IATV :: Volume #23

#2267: Chapter 2267 volcanic eruption, Xu Zimo acts

Chapter 2269 volcanic eruption, Xu Zimo acts 第2269章火山爆发,徐子墨出手 Sees only in the vault of heaven, the flame will seethe with excitement with tremendous dangers and difficulties that the cool breeze will control thoroughly. 只见苍穹上,炎将与清风控制的刀山火海彻底沸腾了起来。 As if also knows fierce of Xu Zimo, therefore flame with cool breeze when control, has not kept the idea of hand. 似乎也是知道徐子墨的厉害,所以炎将跟清风在控制时,也没有留手的想法。 The sea of fire throws off among Heaven and Earth, changes to fire dragons to speed along to stretch across. 火海掀翻天地间,化作一条条火龙飞驰横跨而来。 The mountain of sword composes each and everyone formation, stern knife skill, front not. 刀山组成一个个阵法,森严刀法,锋不可言。 At this moment, the fire dragon roared to come, the cold blade dropped from the clouds. 这一刻,火龙咆哮而来,寒刀从天而降。 Mighty, hot flame blade advantage. 气势恢宏,火炎刀利。 Under Xu Zimo, seemed given to submerge by tremendous dangers and difficulties thoroughly, must make him withstand anger. 在底下的徐子墨,仿佛彻底被刀山火海给淹没,要让他承受此间之愤怒。 However Xu Zimo actually seems very tranquil. 但是徐子墨却显得很平静。 His right hand lifts to gently. 他右手轻轻向上一抬。 Decides.” “定。” Decides the character is similar to as soon as the law is promulgated it will be enforced, all between Heaven and Earth were imprisoned in this moment. 一个定字如同言出法随,天地间的一切都被禁锢在这一刻。 Fire dragon how fierce, blade edge what kind of sharpness, but cannot move at this moment. 无论是火龙多么的凶恶,刀锋如何的锋利,但此刻都动弹不得。 As if no order of Xu Zimo, their every action and every movement do not receive the own control. 似乎没有徐子墨的命令,它们的一举一动已经不受自己控制。 This makes the flame in hidden place be startled with the cool breeze slightly. 这让暗处的炎将跟清风微微一怔。 At this moment they as if lost regarding the control of this tremendous dangers and difficulties. 这一刻他们仿佛丧失了对于这刀山火海的控制。 The crowd that the outside world observes also in an uproar. 就连外界观战的人群也哗然起来。 Is it possible that... is it possible that this is which low-key big shot?” “莫非…莫非这是哪位低调的大佬?” Who just taunted others, does not have a look at oneself anything thing.” “谁刚刚嘲讽别人的,也不看看自己什么东西。” Yes, has this big shot to take the lead, perhaps we really can enter to the nether world territory.” “就是,有这位大佬带头,说不定我们真能进入到幽冥域内。” I have thought that when the time comes my mother also has my wife, must resurrect.” “我已经想好了,到时候我娘亲还有我妻子,都要复活回来。” Can be good, first do not draw the conclusion, then observes to try.” “能行嘛,可别先下定论,再观战试试。” Everyone is ready, if this big shot cannot support, we go in together the help, cannot stand outside.” “大家做好准备,要是这位大佬撑不住,我们就一起进去帮忙,总不能在外面一直站着吧。” ...... …… Looks at the imprisoned vault of heaven. 看着被禁锢的苍穹。 The Xu Zimo right hand wields. 徐子墨右手一挥。 Mouth going character falls. 嘴里一个“去”字落下。 At this moment the fire dragon and mountain of sword back up. 这一刻火龙和刀山倒退回去。 The fire dragon charges into the flame, the mountain of sword cuts to the cool breeze. 火龙冲向炎将,刀山斩向清风。 The two people complexion big change of hidden place, could not have attended to other. 暗处的两人脸色大变,已经顾不得其他。 Sees only two people to force to come. 只见两人逼迫现身。 Two people tread the sky , that flame will grasp a thing, is an five-colors jug. 