IATV :: Volume #23

#2251: Chapter 2251 Little Gui hello/you good, the world performs in my hand

Chapter 2253 Little Gui hello/you good, the world performs in my hand 第2253章小桂子你好,世界尽在我手 Must know in Yuan Yang Continent, the True Martial Sacred Sect itself/Ben is the front door wealthy and powerful family. 要知道在元央大陆,真武圣宗本就是大门大户。 Although declined afterward, but also magnificent. 虽然后来没落了,但曾经也辉煌过。 Has led a time. 引领过一个时代。 one gate five emperors. 一门五帝 In this period went out of first ancestor True Martial Great Emperor, one generation of Empress, Great Emperor Three Blades, Divine Travelling Great Emperor as well as eternal Great Emperor. 期间走出始祖真武大帝,一代女帝,三刀大帝,神行大帝以及万古大帝。 This one gate five emperors magnificent truly makes True Martial Sacred Sect go out of the truth that is in sole possession. 一门五帝的辉煌确实让真武圣宗走出一条独有的道理。 But regardless of beforehand True Martial Sacred Sect has how magnificently, is unable to place on a par with True Martial Sacred Sect of present nine territory world truly. 可是无论以前的真武圣宗有多么的辉煌,都无法真正跟如今九域世界的真武圣宗相提并论。 After all the background of the world is different, is also different regarding the upper limit of powerhouse. 毕竟世界的底蕴不同,对于强者的上限也不同。 Without a doubt, present True Martial Sacred Sect is the Heavenly Peak Territory absolute overlord rank influence. 毫无疑问,如今的真武圣宗天极域绝对的霸主级别势力。 The willow tree three sword belts many disciples, are exclaiming all the way. 柳三剑带着众多弟子,一路上惊叹不已。 The willow tree three swords are one of the True Martial Sacred Sect most representative old ancestors, naturally besides him, now True Martial Sacred Sect Sect Master, named pass/test Wumian 。 柳三剑乃是真武圣宗最有代表的老祖之一,当然除了他,还有如今真武圣宗宗主,名叫关无眠。 Before Xu Zimo to True Martial Sacred Sect, but also had once seen him. 之前徐子墨去往真武圣宗时,还曾见过他。 This Sect Master position, the larger part is also the Xu Zimo approval. 这个宗主的位置,一大半也是徐子墨认可的。 Naturally, most makes Xu Zimo see that what is joyful sees Little Gui again. 当然,最让徐子墨看到欣喜的还是再见到小桂子 Little Gui is very old now. 小桂子如今已经很苍老了。 Xu Zimo can understand, the Little Gui life is also radiant. 徐子墨能明白,小桂子的一生也算是璀璨。 If Little Gui wants, Xu Zimo can definitely continue the life long life to him. 如果小桂子愿意,徐子墨完全可以给他续命延寿。 However Little Gui rejection. 但是小桂子拒绝了。 Such natural dying of old age, or died, is the best result. 就这么自然的老去,或者死去,是最好的结局。 To him, the cultivation has arrived at the bottleneck, the life is also complete. 对他而言,修炼已经到瓶颈了,生命也算圆满。 Before Little Gui is very long, in does not take care the True Martial Sacred Sect matter, he does not even care about the present appearance. 小桂子很久以前,就不在去管真武圣宗的事情,他甚至也不在乎如今的面貌。 An old man. 一个苍老的老头。 But walks, still the wainscot is stiff, the vision is firm and resolute. 但走起路来,却依旧腰板挺直,目光坚毅。 Under nine secret handymen in buddhist temple's leadership, the people saw True Martial Great Emperor as well as several other old ancestors quickly. 在九秘道人的带领下,众人很快见到了真武大帝以及其他几名老祖。 Sees the old ancestor in legend at present, no longer is the portrait, is not the illusory legend. 看着传说中的老祖就在眼前,不再是画像,也不是虚无缥缈的传说。 But is living, vivid True Person. 而是活生生,有血有肉的真人 The innumerable disciples are excited. 无数的弟子激动不已。 Under the leadership of willow tree three swords, the people worship on bended knees completely. 在柳三剑的带领下,众人全部跪拜下来。 