IATV :: Volume #23

#2255: Chapter 2255 Great Heavenly Empress say/way, world zero point

Chapter 2257 Great Heavenly Empress say/way, world zero point 第2257章鸿天女帝的道,世界原点 Different?” Some Xu Zimo surprise. “不一样?”徐子墨有些诧异。 However he had not asked, something do not talk clearly. 不过他也没有多问,有些东西是说不清的。 Needs to see with one's own eyes is good. 需要亲眼看到才行。 Moreover about Great Heavenly Empress, is always wrapped in a shroud of obscurity. 而且关于鸿天女帝,向来是神秘莫测的。 Xu Zimo slight nod. 徐子墨微微点头。 Asking: „Can I see the great wild goose Heavenly Way friend now?” 问道:“我现在就能见到鸿天道友吗?” You prepare on the line, she stepped onto us not to estimate the road, you can have a psychology to prepare,” the True Martial Great Emperor nod said. “你准备好就行,她走上了一条我们都没有预想过的路,你可以有个心理准备,”真武大帝点头说道。 I just broke through ten million/countless Great Way, some lots clearly are becoming aware, when I revise for two days. “我刚突破千万大道,有很多东西都在明悟,等我修正两天。 Sees again, ” Xu Zimo thinks, said. 再去见见吧,”徐子墨想了想,说道。 Must see after all, not eagerly two days. 总归要见到的,也不急于这两天。 Moreover the sensibility of Great Way, requires the time to reorganize ten million/countless. 而且千万大道的感悟,都需要时间去整理。 When breakthrough ten million/countless Great Way, toward hundred million Great Way breakthroughs, like such that True Martial Great Emperor said that Great Way was incomplete. 突破千万大道,朝一亿大道突破时,就像真武大帝说的那样,大道不完整。 He needs to feel that type is not incomplete as soon as possible. 他需要尽快感受那种不完整。 Then uses own Divine State Continent to solve this problem. 然后再利用自己的神州大陆去解决这个问题。 Also good, the comprehension of Great Way true intent is a mammoth project, this anxiously,” True Martial Great Emperor slight nod. “也好,大道真意的领悟是一项浩大的工程,这个急不来,”真武大帝微微点头。 ...... …… Said goodbye after True Martial Great Emperor. 真武大帝告别以后。 Xu Zimo in the canyon, looked for a peaceful cave mansion. 徐子墨在峡谷内,找了一处安静的洞府。 Starts to comprehend the mystery about ten million/countless Great Way. 开始领悟关于千万大道的奥秘。 After Great Way enters ten million/countless, is more like a transformation of quality. 大道进入千万以后,更像是一种质的蜕变。 The strength that not only can control grown stronger. 不仅仅是可以掌控的力量变强了。 Whole person regarding the sensation of the world even more intense. 整个人对于世界的感知愈发的强烈。 This feeling seems like your fitting world, the formation of the world, the origin of myriad things, does not need you to study. 这种感觉就好像你更加的贴合世界,世界的形成,万物的起源,很多都不需要你研究。 Probably looks at one, its construction and structure perfectly clear. 好像看一眼,它的构建和结构都一清二楚 He more similar, therefore one of the prophet. 他更类似于是先知的一种。 Knows from A to Z regarding all of the world. 对于世界的一切都了如指掌。 This feeling brings delicious is, Xu Zimo is clear regarding the details of nine territory world, how regarding to develop Divine State Continent, was clearer. 这种感觉所带来的好吃便是,徐子墨对于九域世界的底细清楚,对于如何发展神州大陆,也更加的清楚了。 Over the following several days, Xu Zimo has been familiar with this strength. 接下来几天,徐子墨一直在熟悉这种力量。 Finally, several days later. 终于,几天之后。 He felt that oneself had controlled ten million/countless Great Way all thoroughly. 他感觉自己已经彻底掌控了千万大道的一切。 Then found True Martial Great Emperor, proposed that wants to see Great Heavenly Empress. 这才找到真武大帝,提议想要见见鸿天女帝 Besides your me, others has not seen the great wild goose day,” True Martial Great Emperor said with a smile. “除了你我之外,其他人都没有见过鸿天,”真武大帝笑着说道。 