IATV :: Volume #23

#2264: Chapter 2264 deceased person resurrects, the front door is difficult to enter

The strength of this youth can only say also well. 这青年的实力只能说还不错。 Similar Great saint peak level. 差不多大圣巅峰的层次。 Although regarding Xu Zimo as before is the ants, but own talent and age in that swayed. 虽然对于徐子墨来说依旧是蝼蚁,但自身的天赋和年龄在那摆着呢。 Regarding the doubts of Xu Zimo. 对于徐子墨的疑惑。 The youth are very actually confident. 青年倒是很坦然。 Said: I am save others.” 说道:“我是去救人的。” Not is only I, now hurries to the people in nether world territory is to save others, you not?” “不仅仅是我,现在赶去幽冥域的人都是去救人的,难道你不是吗?” „Does life-saving, what person save?” Xu Zimo asked. “救人,救什么人?”徐子墨问道。 My wife,” youth somewhat strange returning said. “我妻子啊,”青年有些奇怪的回道。 A while ago news haven't you paid attention?” “前段时间的消息你没关注吗?” Nether world territory is the home to return to of deceased person, the people after nine territories died, the soul will basically go to the nether world territory.” “幽冥域乃是死人的归宿,九域的人死了之后,灵魂基本上都会前往幽冥域。” Some people said that so long as the physical body is well-preserved, receives and instructs the soul from the nether world territory, the person who you died can resurrect.” “有人说,只要肉体保存完好,从幽冥域接引回来灵魂,你们死去的人就能复活。” This matter causes a sensation very much, can you not know unexpectedly?” “这件事很哄动的,你竟然会不知道?” To be honest, Xu Zimo is not truly clear to this matter. 说实话,徐子墨确实对这件事不清楚。 Moreover this period of time True Martial Sacred Sect is busy the vertical prestige, he too does not pay attention to the matter. 而且这段时间真武圣宗忙着立威,他也不太关注外界的事。 To him, so long as this time steadfast walked own Great Way to be enough. 对他而言,这个时期只要坚定不移的走好自己的大道就足够了。 Ants worries him is not interested. 蝼蚁们的烦恼他是不感兴趣的。 Regarding the words of youth, Xu Zimo thought that pulls very much. 对于青年的话,徐子墨觉得很扯。 How the person of dying possibly resurrected. 死去的人怎么可能复活呢。 Even must resurrect, that still needs to consume the infinite energy and price, to be honest some gains don't equal the loss. 就算要复活,那也是需要耗费无穷的精力和代价,说实话有些得不偿失。 Moreover is not the person can resurrect. 而且并不是什么人都能复活的。 This back hard bargain is inconceivable simply. 这背后的条件苛刻简直难以想象。 If really looked like the youth saying that so long as received and instructed the soul to resurrect, that this world did not mess up. 如果真像青年这么说,只要接引灵魂就能复活,那这个世界不就乱套了。 The deceased people resurrect, population red string. 死人复活,人口红线。 This is Heavenly Way does not permit. 这是天道不允许的。 This with cutting down the day has anything to distinguish. 这跟伐天有什么区别。 Cuts down the day to resist Heavenly Way directly, but these behaviors related to life and death Great Way, are digging the Heavenly Way root simply. 伐天是正面对抗天道,而这些行为涉及生死大道,简直就是在挖天道的根啊。 Must know among the life and death, myriad things must defer to the rule. 要知道生死之间,万物的一切都要按照规则而来。 The life and death rule is deciding a life of person. 生死规则决定着一个人的一生。 The life of mortal had been arranged. 凡人的生命早已经被定好。 You practice, with the enhancement of cultivation base, is used to grow own life, this also in regular range. 你去修行,随着修为的提高,用来增长自己的生命,这也都是在规则范围之内。 However the deceased person resurrects, may not have this rule. 但是死人复活,可没有这种规则。 Moreover is impossible to have this rule to exist, otherwise Heaven and Earth did not mess up. 而且也不可能有这种规则存在,否则天地不都乱套了。 This is who said?” Xu Zimo somewhat funny asking. “这是谁说的?”