Has seen the first ancestor... fellow old ancestors.” “见过始祖…各位老祖。” True Martial Great Emperor lifts the hand with a smile, said: „ Everyone does not use extremely cautious, from now henceforth, world has this True Martial Sacred Sect on this. 真武大帝笑着抬起手,说道:“大家不用太过拘谨,从今以后,世间就这有这一个真武圣宗 Here is also your families/home. ” 这里也是你们的家。” Because you just arrived at nine territory world, many things are not clear, behind can understand slowly.” “因为你们刚刚来到九域世界,许多事情还不清楚,后面可以慢慢了解。” I will not intervene your decisions, keeps True Martial Sacred Sect or goes to the wanderer, is own freedom.” “我不会干预你们的决定,留在真武圣宗或者去外界闯荡,都是自己的自由。” First ancestor, we will not leave sect,” many people took a stand. “始祖,我们不会离开宗门的,”许多人不禁表态道。 True Martial Great Emperor slight nod. 真武大帝微微点头。 Actually, the people with him cannot nothing more to be said after all a world. 其实也没什么好说的,毕竟众人跟他不会一个世界的。 He simple assiduous several. 他简单勤勉了几句。 Then is nine secret Daoist arranges the people. 接下来便是九秘道人去安排众人。 Joining of so many people, must certainly process, otherwise had/left the contradiction is not good to anyone. 这么多人的加入,肯定要处理好的,否则出了矛盾对谁都不好。 ............ ………… But regarding Little Gui, has not come to here. 而对于小桂子,并没有来这里。 Because Xu Zimo saw Little Gui alone. 因为徐子墨单独见了小桂子 Place that two people meet before rivers in True Martial Sacred Sect. 两人见面的地方是在真武圣宗内的一条河流前。 Xu Zimo is fishing here. 徐子墨正在这里钓鱼。 Fishing can the returning to normal mood, blow off by own mind. 钓鱼能平复心情,让自己心神放空。 After seeing Little Gui came, Xu Zimo says with a smile: Really did not consider that I do help you prolong life?” 看到小桂子来了之后,徐子墨笑道:“真不考虑我帮你延寿?” How extended the longevity to be able, to go on living very does not have the meaning.” “延了寿又能怎么样,就这么活下去也挺没意思的。” Little Gui sat in side. 小桂子在旁边坐了下来。 Saying with a smile: „ Many day and night, I had thought that if once chose with you arrives at this side world together, challenges the summit of the world, can finally many. 笑道:“曾经有好多日夜,我都想过,如果曾经选择跟你一起来到此方世界,去挑战世界之巅,会不会结果更好些。 Rather than like the present, is a waiting for death old person. ” 而不是像现在这样,做一个等死的老人。” Now is not late,” Xu Zimo said with a smile. “现在也不晚,”徐子墨笑道。 „, I am too old late, very old was very old,” Little Gui looks in river surface inverted image. “太晚了,我已经老了,很老很老了,”小桂子看着河面倒影中的自己。 Suddenly gets over an emotion smiles. 突然释怀一笑。 Actually, I have not worried now. “其实吧,我现在已经没有牵挂的了。 The matter that thinks only, must want one day to see that you cut down day to succeed, gaze after you completely lifetime the matter that pursues, was enough. ” 唯一想的事情,必须希望有一天能看到你伐天成功,目送你完全自己毕生都在追求的事情,就足够了。” Xu Zimo smiles. 徐子墨笑了笑。 Asking: Arrives here, how feels this piece of Heaven and Earth?” 问道:“来到这里,觉得这片天地怎么样?” Except for was bigger, no difference,” Little Gui said with a smile. “除了大了一些,没什么区别,”小桂子笑道。 I like True Martial Sacred Sect that lands.” “我还是喜欢真武圣宗那片土地。” Person old will remember past times,” Xu Zimo said. “人老了都会怀旧的,”徐子墨说道。 Yes, was old,” Little Gui smiles. “是啊,老了,”小桂子笑了笑。 What then has to plan?” Xu Zimo asked. “接下来有什么打算?”徐子墨问道。 Preparation cares for the aged here, waited for you to cut down the day that day,” Little Gui said with a smile. “准备在这里养老吧,等着你伐天的那天,”小桂子笑道。 His vision looks to Xu Zimo. 他目光看向徐子墨 End, very earnest saying: Certainly will succeed, right!” 