IATV :: Volume #23

#2265: Chapter 2265 heart exsomatize, day profound cold iron

Five side, refers to the east, south, west, north, and center five old ancestors. 五方老,指的是东南西北中五位老祖。 It is said their five people are butcher five embryos. 据说他们五人乃是一胞五胎。 And what is more unusual, five people share a heart. 并且更奇特的是,五人共用一颗心脏。 If the worldly desire, only feared that five people share, the heart could not have insisted. 若是凡心,只怕五人共用,心脏早已经坚持不住。 But this heart is out of the ordinary. 但这颗心脏却非同凡响。 That is five hole colored glaze hearts. The powerful heart not only can support five people are the life, continuous blood transfusion. 那是一颗五窍琉璃心。强大的心脏不仅仅能够支撑五人是生命,源源不断的输血。 Also can make five people of perceptions increase, the cultivation doubles, and five people of concentricity, are of one mind. 还能够让五人悟性大增,修炼加倍,并且五人同心,心有灵犀。 It can be said that this heart changed five people of destinies. 可以说,这一颗心脏改变了五人的命运。 Five people cultivation twice the result with half the effort, quick hits the reputation. 五人修炼事半功倍,很快就打出来名声。 Moreover five people of concentricity, the common onset and retreat, rarely has Loose Cultivator to dare to challenge them truly. 而且五人同心,共同进退,很少有散修敢真正去挑战他们。 Although these five side of one heart, the cultivation method that but five people stressed may be different. 这五方老虽然同心同德,但五人侧重的修炼方法可不一样。 After all if cultivates the homogenization is too serious, is disadvantageous to anyone. 毕竟要是修炼同质化太严重,对谁都不利。 Only then spreads becomes, is best. 只有相铺相成,才是最好的。 Five people treat as Dao Foundation by five lines, assumes in the east, west, south, and north, cultivates the gold metallurgy wooden water fire clay. 五人以五行当做道基,坐镇东西南北中,修炼金木水火土。 Five air/Qi unite, it may be said that is law Connecting Divinity. 五气合一,可谓是法可通神 At this moment, five people appear, many people were full of the hope. 此刻,五人出现,很多人都充满了希望。 After all these five people of strengths, everyone believes very much. 毕竟这五人的实力,大家还是很信服的。 Even if has not seen, but still has listened to five people of given names. 就算没有见过,但也听过五人的名号。 These five side wear the different color clothes. 这五方老身穿不同颜色的衣服。 gold/metal wears gold/metal clothes, the wood always wears the green clothes, the fire always wears the red clothes, the earth always wears the yellow clothes, the water always wears the blue clothes. 金老穿金衣,木老穿绿衣,火老穿红衣,土老穿黄衣,水老穿蓝衣。 Five clothes are corresponding they five people of attribute colors. 五件衣服对应着他们五人属性的颜色。 As five people enter in tremendous dangers and difficulties, not far away enters Xu Zimo of tremendous dangers and difficulties similarly, is no one pays attention on the contrary. 随着五人走进刀山火海内,不远处同样走进刀山火海的徐子墨,反倒是没人注意。 Even if some people see him, will not care. 就算有人看到他,也不会在意。 After all Xu Zimo does not show one's self, the levels of these people want to understand him are also fantasy story. 毕竟徐子墨不显山露水的,这些人的层次想要看懂他也是天方夜谭。 ......... ……… Enters in tremendous dangers and difficulties, 一进入刀山火海内, Xu Zimo then can feel that heads on blazingly. 徐子墨便能感觉到一股炽热扑面而来。 Although by his present strength, this blazing very difficult to become the influence on other party. 尽管以他如今的实力,这股炽热很难对他造成影响。 However he can feel, when present tremendous dangers and difficulties compared with his comes previous time, does not know that wants powerful many. 但是他能感受出来,如今的刀山火海比起他上一次来时,不知道要强大多少。 In his under foot, is a sea of fire. 在他的脚下,是一片火海。 Does not give the place that the person stands. 根本不给人站立的地方。 Even if you want tread the sky to stand, under sea of fire is still firing you unceasingly. 就算你想要踏空而立,底下的火海也在不断的灼烧着你。 