Three Blade Way friend and don't Divine Movement fellow daoist have?” Some Xu Zimo surprise. “三刀道友和神行道友也没有吗?”徐子墨有些诧异。 Your I cut down a day of person, therefore I said this matter to you. “你我都是伐天之人,所以我才跟你说这件事。 Three blades they, many of too understanding, regarding Way Heart are not the good deeds, ” True Martial Great Emperor returns said. 三刀他们,了解的太多,对于道心不是好事,”真武大帝回道。 I do not have to tell on own initiative, they are also clearer, therefore has not asked.” “我没有主动告诉过,他们自己也清楚一些,所以都没有问过。” During the speeches, sees only the True Martial Great Emperor front to condense a space door. 说话之间,只见真武大帝的面前凝聚出一扇空间门。 This space gate is to lead to another world. 这空间门乃是通向另一个世界。 Space band you know that” True Martial Great Emperor said. “空间夹层你知道吧,”真武大帝说道。 Between space and space, are not thoroughly same, has a connected band.” “空间与空间之间,并非是彻底相同的,彼此之间都有一个相连的夹层。” True Martial Great Emperor is explaining. 真武大帝解释着。 Because the fluctuation of band is too frail, therefore the average people will not care.” “因为夹层的波动太脆弱,所以一般人都不会去在意。” But Great Heavenly Empress opened the band world by Minute Subtlety the strength of space. “但鸿天女帝入微的空间之力开辟了夹层世界。 Inside area is not big, but since she decides to take that path, then has treated is one of them. ” 里面的面积不大,但自从她决定走那条道路后,便一直待在其中。” Followed True Martial Great Emperor, Xu Zimo was entering Space Gate inside. 跟随着真武大帝,徐子墨走进了空间之门的里面。 After entering the space gate, has not imagined revolving and inversion. 进入空间门后,并没有想象中的旋转和颠倒。 Inside space comfort. 里面的空间十分的安慰。 Inside is the stair of first layer level. 里面是一层层的台阶。 These stairs do not know that many, each and everyone links. 这些台阶不知有多少个,一个个连接在一起。 Enters here to ascend the stair, if a stair has not ascended steadily, will fall into to the space turbulent flow in directly by the radical exile.” “进入这里必须登台阶,一个台阶若是没登稳,会直接掉入到空间乱流内被彻底的放逐。” True Martial Great Emperor said. 真武大帝说道。 This is also prevents some people to rush to here by mistake.” “这也是防止有些人误闯这里。” Xu Zimo has no opinion. 徐子墨倒没什么意见。 The stair is only visible, after actually you step into here, here all receive the control. 台阶只是肉眼可见的,其实当你踏入这里后,这里的一切都受到里面存在的控制。 If inside existence wants to see you, naturally can come. 里面的存在若是想见你,自然会进来。 If not want to see you, you naturally cannot come. 若是不想见你,你自然也进不来。 Felt that what difference here does have?” True Martial Great Emperor asked with a smile. “有没有感觉到这里有什么不同?”真武大帝笑着问道。 After two people step the stair, the stair then revolves self-confidently, does not need two people to move. 两人踏上台阶后,台阶便自信运转起来,根本不需要两人移动。 Different?” Xu Zimo felt slightly. “不同?”徐子墨细微感受了一番。 Just now saying of surprise: Heaven and Earth zero point?” 方才诧异的说道:“天地原点?” Felt, the world was round, any same goods actually had the central point. “感受到了,世界是圆的,任何一样物品其实都有中心点。 Does the compass know? 圆规知不知道? A point is the center, draws a line to all around, will then become a circle. ” 一点为中心,向四周画线,便会成为一个圆。” This central point is the world zero point.” “这个中心点便是世界原点。” This I know, this so-called space band, is the zero points of nine territory world,” the Xu Zimo surprise said. “这个我知道,这个所谓的空间夹层,便是九域世界的原点嘛,”徐子墨诧异说道。 Although he knows this point. 他虽然知道这一点。 But has not actually cared. 但却从来没有在意过。 