末了,又很认真的说道:“一定会成功的,对吧!” That natural,” Xu Zimo finishes speaking, the fishing pole in his hand lifts suddenly forward. “那当然,”徐子墨话音刚落,他手中的鱼竿猛然向前一抬。 Fish swallowed the bait.” “鱼儿上钩了。” This is a very big spirit Gurnard. 这是一条很大的灵火鱼。 The water and fire did not accommodate, but this spirit Gurnard is similar to one group of flame, depended near can feel that heading on blazing. 水火本是不容,但这灵火鱼就如同一团火焰,靠的近了能感受到那种扑面而来的炽热。 But the spirit Gurnard is also very strange. 但灵火鱼也很奇怪。 He cannot leave the boiling water, then did not live to the boiling water. 他不能离开水,离开水便活不了。 Therefore , regarding most fish, as incompatible as fire and water is very instead difficult to form on him. 所以说,对于大多数鱼来讲,水火不容反而在他身上很难形成。 This is the gastronomic contradiction of water and fire. 这是一个水与火的矛盾体。 Xu Zimo gave Little Gui the fish. 徐子墨将鱼递给了小桂子 Saying with a smile: Old should make up.” 笑道:“年纪大了应该多补补。” When I cut down a day of day, I invited on you that war stage to see off to me personally.” “待我伐天之日,我亲自邀你上那战台给我送行。” Said it and meant it,” Little Gui serious returning said. “一言为定,”小桂子郑重的回道。 ......... ……… Three days time, crossed ten points quick. 三日时间,过的十分的快。 On this day, True Martial Great Emperor opens the double pupil from the condition of sitting in meditation. 这一日,真武大帝从入定的状态中睁开双眸。 That void Yuan Yang Continent also fluctuates. 那虚空中的元央大陆也随之波动起来。 Saw only True Martial Great Emperor body Heavenly Way, the sound filled the whole world again. 只见真武大帝再一次身化天道,声音充满了整个世界。 Time has arrived, gate of closure two territory, Yuan Yang Continent will degenerate into the world of war starting today thoroughly.” “时间已到,两域之门关闭,今日起元央大陆将彻底沦为战之世界。” As the sound resounds and falls. 随着声音响起又落下。 Only hears rumble the sound conveys. 只听“轰隆隆”的声音传来。 That void, the gateway that opened starts to shut down little. 那虚空中,原本打开的门户开始一点点关闭。 In the vault of heaven, inverts suddenly day and night. 苍穹上,一时间日夜颠倒起来。 Sun and moon unceasing circulation, during the daytime and night interlocking probably in flash. 太阳与月亮不断的循环,白天与黑夜的交错好像就在一瞬间。 The whole world the space or the time had the confusion. 整个世界无论是空间还是时间都出现了混乱。 Before regarding True Martial Great Emperor. 以前对于真武大帝来说。 This moment Yuan Yang Continent, will not have the rule thoroughly. 这一刻的元央大陆,将彻底没有了规则。 All rules must serve to him. 所有规则都必须向他一个人服务。 What rule he needs, what the world must evolve. 他需要什么样的规则,世界就要演化成什么样的。 Before, the rule of the world was fixed, during the daytime and night will circulate to appear. 在以前的时候,世界的规则都是固定的,白天与夜晚都会循环出现。 Spring the Xia Qiu winter four seasons also appear according to the rule. 夏秋冬四季也都是按照规律出现。 But now, Yuan Yang Continent like one group of soft balls, what True Martial Great Emperor does not need him to become, what he must become. 但如今不是了,元央大陆就像一团柔软的球,真武大帝需要他成为什么样,他就要成为什么样。 Also continues to keep here person as for these, True Martial Great Emperor will not manage them again. 至于那些还继续留在这里的人,真武大帝也不会再管他们。 After all is their choices, True Martial Great Emperor has also given the opportunity. 毕竟是他们自己的选择,真武大帝也给过机会。 At this moment, Yuan Yang Continent rule all in the True Martial Great Emperor hand. 这一刻,元央大陆的规则尽数都在真武大帝手中。 Also is at this moment, Xu Zimo is raising Tyrant Shadow, walked step by step. 也就是这一刻,徐子墨提着霸影,一步步走了过来。 To him, this is they meet the best time point. 对于他而言,这是两人约战最佳的时间点。 () ()
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