IATV :: Volume #23

#2260: Chapter 2260 quarries a mountain three ancestors, the jade empty ten kings

Chapter 2262 quarries a mountain three ancestors, the jade empty ten kings 第2262章开山三祖,玉虚十王 Some enmity, some people will bear a grudge for a lifetime Mount Tai old person are such character. 有些仇,有的人会记恨一辈子泰山老人便是这样的人物。 That was several thousand years ago things, Great Emperor Three Blades has forgotten beyond the highest heavens, but Mount Tai old person actually treated as urging on that this oneself took revenge. 那都是数万年前的事情了,三刀大帝早已经忘到九霄云外,但是泰山老人却将此当做自己复仇的鞭策。 Regarding Mount Tai old person's words, Great Emperor Three Blades said with a smile pale: Remembers you actually, but has not thought that you are so narrow-minded.” 对于泰山老人的话,三刀大帝淡笑道:“倒是记得你,只是没想到你这人如此小心眼。” Is a competition, is not a vengefulness for father's murder, seizes hate of wife, why so to take to heart.” “不过是一场比试罢了,又并非杀父之仇,夺妻之恨,何必如此耿耿于怀呢。” Dexterous that „ you said that initially I the quarrying a mountain sect is also being the character of key trained. “你说的轻巧,当初我在开山宗也是重点培养的人物。 But because of your war, sect totally gives up me. 可就是因为你那一战,宗门彻底放弃我。 My Way Heart is firm, for a lot of years unyielding are not bountiful, where today can see you, ” Mount Tai old person said. 要不是我道心坚固,千百年来不屈不饶,今日又哪能见到你,”泰山老人说道。 Almost is the appearance twists, clenches jaws. 几乎是面目扭曲,咬牙切齿。 „The world only knows True Martial Sacred Sect, your Great Emperor Three Blades is also becoming famous.” “世人只知道真武圣宗,连带着你三刀大帝也成名了。” But do I, who know the name of my Mount Tai?” “但我呢,谁人知晓我泰山之名?” Great Emperor Three Blades returns pale with a smile said: „ No one knows your, you should not blame me. 三刀大帝淡笑着回道:“无人知你名,你不该怪我。 Why does not think, is too waste, seeks the reason. ” 为什么不想想,是不是自己太废物,找找自身原因呢。” Said uselessly, today I come, then looks for your three blade wars specially, you may dare should under.” “多说无益,今日我来,便是特意来找你三刀一战的,你可敢应下。” Mount Tai old person said directly. 泰山老人直接说道。 True Martial Great Emperor leaves your prestige, I can 11 eliminate.” 真武大帝留给你的这些名望,我都会一一剥夺。” You come, only feared that does not want to ask me to fight purely,” Great Emperor Three Blades interested saying. “你们来,只怕不是单纯想找我一战吧,”三刀大帝饶有兴趣的说道。 I thought that you aim at True Martial Sacred Sect specially, otherwise my three blade what virtue what can, making your jade empty ten king with quarry a mountain three ancestors to come.” “我看你们是特意针对真武圣宗吧,否则我三刀何德何能,让你们玉虚十王跟开山三祖都来呢。” As the Great Emperor Three Blades words fall, sees only a Great Emperor Three Blades vision vertical stroke, as if a sharp blade. 随着三刀大帝的话语落下,只见三刀大帝的目光一竖,仿佛一柄利刃。 In the group of people of quarrying a mountain sect, everyone thinks that Mount Tai old person time is this chancellor person. 在开山宗的这群人里面,大家都以为泰山老人是这一次的主事人。 But actually besides Mount Tai old person, the other two appears low key. 但其实除了泰山老人外,还有另外两人显得十分的低调。 All wears a black robe. 皆是身穿一身的黑袍。 The black robe camouflages in which the head. 黑袍将脑袋都遮蔽其中。 Now was seen through an affair by Great Emperor Three Blades, sees only the left black robe Yin sad to smile. 如今被三刀大帝拆穿,只见左边的黑袍了阴恻恻一笑。 Was looked, but we do not want to hide.” “被看出来了,不过我们本来也没想隐藏。” The left black robe person reveals the appearance/portrait. 左边的黑袍人露出真容。 This is a middle-aged person, the middle-aged person height eight chi (0.33 m), the stature is majestic, but is actually having a childish face. 这是一名中年人,中年人身高八尺,身材雄壮,但却长着一张娃娃脸。 This stature with the cheek, how sees how is out of sorts. 