Let the person when the fight, must isolate the sea of fire with spiritual energy, keeps one eye on to guard. 让人在战斗时,必须用灵气隔绝火海,一心二用提防着。 Otherwise even the slightest misstep, falls into the sea of fire, must the skeleton not save. 否则稍有不慎,落入火海,必须尸骨无存。 Moreover under this sea of fire, is a volcano. 而且这火海下,是一座火山。 Active volcano that year to year erupts. 常年喷发的活火山。 The big shot estimate of nether world territory was very not satisfactory regarding the arrangement of former sea of fire, but moved in this volcano by the enormous magical powers from the distant place. 幽冥域的大能估计是对于之前火海的布置很不满意,但以极大的神通从远方搬来了这火山。 The volcano treats as the sea of fire the source. 火山当做火海的源头。 Besides the sea of fire big change, the mountain of sword also became sharp. 除了火海大变外,就连刀山也变得更加锐利了。 This void each blade, but is not every iron. 这虚空中的每一柄刀,可都不是凡铁。 That profound cold made of iron becomes with the day. 那都是用天玄寒铁制成的。 On this day the profound cold tin can name as if had a cold character. 这天玄寒铁听名字似乎带了一个寒字。 But in effect it is not so. 但其实不然。 This iron falls from the sky to come from the day ! When across the space walls of nine territory world, falls from trillion meters upper air, with the space had the serious ignition and friction. 此铁从天外殒落而来,!穿过九域世界的空间壁,从亿万米高空落下时,与空间产生了严重的灼烧以及摩擦。 This also caused the cold air to change the anger. 这也导致了寒气变火气。 This is a mutation iron. 这是一种异变的铁。 Makes the weapon with it, brings the cold attribute gas. 用它做成兵器,自带寒属性的气体。 May freeze 3000 chi (0.33 m), the hoar frost descending 90,000 li (0.5 km). 可冰冻三千尺,霜降九万里。 But wants to breed this iron, strengthens its cold air, actually needs to moisten with the flame. 但想要孕育这铁,增强它其中的寒气,却又需要用火焰来滋润。 The ice and fire were not accommodating, even is two thing that clash. 冰与火本不相容,甚至是相冲的两物。 But at this moment actually perfect fusing together. 但此刻却完美的融为一体。 Two transform into a thing, the water and fire as one. 两物化一物,水火为一体。 The blade that the day profound cold iron manufactures, in this sea of fire, will not only not be suppressed. 天玄寒铁所制作的刀,在这片火海内,不仅仅不会受到压制。 Instead the might increases. 反而威力更是大增。 The nether world territory establishes this two thing, can say that almost blocked 90% people. 幽冥域设置此两物,可以说几乎挡住了百分之九十的人。 After all the nether world territory is the place that the deceased person comes. 毕竟幽冥域是死人来的地方。 Therefore this defends the place of pass/test, is the true death pass/test, simply does not have the vitality. 所以这守关之地,便是真正的死关,根本没有生机可言。 After Xu Zimo enters here, not anxiously breaking through, but looks to that five side. 徐子墨进入这里后,并没有急着破关,而是看向那五方老。 To be honest, he does not favor that five people. 说实话,他不看好那五人。 Although five people of isotopic Dao Fruit boundaries, but this influence is good in the outside world, is the nether world territory is different from other territories. 虽然五人同位道果境,但这个势力在外界还行,可是幽冥域跟其他域都不同的。 Sees only five people of tread the sky . 只见五人踏空而来。 The fire old first waves. 火老先是一挥手。 He cultivates the fire, should be like a fish in water in this sea of fire, the anger rises sharply. 他修火,在这片火海内理应如鱼得水,火气大涨。 But the fact is actually not true. 但事实却并非如此。 This moment fire old waves, seems like wants to control this sea of fire the flame. 此刻火老一挥手,似乎是想要控制这片火海的火焰。 Opens,” his drinks lightly. “开,”他一声轻喝。 Like must start out a road the present sea of fire. 如同要将眼前的火海开出一条路来。 But is not so simple. 但也没有这么简单。 Sees only revolves with his strength, sudden rise of whole body imposing manner, the present sea of fire truly moved. 只见随着他力量运转,周身气势的暴涨,眼前的火海确实动了起来。 The viscous lava starts to separate toward the both sides. 