两人踏空而出,那炎将手持一物,乃是一个五彩的坛子。 This altar/jar is seemingly old, but perfect of very above carving pattern actually preservation. 此坛看上去年代久远,但上面的雕刻花纹却保存的很完美。 This altar/jar named colored glaze only hot altar/jar. 此坛名为琉璃净火坛。 Altar mouth downward, the hand pinches the law to decide, receiving. 坛口向下,手掐法决,一声“收”。 In an instant, all fire dragons were swallowed in the jug. 刹那间,所有的火龙都被吞噬进坛子内。 Also calculates to break through. 也算解了围。 But the cool breeze Daoist robe wields, in an instant then the tornado surges, that cut the cold blade that killed to come to lose the direction in the storm instantaneously. 而清风道袍一挥,霎那间便龙卷风涌动,那斩杀而来的寒刀瞬间在风暴中迷失了方向。 Immediately by cool breeze receiving. 随即被清风给收了回来。 A move of type, two people look to the Xu Zimo vision are full dreading. 一招之式,两人看向徐子墨的目光已经是满满的忌惮。 After all they suffer a loss. 毕竟他们二人可是吃了亏。 The opposite party are wrapped in a shroud of obscurity, does not show one's self. 对方神秘莫测,不显山露水的。 Among only this words, already sidewise compression two people. 单凭这一言之间,就已经横压两人。 But regarding the flame and cool breeze two people of appearances, the outside world is to boil. 而对于炎将和清风二人的出现,外界更是沸腾起来。 Previously most people think, this tremendous dangers and difficulties are unmanned control. 此前大多数人都以为,这刀山火海是无人控制的。 Even if some people suspected that behind has the person, but still has no evidence. 就算有人怀疑背后有人,但也没有什么证据。 Now two people appear, was solid this point. 如今两人出现,便是坐实了这一点。 This makes the people in an uproar, some people angry shouting: „ Why you block us, we come to resurrect our family member, needs what condition to discuss. 这让众人哗然,有人不禁愤怒的喊道:“你们为何阻我们,我们前来复活自己的亲人,需要什么条件可以谈。 So is why overbearing. ” 为何如此霸道。” Yes, believes that you have the person of close relative, good convenient, is good to everyone.” “就是,相信你们也有至亲之人,行的方便,对大家都有好处。” Compared with angry person, some people sell said miserably: Two Sirs, asked you, I want to see my wife finally one side.” 比起愤怒的人,也有人卖惨说道:“二位大人,求求你们,我就想见我妻子最后一面。” Right, we have no intention to offend, hopes that two Sirs can leave a loophole.” “没错,我们无意冒犯,希望两位大人能网开一面。” Regarding the words of these people, angry begs for mercy. 对于这些人的话,无论是愤怒还是求饶。 The flame two people will be without turning a hair with the cool breeze cool breeze. 炎将跟清风清风两人都是面不改色。 The sound dignity, said directly: „ Your family members can arrive at the nether world territory, then showed that they have died. 声音威严,直接说道:“你们的家人能来到幽冥域,便证明他们已经死了。 Naturally passes away, was harmed, that had died. ” 无论是自然老死的,还是被人所害,那都是已经死亡了。” However you are the living person, between the deceased person and living person the Yin-Yang two separate, how can meet?” “而你们是活人,死人与活人之间阴阳两隔,如何能见面?” One group of illiterates, how the deceased person can resurrect, did that mess up?” “一群愚民,死人如何能复活,那岂不是乱套了?” Now fast departs, we can not go into one's past.” “现在都速速离去,我们可以既往不咎。” Once you step into this tremendous dangers and difficulties, then did not have the escape route thoroughly.” “一旦你们踏入这刀山火海内,便彻底没有了退路。” Regarding the flame the words, no one likes to believe. 对于炎将的话,没有人愿意相信。 Also in unceasing is shouting. 都还在不断的嚷嚷着。 