IATV :: Volume #23

#2262: Chapter 2262 returns to the source destruction, only has a blade

Was difficult to be inadequate True Martial Sacred Sect to walk True Martial Great Emperor, came an eternal Great Emperor to be inadequate.” “难不成真武圣宗走了一个真武大帝,又来了一个万古大帝不成。” If so, only feared others on the danger.” “若真是如此,只怕其他人就危险了。” Some people pitying looks to the vault of heaven. 众人有些怜悯的看向苍穹上。 Sees only above that vault of heaven, ten king Erzu has become one group with Xu Zimo games. 只见那苍穹之上,十王二祖已经跟徐子墨成一团。 The attack of after seven king Jueming child kept off next, others are not keeping the hand, one after another attack all falls. 七王绝冥子的攻击被挡下后,其他人也不在留手,接二连三的攻击全部落下。 Alioth child revolution Beidou stars. 玉衡子运转北斗星辰。 river Chenzi summoned the vast river. 江辰子召唤浩瀚长河。 Xumi child kills it by the endless space suppression. 须弥子以无尽空间镇压杀之。 Ten kings depending on the skill, various species strengths like do not ask for money respectively, pounded toward below completely. 十王各凭本事,各种属性的力量如同不要钱般,全部朝下砸了过来。 But Omei masters too as well as Lushan old ancestor. 而峨眉师太以及庐山老祖。 Also is not lenient. 也是丝毫不手软。 The Omei master too right hand rotation, the powerful strength melts in the palm, is driving the startled day imposing manner. 峨眉师太右手转动,强大的力量融于掌心,带动着惊天的气势。 Rumble the oppression transmission of pinnacle. “轰隆隆”极致的压迫感传来。 But the Lushan old ancestor, in the hand an ancient pine heaven, the side innumerable root hair windings come. 而庐山老祖,手中一棵古松苍天,身边无数的根须缠绕而来。 The ancient pine stands erect not but actually, tenacious. 古松屹立不倒,坚韧不拔。 When all attacks fall, Xu Zimo has not avoided as before. 当所有的攻击落下时,徐子墨依旧没有躲避。 To these attacks like the violent storm, the bad people running wild is ordinary. 任凭这些攻击如同狂风暴雨,群魔乱舞一般。 However these attacks fall after the body of Xu Zimo, as before like liking a stone dropped into the sea, has not exuded the slight ripples. 但是这些攻击落在徐子墨的身上后,依旧如同石沉大海般,没有泛起丝毫的涟漪。 These lets everyone complexion big change. 这一下让所有人都脸色大变。 Must know that this everyone may not keep the hand, is actually not able to break through the defense of Xu Zimo as before, this terrifying. 要知道这一次大家可都没有留手啊,却依旧无法攻破徐子墨的防御,这就有些恐怖了。 What sorcery you... did you cause?” “你…你使了什么妖法?” People frequently the thing that are unable to understand, can be obtained the way of comfort to explain by oneself with some. “人们常常将自己无法理解的事物,用一些能让自己心里得到慰籍的方式去解读。 If your absolute sorcery can make you feel at ease own waste, pours also indifferently. ” 假如你们绝对妖法能让你们心安自己的废物,倒也无所谓。” Xu Zimo said lightly. 徐子墨淡淡说道。 „After I enter step ten million/countless Great Way, comprehended some new things, happen to used on you tries.” “我进阶千万大道以后,领悟到了一些新的东西,正好用在你们身上试一试。” Xu Zimo is saying, while extends own right hand slowly. 徐子墨一边说着,一边缓缓伸出自己的右手。 I call it the source destruction this method.” “我将这种方法称之为回源覆灭。” So long as there is a trace that you have, can find the source, then writes off directly.” “只要有你们存在的痕迹,就能找到源头,然后直接抹杀。” Sees only in the right palm of Xu Zimo. 只见在徐子墨的右掌中。 Has the innumerable say/way crystals to revolve. 有无数道晶体在旋转着。 In these crystals, carefully looked that imitates is wiping all kinds of attacks. 这些晶体内,仔细去看就充拭着各种各样的攻击。 These attacked completely were just the attacks of ten kings as well as two ancestors. 这些攻击全部是刚刚十王以及二祖的攻击。 They fall when the body of Xu Zimo, was actually not defended, accurate should be absorbed. 