IATV :: Volume #23

#2252: Chapter 2252 really my Great Way, world-wide war

Chapter 2254 really my Great Way, world-wide war 第2254章真我大道,举世大战 True Martial Great Emperor now is most peak period. 真武大帝如今正是最巅峰的时期。 When Yuan Yang Continent controls at will, prepares to cut down the day, if not fight, only feared that did not have the opportunity. 元央大陆随意操控,准备伐天之际,如果再不战,只怕也就没机会了。 Xu Zimo understands, True Martial Great Emperor has prepared to cut down the day. 徐子墨明白,真武大帝已经准备去伐天了。 Sees the arrival of Xu Zimo, True Martial Great Emperor is not accidental/surprised. 看到徐子墨的到来,真武大帝也不意外。 This was two people some met previously. 这是两人早先就有的约战。 Xu Zimo to fight to grasp principles, from Mortal Territory of most foundation continuously toward above dozen. 徐子墨以战悟道,从最基础的凡域一直朝上面打去。 His vision is firm, among two people did not have a true fight. 他目光坚定,两人之间还没有一场真正的战斗。 Although the present is Xu Zimo may is not the True Martial Great Emperor opponent, but this is unimportant. 尽管如今是徐子墨很有可能不是真武大帝的对手,但这不重要。 The victory and loss of life most likely, very common. 人生的输赢十有八九,十分的常见。 More importantly, you comprehended anything from each victory and loss time. 重要的是,你从每一次的输赢中领悟到了什么。 After seeing the Xu Zimo arrival, True Martial Great Emperor also stands up slowly, the vision such as the blade truncates. 看到徐子墨到来后,真武大帝也缓缓站起身,目光如刀削般。 There are several points of dignity, together with the imposing manner together rebellion of whole body. 带着几分威严,连同周身的气势一同暴动而出。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” In the vault of heaven, the invisible wind has blown. 苍穹上,无形的风已经刮起。 The place of wind and cloud gathering, Heaven and Earth seems brings the air/Qi of several points of withering. 风云汇聚之处,天地好似都带着几分肃杀之气。 War,” Xu Zimo shouted lightly. “战,”徐子墨轻喝道。 Good,” True Martial Great Emperor stands up, god of the north sword of a long and loud cry that hand cutting down days. “好,”真武大帝站起身,那手中的伐天之器真武剑一声长啸。 Sword intent vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered ten thousand li (0.5 km) place. 剑意纵横万里之地。 At this moment, among Heaven and Earth is boundless sword intent covers all. 这一刻,天地间是磅礴的剑意笼罩一切。 But Xu Zimo Tyrant Shadow had been suppressed. 徐子墨霸影则已经被镇压住。 Kills!” “杀!” Xu Zimo draws a sword, although sword intent is boundless, but his whole body, as before is the blade air/Qi that immovability in vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 徐子墨拔刀而出,尽管剑意磅礴,但他的周身,依旧是不动如山的刀气在纵横着。 Let him be able to be exempt from the corrosion of sword intent. 让他能够免受剑意的侵蚀。 Sword relative, two people are using the style of most foundation. 刀剑相对,两人用着最基础的招式。 Among blade swords, as if there is startled day power and influence. 一刀一剑之间,似乎都有惊天的威势。 Above each move, has the giving up affectation flavor. 每一招之上,都有返璞归真的味道。 Great Way to simple is so. 大道至简便是如此。 Two people are deep the Great Way mystery, can discover that true meaning from the most tedious style. 两人都深得大道奥秘,能从最繁琐的招式中找出那一丝的真谛。 The place that two people fight, can evade True Martial Sacred Sect. 两人战斗的地方,都可以避过了真武圣宗 After all their optional move, makes True Martial Sacred Sect perish sufficiently. 毕竟两人的随意一招,都足以让真武圣宗沉沦。 Xu Zimo bases above the vault of heaven, the Tyrant Shadow blade air/Qi in hand like river, surging forward, boundless vast. 徐子墨立足于天穹之上,手中的霸影刀气如长河,汹涌澎湃,磅礴浩瀚。 But True Martial Great Emperor a god of the north sword forward thorn. 真武大帝将真武剑向前一刺。 Sword intent then passes through layer upon layer the blade air/Qi, kills toward Xu Zimo. 剑意便穿过层层刀气,朝徐子墨杀去。 True Martial Great Emperor each every gesture and motions, as if seem superficial. 