IATV :: Volume #23

#2253: Chapter 2253: Enters step ten million/countless Great Way, the world steamroll

Chapter 2255 enters step ten million/countless Great Way, the world steamroll 第2255章进阶千万大道,世界碾压 This moment Xu Zimo, is it can be said that withstanding absolutely the painful feeling. 这一刻的徐子墨,可以说是承受着绝对痛苦的感受。 Was baked by the raging fire. 被烈火烘烤。 By cold ice frozen. 被寒冰冰封。 Was bombed by Heavenly Thunder. 天雷轰炸。 Wreaked havoc by the strong winds. 被狂风肆虐。 The strength of different Great Way are suffering him. 不同的大道之力都在折磨着他。 The time makes him die of old age, the space makes his four limbs be cut, strength Great Way caused a stir in his body unceasingly, death Great Way twines his divine soul. 时间让他老去,空间让他四肢被切割,力量大道不断轰动他的身躯,死亡大道缠绕他的神魂 The pleasant place, the squally shower, Heavenly Thunder is billowing. 入眼处,狂风骤雨,天雷滚滚。 Innumerable Great Way innumerable waterfalls. 无数的大道无数条瀑布。 This does not fight simply. 这已经不是简单的战斗了。 Stands like an average person under ten thousand meters upper air. 就像一个普通人站在万米高空之下。 Several hundred several thousand waterfalls fall from ten thousand meters upper air. 数百数千条的瀑布从万米高空之上落下。 How you should deal. 你又该如何应对。 Loses in the waterfall, most plants to drift with the current. 迷失瀑布内,最种随波逐流嘛。 No, this is not the issue that I should consider.” “不,这不是我应该考虑的问题。” Xu Zimo shuts tightly the eyes. 徐子墨紧闭双眼。 On the body as well as divine soul any ache, being hard makes him frown. 身躯以及神魂上任何的疼痛,都难以让他皱一下眉头。 He as if did not have the consciousness. 他就仿佛没有了知觉般。 Was twined by innumerable Great Way, this is not only the live or die, is a chance. 被无数大道缠绕,这既是生死抉择,也是一种机缘。 The rarity can have so roams through in innumerable Great Way inside opportunity. 难得能有如此遨游在无数大道里面的机会。 How million Great Way should enter step ten million/countless Great Way. 百万大道该如何进阶千万大道 Xu Zimo had actually accumulated. 徐子墨其实已经积累了很多。 But he always feels insufficiently. 但他总感觉不够。 Always felt that also misses many. 总感觉还差很多。 After all jumps over cultivation upward, is more difficult. 毕竟越往上的修炼,就越困难。 Hundred Great Way become thousand Great Way, actually only missed nine hundred Great Way. 一百大道成为一千大道,其实只差了九百大道 But million Great Way enter step ten million/countless Great Way, actually enough 9 million disparities. 而百万大道进阶千万大道,却足足九百万的差距。 This disparity wants thorough making up, is not an easy matter. 这种差距想要彻底的弥补,不是一件轻而易举的事情。 Therefore when Xu Zimo was submerged by innumerable Great Way, is not only a painful experience, is an opportunity. 因此当徐子墨被无数的大道淹没时,既是一种痛苦的体验,也是一种机遇。 He is similar to a sponge. 他就如同一块海绵般。 Is absorbing the moisture content unceasingly. 在不断的吸收着水分。 Continually enriches itself, making ten million/countless the Great Way close feeling more and more clear. 不断的充实自己,让千万大道近在咫尺的感觉越来越清晰。 Finally, how long has not known. 终于,不知过了多久。 The cultivation does not have the years. 修炼无岁月。 Xu Zimo does not have the sensation of time. 徐子墨已经没有了时间的感知。 He only felt oneself flow in innumerable Great Way, the sensation different say/way, integrate oneself say/way finally. 他只感觉自己流淌在无数的大道中,感知不同的道,最终融入自己的道。 within the body the strength of Great Way is revolving crazily. 体内的大道之力疯狂运转着。 Sensibility of divine soul like ascending to heaven. 神魂的感悟如同升天般。 The towards different altitudes start to climb. 朝不同的高度开始攀登。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” Increasing of each this altitude, is similar to a sublimation. 每一次这种高度的攀升,都类似于一种升华。 