这身材跟脸蛋,怎么看怎么违和。 Appears on such a body. 都却就是出现在这么一副身躯上面。 Lushan old ancestor “庐山老祖” This is quarries a mountain one of the three ancestors, same existence with Mount Tai old person. 这是开山三祖之一,跟泰山老人一样的存在。 Does not know the truth about the matter, only the reason is in this mountain. 正所谓不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。 The Lushan old ancestors never show by the appearance/portrait, each he appears time is the different faces. 庐山老祖从来不以真容示人,每一次他出现都是不同的脸。 The genuine and fake world has also been used. 真假世人也已经习惯了。 True Martial Great Emperor leaves, True Martial Sacred Sect has been not as before, but wants to wield the ear of Heavenly Peak Territory as before, only feared that somewhat does not consider resources bite off more than can chew.” 真武大帝离开,真武圣宗早已经大不如前,但依旧想执掌天极域的牛耳,只怕是有些自不量力。” As soon as another black robe person hears the sound then to know that is a woman. 另一名黑袍人一听声音便知道是一名妇人。 She takes off the black robe, this is an old woman. 她脱下黑袍,这是一名老妪。 She is called Omei master Tai, is quarries a mountain one of the three ancestors. 她被称为峨眉师太,也是开山三祖之一。 Their three people found the quarrying a mountain sect, the fame rise sharply, the strength is also good. 他们三人创建开山宗,名气大涨,实力也不俗。 In numerous influences, few people dare to provoke them truly. 在众多势力内,很少有人敢真正挑衅他们。 Omei master Tai, Lushan old ancestor, Mount Tai old person. 峨眉师太,庐山老祖,泰山老人。 This moment three people get together, made the other guests of banquet feel for several points is not unusual actually. 此刻三人齐聚,倒是让宴会的其他客人感受到了几分不寻常。 Properly speaking, but attended the banquet, does not need such grandly. 按理来说,只是参加宴会,根本不需要这么隆重。 Even if True Martial Sacred Sect invites, does not need three ancestors to arrive. 哪怕是真武圣宗宴请,也不需要三祖全部到来。 Many people have felt the smell of gunpowder. 很多人已经感觉到了火药味。 True Martial Great Emperor is not, many monsters and freaks also jumped. 真武大帝不在,很多牛鬼蛇神也都跳出来了。 You think that my True Martial Sacred Sect does not have the qualifications to wield the ear, did your quarrying a mountain sect have the qualifications?” Great Emperor Three Blades asked. “你认为我真武圣宗没资格执掌牛耳,难道你开山宗就有资格了?”三刀大帝反问道。 Why can't?” Mount Tai old person said directly. “为何不可?”泰山老人直接说道。 Our three ancestors, are hope today True Martial Sacred Sect can see clearly, gives way before difficulties. “我们三祖今日来,便是希望真武圣宗能看清自我,知难而退。 Otherwise fights, rivers of blood, are not good to anyone. ” 否则大战起,血流成河,对谁也不好。” Which so many idle talk,” this time Xu Zimo opens the mouth, sneered to say. “哪那么多废话,”这时候徐子墨开口,冷笑道。 Since you come today, I looked that do not walk, all stays behind, I choose place of good burying bone to you.” “既然你们今日来了,我看也就不要走了,全都留下吧,我给你们选一处上好的埋骨之地。” Xu Zimo was common. 原本徐子墨是不起眼的。 After all he is not many in the time that True Martial Sacred Sect treats, many people when inquiring the True Martial Sacred Sect information, will neglect him. 毕竟他在真武圣宗待的时间不多,很多人在打探真武圣宗的情报时,也都会忽略他。 At this moment he spoke suddenly, was the so extremely arrogant tone, naturally caused the attention and discontented of countless person. 此刻他突然说话,还是如此狂妄的语气,自然引起了无数人的注意和不满。 Junior, we spoke the qualifications when some you interrupted, slapped,” Omei master too drank lightly. “小辈,我们说话何时有你插嘴的资格了,掌嘴,”峨眉师太一声轻喝。 The strength of whole body rises suddenly, big hand already toward the Xu Zimo fan in the past. 周身的力量暴涨,大手已经朝徐子墨扇了过去。 This Omei master too most pays great attention to the custom. 这峨眉师太最注重规矩。 