IATV :: Volume #23

#2263: Chapter 2263 to the nether world territory, sets up the prestige has become

Chapter 2265 to the nether world territory, sets up the prestige has become 第2265章去往幽冥域,立威已成 Sees Xu Zimo to receive the blade, many people take back the vision hastily. 看到徐子墨收刀,许多人连忙收回目光。 Is ready in full battle array, like the student who the each and everyone little darling attended a lecture. 严阵以待,就像一个个乖乖听课的学生一样。 Xu Zimo has not managed others actually. 徐子墨倒是没管其他人。 This blade shocks everyone on the scene sufficiently. 这一刀足以震撼在场的所有人。 Later if who thought that True Martial Sacred Sect because of departure of True Martial Great Emperor, turned into the fruit cake, who wants to pinch can pinch, that must think over. 以后谁要是觉得真武圣宗因为真武大帝的离开,变成了软柿子,谁想捏就能捏的,那就要掂量掂量了。 Xu Zimo raised the head, looks at the vision to the vault of heaven. 徐子墨抬头,将目光看向苍穹之上。 Great Emperor Three Blades and fight of Mount Tai old person, although had not finished, but has been near the end. 三刀大帝与泰山老人的战斗虽然还未结束,但已经接近尾声了。 Mount Tai old person carries Mount Tai, although the aura is from the beginning sincere, the imposing manner is astonishing. 泰山老人身负泰山,虽然一开始气息厚重,气势惊人。 But as two people very intensive to spelling. 但随着两人高强度的对拼。 Obviously, Great Emperor Three Blades must even better. 很显然,三刀大帝要更胜一筹。 Blade intent in his hand not only sharp incomparable, is continuous, continuously. 他手中的刀意不仅仅锋利无比,更是连绵不绝,源源不断。 Probably is inexhaustible. 就好像无穷无尽般。 Regardless to spelling many times, he is similar to does not know exhaustedly, can stay most peak condition. 无论对拼多少次,他都如同不知疲惫,能够保持最巅峰的状态。 Mount Tai old person is the complexion big change. 泰山老人已经是脸色大变。 He knew that this way must defeat without doubt, only feared the past shame must reappear. 他自知这样下去必败无疑,只怕当年的耻辱又要再现。 Moreover these was not only a scar time, was possibly killed in this. 而且这一次不仅仅是一道疤痕了,更可能丧命于此。 Thinks of this, Mount Tai old person could ignore the dignity of what powerhouse and avenges a grievance. 想到这,泰山老人也顾不得什么强者的尊严和报仇雪恨了。 Shouts directly greatly: Fellow Daoist , helping my helping hand.” 直接大喊道:“诸位道友,助我一臂之力。” In his imagination, ten king Erzu kills a nameless junior, that is also not as stable as Mount Tai, the tentacle may result. 在他的想象中,十王二祖杀一个无名小辈,那还不是稳如泰山,触手可得。 But when he has turned the head, is the complexion is panic-stricken. 但当他转过头时,却是脸色惊骇。 Sees only void, that also has what ten king Erzu, only then just exploded the residual blood fog light in void. 只见虚空中,那还有什么十王二祖,只有刚刚爆炸残留的血雾淡淡在虚空中。 In the sensation, more than ten people of life characteristics also vanished. 在感知中,十几人的生命特征也都消失了。 He looks down again, sees only Xu Zimo to visit him who perfect pale smiles. 他再低头看,只见徐子墨正完好无损的淡笑的看着他。 He suddenly had not the good premonition. 他内心突然有了不好的预感。 The next quarter, the Great Emperor Three Blades three throwing knives had the day to extinguish the world the power and influence on erupt certainly. 下一刻,三刀大帝的三柄飞刀带着绝天灭世的威势爆发了出来。 He prevents hastily, actually already late already. 他连忙阻挡,却早已经晚已。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 Three blades across his body. 三柄刀穿过他的身躯。 A blade cuts the physical body, a blade cuts divine soul, a blade extinguishes True Fate. 一刀斩肉体,一刀斩神魂,一刀灭真命 Then is so three blades, wrote off Mount Tai old person directly. 便是如此三刀,直接抹杀了泰山老人。 In the end, you eventually were the initial ants.” “到头来,你终究还是当初的蝼蚁。” Great Emperor Three Blades draws a sword to stand, looks to the Xu Zimo direction. 三刀大帝抽刀而立,看向徐子墨的方向。 