IATV :: Volume #23

#2257: Chapter 2257 cuts down day to open, all parties responded

Chapter 2259 cuts down day to open, all parties responded 第2259章伐天开启,各方反应 Not only Yuan Yang Continent plan, Great Heavenly Empress is also one of them. 不仅仅将元央大陆规划其中,就连鸿天女帝也在其中。 It seems like for True Martial Great Emperor these cuts down the day time, but made the sufficient preparation. 看来真武大帝为了这一次伐天,可是做了充足的准备。 Did not say exaggeratingly, cuts down day compared with all previous generations, True Martial Great Emperor preparation is obviously fuller as well as powerful. 毫不夸张的说,比起历代伐天者们,真武大帝准备的明显更加的充分以及强大。 He has prepared for himself being able to do best. 他已经做好了自己能够做的最好的准备了。 Body melts Great Way, this field of endeavor is actually interesting, before only feared that some people have never imagined.” “身融大道,此道倒是有意思,以前只怕从未有人想象过。” Xu Zimo said. 徐子墨说道。 Hopes your time to be able truly the success.” “希望你们这一次能够真正的成功。” That borrowed you auspicious words,” True Martial Great Emperor said with a smile. “那就借你吉言了,”真武大帝笑道。 I want to start one week later, since Heavenly Way had sent the war declaration, we cannot fight timidly.” “我欲在一个星期后启程,天道既然已经下了战书,我们也不能怯战。” I have prepared, momentarily good,” Great Heavenly Empress firm returning said. “我已经准备好,随时都行,”鸿天女帝坚定的回道。 Afterward Xu Zimo has not disturbed Great Heavenly Empress again. 随后徐子墨也没有再打扰鸿天女帝 Great Heavenly Empress Way Heart is firm, indestructible. 鸿天女帝道心是坚定的,坚不可摧的。 Can endure lonely, endures alone. 耐得住寂寞,也忍受的了孤寂。 After all regarding Xu Zimo, this treating is motionless in a place, tens of thousands, several hundred thousand years, are not his say/way. 毕竟对于徐子墨而言,这种待在一个地方一动不动,几万,几十万年,不是他的道。 Even if he, only feared that should still feel insipid. 就算是他,只怕也会觉得索然无味吧。 After leaving the place of the world zero point . 离开世界原点之地后。 Xu Zimo also separated with True Martial Great Emperor. 徐子墨真武大帝也就分开了。 True Martial Great Emperor definitely will be very then busy. 真武大帝接下来肯定会很忙碌。 Must cut down the day, the preparatory work that then concludes will be very busy. 要伐天,接下来收尾的准备工作会很忙碌。 Xu Zimo instead became idlest that. 徐子墨反而成了最清闲的那一个。 Leaves after Heavenly Peak Territory, he then prepares to following the first layer nether world territory. 天极域离开后,他接下来准备去往跟上一层的幽冥域。 That is the Lord of the Dead world. 那是死灵之主的世界。 Between Xu Zimo and Lord of the Dead, actually also calculate a little friendship, with is more familiar. 徐子墨死灵之主之间,其实还算有点交情的,也跟熟悉一些。 Hundred million Great Way are not so good to stride. 一亿大道并非那么好跨入的。 In ascends a height to get a broad view step by step the Past Saint courtyard, Xu Zimo treats as the potential these. 但是在一步步登临去往圣庭时,徐子墨就将这些当做势。 Each fight is to save the potential one way. 每一场战斗都是积攒势的一种方式。 Until finally, is carrying the invincible potential, makes war with the Saint courtyard thoroughly. 直到最后,携带着无敌之势,彻底与圣庭开战。 ...... …… Over the following several days. 接下来的几天。 The True Martial Sacred Sect atmosphere obviously became different. 真武圣宗的气氛明显变得不同了。 The candidate who cuts down the day almost elected. 伐天的人选几乎都选好了。 True Martial Great Emperor and Great Heavenly Empress were naturally needless saying that must go. 真武大帝鸿天女帝自然就不用说了,必去的。 Divine Travelling Great Emperor to improve own say/way, will certainly go. 神行大帝为了完善自己的道,也一定会去的。 After all the Divine Travelling Great Emperor say/way, is rubbing the whole world, goes all over each place of the whole world. 毕竟神行大帝的道,就是拓印整个世界,走遍整个世界的每一个地方。 Now only has Great Way that piece of Heaven and Earth not to go. 如今唯有大道所处的那一片天地没有去过了。 Even if will therefore die, Divine Travelling Great Emperor will go as before. 