IATV :: Volume #23

#2261: Narration of Chapter 2261 scarlet quirk person, range chicken earthenware dog

The weak ones are always ignorant. 弱者向来是无知的。 This type ignorant has nothing to do with any other things. 这种无知跟其他任何的东西都无关。 Is because they experience few, the vision is limited. 是因为他们见识少,眼界有限。 They are unable to understand that what forever the world of powerhouse is. 他们永远都无法明白强者的世界是什么样的。 Is just like the jade empty ten kings at this moment, or quarries a mountain three ancestors. 就好比此刻的玉虚十王,或者说开山三祖。 Even present Great Emperor Three Blades, not in the Xu Zimo level. 甚至就连如今的三刀大帝,都不在徐子墨的层次中。 With a True Martial Great Emperor war, after comprehending ten million/countless Great Way, some Xu Zimo itchy. 真武大帝一战,领悟了千万大道后,徐子墨正有些手痒。 To try the present strength. 想试试如今的实力。 ten million/countless Great Way, that is realm of deeper level. 千万大道,那是一种更深层次的境界 Compared with beforehand million Great Way, just like frog in a well, sits the well view day. 跟以前的百万大道比起来,就宛如井底之蛙,坐井观天。 Xu Zimo wants to say. 徐子墨又不禁想道。 What hundred million should Great Way be? 一亿大道又该是什么样呢? A hundred million Great Way person looks at them, looks like the ants to be the same. 一亿大道的人看他们这些人,是不是也像蝼蚁一般呢。 This makes Xu Zimo very urgent, wants to achieve itself to vainly hope for that level. 这让徐子墨很迫切,想要达到自己梦想中的那种层次。 This moment Xu Zimo is pondering. 此刻徐子墨在沉思。 But his just words, enraged the old ancestors of jade empty faction as well as quarrying a mountain sect obviously. 但他刚刚的话,显然触怒了玉虚派以及开山宗的老祖们。 It is not worth mentioning this idiom, making them feel the insult. 不值一提这个成语,让他们感觉到了侮辱。 Boy , some people teach you to understand the politeness.” “小子,也该有人教你懂懂礼貌。” In the jade empty ten kings, seven king Jueming child cold sound said. 玉虚十王中,七王绝冥子冷声说道。 In his hand strength circulation, within the body just like storm gathering. 他手中力量流转,体内宛如风暴汇聚。 The powerful strength in thundering, changes to a deep claw to drill from void, grasped toward Xu Zimo. 强大的力量在轰鸣之间,化作一只冥爪从虚空中钻出,朝徐子墨抓了过去。 However regarding this deep claw, Xu Zimo actually does not move aside. 然而对于这冥爪,徐子墨却是根本不躲闪。 Met forcefully this struck. 硬生生接了这一击。 The deep claw falls, let alone injured to Xu Zimo, even his lower hem corner has not wrinkled. 冥爪落下,别说伤害到徐子墨了,连他的衣角都没有皱起。 Without a trace of deep claw direct annihilation. 冥爪直接湮灭的无影无踪。 Certainly the deep child complexion changes. 绝冥子脸色一变。 Perhaps others could not feel, but he is obviously can the sensation. 别人或许感觉不到,但他自身是最明显能够感知的。 Just after that deep claw fell, met one like liking a stone dropped into the sea strength. 刚刚那冥爪落下后,遇到了一股如同石沉大海般的力量。 „Are you giving me flexure to be itchy?” Xu Zimo asked with a smile. “你是在给我挠痒痒吗?”徐子墨笑着问道。 This boy has the strangeness, acts together,” the Lushan old ancestors loudly shouted. “这小子有古怪,一起出手,”庐山老祖大喝道。 In the one side, Mount Tai old person and Great Emperor Three Blades fight has also started. 在一旁,泰山老人与三刀大帝的战斗也已经开始了。 Sees only this Mount Tai old person's top of the head, Mount Tai condenses the formation, he shoulders the mountain to fight. 只见这泰山老人的头顶,泰山凝聚成型,他背负山岳而战。 Not only had not been suppressed, instead was the strength obtained a more comprehensive promotion. 不但没有受到压制,反而是力量得到了更全面的提升。 Before body of Great Emperor Three Blades, three different blades are revolving. 三刀大帝的身前,三柄不同的刀在旋转着。 Belongs to Blade Way startled Heaven and Earth of self- strength to be indescribably tragic. 