Saying with a smile: It seems like you compared with me quickly.” 笑道:“看来你比我快多了。” Has become aware by chance, tested one,” Xu Zimo returns said. “只是恰巧有所悟,实验了一番罢了,”徐子墨回道。 The Great Emperor Three Blades vision observes the situation the surrounding people. 三刀大帝目光环视周围的众人。 The tone raises, said loudly: „, Is only some small interludes, if disturbs, excuses me much.” 语气微扬,高声说道:“诸位,只是一些小插曲,若有打扰,多多见谅。” I know, today attended the banquet, the part congratulated my True Martial Sacred Sect wholeheartedly.” “我知道在诸位中,今天来参加宴会的,有一部分是真心实意恭贺我真武圣宗的。” Also the part empty, quarries a mountain like that jade two influences, wants to fish in troubled waters, has other plans.” “也有一部分就像那玉虚、开山两个势力一样,想要浑水摸鱼,另有算盘。” I do not want to investigate so many, the destruction of jade empty faction as well as quarrying a mountain sect enough has shown the issue.” “我不想去追究那么多,玉虚派以及开山宗的覆灭已经足够说明问题了。” I hope this Heavenly Peak Territory from now henceforth, is primarily my True Martial Sacred Sect, how feels?” “我希望这天极域从今以后,还是以我真武圣宗为主,诸位觉得如何呢?” Hears the Great Emperor Three Blades words, most people are quite smart, responded hastily. 听到三刀大帝的话,大多数人还是比较机灵的,连忙反应过来。 Shouts greatly: Three blade seniors said right, when we are headed by True Martial Sacred Sect, leading our Heavenly Peak Territory to move toward magnificently.” 大喊道:“三刀前辈说得对,我们当以真武圣宗为首,带领咱们天极域走向辉煌。” My witch Yun-school only takes the management of True Martial Sacred Sect.” “我巫云派只服真武圣宗的管理。” My hornbill sect is also the same......” “我犀鸟宗也一样……” The people took a stand hastily, one after another, if as if slow on such as that just killed powerhouse. 众人连忙表态,一个接着一个,仿佛要是慢了就如那刚刚被杀的强者般。 Saw that the people know the limitation, Great Emperor Three Blades beckons with the hand slightly. 看到众人都这么识相,三刀大帝微微摆手。 By the towards nine secret Daoist caused a meaningful glance. 朝旁边的九秘道人使了一个眼色。 Matter was solved, remaining the things of manipulation, basically gave nine secret Daoist. 事情解决了,剩下应付的事情,基本上就交给九秘道人了。 But he also leaves with Xu Zimo. 而他跟徐子墨也都离开。 When plans to leave?” Great Emperor Three Blades asked with a smile. “打算什么时候离开?”三刀大帝笑着问道。 Near several days, the True Martial Sacred Sect matter was solved, then should also tread my battle path,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “近几天吧,真武圣宗的事情解决了,接下来也该踏出我的征途,”徐子墨笑道。 Left the time to be long in Heavenly Peak Territory enough.” “在天极域留得时间已经够久了。” Smooth,” Great Emperor Three Blades cups one hand in the other across the chest, clear saying. “一路顺利,”三刀大帝拱手,真切的说道。 You are also.” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “你也是。”徐子墨笑道。 Hopes after your Blade Way, can go a step further.” “希望你的刀道以后能更进一步。” Before leaving True Martial Sacred Sect, Xu Zimo found Lin Ruhu. 在离开真武圣宗前,徐子墨找到了林如虎 Lin Ruhu has made rapid progress, three flowers has gathered the top now, is condensing three corpses. 林如虎的进步很快,如今已经三花聚顶,正在凝聚三尸。 Once these three corpses complete, then enters the grasping principles boundary. 这三尸一旦完成,便进入悟道境。 Before three corpses, Xu Zimo can help Lin Ruhu. 在三尸之前,徐子墨还是能帮帮林如虎的。 But after grasping principles boundary, are not related with Xu Zimo. 但悟道境后,就跟徐子墨没关系了。 The significance that because everyone grasps principles is different. 因为每个人悟道的意义都不一样。 The road that everyone takes is not same. 每个人走的路也都不相同。 Xu Zimo not possible to interfere with the Lin Ruhu road. 徐子墨也不可能去干涉林如虎的路。 He entered the attainments of three corpse boundaries to write down to Lin Ruhu. 