Xu Zimo wallows. 徐子墨沉迷其中。 Until some moment, all strengths in within the body arrived at the critical point. 直到某一刻,体内的所有力量都到达了临界点。 divine soul, the body and spirit are completely complete. 神魂,身躯以及精神全部圆满。 Some flash, Xu Zimo opens the eyes. 某一瞬间,徐子墨睁开双眼。 He knows, oneself entered the step ten million/countless Great Way turning point. 他知道,自己进阶千万大道的契机到了。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 From his within the body, the probably special strengths were destroyed. 从他的体内,好像有一股特殊的力量被打碎。 The great power that is hard to state clearly gallops. 一股难以言明的强大力量奔腾而出。 Saa just like Milky Way of vault of heaven oversized, irresistible, shines through ancient times. 宛如苍穹的银河般撒过大地,不可阻挡,照耀亘古之间。 Also like, surging forward, vast boundless mountain sea. 又如同,汹涌澎湃,浩瀚无垠的山海。 It is not able to describe overbearing of this strength as well as Great Way. 无法去形容这种力量以及大道的霸道。 This Great Way broke through the blockades of innumerable Great Way directly. 大道直接冲破了无数大道的封锁。 This is belongs Great Way that creates the world. 这是都属于创世的大道 If, other Great Way are waterfall that drops from ten thousand meters upper air. 假如说,其他的大道是一条条从万米高空落下的瀑布。 Then creates world Great Way, is the sea that comes to together through ancient times. 那么创世大道,就似是一道亘古而来的大海。 All rivers run into sea, greatness out of generosity. 海纳百川,有容乃大。 The sea contains all waterfalls. 大海包容一切的瀑布。 Creates world Great Way also to contain the strength in world all Great Way. 创世大道也包含世间一切的大道之力。 Finally, when this Great Way resounds through among Heaven and Earth, after connecting the vault of heaven, Xu Zimo form also from innumerable Great Way. 终于,当这股大道响彻天地间,连接着苍穹之后,徐子墨的身影也从无数大道中走了出来。 At this moment, no matter what Great Way to his influence. 这一刻,不管是什么大道都对他没有影响。 Really my Great Way clear(ly) became aware the conscience, he also understood. 真我大道的明悟本心,他也参透了。 The Great Way aura erupts ten million/countless slowly from his whole body. 千万大道的气息从他周身徐徐爆发开。 Compared with beforehand Xu Zimo. 跟以前的徐子墨相比。 Now he is reborn. 如今他可谓是脱胎换骨。 Good good,” the True Martial Great Emperor form appears in void, looked that said with a smile to Xu Zimo. “不错不错,”真武大帝的身影出现在虚空中,看向徐子墨笑道。 You stepped forward one forward step.” “你又向前跨出一步了。” Many thanks,” Xu Zimo said. “多谢了,”徐子墨说道。 Actually he can also understand, if just True Martial Great Emperor acted full power, will not give him to sense the Great Way opportunity. 其实他也能明白,如果刚刚真武大帝全力出手,根本不会给他感悟大道的机会。 But the opposite party has not acted, instead pushes the boat along, can better makes him comprehend Great Way. 但对方并没有出手,反而是顺水推舟,能够更好的让他领悟大道 You, since has completed the goal, I cannot keep the hand again, so as to avoid being underestimated by you.” “你既然已经完成了目的,我也不能再留手了,免得被你小看。” True Martial Great Emperor said. 真武大帝说道。 Today, then makes you feel truly, a mighty force of real world.” “今天,便让你真正感受一下,一个真实世界的伟力吧。” Falls along with the True Martial Great Emperor words. 伴随着真武大帝的话语落下。 Sees only his behind, the reduction Yuan Yang Continent empty shadow trades to reappear. 只见他的身后,缩小般的元央大陆虚影换换浮现而出。 This empty shadow is not simple. 这虚影可不简单。 It is the Yuan Yang Continent strength condenses the line. 它乃是元央大陆的力量凝聚而行。 To a certain extent, this is True Martial Great Emperor uses for oneself, scene that thus transforms specially. 从某种程度上来说,这是真武大帝为了方便自己使用,从而特意幻化的景象。 Subdue!” “镇!” Does not need many gaudy spoken languages, a town/subdues character falls. 