IATV :: Volume #23

#2259: Chapter 2259 jade empty faction, Mount Tai old person

Chapter 2261 jade empty faction, Mount Tai old person 第2261章玉虚派,泰山老人 Hears the Great Emperor Three Blades words, Xu Zimo is cleaning Tyrant Shadow in hand gently. 听到三刀大帝的话,徐子墨轻轻擦拭着手中的霸影 Saying with a smile: On that day happen to made one try the blade, having a look at my True Martial Sacred Sect this blade to shout.” 笑道:“那天正好让人来试试刀,看看我真武圣宗这柄刀可利呼。” Great Emperor Three Blades also narrows the eyes to focus. 三刀大帝也是微眯着眼。 Words as the saying goes, did not fear that very steals feared very keeps thinking. 俗话说的话,不怕贼偷就怕贼惦记。 These must certainly hit to hurt some people time. 这一次肯定要将一些人打疼了。 Otherwise True Martial Sacred Sect wants to be very difficult peacefully. 否则真武圣宗想要安宁很难。 Three days later, the True Martial Sacred Sect new Sect Master nine secret Daoist officially become Sect Master. 三天之后,真武圣宗新任宗主九秘道人正式成为宗主 On this day True Martial Sacred Sect is extremely busy. 这一天真武圣宗可谓是热闹非凡。 Solely is the banquet, has several hundred tables. 单单是宴会,就有几百桌。 True Martial Sacred Sect does in a big way manages especially. 真武圣宗可谓是大办特办。 But from comes the guest who in all directions, is each one backgrounds is uncommon. 而从四面八方而来的宾客,也都是个个背景不凡。 Has the powerhouse in Loose Cultivator, there is an old ancestor of some ancient influence...... 散修中的强者,也有某个古老势力的老祖…… Nine secret Daoren leads several core elders, the guest who nearby comes mutually gave regards. 九秘道人带着几位核心长老,互相跟前来的宾客问好。 After all puts out a hand not to hit the smile person, particularly congratulates, the True Martial Sacred Sect face must give. 毕竟伸手不打笑脸人,尤其是来祝贺的,真武圣宗面子还是要给到的。 The person who however looks for trouble somewhat could not repress. 不过找麻烦的人也有些按耐不住了。 Nine secret fellow daoist become Sect Master, in my opinion this True Martial Sacred Sect also declined, in the short person selects the general!” “九秘道友成为宗主,依我看这真武圣宗也是没落了,矮个里挑将军啊!” Some people opened the mouth, the direct provocation said. 有人开口了,直接挑衅道。 The person of speech wore the white cheongsam, in the white increased several points of light gray. 说话之人身穿白色长衫,白色里面又增添了几分的淡灰色。 This group of people are immeasurably deep, the each and everyone long hair with neat that the chignon fetters, meticulous. 这群人深不可测,一个个长发用发髻束缚的整整齐齐,一丝不苟。 Has not carried any martial tool, but oneself have several points of illusory feeling. 没有携带任何的武器,但自身却带着几分虚无缥缈的感觉。 This is the person of jade empty faction. 这是玉虚派的人。 The jade empty faction is Heavenly Peak Territory in the two years a new influence. 玉虚派乃是天极域这两年新崛起的一个势力。 At first they only have ten people. 起初他们只有十个人。 The jade empty factions of ten people of foundations, are called the jade empty ten kings with joint forces. 十人合力创建的玉虚派,被称为玉虚十王。 Afterward this faction developed rapidly, in the faction the disciple was tens of thousands quickly even hundreds of thousands. 后来此派发展迅速,派中弟子很快就达到了几万甚至数十万。 However this faction has moved in the west side, does not approach the east side that True Martial Sacred Sect is, between two influences, in former no happening together. 不过此派一直在西边活动,并不靠近真武圣宗所在的东边,以至于两个势力之间,在以前根本没什么交集。 However now True Martial Great Emperor leaves, some jade empty faction people could not repress, wants to extend the hand to the east side comes to see. 但是如今真武大帝离开,玉虚派有人就按耐不住了,想把手伸到东边来看看。 Hears the words of jade empty faction, the True Martial Sacred Sect person has not responded, side also some people taunted. 听到玉虚派的话,真武圣宗的人还没有回应,旁边又有人嘲讽道。 