IATV :: Volume #23

#2258: Chapter 2258 god of the north time opens, some people cannot repress

Chapter 2260 god of the north time opens, some people could not repress 第2260章真武时代开启,有人按耐不住了 This is True Martial Great Emperor is saving the potential. 这是真武大帝在积攒势。 Potential type of thing could not see clearly to say unclearly, but actually real existence. 势这种东西看不清说不明,但却真实的存在。 Since the ancient times has by the view that the potential oppresses others. 自古以来就有以势压人的说法。 But True Martial Great Emperor ascends a height to get a broad view to come step by step, among entire Heaven and Earth is completely his power and influence. 真武大帝一步步登临而来,整个天地间全部是他的威势。 The day opens the door by a sword is broken out. 天启门被一剑劈开。 On that day in opened the door, one shortly end. 那天启门内,一眼看不到尽头。 It seems like the emptiness of universe, is the jet black black hole. 就好像是宇宙的空荡,是漆黑的黑洞。 With the appearance of True Martial Great Emperor, in True Martial Sacred Sect resounds the sound that the battle drum rapped. 随着真武大帝的出现,真武圣宗内响起了战鼓敲击的声音。 Rumble, rumble “轰隆隆,轰隆隆” Each rap like asked the vault of heaven, stirring, heavenly prestige was turbulent. 每一次的敲击如同直问苍穹,震撼人心,天威动荡。 Whooshes like the storm along with the battle drum, the Azure Dragon army are also ascend to heaven, all around situated in True Martial Great Emperor. 伴随着战鼓如同风暴嘶吼,青龙军也是登天而起,位于真武大帝的四周。 Great Heavenly Empress, Great Emperor Three Blades, other old ancestor completely tread the sky . 紧接着,鸿天女帝,三刀大帝,其他老祖全部踏空而起。 Today the war opens,” only listens to True Martial Great Emperor to say. “今日战启,”只听真武大帝说道。 After Empress, only I cut down the day, if successful, then changes the world. “自女帝之后,唯我伐天而起,若成功,则改天换地。 If failed, goes a step further for all living things again. ” 若失败,则替众生再进一步。” Today the name of my god of the north, will be praised by various heaven.” “今日我真武之名,也将被诸天传颂。” Sees only his big hand to shine to the heaven. 只见他的大手向苍天映照而出。 At this moment the True Martial Great Emperor form appears in nine territories. 这一刻真武大帝的身影可谓是出现在九域内。 Regardless of you or tribulation the immortal territory in Heavenly Peak Territory, or other nine territories are the places. 无论你是在天极域还是劫仙域,亦或者其他九域是地方。 So long as you raise the head, can see True Martial Great Emperor. 只要你抬头,就能看到真武大帝 Countless people have endless emotion suddenly. 无数人一时间感慨不已。 So many years, there is new cutting down day to open.” “这么多年了,又有新的伐天者开启了。” Cuts down the day, why must cut down the day, we live like this are not being good.” “伐天,为何要伐天啊,我们这样活着不好嘛。” „ Since mediaeval Empress cut down a day of failure, then no one had valor to dare to cut down the day. “自从中古时代女帝伐天失败以后,便再也没有人有勇气敢伐天了。 Our time quiet was so long, the ruler in any territory did not dare. 我们这个时代沉寂了这么久,无论是哪一域的统治者都不敢。 The never expected that new times really had to cut down day from the beginning. ” 没想到新时代竟然一开始就有伐天者了。” New epoch has opened, regardless of True Martial Great Emperor cuts down the day whether is successfully defeated, he will lead the new time.” “新的纪元已经开启,无论真武大帝伐天是否成功失败,他都将引领新的时代。” Above True Martial Great Emperor is very tranquil. 上空的真武大帝很平静。 As cutting down day, he leads the new time. 作为伐天者,他引领新的时代。 Sees only him to call loudly: New times work as in the name of my god of the north, this is the god of the north time.” 只见他高声喊道:“新时代当以我真武为名,此为真武时代。” This is the name that many person thinks. 这是一个很多人都想到的名字。 As then, immemorial God King leads Immemorial Era. 一如当初,太古神王引领太古时代 Demon Lord leads Demon Descents Era. 