真武大帝的每一招一式,似乎都显得轻描淡写。 As if anything under his sword, is the easy matter. 仿佛任何事情在他一剑之下,都是轻而易举的事情。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 The god of the north sword belt the roaring sound of thundering, has been killing the Xu Zimo front. 真武剑带着轰鸣的咆哮声,已经杀到了徐子墨的面前。 The sword sharp place, such as, the gust of wind sudden downpour is like a whirlwind that sweeps away scattered clouds common. 剑尖处,如风卷残云,疾风骤雨一般。 Xu Zimo keeps off Tyrant Shadow in the front hastily. 徐子墨连忙将霸影挡在面前。 The sword hits the knife sharp, immediately is one transmits vigorously, struck to fly Xu Zimo directly. 剑尖击中刀身,顿时便是一股大力传来,直接将徐子墨击飞了出去。 Under strikes, is ten million meter/rice is then far. 一击之下,便是千万米远。 sword qi even pierced the Xu Zimo body. 剑气甚至是洞穿了徐子墨的身躯。 But this injury is not big to his influence, Xu Zimo one step steps forward, in the wink of an eye is ten million/countless in the place. 但这点伤势对他的影响并不大,徐子墨一步跨出,瞬息之间便是千万里之地。 Puts out your real skill,” True Martial Great Emperor lifts the sword, said overbearingly. “拿出你的真本事,”真武大帝举剑而起,霸道说道。 Xu Zimo does not have the slight politeness. 徐子墨也没有丝毫的客气。 Ten big god laws and Demon Ten Styles caused completely. 十大神法与魔十式全部使了出来。 In this period also mixed with the style that he himself is originally creating. 期间还夹杂着他自己独创的招式。 A sword opens Heavenly gate , sword broken Nine Nether...... 一剑开天门,一剑碎九幽…… In this moment vault of heaven, demon qi and sword qi boundless dispersing. 这一刻的苍穹上,魔气剑气磅礴散开。 Two powerful imposing manners are resisting. 两股强大的气势不停的对抗着。 The potential of Heavenly Demon, 天魔之势, The potential of demon, 地魔之势, The potential of person demon, 人魔之势, The potential of ghost demon. 鬼魔之势。 Among different potentials, Xu Zimo already very skilled switch over. 不同的势之间,徐子墨已经很熟练的切换。 On the taiping heavenly kingdom civil service examination said that in ghost malicious ghost and dream chaotic god...... 上天试道,冤魂恶鬼、梦中乱神…… Under this each blade, has the inexhaustible illusion to evolve. 这每一刀之下,都有无穷无尽的幻象在演变着。 In addition, the law celestial phenomenon, the god demon view want to attempt, even is Heaven Shaking Force, is also putting forth. 除此之外,法天象地、神魔观想图,甚至是撼天之力,都在同时使出。 What can foresee, Xu Zimo not slight keeps the hand. 可以预见的是,徐子墨没有丝毫的留手。 Besides Divine State Continent this True Fate world, other ability Xu Zimo have not hidden one's incompetence by remaining silent. 除了神州大陆这个真命世界以外,其他的能力徐子墨没有藏拙。 In him just like startled Heaven and Earth indescribably tragic merit potential, even if True Martial Great Emperor, was repelled several steps. 在他宛如惊天地泣鬼神的功势下,纵然是真武大帝,都被击退了好几步。 Happy,” True Martial Great Emperor laughs to say. “痛快,”真武大帝大笑道。 When happen to I cut down the day ago appetizer.” “正好当我伐天前的开胃菜。” Present you have the initial period to cut down the day the strength, but I make you sense my Great Way today well.” “如今的你已经具有初期伐天的力量,但今天我让你好好感悟我的大道。” True Martial Great Emperor looks to Xu Zimo. 真武大帝看向徐子墨 Agitated serious saying. 语气激动又郑重的说道。 If I cut down day to be defeated, in the future the strength cannot surpass me now, you cannot cut down the day.” “若是我伐天失败了,将来你的实力不能超过我如今,你便不可伐天。” True Martial Great Emperor said, actually also explores the way to Xu Zimo. 真武大帝如此说,其实也是给徐子墨探路。 In the past cutting down day, these Ancient God, immemorial God King, or Empress, was too remote from the present. 在以往的伐天者中,无论是那些古神们,太古神王,亦或者女帝,距离现在都太遥远了。 Everyone from the legend of few words, has heard their magnificence. 大家都只是从只言片语的传说中,听说过他们的辉煌。 But true cutting down day, many people actually can only depend upon the imagination, rather than has felt truly. 