Usually the quarrying a mountain sect, which disciple is seeing her to be well-mannered, does not dare to overstep the half a point. 平时在开山宗,哪个弟子见了她都是规规矩矩的,不敢逾越半分。 Now the Xu Zimo opens the mouth, has offended her. 如今徐子墨开口,已经是触犯了她。 Saw that the Omei master big hand of too falls, Xu Zimo wields Tyrant Shadow directly. 看到峨眉师太的大手落下,徐子墨直接挥起霸影 Cut layer on layer/heavily. 重重的斩了下去。 A pitiful yell resounds. 一声惨叫响起。 In an instant, the people alarm, the scene is in an uproar. 霎那间,众人惊扰,现场都是一阵哗然。 Omei master broken hand of too falls on the ground. 峨眉师太的断手落在地上。 From alarming to a silence, short only used for several seconds. 从惊扰到一片寂静,短短只用了几秒钟。 The Omei masters too are also the complexion big changes. 峨眉师太也是脸色大变。 Although she a racket, had not just used the full power conveniently earnestly. 尽管她刚刚只是随手一拍,并没有认真用全力。 But cut off a hand, as before is the great shame. 但被斩断一只手,依旧是奇耻大辱。 Especially to this type regarding very heavy person who the custom and face countenance look. 尤其是对她这种对于规矩和颜面看的很重的人。 She cannot attend to other, becomes angry out of shame, angrily roars boy, you court death.” 她顾不上其他,恼羞成怒之间,一声怒吼“小子,你找死。” In an instant, sees only on her to spread to move the energy of mountain but actually sea. 霎那间,只见她身上传开搬山倒海之能。 Powerful imposing manner sufficiently destruction destruction all. 强大的气势足以覆灭覆灭一切。 Her left hand just like blocking the sky, brings gloomily, the prestige of flying sand and rocks. 她的左手宛如遮天蔽日般,带着天昏地暗,飞沙走石之威。 Suppressed toward Xu Zimo again. 再一次朝徐子墨镇压了过来。 However Xu Zimo as before light free, as if the sky collapses is not anything. 不过徐子墨依旧平淡自若,仿佛天塌下来都不算什么。 He grips the hilt, drawing a sword, but is such simple. 他握住刀柄,拔刀而出就是这么简单。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 The remarkable explosion transmits. 惊人的爆炸传来。 Also was one finishes a job to fall on the ground. 又是一只断手落在了地上。 At this moment audience silent like dying general peaceful. 这一刻全场的寂静如同死一般安静。 Omei masters too astonished long time, just now recovers. 就连峨眉师太都惊愕了半晌,方才回过神来。 Must know that just she could also be said as herself wielding conveniently, has not prepared. 要知道刚刚她还可以说是自己随手一挥,没有准备好。 But this she is under being furious time, not slight keeps the hand. 但这一次她可是震怒之下,没有丝毫的留手。 Actually cut off the hand by the opposite party as before. 却依旧被对方斩断了手。 Originally was True Martial Sacred Sect found the helper, no wonder was so extremely arrogant,” Mount Tai old person in one side Yin sad saying. “原来是真武圣宗找到了帮手,怪不得如此狂妄,”泰山老人在一旁阴恻恻的说道。 „It is not a helper, my itself/Ben is a True Martial Sacred Sect member,” Xu Zimo said lightly. “并非帮手,我本就是真武圣宗的一份子,”徐子墨淡淡说道。 You can call my honorific titles, eternal.” “你可以称呼我的尊号,万古。” Eternal,” people look at each other in blank dismay, obviously in the investigation to True Martial Sacred Sect, has not cared about Xu Zimo specially. “万古,”众人面面相觑,显然在对真武圣宗的调查中,没有特别在意徐子墨 The jade empty ten kings as well as quarried a mountain three ancestors to look at each other one. 玉虚十王以及开山三祖对视了一眼。 Only listens to Mount Tai old person saying: „ Great Emperor Three Blades leaves me, no one must meddle. 只听泰山老人说道:“三刀大帝留给我,谁也不许插手。 Between I and him the fight, I have anticipated to be very long. ” 我和他之间的战斗,我已经期待很久了。” We solve this eternally,” the Lushan old ancestors return said. “那我们就解决这万古,”庐山老祖回道。 Can be good,” Great Emperor Three Blades looks to Xu Zimo, said with a smile. “能行吧,”三刀大帝看向徐子墨,笑道。 One flock of ants, again many also useless,” Xu Zimo returns said. “一群蝼蚁罢了,再多也没用,”徐子墨回道。 () ()
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