IATV :: Volume #23

#2256: Chapter 2256 body Fusing with Heaven place, cuts down the day to open

Chapter 2258 body Fusing with Heaven place, cuts down the day to open 第2258章身融天地,伐天将启 Regarding the doubts of Xu Zimo, Great Heavenly Empress has also been used. 对于徐子墨的疑惑,鸿天女帝也早已经习惯了。 Said: This is my say/way, the body Fusing with Heaven place.” 说道:“这是我的道,身融天地。” Does not understand,” Xu Zimo shakes the head slightly. “不懂,”徐子墨微微摇头。 In fact cutting down day of all previous generations , he is other for example True Martial Great Emperor, immemorial God King, the cutting down days of these people are to resist Heavenly Way. 事实上历代的伐天者,无论是他自己,还是其他比如真武大帝,太古神王,这些人的伐天都是对抗天道 By powerful strength direct destruction Heavenly Way, thus complete real transformation. 以强大的实力直接覆灭天道,从而完整真正的蜕变。 Can not be limited own development by nine territory world. 能够不被九域世界限制自身的发展。 But Great Heavenly Empress has not chosen the resistance, she as if took a path of fusion. 鸿天女帝并没有选择对抗,她似乎走上了一条融合的道路。 Simply speaking, cannot be victorious joins. 简单来说,就是打不过就加入。 Or is also the leopard cat changes the crown prince. 亦或者说是狸猫换太子。 A foundation of the world, is divided into two types essentially. 一个世界的创建,从本质上来讲分为两种。 One type is the Heaven and Earth nature formation. 一种是天地自然形成的。 Existence of this world, is the disturbance of does not have any external object. 这种世界的存在,属于没有任何外物的干扰。 World at first possibly even not suitable lifeform survival. 世界起初可能甚至不适合生物生存。 When behind, the world meets the evolution, presents human or other races. 等到后面,世界会自我演变,出现人类或者其他种族。 If this world spiritual energy is rich, will develop to become the immortal cultivation world gradually. 这种世界若是灵气浓郁,会渐渐发展成为修仙世界。 If no spiritual energy, will then become the technical world. 而若是没有灵气,则会成为科技世界。 Such world is not controllable 这样的世界是不可控的 Regardless of destroys exists, does not have the established result. 无论毁灭还是存在,都没有既定的结局。 But besides the world that Heaven and Earth naturally forms, a world is the artificial creation. 而除了天地自然形成的世界以外,还有一种世界是人为创造的。 Like nine territory world, or Divine State Continent. 像九域世界,或者神州大陆 These are the world that the powerhouse makes. 这些都是强者制造出来的世界。 Such world was full of more determinism. 这样的世界充满了更多确定性。 On for example is start-up from the world, the initiator will then set the world future trend. 就比如从世界初创,创始者便会确定世界未来的走向。 Xu Zimo regarding Divine State Continent is so. 徐子墨对于神州大陆便是如此。 First is centered on immortal cultivation saying that afterward introduced the science and technology again together. 先以修仙之道为核心,后来再引进科技一道。 Is equivalent to simultaneous developments, set the global development direction. 相当于两条腿走路,确定了整个世界发展的方向。 He gave the world to point out the direction from the beginning. 他从一开始就给世界指明了方向。 Even will help in secret. 甚至会暗中帮助。 Not like the world that these Heaven and Earth naturally form, the development of human slow and unceasing correct paces back and forth with the mistakes. 不像那些天地自然形成的世界,人类的发展缓慢而且不断的正确与错误之间徘徊。 However although said that Heaven and Earth production world, compared with creates in the speed of development artificially. 不过虽然说天地生成的世界,在发展的速度上比不过人为创造的。 However such world also has own merit. 但是这样的世界也有属于自己的优点。 This world does not have existence of Heavenly Way, individual destiny control in own hand. 这种世界没有天道的存在,个人命运掌控在自己的手里。 So long as you developed this step, wanted to leave the world is easy. 只要你发展到了这一步,想要离开世界都是轻而易举。 Will not have anybody to prevent you. 