他们落在徐子墨的身上时,其实并非是被防御,准确来说应该是被吸收了。 What do you want to make?” The Lushan old ancestors suddenly had not the good premonition. “你想做什么?”庐山老祖突然有了不好的预感。 Returns to the source destruction the main point in this source.” “回源覆灭的主要点就在这源上。” Sees only Xu Zimo to take out a crystal. 只见徐子墨取出一颗晶体。 In this crystal, is a deep hand. 这晶体内,是一只冥手。 Before this is , when the deep child attacks him certainly, deep hand that the strength transforms. 这是之前绝冥子攻击他时,力量幻化的冥手。 This crystal is then representing your life, it and you are closely linked, the crystal broken person perishes.” “这晶体便代表着你的生命,它与你息息相关,晶碎人亡。” The next quarter, only listens to bang an explosion resounds. 下一刻,只听“砰”的一声爆炸响起。 Crystal by the Xu Zimo crumb, but tread the sky in vault of heaven the deep child, as if came under the greatest influence certainly. 晶体被徐子墨捏碎,而在苍穹上踏空的绝冥子,仿佛受到了莫大的影响。 Sees only his entire body to twist. 只见他整个身躯都扭曲起来。 Finally explodes the blood fog directly. 最后直接爆炸成血雾。 „The seventh child,” other ten king complexion are panic-stricken, shouts one. “老七,”其他十王脸色惊骇,不禁大喊一声。 But looks at the blood fog of explosion, the each and everyone body cannot bear shiver. 但看着爆炸的血雾,一个个身躯都忍不住颤抖起来。 Damn, damn!” “该死,该死啊!” Cannot let his again crumb crystal, prevents him,” has people to shout. “不能让他再捏碎晶体了,阻止他,”有人大喊道。 Must know that this crystal is saving their just strengths. 要知道这晶体存储着他们刚刚的力量。 Because this strength originates from their bodies. 因为这力量来源于他们的身上。 Therefore returns to the source to trace their true body, then destruction. 所以回源追溯他们真身,然后覆灭。 This returning source destruction way very non-solution, no matter is separated by far, even guards, is very difficult to defend. 这种回源覆灭的方式很无解,不管相隔多远,甚至是多么提防,都很难防住。 Only if you are powerful, can undergo this backlash. 除非你自身实力强大,能够经受住这种反噬。 Other nine kings do not dare to stay. 其他九王也不敢停留。 In the eldest child day weighs under child's leadership, killed toward Xu Zimo completely. 在老大天衡子的带领下,全部朝徐子墨杀了过来。 Nine people of slight ponders, the strength of whole body has not revolved the limit, is similar to mammoth, flows rapidly the restless river. 九人没有丝毫的思考,周身的力量运转到极限,就如同波澜壮阔,奔流不息的长河。 The momentum is astonishing, earth-shaking. 声势惊人,撼天动地。 But the Xu Zimo does not worry, he in making a move crystal, each and everyone crumb. 徐子墨柄不着急,他拿出手中的晶体,一个个捏碎。 Rumble, rumble “轰隆隆,轰隆隆” Explosion unceasing resounding in vault of heaven. 苍穹上的爆炸不断的响起。 From Xu Zimo ten meters, three people died. 距离徐子墨十米时,又有三人死了。 From Xu Zimo five meters, is three people explodes. 距离徐子墨五米时,又是三人爆炸。 Finally three people are away from Xu Zimo only one meter, must approach shortly, finally explodes directly. 最后三人距离徐子墨仅有一米,眼看着要靠近,最终还是直接爆炸开。 This scene made those present almost suffocate. 这场面让在场的人都几乎是窒息了。 Ten kings, the initiator of jade empty faction, dying is actually similar to ten ants. 十王啊,玉虚派的创始者,死的却如同十只蚂蚁般。 Complied with the ants seriously, but character. 当真应了蝼蚁而字。 Struggles continually appears extremely pale. 连挣扎都显得极其的苍白。 The people look at each other in blank dismay, look to the Xu Zimo vision, full is the color of awe. 众人面面相觑,看向徐子墨的目光中,满是敬畏之色。 But the other two, the Lushan old ancestors as well as Omei master Tai, were at this moment scared. 而另外两人,庐山老祖以及峨眉师太,此刻也都傻眼了。 Just everyone also at group war, in an instant death remaining they. 