IATV :: Volume #23

#2254: Chapter 2254 Great Way is incomplete, Great Heavenly Empress

Chapter 2256 Great Way is incomplete, Great Heavenly Empress 第2256章大道不完整,鸿天女帝 Naturally, Divine State Continent is the Xu Zimo card in a hand. 当然,神州大陆算是徐子墨的底牌。 He will not expose at will. 他也不会随意暴露的。 Just was only a probe, showed that own tentative plan and was diligently useful, that was enough. 刚刚只是一个试探,证明自己的设想和努力是有用的,那就足够了。 Xu Zimo knows, True Martial Great Emperor possibly guessed anything, but two people obvious has not mentioned. 徐子墨知道,真武大帝可能猜测到了什么,但两人都心照不宣的没有提起。 Because of something, saying to be not good. 因为有些东西,说出来就不好了。 Xu Zimo so lies down in the gulf, felt within the body just to break through ten million/countless Great Way, that boundless strength feeling. 徐子墨就这般躺在深坑内,感受到体内刚刚突破千万大道,那种磅礴的力量感。 This strength feeling is very meaningful. 这种力量感是十分有意义的。 ten million/countless Great Way, this is a new threshold. 千万大道,这是一个新门槛。 Let him have initially can with the capital of Saint courtyard resistance. 让他初步有了可以跟圣庭对抗的资本。 Facing Sacred Ancestor or Immortal Lord, the Xu Zimo assurance was bigger. 无论是面对圣祖还是仙主,徐子墨的把握更大了。 This Heavenly Way declares war to True Martial Great Emperor directly. 这一次天道直接向真武大帝宣战。 The middle no one meddles. 中间没有任何人插手。 But Saint courtyard archenemy, obviously leaves Xu Zimo. 而圣庭这个大敌,明显是留给徐子墨了。 After entering ten million/countless Great Way, Xu Zimo only has a goal. 进入千万大道后,徐子墨只剩下一个目标。 That is hundred million Great Way. 那便是一亿大道 Once strides in hundred million Great Way, Xu Zimo can begin to cut down the day. 一旦跨入一亿大道,徐子墨就可以着手伐天了。 After all upward, basically is not possible. 毕竟再往上,基本就不可能了。 The peak world walls of nine territory world, are hundred million Great Way. 九域世界的巅峰世界壁,便是一亿大道 It is estimated that True Martial Great Emperor is at this level now, therefore he chose cut down the day, the strength transformation was Yuan Yang Continent. 估计真武大帝如今就处在这个层次,所以他选择了伐天,将力量转换为元央大陆 This also became his card in a hand. 这也成了他的底牌。 When resists a world, only has another world to take to you security sense. 在对抗一个世界的时候,唯有另一个世界能带给你安全感。 ...... …… For a long time later. 许久之后。 Xu Zimo went out of the gulf. 徐子墨走出了深坑。 But True Martial Great Emperor has not left, is waiting for him outside the pit. 真武大帝并没有离开,正在坑外等着他。 True Martial Great Emperor at this moment, aura restraining, divine soul is reserved. 此刻的真武大帝,气息收敛,神魂内敛。 If since the semblance looked, cannot see clearly his depth. 假如从外表看,根本看不清他的深浅。 Only feels somewhat wrapped in a shroud of obscurity. 只觉得有些神秘莫测。 How feels?” True Martial Great Emperor said with a smile. “感觉怎么样?”真武大帝笑道。 Good, ten million/countless Great Way, was steps forward one forward step,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “挺好的,千万大道,也算是又向前跨出一步了,”徐子墨笑道。 Some things I thought that we should chat,” True Martial Great Emperor said. “有些事情我觉得咱们该谈谈了,”真武大帝说道。 This was also I can give your information probably now finally.” “这大概也是我如今最后能给你的信息了。” Xu Zimo nods, hints itself to listen. 徐子墨点头,示意自己听着。 You know how the Great Way following road does walk ten million/countless?” True Martial Great Emperor asked. “你知道千万大道后面的路怎么走吗?”真武大帝问道。 Xu Zimo knits the brows slightly. 徐子墨微微皱眉。 Returns said: „It is not hundred million Great Way.” 