What relations does this have with the world zero point?” Xu Zimo asked. “这跟世界原点有什么关系?”徐子墨问道。 Is speaking, two people forms had gone out of the stair. 正说话间,两人的身影已经走出了台阶。 Went to the core place of this zero point. 来到了这原点的核心地方。 Xu Zimo finally saw Great Heavenly Empress. 徐子墨终于见到了鸿天女帝 Unlike in the linedraw that True Martial Sacred Sect saw. 跟以前在真武圣宗见到的画线不同。 A present female snow white long hair, she should not exist in this world probably. 眼前的女子一头雪白色的长发,她好像就不应该存在于这个世界上。 Because was too perfect. 因为太完美了。 The flesh is also similar to the white snow, exquisite smooth, the face full is holy. 肌肤也如同白雪般,细腻光滑,脸庞满是圣洁。 Her double pupil trembles, in the bright double pupil wipes the pale silver. 她双眸微颤,明亮的双眸中是一抹淡银色。 The body is throwing over the first layer Saint robe. 身上披着一层圣袍。 The body has not erupted how powerful imposing manner, is more like one type to blend with Heaven and Earth, with feeling of myriad things with turning over to source. 身上并没有爆发出多么强大的气势,更像是一种与天地交融,与万物同归本源的感觉。 No matter who sees him, will bring a natural affinity. 不管是谁见到他,都会自带一种天然的亲和力。 Human is also good, other races, even is the plant, probably inborn affinity. 人类也好,其他种族也罢,甚至是植物,就好像天生的亲和力。 Great Way that others need to comprehend, completely regarding side her. 别人需要去领悟的大道,全部围绕在她身边。 She waves, wants the wind to result in the wind, wants the rain to have the rain. 她一挥手,要风得风,要雨有雨。 The creation world god just like this world is ordinary. 就宛如这个世界的创世神一般。 The light and darkness also exist. 光明与黑暗同时存在。 All laws rules between Heaven and Earth do not need her to try hard, will appear on own initiative. 天地间的一切法规规则不需要她努力,就会主动出现。 Great Way does not need to comprehend ten million/countless. 千万大道也不需要领悟。 Her tentacle may result. 她触手可得。 At this moment her form float in void. 此刻她的身影漂浮在虚空中。 Is going nonstop to Heaven and Earth, fuses together with the world. 直通着天地,与世界融为一体。 Sees Xu Zimo after True Martial Great Emperor, sees only her jade to step on fully gently void, arrives at two people sides step by step. 看到徐子墨真武大帝后,只见她的玉足轻轻踩着虚空,一步步来到两人的身边。 Her sound is very gentle. 她的声音很柔和。 Looked like the clouds to listen to mind happy that. 就像是云朵般让人听了心神愉快的那种。 Eternal fellow daoist, I have listened to your deeds, has wanted to see you.” “万古道友,我听过你的事迹,一直都想要见见你。” The Great Heavenly Empress opens the mouth, initiative greeting said. 鸿天女帝开口,主动招呼道。 Xu Zimo returns with a smile said: I am also well-known to you for a long time, this was meeting of first real sense.” 徐子墨笑着回道:“我对你也是闻名许久,这算是第一次真正意义的见面了。” Before because of the matter of your successor, I also thinks that you will be offended.” “之前因为你的传人的事情,我还以为你心里会介怀呢。” Great Heavenly Empress shakes the head slightly. 鸿天女帝微微摇头。 Said: inheritance is only I leaves the hope of True Martial Sacred Sect, how to use as for the successor, then has nothing to do with me.” 说道:“传承只是我留给真武圣宗的希望,至于后来者怎么使用,那与我无关。” Regarding the powerhouse, or some time staying behind thing, they do not care every so often. 对于强者而言,很多时候或者说某个时间段留下的东西,她们根本不在意。 Perhaps if not for True Martial Sacred Sect, Great Heavenly Empress will not keep inheritance to get down. 若不是真武圣宗,鸿天女帝说不定根本不会留传承下来。 „Are you...?” “你这是…?” Xu Zimo looked at all around, asking of some surprise. 徐子墨看了看四周,有些诧异的问道。 () ()
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