Understands, the god of the north cuts down the day to go, the powerhouses followed him to walk, was only left over one pile of gangs of lowlifes.” “理解一下嘛,真武伐天而去,强者都跟随他走了,只剩下一堆臭鱼烂虾。” The the group of people of this saying wear a Martial Way clothing/taking, the black and white stripe meets, the back two practicing martial arts large characters focus attention on. 说这话的这群人穿着一身武道服,黑白条纹相见,背后两个演武大字十分瞩目。 Do not despise them. 可别小看他们。 They come from the quarrying a mountain sect. 他们来自于开山宗。 This sect influence is found in nine territory each territories. 这个宗门的势力遍布九域各个域之间。 Naturally, because in each territory of nine territories, has his control. 当然,因为九域的每个域内,都有其主宰者。 Like Lord of the Dead of spirit territory, Thousand Doomsday of ghosts and gods territory wait/etc. 就像幽灵域的死灵之主,鬼神域的千灾末日等等。 Although the quarrying a mountain sect has the influence in these territories, but does not dare to offend control eventually the interest. 开山宗虽然在这些域有势力,但终究是不敢触犯主宰者的利益。 Therefore quarries a mountain to earnestly hope that can have a territory, becomes their supreme headquarters, they make of control. 所以开山宗迫切希望能有一域,成为他们的大本营,他们自己做主宰的那种。 Now True Martial Great Emperor leaves, Heavenly Peak Territory naturally became their target. 如今真武大帝离开,天极域自然成了他们的目标。 Moreover there is a rumor, said this jade empty faction behind, has the form of quarrying a mountain sect. 而且有传言,说这玉虚派的身后,就有开山宗的身影。 The jade empty ten kings, quarry a mountain at first a subsidization. 玉虚十王,起初就是开山宗资助的。 Concrete genuine and fake no one knew, but this moment two side influence gathering same places, moreover taunted True Martial Sacred Sect mutually, obviously had be connected. 具体的真假无人得知,但此刻两方势力凑到一起,而且互相嘲讽真武圣宗,显然是有所关联的。 Hears the jade empty faction and quarrying a mountain sect speaks, nine secret Daoist are naturally impossible to look but not see. 听到玉虚派与开山宗如此说话,九秘道人自然不可能视而不见。 His complexion is lonely. 他脸色冷清。 Said lightly: Several, today are my True Martial Sacred Sect great happiness days, is it possible that is finds fault.” 淡淡说道:“几位,今天是我真武圣宗大喜的日子,诸位莫非是来找茬的。” Has what goal to say directly, why to hide, instead makes one look down upon.” “有什么目的直接说出来,何必躲躲藏藏,反而让人瞧不起。” Nine secret Sect Master in a moment are happy,” in jade empty ten kings, eldest child alioth said with a smile. “九秘宗主说话就是痛快,”玉虚十王中,老大玉衡子笑道。 I had the words to speak frankly.” “那我就有话直说了。” Our jade empty faction discovered a mining area that side the Guangdong gorge. “我们玉虚派在广东山峡那边发现了一处矿区。 Originally we want to mine, but that side is in the range of True Martial Sacred Sect control it is said. ” 本来我们想开采的,但据说那边属于真武圣宗统御的范围内。” Therefore then wants to ask whether to give our jade empty faction that mining area?” “所以便想问问,能否将那处矿区让给我们玉虚派?” Regarding the words of alioth, nine secret Daoist double pupils narrow the eyes. 对于玉衡子的话,九秘道人双眸微眯。 He knows that this is the opposite party is testing him. 他知道这是对方在试探他。 The mining area is not anything, so long as made concessions, it is estimated that will have countless people to well up. 矿区不算什么,但是只要退让了,估计会有无数人都涌上来。 The making concessions person showed that True Martial Sacred Sect was weak, feared. 退让人就证明真武圣宗虚弱了,惧怕了。 Ant that these person shapes will hemophagia, reckless throws. 这些人就会像吸血的蚂蚁般,不顾一切的扑上来。 Nine secret Daoist said directly: When my True Martial Sacred Sect place your jade empty faction must seize, is it possible that wants to make war inadequately with us.” 九秘道人直接说道:“何时我真武圣宗的地方你玉虚派要强抢了,莫非是想要跟我们开战不成。” Makes war is not, is inferior to this,” alioth said with a smile. “开战算不上,不如这样吧,”玉衡子笑道。 How do we compete with one?” “我们来比试一场如何?” First, decides the ownership of mining area by the competition.” “一来呢,凭借比试来决定矿区的归属。” Secondly, nine secret Sect Master take office newly, needs to set up the vertical prestige.” “二来呢,九秘宗主新上任,也需要立立威嘛。” Hears alioth the words, nine secret Daoist are preparing to answer. 