回道:“难道不是一亿大道嘛。” Great Way 3000, run away its one, Great Way left behind the variable to the Heaven and Earth myriad things.” 大道三千,遁去其一,大道天地万物都留下了变数。” True Martial Great Emperor shakes the head slightly. 真武大帝微微摇头。 Said: „ Great Way of nine territory world is suppressing everyone in nine territory world. 说道:“九域世界的大道压制着九域世界的所有人。 When final moment that everyone grasps principles, will soon be hundred million Great Way, Great Way is not complete. ” 在所有人悟道的最后关头,也就是即将一亿大道时,大道是不圆满的。” „Isn't Great Way complete?” Xu Zimo hears this thing actually for the first time. 大道不圆满?”徐子墨倒是第一次听说这个东西。 Asked: How to be complete?” 不禁问道:“如何不圆满?” Great Way strides in hundred million Great Way when ten million/countless, Great Way will remove points, making your Great Way 99.99 million, forever is unable complete hundred million Great Way.” “千万大道跨入一亿大道时,大道会去除一点,让你的大道成为九千九百九十九万,永远无法圆满一亿大道。” Great Way is not complete, you are unable to fight with Heavenly Way forever, cut down the day is also doomed to be defeated.” 大道不圆满,你就永远无法跟天道争锋,伐天也注定会失败。” True Martial Great Emperor answered. 真武大帝解释道。 All previous generations cut down day to know that this,” Xu Zimo said. “历代伐天者都知道这点吧,”徐子墨说道。 Naturally, fact superior you proceed again one step, you can feel this type not to feel completely. “当然,事实上等你再往前一步,你就能感受到这种不圆满的感觉了。 I told you ahead of time, but made you make a preparation ahead of time. ” 我提前告诉你,只是让你提前做个准备。” True Martial Great Emperor said. 真武大帝说道。 Actually all previous generations cut down day also to let Great Way will be complete, will make own effort and path.” “其实历代伐天者也都会为了让大道圆满,做属于自己的努力和道路。” On for example immemorial God King of antique period, he in god demon well card, invincible in world.” “就比如太古时期的太古神王,他在神魔井证道而出,无敌于世。” In the antique period, the god demon was the advanced species between Heaven and Earth, immemorial God King convenience thinks the demon the strength to make false Great Way. “在太古时期,神魔乃是天地间的高等生物,太古神王便利用神魔的力量制造了一个伪大道 Thus makes up for own hundred million Great Way. ” 从而弥补自己的一亿大道。” About antique period god demon, particularly in which demon clan. 关于太古时期的神魔,尤其是其中的魔族。 Xu Zimo knows. 徐子墨是知道一点的。 This demon clan is not his respective that demon clan. 此魔族并非他所属的那个魔族。 His respective demon clan came from previous epoch surviving, but nine territory world have own demon clan. 他所属的魔族是从上一个纪元残存而来的,而九域世界也有属于自己的魔族。 Although two demon clans the name is the same, but is actually two completely different races. 两个魔族虽然名字一样,但却是两个完全不同的种族。 After immemorial God King, the god demon two clans leave the stage. 太古神王之后,神魔两族退场。 But the demon clan that previous generation Demon Lord leads exactly also rises, had the Demon Descension time. 而恰好上一代魔主带领的魔族随之崛起,才有了魔临的时代。 ............ ………… Condenses that Great Way by the life of god demon, thus makes up for itself.” “以神魔之命凝聚那一点大道,从而弥补自己。” Xu Zimo muttered. 徐子墨喃喃自语了一声。 This but actually is also means.” “这倒也是一个办法。” In addition, Empress, Empress collection all living things hoped the strength initially, made up for oneself Great Way not entire.” “除此之外,还有女帝,女帝当初集众生愿力,弥补了自己大道的不全。” In some sense, Empress all living things hope the strength compared with immemorial God King the strength of god demon, must.” “从某种意义上来说,女帝的众生愿力比起太古神王的神魔之力,要更强一些。” Past Empress truly enough peerless grace and talent. “当年的女帝确实足够风华绝代。 