徐子墨有些好笑的问道。 This matter do you also believe?” “这种事你也相信?” Why does not believe that everyone came, if real?” The youth asked. “为什么不信,大家都来了,万一是真的呢?”青年反问道。 His wife is he most important person. 他的妻子是他最重要的人。 That person who or everyone wants to resurrect, is to oneself, very important person. 或者说每个人想复活的那个人,都是对自己而言,十分重要的人。 Even if therefore the opportunities, believe many people will not miss. 所以哪怕有一丝的机会,相信很多人都不会错过。 Regarding this point, Xu Zimo can understand actually. 对于这一点,徐子墨倒是能理解。 ...... …… Looks at the youth to leave, Xu Zimo looked at the above nether world territory. 看着青年离开,徐子墨看了看上面的幽冥域。 Unlike other territories, the sky of nether world territory is the black, the above black fog is confused. 跟其他域不同,幽冥域的天空是黑色的,上面黑雾缭乱。 Even if has not entered, toward the nether world territory, can feel that pinnacle death air pressure system merely. 哪怕是没有进入其中,仅仅是朝着幽冥域出发,都能感受到那股极致的死气压制。 This place is the deceased person goes. 这地方是死人去的。 Only if resembles Xu Zimo or some true powerhouses can leave from the nether world territory safe and sound. 除非的像徐子墨或者一些真正的强者能安然无恙从幽冥域离开。 Live person who other go , is not possible to leave. 其他进去的活人,是不可能离开的。 This is the custom of nether world territory. 这便是幽冥域的规矩。 Is the rule of Lord of the Dead formulation. 死灵之主制定的规则。 Also because of so, nether world territory many years not such lively. 也正是因为如此,幽冥域已经很多年没有这么热闹过了。 It seems like has the important matter to happen,” Xu Zimo muttered. “看来是有大事要发生嘛,”徐子墨喃喃自语。 Also right, perhaps the nether world territory peaceful so many years, the Lord of the Dead intention was looked.” “不过也对,幽冥域安静了这么多年,死灵之主的意图说不定被看出来了。” This is a probe.” “这是一次试探。” Does not know that who the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator is.” “只是不知道幕后黑手又是何人呢。” Some Saint courtyard influence?” “圣庭还是某个势力?” Xu Zimo thinks simply, does not have to think carefully. 徐子墨简单想了想,却也没有仔细去想。 This is the matter that Lord of the Dead should have a headache about. 这是死灵之主应该去头疼的事情。 Main objective that after all these people want to probe, is Lord of the Dead. 毕竟这些人想试探的主要目标,便是死灵之主 These matters that as well as he in secret, does secretly. 以及他私下里,偷偷去做的那些事。 Xu Zimo looked at the vault of heaven. 徐子墨看了看天穹。 Saying with a smile: Also was really more and more chaotic.” 笑道:“还真是越来越乱了呢。” However selects randomly, again to him, the turbid water of the world stirs muddy. 不过乱点好,对他而言,世界的浑水再搅的浑浊一些。 He this time the nether world territory, then only has two matters. 他此番来幽冥域,便只有两件事。 First, can fight with Lord of the Dead. 一是能够跟死灵之主大战一场。 Second, is story world hundred condition, accumulates own Way Heart. 第二呢,也是见闻世间百态,积累自己的道心 After all just broke through ten million/countless Great Way. 毕竟刚刚突破千万大道 To continue to break through, in a short time is not possible. 想要继续突破,短时间内是不可能了。 Most needs then accumulates. 最需要的便是积累。 Xu Zimo has not stayed, he goes forward full power. 徐子墨也没有停留,他全力前进。 Because nine territories connect, therefore this also opens access all the way, does not have any obstuction. 因为九域连通,所以这一路上也是畅通无阻,没有任何的阻扰。 However more approaches the front door of nether world territory, he can see the increasing number of people. 不过越靠近幽冥域的大门,他就能见到越来越多的人。 It seems like this matter very makes time is big. 看来这一次的事情闹得还是挺大的。 