刚刚大家还在群战,转眼之间死的就剩下他们二人了。 Looks in the Xu Zimo hand also the remaining two crystals. 看着徐子墨手中还剩下的两枚晶体。 Two people all swallowed saliva ruthlessly. 两人皆是狠狠的咽了一口唾沫。 Ten thousand... the eternal Sir, this matter possibly is a misunderstanding.” “万…万古大人,这件事可能是个误会。” The Lushan old ancestors open the mouth, tone soft. 庐山老祖不禁开口,语气软了下来。 Misunderstanding?” Returning of Xu Zimo faint smile said. “误会?”徐子墨似笑非笑的回道。 Which misunderstanding, said that looks.” “误会在哪了,说说看。” We do not want with life and death that True Martial Sacred Sect puts together, is only the disputes on some territories. “我们没想和真武圣宗拼的你死我活,只是一些领土上的纠纷罢了。 Is insufficient, is really insufficient. ” 不至于,真不至于。” The Lushan old ancestors said hastily. 庐山老祖连忙说道。 We quarry a mountain sect can to guarantee, later forever will not enter Heavenly Peak Territory again.” “我们开山宗可以保证,以后永永远远不会再进入天极域。” I do not need your guarantee, I only believe that the words of deceased person,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “我不需要你的保证,我只相信死人的话,”徐子墨笑道。 The Lushan old ancestor innermost feelings tremble. 庐山老祖内心一颤。 But at this time, nearby Omei master too could not have borne. 而这时候,旁边的峨眉师太已经忍不住了。 Sees only her both hands to lift, summoned Mt. Omei directly, dropped from the clouds, pounded toward Xu Zimo. 只见她双手一抬,直接召唤峨嵋山,从天而降,朝徐子墨砸了过去。 Lushan, artificial knife and chopping block, I for fish meat. “庐山,人为刀俎,我为鱼肉。 He must kill our, why not to have the dignity. ” 他是必杀我们的,何必如此没有尊严呢。” Omei master Taida shouted. 峨眉师太大喝道。 Might as well spell the previous time, perhaps has a vitality.” “不如拼上一次,说不定有一丝生机。” Giant Mount Emei drops from the clouds. 巨大的峨眉山从天而降。 The Lushan old ancestors also shake the head slightly. 庐山老祖也是微微摇头。 Although he also knows, to spelling to win the possibility is not big. 尽管他也知道,对拼赢得可能性根本不大。 But at present as if no other choices. 但眼下似乎没有了其他的选择。 Xu Zimo will not let off their. 徐子墨不会放过他们的。 The Lushan old ancestors lift the hand, wrapped in a shroud of obscurity Lushan ascends in the dense fog. 庐山老祖抬手,神秘莫测的庐山于迷雾中升腾而起。 With the Mount Emei same row in the same place, suppresses toward Xu Zimo. 与峨眉山同列在一起,朝徐子墨镇压下来。 Looks at two palatial mountains, Xu Zimo is not flustered. 看着两座巍峨的大山,徐子墨却丝毫不慌张。 He not anxiously crumb crystal. 他并没有急着捏碎晶体。 But grasps Tyrant Shadow, the knife point refers, is ordinary like his vision, simultaneously across Heaven and Earth. 而是手持霸影,刀尖所指,如同他的目光一般,同时穿过天地 Cuts!” “斩!” A military might the boundless strength with drinks to resound lightly. 一声威武又磅礴的力量随着轻喝响起。 Sees only together the blade photon under nine days the rising typhoon on. 只见一道刀光子九天之下扶摇而上。 Also resembled the vast boundless ray to break out Yixiantian. 又似浩瀚无垠的光芒劈开了一线天。 Rumble...” “轰隆隆…” That two palatial mountain is completely crushed. 那两座巍峨的高山彻底被粉碎。 In people's eyes, Heaven and Earth as if vanishes does not see. 在众人的眼中,天地都仿佛消失不见。 The vision, only has a blade. 目光所至,唯有一刀。 Good overbearing blade,” this is the Lushan old ancestor's final idea. “好霸道的刀,”这是庐山老祖最后的想法。 Together with two mountain same places, Lushan old ancestors and Omei masters too by complete destruction. 紧接着,连同两座大山一起,庐山老祖和峨眉师太被全部覆灭其中。 Among Heaven and Earth a silence. 天地之间一片寂静。 Only has Xu Zimo to receive the blade Gui Qiao voice to reverberate. 唯有徐子墨收刀桂鞘的声音回荡着。 () ()
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