不会有任何人阻止你。 Therefore two world have the fit and unfit quality respectively. 所以说两种世界各有优劣。 The world that the words weight head, naturally forms does not go to the manages, the world that the initiator creates because just had existence of Heavenly Way. 话分两头,自然形成的世界不去管,创始者创造的世界正因为有了天道的存在。 Everyone was hobbled. 所有人都受到了束缚。 Most people treat the way of fetter, then works loose him. 大多数人对待束缚的方式,便是挣脱他。 Say/Way that but Great Heavenly Empress walks, actually becomes the fetter. 鸿天女帝走的道,却是成为束缚。 Becoming a part of Great Way. 成为大道的一部分。 The body melts Great Way to think that is also this meaning. 身融大道想必也是这个意思。 Only listens to Great Heavenly Empress to explain: Beginning me when nine territory world, once sat in meditation and become unaware of this world the theory to say with really the Martial Way friend.” 只听鸿天女帝解释道:“我初来九域世界时,曾与真武道友坐忘论道。” That time True Martial Great Emperor as well as stepped onto grasping principles realm.” “那时的真武大帝以及走上了悟道的境界。” He spoke the secret about nine territory world to me.” “他跟我讲了许多关于九域世界的秘密。” Nearby True Martial Great Emperor followed the Great Heavenly Empress words. 一旁的真武大帝接过鸿天女帝的话。 Continues saying: „ Our True Martial Sacred Sect altogether has had five Great Emperor, is you. 继续说道:“咱们真武圣宗一共出过五名大帝,算是你在内。 Before you have not appeared, I most favor the great wild goose day. ” 在你没出现之前,我是最看好鸿天的。” Three blades are also good, Divine Movement, they could become a mark of time. “三刀也好,神行也罢,他们或许能够成为一个时代的印记。 But wants to lead a time, cuts down the day, in my opinion missed. ” 但想要引领一个时代,伐天而起,在我看来还是差了很多。” Only has the great wild goose day, when I see her initially, was shocked by her indestructible Way Heart.” “唯有鸿天,我初见她时,就被她那坚不可摧的道心所震撼。” In my opinion, I, if cuts down day to be defeated, she then the person who is most likely to follow closely my step.” “在我看来,我若伐天失败,她便是最有可能紧随我步伐的人。” Therefore you have been training the great wild goose Heavenly Way friend?” Xu Zimo asked. “所以你一直在培养鸿天道友?”徐子墨问道。 „It is not training, I am only a guide, after the great wild goose Heavenly Way friend chose own path, I have not then interfered again.” “算不上培养,我只是一个引路人,当鸿天道友选择了属于自己的道路后,我便没有再干涉过。” True Martial Great Emperor returns said. 真武大帝回道。 Regarding the Great Heavenly Empress say/way, Xu Zimo has doubts. 对于鸿天女帝的道,徐子墨是十分疑惑的。 Asking: „ To be honest, my not too this type of say/way. 问道:“说实话,我不太这种道。 Why wants the body to melt Great Way. ” 为何要身融大道。” „Do you want to rob the Heaven and Earth control with Heavenly Way?” “你想跟天道抢夺天地的控制权吗?” In some sense, Great Heavenly Empress the approach cuts down day more terrifying than any. 从某种意义上来讲,鸿天女帝的这种做法比任何一个伐天者都要恐怖。 Other cutting down day thinks leave nine territory world, tracks down that outside freedom. 别的伐天者只是想自己离开九域世界,追寻那外面的自由。 But Great Heavenly Empress, then wants to forcibly occupy the whole world, displaces Heavenly Way, oneself become Heavenly Way. 鸿天女帝呢,则想霸占整个世界,将天道取而代之,自己成为天道 Heavenly Way is the Heaven and Earth nature formation, is the initiator is used to replace to manage Heaven and Earth.” 天道乃是天地自然形成的,是创始者用来代替管理天地的。” I must replace is not Heavenly Way, but is the consciousness of Heavenly Way,” Great Heavenly Empress answered. “我要取代的不是天道,而是天道的意识,”鸿天女帝解释道。 Heavenly Way has not realized at first. 天道起初是没有意识的。 It like an impartial and just machine, only does is established the good degree. 它就像一个铁面无私的机器般,只做被设定好的程度。 But as creates world to leave , without the regulation, the thing that Heavenly Way felt getting more and more. 