破晓的太阳之刀般。 Passes through void, where the position of knife point did not know. 穿越虚空而过,刀尖的位置不知去了哪里。 Five side look at each other in blank dismay, at first some doubts, why these blade light have not attacked them. 五方老面面相觑,起初还有些疑惑,这些刀光为何不攻击他们。 But is the complexion big change. 但紧接着便是面色大变。 „It is not good,” they one cold. “不好,”他们内心一凛。 Must know Way Heart to be dirty, although exsomatize, but among them has the induction. 要知道心脏虽然离体,但他们之间都是有感应的。 If there is the danger or any change, they can also induce. 若是有危险或者任何的变化,他们也都能感应到。 This moment innermost feelings clutch inexplicably. 此刻内心莫名一揪。 This obviously was the heart feels the crisis, conveyed the early warning to them unceasingly the information. 这明显是心脏感受到了危机,不断向他们传达预警的信息。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Fire old flustered asking. 火老慌张的问道。 Must know that five hole colored glaze hearts are their lives, is they biggest card in a hand. 要知道那五窍琉璃心是他们的生命,是他们最大的底牌。 They do not allow it to have any problem absolutely. 他们绝对不允许其出现任何的问题。 But in which gold/metal looks that blade light to the vault of heaven, seemed like thought of anything. 而其中的金老看向苍穹上那道刀光,似乎是想到了什么。 After all everyone is also not an idiot. 毕竟大家也都不是蠢货。 Shouts hastily: Was these days profound cold blade, was they are tracing our hearts.” 连忙喊道:“是这些天玄寒刀,是他们在追溯我们的心脏。” Organizes this blade quickly.” “快组织此刀。” earth old first making a move, cannot attend to other at this moment. 土老第一个出手,此刻也顾不上其他。 Land protects.” “大地守护。” Sees only his both hands to make an effort a racket in void. 只见他双手用力在虚空中一拍。 An unusual strength penetrates the land, across void, appears in the surroundings of five hole colored glaze hearts. 一股奇特的力量透过大地,穿过虚空,出现在五窍琉璃心的周围。 Forms a defense cover automatically. 自动形成一个防护罩。 But others also responded at this time. 而其他人这时候也反应过来了。 At this moment cannot attend to other. 此刻都顾不上其他的。 Fire old both hands lift, fire dragons explode to shoot from other. 火老双手抬起,一条条火龙从其他爆射而出。 The wood always changes to vines, the vine rising typhoon on, forms airtight wooden shields. 木老化作一根根藤蔓,藤蔓一路扶摇而上,形成一面面密不透风的木盾。 The water is old, by the strength of vast sea, raises the difficult situation. 还有水老,以浩瀚大海之力,掀起惊涛骇浪。 Five different attribute strengths form the respective guard ring, each other melts and combines into one. 五道不同属性的力量形成各自的保护圈,彼此相融又合而为一。 However they evidently underestimated the striking power of day profound cold blade mountain of sword. 但是他们显然低估了天玄寒刀这刀山的攻击力。 Also overestimated own strength obviously. 也显然高估了自己的实力。 Although five lines of strength are powerful, but they eventually are Dao Fruit realm. 尽管五行之力强大无比,可他们终究不过是道果境界 Three flowers have not bloomed, three corpses have not divided. 三花未开,三尸未分。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” The blade air/Qi is mixing everywhere wind and cloud in the vault of heaven, annihilates in which all. 刀气在苍穹上搅动着漫天的风云,将一切都湮灭其中。 Only listens to “kāchā” one. 只听“咔嚓”一声。 Seems to be anything shatter. 似有什么东西破碎般。 In five side mouth, puts out a blood simultaneously. 五方老的口中,同时吐出一口鲜血。 Sees only five people to be senile at the visible speed. 紧接着,只见五人以肉眼可见的速度在衰老着。 Unwilling, unwilling!” “不甘,不甘啊!” Five people are to all face upward to angrily roar, the sound has the regret that is hard to state clearly. 五人皆是仰天怒吼,声音带着难以言明的遗憾。 Immediately five people of bodies as if did not have the support, crashes into to the sea of fire in directly. 随即五人的身体仿佛没有了支撑,直接坠入到火海内。 Regarding five people, the heart was shattered, these five human bodies were similar to did not have the soul, did not have using. 对于五人而言,心脏破碎,这五具肉体也就如同没有了灵魂般,没有了用。 If the heart exists, they can last forever. 而若是心脏存在,他们就可以永存。 This is a Rong Jurong, suffers if either one suffers. 这是一荣俱荣,一损俱损。 Saw that five people were defeated, other person also each and everyone complexion big changes. 看到五人都失败了,外界的其他人也都一个个脸色大变。 Five side is the rare powerhouse. 五方老已经是难得的强者了。 But as before failure. 可是依旧失败了。 Then they, do not consider resources bite off more than can chew. 那么他们这些人,就更是自不量力。 Some people have drawn back intent, but wants the resurrecting important person, suddenly is indecisive. 有些人已经有了退意,但又想要复活重要的人,一时间犹豫不决。 At this time, some people noticed Xu Zimo. 这时候,才有人注意到了徐子墨 You look, but also some people in inside.” “你们看,还有人在里面。” Who is that person? Who knew?” “那人是谁啊?