魔主引领魔临时代 Empress led the Middle Age to be the same. 女帝引领中古时代一样。 How to appraise a change of time, are not related with the time, no one has the qualifications to make the time transform. 如何评价一个时代的更替,跟时间没关系,谁也没有资格让时代转换。 Only has to cut down day. 唯有伐天者。 After cuts down day to appear, he has the qualifications to finish on a time, then opens own time. 当一个伐天者出现后,他就有资格结束上一个时代,然后开启自己的时代。 Before was the medieval new style. 之前是中古新历。 Since Empress opening cuts down the day, after leading medieval, then has not cut down a day of appearance again. 自从女帝开启伐天,引领中古后,便再也没有伐天者出现。 Therefore the people of later generation have lived in medieval. 所以后世之人一直生活在中古。 Just to distinguish, people are divided into the old calendars and new style two medieval. 只不过为了区别过去,人们将中古分为旧历和新历两个。 But both belong to medieval. 但两者都属于中古。 Now the appearance of True Martial Great Emperor, finished medieval truly. 如今真武大帝的出现,才算是真正结束了中古。 The new time is the god of the north. 新的时代为真武。 God of the north time! 真武时代! Some people muttered. 有人喃喃自语。 The god of the north given name will follow everyone to pass the life. 真武的名号将伴随所有人度过一生。 Regardless of he cuts down the day whether succeeds, the given name of god of the north time will not change. 无论他伐天是否成功,真武时代的名号都不会改变。 Only when next cuts down a day of appearance, can present the new time and given name. 只待下一个伐天者出现,才能出现新的时代和名号。 My name praises various heaven,” probably was this meaning. “我之名传颂诸天,”大概便是这种意思了。 After True Martial Great Emperor leads the time. 真武大帝引领时代以后。 Sees only him not to have slight hesitation, opens the door to go step by step upwards. 只见他没有丝毫的迟疑,一步步朝天启门而去。 Under shock of battle drum, the sound of footsteps of Azure Dragon army is common like the startling thunderclap. 在战鼓的震撼之下,青龙军的脚步声如同惊雷一般。 Step by step. 一步又一步。 Dignified and solemn and respectful. 庄严而肃穆。 Finally, as True Martial Great Emperor enters in the gate of revelation thoroughly. 终于,随着真武大帝彻底走进天启之门内。 Every day/Sees the sky only opens the door closes slowly. 只见天启门缓缓关闭。 The people cannot see clearly inside the matter, is unable to know the result of this war. 众人看不清里面发生的事情,也无从得知这场大战的结果。 But as we all know, one will decide the future fight must start. 但所有人都知道,一场将决定未来的战斗要开始了。 Will succeed?” “会成功吗?” Some people muttered. 有人喃喃自语。 Should succeed, True Martial Great Emperor like that rash person, he was not the preparation is definitely appropriate.” “应该会成功吧,真武大帝不像那种冒失的人,他肯定是准备妥当了。” Heavenly Way is invincible, everyone is unable to resist it, takes the say/way.” 天道是不可战胜的,所有人都无法对抗它,取死之道罢了。” At this moment discusses spiritedly. 这一刻是议论纷纷。 Some people favor some people not to favor. 有人看好有人也不看好。 But in any event, True Martial Great Emperor was his own destiny to open. 但无论如何,真武大帝属于他自己的命运已经开启了。 Xu Zimo lowers the head has not paid attention to the vault of heaven again. 徐子墨低下头没有再关注苍穹。 This fight is not a short time can decide the victory and loss. 这种战斗不是一时半会就能决定输赢的。 The failure defeats, requires the time. 无论是失败还是战胜,都是需要时间的。 He looked down ancient jade in own hand. 他低头看了看自己手中的一个古玉。 This is True Martial Great Emperor leaves his. 这是真武大帝留给他的。 When True Martial Great Emperor leaves gives to him. 真武大帝离开时送给他的。 If...... I meant if, cut down day to be defeated, I will give you as far as possible some news.” “如果……我是说如果,伐天失败了,我会尽可能给你一些消息的。” This is the original words that True Martial Great Emperor spoke. 这是真武大帝说的原话。 He prepared all, including failure preparation. 他做好了一切的准备,包括失败的准备。 ...... …… Then some time, Xu Zimo has not worried to leave True Martial Sacred Sect. 接下来一段时间,徐子墨并没有着急离开真武圣宗 Because of departure of True Martial Great Emperor, present True Martial Sacred Sect very weak. 因为随着真武大帝的离开,如今的真武圣宗十分的虚弱。 Almost was 90% powerhouses not. 几乎是百分之九十的强者都不在了。 The high-end strength only has Great Emperor Three Blades one. 高端力量只剩下三刀大帝一个。 Xu Zimo needs to help stand firm the situation. 徐子墨需要帮忙稳住情形。 Although he has not kept True Martial Sacred Sect, but if must say that he has a family/home. 虽然他不会一直留在真武圣宗,但如果非要说他有一个家的话。 Then True Martial Sacred Sect is his only family/home. 那么真武圣宗便是他唯一的家。 Therefore in any event, Xu Zimo must guarantee that here will not be chaotic. 所以无论如何,徐子墨要确保这里不会乱。 He must tell the world, although True Martial Great Emperor not, but True Martial Sacred Sect is no one can covet. 他要告诉世人,虽然真武大帝不在了,但真武圣宗也不是什么人都能觊觎的。 ......... ……… Over the following several days. 接下来几天。 Xu Zimo has treated in True Martial Sacred Sect. 徐子墨一直待在真武圣宗 Occasionally drinks by the say/way with Great Emperor Three Blades, is satisfaction. 偶尔跟三刀大帝论道喝酒,也算是过的惬意。 In the vault of heaven, will hear bang the explosive sound frequently. 苍穹上,经常会传来轰隆的爆炸声。 Although in being able to see, but everyone knows that this was the fight has started. 虽然看不见里面,但大家都知道这是战斗已经开始了。 Slowly also on be used. 慢慢也就习惯了。 A month later, True Martial Sacred Sect previous generation Sect Master draws back, the new Sect Master nine secret Daoist preparations succeed to the throne. 一个月之后,真武圣宗的上一代宗主退下,新任的宗主九秘道人准备继位。 In fact change between this Sect Master is very normal. 事实上这种宗主之间的更替是很正常的。 Previous generation Sect Master has wielded sect is too long, he wants to draw back this thoughts also to understand. 上一代宗主已经执掌宗门太久了,他想退下来这种心思也能理解。 Nine secret Daoist are this generation most splendid, is the strength strongest elder, originally was trained as the successor. 九秘道人是这一代最出色,也是实力最强的长老,本来就是被作为接班人培养的。 The new Sect Master high-rank, True Martial Sacred Sect should inform entire Heavenly Peak Territory, thus chats the banquet, invitation square guest. 宗主上位,真武圣宗理应昭告整个天极域,从而大摆筵席,邀请四方客。 This is a big influence revealed own strength time. 这是一个大势力显露自身实力的时刻。 The scene definitely cannot miss. 场面肯定不能差。 Some people could not sit still,” Great Emperor Three Blades said with Xu Zimo with a smile. “有些人坐不住了,”三刀大帝徐子墨笑着说道。 Only feared that this sect banquet, some people must launch an attack time thoroughly.” “只怕这一次的宗门宴会,有些人要彻底发难了。” Great Emperor Three Blades is cleaning own blade at the same time, seems very tranquil. 三刀大帝一边擦拭着自己的刀,显得很平静。 Which people, is Heavenly Peak Territory, a foreign territory?” Xu Zimo asked. “哪些人,天极域的,还是外域的?”徐子墨问道。 He too did not care to the matter in this aspect. 他对这方面的事情都不太关心。 After all besides the cultivation, the other matters of the world to him, is the floating clouds. 毕竟除了修炼外,世界的其他事对他而言,便是浮云。 Some local influences, had the support of foreign territory,” Great Emperor Three Blades returns said. “一些本地势力,得到了外域的支持,”三刀大帝回道。 Heavenly Peak Territory, is ten big family reins.” 天极域,本是十大家族统御的。” This is fat!” “这可是一块肥肉啊!” „ After ten big family we extinguished, many people once want the hand to extend. “十大家族被我们灭了以后,很多人都曾想把手伸进来。 But the god of the north was too strong, no one dares to provoke him. ” 但真武太强势了,谁也不敢招惹他。” Now the god of the north leaves, naturally some people could not repress.” “如今真武离开,自然有人按耐不住了。” () ()
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