听到玉衡子的话,九秘道人正准备回话。 But not far away, Great Emperor Three Blades and Xu Zimo had walked slowly. 但不远处,三刀大帝徐子墨已经缓缓走了过来。 Nine secret Daoist naturally cannot attend to paying attention to others, but is the respectful regards: Pays a visit the old ancestor.” 九秘道人自然顾不上理会别人,而是恭敬的问候道:“拜见老祖。” Today is my True Martial Sacred Sect big day, I come to see the person to look for trouble.” “今天是我真武圣宗的大日子,我来看看有没有人过来找麻烦。” Great Emperor Three Blades said with a smile pale. 三刀大帝淡笑道。 True Martial Great Emperor left, True Martial Sacred Sect should also open the new page.” 真武大帝离开了,真武圣宗也该翻开新的一页了。” Regarding the Great Emperor Three Blades words, nine secret Daoist slight bows. 对于三刀大帝的话,九秘道人微微点头。 Said: Should so, just the fellow daoist of this jade empty faction and quarrying a mountain sect also wants to ask me to compare notes.” 说道:“理应如此,刚刚这位玉虚派和开山宗的道友还想找我切磋呢。” Piece of work is no interesting,” Great Emperor Three Blades beckons with the hand, said directly. “小打小闹没什么意思,”三刀大帝摆摆手,直接说道。 Who , if there is opinion to my True Martial Sacred Sect, said although, we accepted good advice readily.” “谁要是对我真武圣宗有意见,尽管说出来,我们从善如流。” Opinion is far from, I spoke also straight, has place that anything offended, three blade seniors forgave much.” “意见谈不上,我这人说话也直,有什么冒犯的地方,三刀前辈多多包涵。” Quarrying a mountain sect, an old man stood. 开山宗这边,一名老者站了出来。 I am Mount Tai old person, does not know that three blade seniors still do remember.” “我乃是泰山老人,不知三刀前辈还记不记得。” Great Emperor Three Blades takes constant care of many affairs of sate, perhaps almost forgot me, or Mount Tai Venerate this name should have the memory.” 三刀大帝日理万机,说不定都快忘了我,或者泰山尊者这个称呼应该有记忆吧。” Great Emperor Three Blades knits the brows slightly. 三刀大帝微微皱眉。 At first he truly cannot think, so long as carefully thinks, can think. 起初他确实想不起来,但只要认真想想,还是能够想起来。 At that time beginning him nine territory world. 那时候他初来九域世界。 As the Great Emperor who came from Yuan Yang Continent ascension, initially when this world, then at that time Mount Tai Venerate conflict. 作为从元央大陆飞升而来的大帝,初来这个世界时,便与彼时的泰山尊者起了冲突。 Afterward two people competed with the war. 后来两人比试对战。 Although Mount Tai Venerate cultivation base strong he, but in his hand three blades are sharp. 虽然泰山尊者修为强过他,但他手中三柄刀锋利无边。 Depends upon the advantage of Blade Way, Great Emperor Three Blades is slightly better, at that time his blade cut having a face of Mount Tai Venerate. 依靠刀道之利,三刀大帝略胜一筹,当时他的刀划破了泰山尊者的有脸。 At this moment looks again, discovered that on present old man face, similarly has slash together. 此刻再看,发现眼前的老者脸上,同样有一道刀痕。 Properly speaking, by his cultivation base, this slash has actually been able to erase. 按理来说,以他的修为,这刀痕其实早就可以抹除了。 But Mount Tai old person has remained. 但泰山老人却一直留着。 This only feared that is his warning and self- urges on. 这只怕是他内心的一种告诫和自我鞭策吧。 These hated Great Emperor Three Blades to forget, as his strength was getting stronger and stronger, Mount Tai Venerate did not bear in mind. 这些仇恨三刀大帝早就忘了,随着他实力越来越强,泰山尊者也都不被记在心里。 But regarding Mount Tai old person, taking revenge two characters is actually the matter that his so many years have wanted to do. 但对于泰山老人而言,复仇两个字却是他这么多年一直想做的事。 Before had True Martial Great Emperor, he does not dare to challenge truly. 之前有真武大帝在,他不敢真正来挑战。 Now is the best time. 如今便是最好的时机。 After hearing Mount Tai old person's words, Great Emperor Three Blades shaking the head chuckle. 听到泰山老人的话后,三刀大帝摇头轻笑了一声。 () ()
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