To enter the nether world territory, no matter who must adopt the pass/test of front tremendous dangers and difficulties. 想要进入幽冥域,不管是谁都要通过前面的刀山火海之关。 Xu Zimo is no exception. 徐子墨也不例外。 When he came to the nether world territory initially for the first time, then caused havoc in this tremendous dangers and difficulties. 他当初第一次来幽冥域时,便是在这刀山火海大闹了一番。 Now comes again, the feelings of some people are no longer the same. 如今再一次来,有些物是人非的感觉。 Perhaps thought the initial defense was weak, the nether world territory the initial mountain of sword will construct with the sea of fire. 或许是觉得当初的防御还不够强,幽冥域将当初的刀山跟火海重新修建了一番。 After present tremendous dangers and difficulties, melts is a checkpoint. 如今的刀山火海以后融为一个关卡。 As the name suggests, is tremendous dangers and difficulties also inspects, the difficulty is enhancement doubled and re-doubled. 顾名思义,便是刀山火海同时考核,难度可谓是成倍的增强。 When Xu Zimo arrived here, discovered that here had gathered countless people. 徐子墨来到这里时,发现这里已经汇聚了无数人。 A head/number of people dark mass of piece, the terrifying of ten points. 人头乌压压的一片,十分的恐怖。 Especially hears many people to discuss. 尤其是听到很多人都在议论。 Blade male king Tianba did also die?” “刀雄王天霸也死了吗?” He is honored as the ghosts and gods' first blade, was the Blade Way powerhouse of new promote, cannot cross the mountain of sword unexpectedly.” “他可是被誉为鬼神第一刀啊,是新晋的刀道强者,竟然也过不了刀山这一关嘛。” If he cannot even pass, we only feared that had no chance.” “若是连他都过不了关,那我们只怕就更加没有希望了。” Words cannot say, some people return said. “话不能这么说,”有人回道。 We independent combat, said again a person of many strength is big, perhaps the so big scene, the nether world territory will draw back one step.” “咱们又不是单打独斗,再说人多力量大,如此大的场面,说不定幽冥域就会退一步呢。” To put it bluntly, the person have the heard mentality. 说白了,人都是有从众心理的。 A person may be timid. 一个人或许会胆怯。 The person but who treats as a matter were many, everyone will drift with the current. 但当做一件事的人多了,大家就会随波逐流。 This is also very normal. 这也很正常。 But Xu Zimo felt that these people obviously thought. 徐子墨感觉这些人明显想到了。 Because this they are the cannon fodders time, or was given to regard spearhead. 因为这一次他们都是炮灰,或者说是被人给当成枪使了。 each and everyone has not known. 一个个还不知道。 This perhaps is a weak one sorrowful. 这或许就是弱者的悲哀吧。 Even if some people will question, but for that a wee bit hopes, finally chooses to act boldly regardless of one's safety to struggle. 有些人哪怕会质疑,但还是为了那么一丁点的希望,最终选择奋不顾身去奋斗。 At this moment, some countless people have started to rush to tremendous dangers and difficulties. 此刻,已经有无数人开始闯刀山火海。 But so far, but also no one can enter inside truly. 但目前为止,还没有一人能真正进入里面。 Dozens people have died. 已经有几十人死在了其中。 The momentum of crowd was pressed. 人群的声势都被压了下来。 After all even front door, if cannot go, he discussed that anything can save others. 毕竟连大门若是都进不去,他谈什么能够救人呢。 In this time, is only listening front to have people to shout: Five side must go, perhaps was hopeful.” 正在这时,只听前面有人大喊道:“五方老要进去,说不定有希望了。” Five side is, the said/tunnel five old seniors,” some people think, has listened to this name. “五方老,是不是地道五老前辈,”有人想了想,也听过这个称呼。 Xu Zimo did not know. 徐子墨不认识。 But he was also disinclined to wait, the preparation directly entered in tremendous dangers and difficulties. 但他也懒得等了,准备直接进入刀山火海内。 However the vision of crowd not on his body. 但是人群的目光并不在他的身上。 () ()
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