但随着创世者离开,没有了监管,天道感受到的东西越来越多。 One then derived the thought. 自身便衍生出了思想。 He is regarded as oneself it's in the bag the whole world. 他将整个世界看做是自己的囊中之物。 The person who therefore any wants to leave nine territory world, will not be permitted. 所以任何想要离开九域世界的人,都不会得到允许。 „To replace the Heavenly Way will, only feared that is a very difficult matter,” Xu Zimo said. “想要取代天道意志,只怕是很难的一件事,”徐子墨说道。 Makes the mistake slightly, will be frightened out of one's wits.” “稍有差错,都会魂飞魄散般。” Average person is not perhaps good, but the great wild goose day is different. “一般人或许不行,但是鸿天不一样。 Her Way Heart is firm, will not come under the influence of anything. ” 道心坚固,不会受到任何事物的影响。” She has enough world to attempt it slowly.” “她有足够的世界徐徐图之。” Tens of thousands years, million years, are unable to affect her state of mind, she is the rightest candidate.” “几万年,数以百万年,都无法影响她的心境,她是最合适的人选。” True Martial Great Emperor said. 真武大帝说道。 This point Xu Zimo approves actually. 这一点徐子墨倒是认同的。 When Yuan Yang Continent, he had heard the legend about Great Heavenly Empress. 曾经在元央大陆时,他就听说过关于鸿天女帝的传说。 At that time in the True Martial Sacred Sect four Great Emperor, the Great Heavenly Empress talent could be said as worst. 当时真武圣宗的四位大帝中,鸿天女帝的天赋可以说是最差的。 Initially the True Martial Sacred Sect recruitment of students, the Great Heavenly Empress talent is unable to enter the sect, was eliminated directly. 当初真武圣宗招生,鸿天女帝的天赋根本无法入宗,直接就被淘汰。 Afterward she knelt for seven days and seven nights in the sect mouth, food has not eaten, the water drop has not entered. 后来她在宗门口跪了整整七天七夜,一口饭未吃,滴水未进。 Hugs the heart that must die only to ask Sacred Sect to give shelter. 抱着必死的心只求圣宗收留。 Afterward had the elder to pity her, then received for the recording a name disciple. 后来有长老怜悯她,便收为记名弟子。 It can be said that Great Heavenly Empress walks, depended is never the talent. 可以说鸿天女帝一路走来,靠的从来就不是天赋。 The talent is not always valuable. 天赋向来也不值钱。 I have Way Heart one, dares to make the heaven alarmed and afraid. 我有道心一颗,敢让苍天惊惧。 Invincible Way Heart, can in the long years, making her the most powerful that person. 无敌的道心,能够在漫长的岁月中,让她成为最强大的那个人。 „ After at that time I and great wild goose Heavenly Way friend reached an agreement, then the decision took two different roads respectively. “当时我和鸿天道友商量好后,便决定分别走两条不同的路。 After all the egg cannot always place in a basket, ” True Martial Great Emperor said with a smile. 毕竟鸡蛋不能总放在一个篮子里吧,”真武大帝笑道。 Regarding two people wisdom, Xu Zimo is very admiring. 对于两人的智慧,徐子墨是很钦佩的。 Asked: How you, may have the effect regarding the corrosion of Heavenly Way will now.” 不禁问道:“那你现在如何了,对于天道意志的侵蚀可有效果。” Effect naturally has, but the Heavenly Way will is not simple, has been pressing me.” “效果自然有,不过天道意志也不简单,一直压着我。” Great Heavenly Empress said. 鸿天女帝说道。 Only feared that normally, I am impossible to snatch the Heavenly Way will.” “只怕正常情况下,我不可能抢过天道意志的。” Therefore we must open cut down the day.” “所以我们要开启伐天了。” When the real Martial Way friend fights intensely with Heavenly Way, I will affect the Heavenly Way will full power, at that time was to fight.” “在真武道友跟天道战斗最激烈的时候,我会全力影响天道意志,那时候才是争抢的时候。” I prepare all, achieving to do best, saw the time as for the success or failure.” “我已经布置好一切,做到能做的最好的,至于成败就看到时候了。” Xu Zimo has not thought really, True Martial Great Emperor made so many preparations unexpectedly. 徐子墨着实没想到,真武大帝竟然做了这么多准备。 () ()
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