属于自我力量的刀道天地泣鬼神。 You who can win absolutely?” “你们绝对谁能赢?” Guest who today this invites, is honored and popular. 今天来此宴请的客人,也都是有头有脸的。 Has the powerhouse in Loose Cultivator, there is a big sect Sect Master old ancestor. 散修中的强者,也有大宗门宗主老祖。 After all the average person simply does not have the qualifications to participate in invitation of True Martial Sacred Sect. 毕竟一般人根本没有资格来参加真武圣宗的宴请。 Therefore some everyone also eyesight vigor. 所以大家还都是有一些眼力劲的。 After seeing Great Emperor Three Blades and fight of Mount Tai old person, starts to appraise. 看到三刀大帝与泰山老人的战斗后,纷纷开始评价起来。 Two people forms of combat are different.” “两人的战斗方式不同。” Great Emperor Three Blades Blade Way is primarily is sharp, the blade edge refers, sweeps away all obstacles.” 三刀大帝刀道以锐利为主,刀锋所指,所向披靡。” However Mount Tai old person, is primarily the mountain to be sincere, is well-prepared, suppresses Heaven and Earth.” “而泰山老人,则是以山岳厚重为主,厚积薄发,镇压天地。” One is the most sharp lance, one is the sincerest shield, two people victories and defeats have really not said.” “一个是最锐利的矛,一个是最厚重的盾,两人的胜负还真不好说。” Looked that who first controls the situation.” “就看谁先掌控先机吧。” Hears this commentary, many people nod, obviously also approves very much. 听到这种评论,许多人都点点头,显然也都很认可。 Therefore some people look to Xu Zimo here fight. 于是又有人看向徐子墨这边的战斗。 „, This fight should no suspense.” “诸位,这场战斗应该没什么悬念了吧。” Ten king Jiaer ancestor, fights one obscure individual, should the issue not be big.” “十王加二祖,战一个无名之辈,应该问题不大吧。” Possibly, but I look at in that eternal eye, seems does not know the fear, has several points of facetious meaning, does not know that is the misconception.” “可能吧,不过我看那万古的眼中,好似不知害怕,更带着几分戏谑之意,不知道是不是错觉。” This fights I to press wins eternally,” suddenly some people shout. “这场战斗我压万古赢,”突然有人喊道。 In many people, this person of words look like sing an opposing tune to be the same. 在众多人中,这人的话语就像是唱反调一样。 The people turn the head to look. 众人转头一看。 The person of discovery speech, is the scarlet quirk person. 发现说话之人,乃是赤火道人。 This scarlet quirk person came from Blazing Fire Territory, reach a high degree of proficiency that flame plays, is known. 这赤火道人来自于炽火域,一手火焰玩的炉火纯青,也算是小有名气。 At this moment, sees only the scarlet quirk person to smile. 此刻,只见赤火道人神秘一笑。 Asking: „, You may know that who that eternal is?” 问道:“诸位,你们可知道那万古是何人?” Has never heard,” some people shake the head. “从未听说过,”有人摇摇头。 Fame is big, but can also have ten king Gener ancestor's fame to be big?” “名气再大,还能有十王跟二祖的名气大?” Scarlet hot fellow daoist, you as if knows anything, mentioned listens,” some people returned said. “赤火道友,你似乎知道些什么,说来听听呗,”有人回道。 Must know in nine territories, although together with, but the having free time next door isolates. 要知道九域之间,虽然连同,但彼此之间又有空间壁隔绝。 Besides some powerhouses can the free turnover, most people unable to leave mutually. 除了一些强者可以自由进出外,大多数人都是无法互相离开的。 Even if must leave, still needs to prepare enough many preparations, the paid price and danger are not controllable. 就算要离开,也需要准备足够多的准备,付出的代价和危险是不可控的。 Only if important time, otherwise the people in most nine territories are unable to go to other territories. 所以除非重要时候,否则大多数九域的人都无法去到其他域。 This also created in nine territories, each other news stops up. 这也造成了九域之间,彼此的消息十分堵塞。 Even if you inquired specially, not necessarily can know the news of other territories. 