谁认识?” The group person discusses spiritedly. 群人议论纷纷。 Five side were defeated, but also some people have valor to dare to go, this is newborn hair Du does not fear the tiger obviously! 五方老都失败了,还有人有勇气敢进去,这显然是初生毛犊不怕虎啊! Did not know, looks very unfamiliar.” “不认识,看着挺面生的。” Is an early devil.” “又是一个早死鬼。” Does not care regarding sound Xu Zimo. 对于外界的声音徐子墨根本不在意。 Because he had arrived at the middle position of tremendous dangers and difficulties slowly. 因为他已经缓缓走到了刀山火海的中间位置。 He knows, the mechanism/organization not spirits, but this tremendous dangers and difficulties are actually some real people safeguard. 他知道,机关无灵,但是这处刀山火海却是真真实实有人看管的。 They in inside actions, can be discovered. 他们这些人在里面的所作所为,都能被人发现。 Therefore he does not worry to break open tremendous dangers and difficulties. 所以他并不着急破开刀山火海。 But raised the head, the vision across coverage of tremendous dangers and difficulties, fell on void one. 而是抬头,目光穿过刀山火海的覆盖,落在了虚空中的某一处。 Said lightly: I do not want to destroy this place, comes to the nether world territory also sees the old friend, hopes that several do not stop.” 淡淡说道:“我不欲毁灭此地,来幽冥域也是见见故友,希望几位不要阻拦。” In that void deep place, behind sea of fire. 在那虚空深处,火海后面。 At this moment is standing two people. 此刻正站着两人。 They are the masters of tremendous dangers and difficulties, special protection nether world territory front door. 他们便是刀山火海的控制者,专门守护幽冥域大门的。 The left person, wears the blue Daoist robe, at this moment is sitting cross-legged to sit, both hands tie seal, the whole person and tremendous dangers and difficulties fuse together. 左边一人,身穿蓝色道袍,此刻正盘膝而坐,双手结印,整个人与刀山火海都融为一体。 This is an old man, the complexion is calm, the imposing manner is uncommon. 这是一名老者,面色沉稳,气势不凡。 But right person, is a robust man. 而右边一人,则是一名壮汉。 The robust men wear the red armor, the under foot is the volcano of spout, the whole person complexion is serious, meticulous. 壮汉身穿红色铠甲,脚下是喷涌的火山,整个人面色严肃,一丝不苟。 The Daoist robe old person is called the cool breeze. 道袍老人名叫清风。 This red armor robust man calls the flame. 这红铠壮汉则叫炎将。 At this moment two people hear the Xu Zimo words, even felt the Xu Zimo vision to fall on own body. 此刻两人听到徐子墨的话,甚至感受到了徐子墨的目光落在自己的身上。 Then understands instantaneously, ran into the powerhouse. 瞬间便明白,遇到了强者。 At least can see through this void, the strength or the vision, will not miss. 起码能看穿这处虚空的,无论是实力还是眼界,都不会差。 The cool breeze knits the brows slightly. 清风微微皱眉。 Falls the vision on the flame the body. 将目光落在炎将的身上。 Said: How do you see?” 说道:“你怎么看?” Really can put him to go in?” “真要放他进去吗?” „It is not good,” flame will sneer. “不行,”炎将冷笑一声。 Said: Nether world territory is always the place of deceased person, if wants arbitrarily to enter by the words.” 说道:“幽冥域向来是死人之地,若是凭借一番话就想随意进入。” That is our being deficient in carrying out one's responsibility, when the time comes the territory lord asked that if has an accident, we could not take on.” “那就是咱们的失责,到时候域主问起来,万一出了事,咱们担当不起。” Such being the case, that tries,” cool breeze nods. “既然如此,那就试一试,”清风点点头。 Also very approves his words. 也挺认同他的话。 Said: If he really strong, goes in depending on own skill.” 说道:“若他真的强,就凭自己的本事进去。” But at this moment in the outside world. 而此刻在外界。 Xu Zimo discovered own words fall, this tremendous dangers and difficulties do not have the sound. 徐子墨发现自己话语落下,这刀山火海并没有动静。 Instead is the sea of fire in space even more blazing. 反而是空间中的火海愈发的炽热。 The blade air/Qi in vault of heaven even more sharp. 苍穹上的刀气愈发的锐利。 This also makes him understand, the opposite party must contest. 这也让他明白,对方显然是要过招了。 Why, this does not want to act,” Xu Zimo shakes the head slightly. “何必呢,本没想出手的,”徐子墨微微摇头。 Such being the case, that hits, only hopes that the dead souls fellow daoist will not blame me.” “既然如此,那就一路打进去,只希望死灵道友不会怪我吧。” But outside world at this moment, some people heard Xu Zimo just words. 而此刻的外界,也有人听到了徐子墨刚刚的话。 Hears him to think aloud in that resembles with defending the person of pass/test speaks to want. 听到他在那自言自语,似是跟守关之人说话想要进去。 Taunted: Is everyone has seriously, if can go by the mouth, that so many people died in vain.” 不禁嘲讽道:“当真是什么人都有,要是靠嘴就能进去,那这么多人岂不是都白死了。” fantasy story, simply desolate Miao.” “天方夜谭,简直荒缪。” () ()
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