但真正的伐天者,很多人其实只能依靠想象,而不是真正感受过。 Xu Zimo is on the other hand better. 徐子墨相对来说好一些。 After all he has the strength that the previous generation Demon Lord memory and leaves behind. 毕竟他有着上一代魔主的记忆和留下的力量。 To him, he also knows. 对他而言,他也知道一些。 However now True Martial Great Emperor this will soon cut down day existence to stand in his front. 但是如今真武大帝这个即将伐天的存在就站在他的面前。 So real. 如此的真实。 Nothing had the reference significance compared with him. 没有什么比他更有参考意义了。 Under fists and feet, above technique law, Great Way is eternal.” “拳脚之下,术法之上,大道永恒。” My say/way is really I.” “我之道便是真我。” Sees only the True Martial Great Emperor sound nihility also to bring several points of solemn and respectful. 只见真武大帝声音虚无又带着几分肃穆。 World all are fabricated, only has me to be really eternal.” “世间一切都是虚妄,唯有真我永恒。” Really my Great Way, may compare to break all Great Way.” “真我大道,可勘破一切大道。” The words fall, is a boundless imposing manner eruption. 话语落下,便是一股磅礴的气势爆发而出。 This imposing manner just like mountain, just like mountain sea. 这股气势宛如大山,宛如山海。 Comes toward the Xu Zimo suppression directly. 直接朝徐子墨镇压而来。 Really my say/way, fusion world ten thousand, all Great Way perform in my hand.” “真我之道,融合世界万道,一切大道尽在我手。” True Martial Great Emperor stern saying. 真武大帝神情庄严的说道。 Great Way 3000, everyone is comprehending the different say/way. 大道三千,每个人都在领悟不同的道。 Some person of raging fire burn the day, some people of frozen centuries , some people of wind penetrating vaults of heaven, some people of shuttle space and times. 有人烈火焚天,有人冰封一个世纪,也有人风彻天穹,有人穿梭时空。 And most representatives, are ten big Ancient God. 其中最多的代表人物,便是十大古神 Some people comprehend the thunder, some people study the space and time, has the wind and rain, has the burning sun...... 有人领悟雷霆,有人研究时空,有风雨,有毒火…… These different Great Way, separate from Heaven and Earth. 这些不同的大道,都是从天地间分离出来的。 Great Way 3000, are such truth. 大道三千,便是如此的道理。 But True Martial Great Emperor Great Way, really my Great Way, then fuses all Great Way. 真武大帝大道,真我大道,便是融合一切大道 Every grasping principles, can comprehend own say/way. 凡是悟道者,都能够领悟自己的道。 But these say/way will profit from the fusion by True Martial Great Emperor. 而这些道都会被真武大帝给融合借鉴起来。 I once saw ancient dragon the roaring deep sea in the abyss.” “我曾在深渊见古龙咆哮深海。” Also once saw snow female frozen Heaven and Earth in the snowy mountain.” “也曾在雪山见雪女冰封天地。” Talked Great Way in the space and time sea and deceased person.” “在时空海与死人大谈大道。” Sees the person to know ten thousand types of say/way in the bustling place.” “在红尘中见万般人识万种道。” At this moment, Xu Zimo by infinite Great Way submerging. 这一刻,徐子墨被无穷大道给淹没。 Unlike his creation world Great Way, this moment these Great Way are similar to the waterfall. 与他的创世大道不同,此刻这些大道就如同瀑布般。 Moreover is not a waterfall, waterfall that but from drops continuously in all directions. 而且不是一条瀑布,而是源源不断从四面八方落下的瀑布。 Under these waterfall Great Way, Xu Zimo looks like a mortal, does not have the strength of resistance. 这些瀑布大道之下,徐子墨就像是一个凡人,毫无反抗之力。 His body was being flushed, was being scrubbed. 他的身躯被冲洗着,被洗刷着。 As if must integrate in Great Way. 似乎就要被融入大道中。 Xu Zimo has not gone to resist with these Great Way specially, wants to decode Great Way, wants the sensation to the Great Way true meaning. 徐子墨并没有特意去跟这些大道对抗,想要破解一个大道,就要感知到大道的真谛。 Really my Great Way true meaning is similar to his name. 真我大道的真谛就如同他的名字般。 Maintains really me. 保持真我。 Forever can clearly become aware from the heart, not affected. 永远能明悟自心,不受影响。 () ()
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