他将自己一些进入三尸境的心得都写下来给了林如虎 Three corpse boundaries, to put it bluntly will be the past and present and in the future. 三尸境,说白了就是过去、现在和未来。 So long as you can comprehend the true meaning of time and destiny. 你只要能领悟时间与命运的真谛。 You can obtain this eternal strength. 你就能得到这永恒的力量。 Big Brother Zimo, when do I have the qualifications to follow your side?” 子墨哥,我什么时候才有资格跟随你的身边?” Lin Ruhu asked. 林如虎问道。 „Do three corpses, or grasp principles?” “三尸,亦或者悟道呢?” Relax, when with the Saint courtyard final wartime, I will definitely take your.” “放心吧,等到跟圣庭最终一战时,我肯定会带上你的。” Xu Zimo said with a smile. 徐子墨笑道。 As for the present, you main matter then breaks through the grasping principles boundary as soon as possible.” “至于现在,你最主要的事情便是尽快突破悟道境。” Goes out of own say/way, has the qualifications to cut down the day.” “走出自己的道,才有资格去伐天。” If the road ahead is anything is not clear, your cutting down day simply does not have the significance.” “假如前路是什么都不清楚,你的伐天也根本没有意义。” I understood,” Lin Ruhu grips tightly the double fist, firm saying. “我明白了,”林如虎紧握双拳,坚定的说道。 Next time we will meet, I can definitely achieve the grasping principles boundary.” “下次我们见面,我肯定能达到悟道境。” „After I walk, you follow three Blade Way friends to practice,” Xu Zimo said. “我走后,你就跟随三刀道友修行吧,”徐子墨说道。 Although you do not walk Blade Way, but Great Way is interlinked, he on grasping principles experience enough you studies.” “虽然你不走刀道,但是大道相通,他在悟道上的经验足够你学习的了。” I understand, Lin Ruhu nods. “我明白,”林如虎点点头。 Said: „ Actually this period of time I in True Martial Sacred Sect, have consulted with various group of seniors. 说道:“其实这段时间我在真武圣宗,跟各路前辈都请教过。 The roads of three corpses I have walked to understand, only needs to accumulate then. ” 三尸的路我已经走明白了,只需要积累即可。” Xu Zimo slight nod. 徐子墨微微点头。 True Martial Sacred Sect stayed several days later probably. 真武圣宗大概停留了几天后。 He prepares to start to go to the nether world territory. 他准备启程去往幽冥域。 However he had not told anybody, only then Great Emperor Three Blades comes to deliver him. 不过他没跟任何人说,只有三刀大帝前来送他。 Since channels between after nine territories are connected, the person communications of nine territories were more intensive. 自从九域之间的通道相连之后,九域的人来往更加的密集了。 On going to the road in nether world territory, Xu Zimo saw many people. 在去往幽冥域的路上,徐子墨见到了很多人。 This makes him knit the brows slightly. 这让他微微皱眉。 Must know that the nether world territory is different from other territories. 要知道幽冥域跟其他域不一样。 Since nine territories are connected, person who if goes to other territories many, after all other territories have not limited. 自从九域相连,若是去其他域的人多也就罢了,毕竟其他域是没有限制的。 But the nether world territory does not allow the living person to enter. 但幽冥域本身是不允许活人进入。 Only the deceased person can go here. 只有死人才能进去这里。 Control Lord of the Dead of nether world territory, in next big chess. 幽冥域的主宰死灵之主,在下一盘大棋。 Xu Zimo last one time the time of coming to the nether world territory, actually has detected. 徐子墨上一次来幽冥域的时候,其实已经察觉到了一些。 But he has not seen through an affair. 但他没有拆穿。 First has nothing to do with him. 一来跟他无关。 Secondly was that time strength is not strong, does not need the conflict with Lord of the Dead. 二来也是那时候实力不强,没必要跟死灵之主起冲突。 But now comes again, many things must part the fog to see the light. 但如今再一次来,许多事情都要拨开云雾见光明了。 The words return to the original topic again. 话再说回来。 Goes to the nether world territory regarding so many people, Xu Zimo also sees very curiously. 对于这么多人都去往幽冥域,徐子墨也看到很好奇。 He looked for a youth at will. 他随意找了一个青年。 () ()
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