不需要过多花里胡哨的言语,一个镇字落下。 This moment vault of heaven as if solidifies together. 这一刻的天穹就仿佛凝固在一起。 Sees only above the vault of heaven, a gigantic star drops from the clouds, toward the Xu Zimo suppression. 只见天穹之上,一颗硕大的星球从天而降,朝徐子墨镇压而来。 At this moment, even if the Great Way in addition holds itself ten million/countless. 这一刻,哪怕是千万大道加持自身。 Xu Zimo had felt that an irresistible strength heads on. 徐子墨已经感觉到一股不可抗拒的力量扑面而来。 His within the body the strength of Great Way stagnates, the blood solidifies. 他体内的大道之力停滞,就连鲜血都凝固住。 All strengths were blocked to suppress. 一切力量都被封锁镇压起来。 But manpower in the face of the strength of the world, so small and weak. 而人力在世界之力面前,是如此的弱小。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 Saw that the star drops Xu Zimo both hands to hold up toward on, the subconsciousness wants to block the star. 眼看着星球落下徐子墨双手朝上举起,下意识想要挡住星球。 But between both, simply does not have the comparability. 但两者之间,根本没有可比性。 Under the strength of star, his whole person crashes directly, did not have the ample force of resistance again. 在星球之力下,他整个人直接坠落而下,再也没有了反抗的余力。 Resounds in Heaven and Earth along with the bellow. 伴随着轰鸣声在天地间响起。 The suppression of star submerged Xu Zimo thoroughly. 星球的镇压彻底淹没了徐子墨 The fight ended hence. 战斗至此结束。 The necessity that actually simply has not continued to fight, present True Martial Great Emperor is symbolizing existence of this world's most peak. 其实也根本没有继续战的必要,如今的真武大帝象征着这个世界最巅峰的存在。 Has the unequalled strength. 拥有着无与伦比的力量。 It is not Xu Zimo of complete body cannot resist, is excusable. 不是尚未完全体的徐子墨能够对抗,也算情有可原。 Moreover Yuan Yang Continent strength that True Martial Great Emperor uses. 而且真武大帝用的还是元央大陆的力量。 Otherwise wants to defeat Xu Zimo, without is so easy. 否则想要战败徐子墨,也没那么容易。 ...... …… Takes back Yuan Yang Continent, True Martial Great Emperor knits the brows slightly. 收回元央大陆,真武大帝微微皱眉。 In just at that moment, should suppress Xu Zimo thoroughly. 在刚刚那一刻,本该是彻底镇压徐子墨的。 But at the last minute, his actually sensation to special aura. 但最后一刻,他却感知到了一股特殊的气息。 Makes Yuan Yang Continent see the frightened aura. 一股让元央大陆看到恐惧的气息。 Although that aura flashes past, but by the True Martial Great Emperor sensation, will be will not be absolutely wrong. 尽管那股气息一闪而过,但以真武大帝的感知,是绝对不会错的。 He deeply looked at Xu Zimo. 他深深看了一眼徐子墨 He knows that Xu Zimo definitely also has own secret. 他知道徐子墨肯定也有自己的秘密。 But he cannot think, the Xu Zimo secret can be anything. 但他想不到,徐子墨的秘密会是什么。 Also can be like oneself, looks for a world of the world of mortals to treat as the strength of origin. 难道还能跟自己一样,找一个下界的世界当做起源之力嘛。 ...... …… But at this moment, saw only in the land to present a being too deep to see the bottom gulf. 而此刻,只见大地上出现了一个深不见底的深坑。 This gulf is the oval-shape. 这深坑乃是椭圆形的。 Then just Yuan Yang Continent suppressed the steamroll the big hole. 便是刚刚元央大陆镇压下来碾压的大坑。 The Xu Zimo form pours in the gulf. 徐子墨的身影就倒在深坑内。 His four limbs include the whole body almost to be buried. 他的四肢包括全身都几乎要被掩埋。 Xu Zimo opens the eyes, has not worried. 徐子墨睁开双眼,并没有着急起来。 But was the sensation just that suppressed strength. 而是感知着刚刚那股被镇压的力量。 Actually the critical moment, he tries oneself Divine State Continent. 其实关键时刻,他试了试自己的神州大陆 Discovers Divine State Continent regarding Yuan Yang Continent, not only does not fear, instead can suppress the opposite party. 发现神州大陆对于元央大陆而言,不但不惧怕,反而能够镇压对方。 () ()
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