粘稠的熔浆开始朝两侧分开。 But does that actually very strenuously, the fire old man is sweat profusely. 但这么做却十分的吃力,火老的老头已经是大汗淋漓。 Can make one cultivate/repair the hot person to feel burning hot, it can be imagined has terrifying how. 能够让一个修火的人感受到炎热,可想而知有多么的恐怖。 Acts together,” gold/metal also saw the fire old condition is not right, shouts hastily. “一起出手,”金老也看出了火老的状态不对劲,连忙喊道。 Must know their five people, although cultivates the gold metallurgy wooden water fire clay, the strength attribute is different. 要知道他们五人虽然修炼金木水火土,力量属性不同。 Because five people of concentricity, five people of strengths can converge a body. 但因为五人同心,五人的力量可以归为一体。 And does not conflict. 而且互不冲突。 This is five people of most terrifying places. 这才是五人最恐怖的地方。 Sees only five people to tie seal mutually, the strength in within the body in the process of sudden rise, changes to four red mighty currents, floods into fire old within the body directly. 只见五人互相结印,体内的力量在暴涨的过程中,化作四道红色的洪流,直接涌入火老的体内。 At this moment, gold/metal wood water fire clay which energy, was assimilated becomes the hot attribute. 这一刻,无论是金木水火土哪种能量,都被同化成为了火属性。 Then all floods into fire old within the body. 然后全部涌入火老的体内。 Fire old just like receiving greatest increase. 火老就宛如受到了莫大的增幅。 His carrying/sustaining five people of strength. 他一人承载五人之力。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” At this moment, the strength increases. 这一刻,力量大增。 Sees only his forehead blue vein to explode, the face of whole person twists. 只见他额头青筋爆起,整个人的脸庞都是扭曲。 But present sea of fire ebullition. 但眼前的火海沸腾。 Also really started out a path by him forcefully. 还真硬生生被他开出了一条道路。 Succeeded,” outside some people see this. “成功了,”外面有人看到这一幕。 Exciting big shouting. 不禁兴奋的大喊道。 So long as there is a road, we can pass.” “只要有路,我们就都能通过。” Do not cheer too soon,” side some people reminded. “别高兴的太早,”旁边有人提醒道。 Checkpoint , if so simple, will not make so many people die.” “关卡若是这么简单,也就不会让这么多人死了。” This person of words just fell, seemed effective. 这人的话刚刚落下,似乎就是灵验了般。 Sees only in tremendous dangers and difficulties, as the sea of fire was separated a road, that circled the mountain of sword in vault of heaven unable to bear. 只见刀山火海内,随着火海被分开一条路,那盘旋在苍穹上的刀山忍不住了。 The day profound cold blade falls to empty directly. 天玄寒刀直接坠空而来。 Quickly person even/including Canying who very quick, arrives at the scene cannot see. 速度很快,快到现场的人连残影都看不到。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 Let alone the people on the scene, five side did not respond promptly, was passed through the chest by five day profound cold blades directly. 别说在场的众人了,就连五方老也反应不及时,直接被五柄天玄寒刀贯穿了胸口。 Under the people have a big shock, five side does not have slight startled. 在众人大惊失色之下,五方老却没有丝毫的惊慌。 Sees only five people of whole bodies to shake. 只见五人浑身一震。 Forced all day profound cold blades unexpectedly. 竟然将所有的天玄寒刀都逼迫了出去。 Pitifully, our five people altogether have a heart, but that heart had also been hidden by us.” “可惜,我们五人共有一颗心脏,而那颗心脏也早就被我们藏了起来。” We are only five incomplete human bodies. “我们只是五具残缺的肉体罢了。 Even if how you kill again, so long as could not find the heart, cannot kill our five people. ” 你就算再怎么杀,只要找不到心脏,也杀不死我们五人。” Fire old self-satisfied saying of. 其中的火老得意的说道。 The world know that their five people share a heart. 世人都知道他们五人共用一颗心脏。 Actually does not know this heart not in within the body. 却不知道这心脏并不在体内。 The heart exsomatize, they can also live in the same old way. 心脏离体,他们也照样能活。 This is they five people of proudest things, is the card in a hand.() 这是他们五人最自豪的事情,也是底牌。()
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