所以哪怕会死,神行大帝依旧会去。 This perhaps is that true idealist. 这或许就是那种真正的理想主义者。 To not cut down day, only for own say/way. 不为伐天,只为自己的道。 Great Emperor Three Blades also wants to go, but considering the True Martial Sacred Sect aftermath. 三刀大帝本来也想去的,但考虑到真武圣宗的善后问题。 After all if the powerhouse all left all of a sudden, True Martial Sacred Sect this big cake, will become countless people drunk greedy existence. 毕竟如果一下子强者全部离开了,真武圣宗这个偌大的蛋糕,会成为无数人醉馋的存在。 Therefore must some people guard is good. 所以必须有人镇守才行。 But Great Emperor Three Blades was the best candidate. 三刀大帝便是最好的人选了。 Because Xu Zimo must leave Heavenly Peak Territory, therefore is impossible to treat here. 徐子墨因为要离开天极域,所以不可能待在这里。 But Great Emperor Three Blades Great Way arrived at one relative, quickly to end. 三刀大帝大道走到了一个相对来讲,快到尽头了。 Great Emperor Three Blades is actually not suitable to cut down the day, is more suitable to find a place to care for the aged. 三刀大帝其实不适合伐天,更适合找个地方养老。 Ponders over own Blade Way little. 一点点去琢磨自己的刀道 Had a look the lifetime, can proceed again cross one step. 看看有生之年,能不能再往前跨一步。 At least present Great Emperor Three Blades arrives this step, does not have too many future. 起码如今的三刀大帝走到这一步,已经没有了太多的未来。 Besides these powerhouses, some True Martial Sacred Sect scattered powerhouses will also go. 除了这几名强者外,还有一些真武圣宗零零散散的强者也会去。 Moreover True Martial Great Emperor in secret, but also trained one to cut down a day of army. 而且真武大帝在暗中,还培养了一支伐天军队。 This is one crowd wears the Azure Dragon to fight armor, mighty Azure Dragon army. 这是一群身穿青龙战甲,气势恢宏的青龙军。 They are True Martial Great Emperor training, this time cuts down the day then to lead the way by them. 它们是真武大帝培养的,此番伐天便是由他们来开路。 The imposing manner of Azure Dragon army is very strong. 青龙军的气势很强。 What they cultivation is cultivation technique of a body with body, should be the True Martial Great Emperor original creation. 他们修炼的乃是一体同身的功法,应该是真武大帝独创的。 The Azure Dragon army have 10,000 people, but the movement mentality of everyone, the breath look is almost exactly the same. 青龙军有一万人,但每个人的动作心态,呼吸眼神几乎都是一模一样的。 In some instance, these 10,000 people give people an misconception, probably long exactly the same. 在某个瞬间,这一万人给人一种错觉,就好像长的一模一样。 Their with overpowering momentum, when appearing, one big piece void suppresses. 他们的气势磅礴,在出现时,将一大片的虚空都镇压住。 As soon as they appear, under has countless people able to feel trembling feeling that great power brings. 他们一出现,底下有无数人就能感觉到那股强大力量带来的颤栗感。 ......... ……… A week later. 一个星期以后。 True Martial Great Emperor gathered neat everyone. 真武大帝汇聚齐了所有人。 Sees only in his hand powerful strength galloping. 只见他手中强大的力量奔腾而出。 The strength thunders, True Martial Great Emperor cutting down day god of the north sword toward vault of heaven, that leaf of day opened the door to cut. 力量轰鸣之间,真武大帝的伐天之器真武剑就朝苍穹上,那扇天启门斩了过去。 Heavenly Way must meet, True Martial Great Emperor naturally accepted a challenge. 天道要约战,真武大帝自然是应战了。 Today, is my god of the north cuts down a day of beginning, nine territories want this day the engraved inscription.” “今天,便是我真武的伐天之始,九域都要铭记这一天。” At this moment, the True Martial Great Emperor sound spreads over the entire nine territory world. 这一刻,真武大帝的声音传遍整个九域世界。 The innumerable powerhouses fell the vision on here. 无数的强者都将目光落在了此处。 In the Saint courtyard, the invincible might is steaming, the powerhouse is floating about like clouds, terrifying that the power and influence presses. 圣庭内,神威腾腾,强者如云,威势压的恐怖。 Sacred Ancestor sits in the main hall, the vision in nine territories, fell on the body of True Martial Great Emperor probably. 