甚至就算你特意去打听,也不一定能知道其他域的消息。 This True Martial Great Emperor cuts down the day. 这一次真武大帝伐天而起。 A sword passes nine territories, completely breaks links between nine territories. 一剑通九域,将九域之间的链接彻底打破。 This was also a good deed. 这也算是一件好事了。 Can nine territories to communicate back and forth, although this link is impossible maintains. 能够让九域的人来回来往,虽然这种链接不可能一直保持。 With cutting down day finished, nine territories became will also be like before. 伴随着伐天结束,九域又会变得跟之前一样。 But at least this period of time was revelries between nine territories. 但起码这段时间算是九域之间的一场狂欢了。 But the scarlet quirk person then taking this opportunity, arrived at Heavenly Peak Territory from Blazing Fire Territory. 而赤火道人便是借着这个机会,从炽火域来到了天极域 He wants to experience a True Martial Great Emperor elegant demeanor. 他本想见识一番真武大帝的风采。 What a pity does not have with enough time, True Martial Great Emperor cuts down the day to go, he can only participate in this time invitation. 可惜没来得及,真武大帝伐天而去,他只能来参加这次的宴请。 Is makes up to regret. 算是弥补一下遗憾吧。 At this moment sees everyone's vision on oneself. 此刻看到所有人的目光都在自己身上。 The scarlet quirk person smiles. 赤火道人笑了笑。 Not anxiously not slow, said: Our Fire Race first ancestor you should know.” 不急不缓,说道:“我们火族的始祖你们应该知道吧。” You say Sir Xian Zhu?” Asking that some people probe. “你是说衔烛大人?”有人试探的问道。 Right, the strengths of our first ancestor believe that you should understand. “没错,我们始祖的实力相信你们应该明白。 For sometime, the person who came from Mortal Territory had challenged our first ancestors. 有一段时间,从凡域来的人曾经挑战过我们始祖。 That person says eternally. ” 那人自称万古。” The voice of scarlet quirk person falls, the people were scared. 赤火道人的话音落下,现场的众人都是傻眼了。 Eternal, is not this youth at present. 万古,不就是眼前这青年嘛。 He has challenged the Fire Race first ancestor. 他挑战过火族始祖。 In addition regardless of the victory and loss, solely is this valor, made countless people exclaim in surprise sufficiently. 尚且不论输赢,单单是这份勇气,就足以让无数人惊叹了。 Must know, regardless of jade empty ten kings, quarries a mountain three ancestors, their fame are big, eventually is an eldest child of influence. 要知道无论玉虚十王,还是开山三祖,他们的名气再大,也终究不过是一个势力的老大罢了。 But Xian Zhu, that is a territory controls. 衔烛,那可是一域主宰。 Is ruling Blazing Fire Territory truly. 真正统治着炽火域 Both at all not in a horizontal level. 两者根本不在一个水平层次上。 At this moment, some people had asked impatiently. 此刻,有人已经迫不及待问了起来。 Afterward, finally how?” “后来呢,结果怎么样?” „Did Sir Xian Zhu accept a challenge, loses won?” 衔烛大人有没有应战,输了还是赢了?” Regarding this matter, the scarlet quirk person first was silent. 对于这件事,赤火道人先是沉默了一下。 Said: Victory and loss is unimportant, more importantly the jade empty ten kings are also good, quarry a mountain three ancestors, but range chicken earthenware dog.” 紧接着说道:“输赢不重要,重要的是玉虚十王也好,开山三祖也罢,不过土鸡瓦狗罢了。” Scarlet hot fellow daoist said, it seems like it was Sir Xian Zhu lost,” some people listened to beyond the words of scarlet quirk person immediately the sound. “赤火道友这么说,看来是衔烛大人输了,”有人马上听出了赤火道人的话外之音。 After all is their Fire Race first ancestor, some words they are not willing to acknowledge that said. 毕竟是他们火族的始祖,有些话他们也不愿承认去说。 But the people on the scene are the worldly people, how also possibly not to know. 但在场的众人都是人精,又怎么可能不知道呢。 Eternal, when rose such a powerhouse,” some people sighed with emotion were saying. “万古,何时崛起这么一尊强者了,”有人感慨着说道。
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