Not is only in the families/home of many people consecrates her, many powerhouses are willing to follow her. ” 不仅仅是许多人的家里供奉她,就连很多强者都甘愿追随她。” Even if goes to!” “哪怕赴死!” Regarding this, Xu Zimo has listened to some actually. 对于这点,徐子墨倒是听过一些。 He has not thought, Great Way unexpectedly is not entire. 只是他没想到,大道竟然是不全的。 Front two people cut down day existence, then True Martial Great Emperor complements the Great Way method, should be the core by Yuan Yang Continent. 前面两人都是伐天的存在,那么真武大帝补全大道的方法,应该就是以元央大陆作为核心。 Makes up by the strength of the world, thus complements Great Way. 以世界之力弥补,从而补全大道 To a certain extent, the strength of the world is better compared with front both. 从某种程度上来说,世界之力比起前面两者都要好。 After all front two people cut down day to be defeated, True Martial Great Emperor will not go to the old route of these two. 毕竟前面两人都伐天失败了,真武大帝也不会去走这两人的老路。 Only has to found own system to have the successful possibility. 唯有开创自己的体系才有成功的可能性。 This is the say/way that True Martial Great Emperor walks. 这是真武大帝走的道。 I understood,” Xu Zimo nods. “我明白了,”徐子墨点点头。 In fact, he is more confident regarding oneself Divine State Continent. 事实上,他对于自己的神州大陆更有信心。 Incomplete Great Way, does not exist. 不完全的大道,不存在的。 Because of his homemade world, is complete. 因为他自创的世界,是完整的。 Therefore his Great Way is also doomed to be complete. 所以他的大道也注定是完整的。 His Great Way core came from Divine State Continent, rather than nine territory world. 他的大道核心来自于神州大陆,而不是九域世界。 This is between both, maximum disparity. 这是两者之间,最大的差距。 When do you prepare to cut down the day?” Xu Zimo asked. “你准备什么时候伐天?”徐子墨问道。 Was quick, was quick,” True Martial Great Emperor said with a smile. “快了,就快了,”真武大帝笑道。 Cutting down day ago, I also need to arrange.” “在伐天之前,我还需要布置一番。” Moreover, a person, possibly you wants to see her, or she also wants to see you.” “另外,还有一个人,可能你想见见她,或者说她也想见见你。” Who?” Xu Zimo interested asking. “谁?”徐子墨饶有兴趣的问道。 Great Heavenly Empress,” True Martial Great Emperor saying every single word or phrase. 鸿天女帝,”真武大帝一字一句的说道。 Heard this name, Xu Zimo obviously gawked. 听到这个名字,徐子墨明显愣了一下。 Or also many remote memories well up. 亦或者说,很多久远的记忆都不禁涌上心头。 He and between Great Heavenly Empress, is actually nothing happened together. 他跟鸿天女帝之间,其实是没有什么交集的。 Because of the Great Heavenly Empress successor, is Baili Xiao by him is made the result is somewhat pitiful. 但因为鸿天女帝的传人,也就是百里筱被他弄得结局有些凄惨。 Therefore he and between Great Heavenly Empress, has had first layer barrier wall. 所以他跟鸿天女帝之间,一直有一层隔膜的。 Xu Zimo does not care about this actually. 徐子墨倒是不在意这点。 Perhaps before also cared, but to present this realm, had looked at the pale these things. 或许以前还在意,但是到了如今这个境界,早已经看淡这些东西了。 Now sighs one, extremely a human world dream! 如今只是感叹一句,不胜人间一场梦啊! That sees, I am very truly interested in her,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “那就见见吧,我确实对她挺感兴趣的,”徐子墨笑道。 Our True Martial Sacred Sect four Great Emperor, other three I have also seen, only has Great Heavenly Empress to be wrapped in a shroud of obscurity, let alone saw, I have not listened about her matter.” “咱们真武圣宗的四位大帝,其他三位我也都见过了,唯有鸿天女帝一直神秘莫测,别说见了,我都没怎么听过关于她的事。” Regarding the Xu Zimo words, True Martial Great Emperor said with a smile: You saw her to know.” 对于徐子墨的话,真武大帝笑道:“你见了她就知道了。” Her situation is different from us.” “她的情况跟我们都不一样。” () ()
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