圣祖坐在大殿内,目光穿过九域之间,好像落在了真武大帝的身上。 „Doesn't Sacred Ancestor, prevent?” Some powerhouses asked. 圣祖,不去阻止吗?”有强者问道。 Follows the direction of Heavenly Way then, cannot handle affairs arbitrarily, cannot have a swelled head,” Sacred Ancestor said lightly. “跟随天道的指引即可,不可擅自行事,不可妄自尊大,”圣祖淡淡说道。 He is the puppet of Heavenly Way trained. 他是天道培养的傀儡。 He knows this point, but he is resigned to be this puppet. 他知道这一点,可他甘心做这个傀儡。 After all besides Heavenly Way, he is under one person powerhouses above ten thousand people. 毕竟除了天道外,他可谓是一人之下万人之上的强者。 Believes that countless people are willing to make his position. 相信有无数人都愿意做他这个位置。 Steady ten million years, these variables appeared.” “平稳了千万年,这些变数又出现了。” Sacred Ancestor muttered. 圣祖喃喃自语。 He thinks, previous generation Demon Lord is the biggest enemy. 他原本以为,上一代魔主是最大的敌人。 After Demon Lord dies, Heavenly Way leaves behind the instruction, stated clearly that Demon Lord of new generation will resurrect. 魔主死后,天道留下指示,言明新一代的魔主会复活。 He thinks that the biggest enemy is new student/life Demon King. 他以为最大的敌人是新生的魔王 Never expected that True Martial Great Emperor this different kind appeared. 没想到真武大帝这个异类出现了。 Catches up in Xu Zimo front, opens to cut down a day of gate unexpectedly. 赶在徐子墨的前面,竟然开起来伐天之门。 It can be said that this also makes many people be caught off guard including the Saint courtyard. 可以说,这也让很多人包括圣庭都措手不及。 This matter they simply have not prepared. 这件事他们根本没有准备。 Because of their goals on the body of Demon Lord. 因为他们的目标都在魔主的身上。 Ancient God inheritance hid, if Demon Lord wanted to trace Far Ancient Demon Lair, certainly must come,” the Sacred Ancestor instruction said. 古神传承藏好了,魔主如果想要追溯远古魔窟,肯定要来的,”圣祖吩咐道。 Relax, only if I and others died in battle, otherwise he cannot take away this absolutely,” nearby some people return said. “放心吧,除非我等都战死了,否则他绝对拿不走这个,”旁边有人回道。 Except for Saint out of court, several other territories have the innumerable powerhouses to stare at Heavenly Peak Territory. 除了圣庭外,其他几域也有无数的强者都盯着天极域 Lord of the Dead of nether world territory, 幽冥域的死灵之主, Blazing Fire Territory Xian Zhu. 炽火域衔烛 Thousand Doomsday of ghosts and gods territory. 鬼神域的千灾末日 Even ten six monster race of dark green profound territory. 甚至还有苍玄域的十六妖族 In these territories, is representing a territory most peak battle efficiency. 这些域之间,都代表着一域最巅峰的战斗力。 They want to take a look at this new cutting down day. 他们想要看看这新的伐天者。 In fact they have the idea of cutting down the day, they have stood in peak existence. 事实上他们也都有伐天的想法,他们已经是站在了巅峰的存在。 What a pity no one dares to take truly this step. 可惜没有人真正敢迈出这一步。 This needs greatest valor. 这是需要莫大的勇气 Your strength cannot be that level, wants to cut down the day, perhaps Heavenly Way is disinclined to pay attention to you. 你的实力达不到那个层次,想要伐天,说不定天道根本懒得理会你。 The Saint courtyard directly solved you. 圣庭直接就将你解决了。 However True Martial Great Emperor is different, his strength undergoes the Heavenly Way approval. 但是真武大帝不一样,他的实力是经过天道认可的。 The day opens the door opens. 天启门都打开的。 At this moment in True Martial Sacred Sect, sees only a True Martial Great Emperor white robe, grasps the god of the north sword, goes toward the vault of heaven step by step. 此刻在真武圣宗内,只见真武大帝一身白袍,手持真武剑,一步步朝苍穹而去。 He walks every time one step, is the powerful imposing manner is thundering. 他每走一步,都是强大的气势在轰鸣着。 Crashes the Heaven and Earth strength to gallop sufficiently. 都是足以压垮天地的力量在奔腾着。 In the face of this strength, no one can prevent. 在这股力量面前,谁也不能阻挡。 () ()
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