The flame will have been disinclined to go to the manages people again. 炎将已经懒得再去管众人了。 Looks at the vision to Xu Zimo. 将目光不禁看向徐子墨 After all to them, what is importantly thorniest is Xu Zimo. 毕竟对他们而言,最重要最棘手的还是徐子墨 Why do you come?” “你又为何而来?” Like your existence, you should understand, the deceased person is impossible to resurrect, I believe that you compared with clear this point that they should look.” “像你这种存在,你应该明白,死人不可能复活,我相信你比他们应该看的清楚这一点。” Regardless of you are strong, has no way to resurrect the deceased person.” “无论你多强,也没法将死人复活的。” Xu Zimo smiles, said: I am look for your territory lord Lord of the Dead, other matters are unimportant.” 徐子墨笑了笑,说道:“我是来找你们的域主死灵之主的,其他事不重要。” Hears this name, the complexion of tremendous dangers and difficulties changes. 听到这个名字,刀山火海的脸色一变。 Shouted to clear the way lightly: You dare to say our territory Lord name.” 轻喝道:“你胆敢直呼我们域主的名字。” After all Lord of the Dead took the nether world territory's control, the strength has reached the peak level of this world. 毕竟死灵之主作为幽冥域的主宰,实力更是已经达到了这个世界的巅峰层次。 The common powerhouse said the given name, then did not respect. 一般的强者直呼名号,便是不尊重。 How today regardless of your strength, must pay the price.” “今天无论你实力如何,都要付出代价。” Only listens to the flame to drink one lightly. 只听炎将一声轻喝。 They defend the person of pass/test, naturally must perform the responsibility. 他们乃是守关之人,自然要尽好职责。 Sees only him to wave. 只见他一挥手。 Both hands tie between seal. 双手结印之间。 Seal starts!” “封印开!” Although originally under sea of fire ebullition, but is the artificial ebullition. 原本底下的火海虽然沸腾,但不过是人为的沸腾。 But the volcano seal of this moment flame just under deep sleep relieves. 但此刻炎将将底下沉睡的火山封印解除。 At this moment rumble the sound of volcanic eruption resounds. 这一刻“轰隆隆”火山爆发的声音响起。 Almost lets everyone complexion big change. 几乎让所有人都脸色大变。 Even if the person, can feel that heads on blazingly, the anger of volcano just like the torrential river water. 哪怕是外界的人,都能感觉到那股炽热扑面而来,火山的愤怒犹如滔滔江水般。 The milky white and brown volcanic rock were surged, that scarlet red even brings the golden magma to roar. 乳白色以及褐色的火山岩被激荡而出,那深红色甚至带着金色的岩浆在咆哮着。 Lava rebellion one after another. 一波又一波的熔浆暴动而起。 Dyes the scene that the entire vault of heaven the meteorite dropped. 将整个苍穹都染成了陨石落下的场景。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” The powerful strength unceasing rebellion comes. 强大的力量不断的暴动而来。 At this moment, the space underground, innumerable volcanic eruption kills toward Xu Zimo. 这一刻,天上地下,无数的火山爆发朝徐子墨杀来。 In this had been surrounded by the sea of fire thoroughly. 这里面已经彻底被火海包围。 But in the sea of fire, the cool breeze is also tying seal. 而在火海之内,清风也在结印而出。 His complexion is calm, faint trace cold air is in flood. 他面色沉稳,一丝丝寒气泛滥而出。 Sees only the quantity not many day profound cold blades to transform ten million/countless the at this moment. 只见原本数量并不多的天玄寒刀此刻已经幻化出千万柄。 This each cold blade not by the influence of sea of fire, such perfect hidden in sea of fire. 这每一柄寒刀不受火海的影响,就这么完美的隐藏在火海内。 This is tremendous dangers and difficulties strongest one move. 这是刀山火海最强的一招。 These people to you are the ants. “外界的那些人对你们而言是蝼蚁。 You to me . ” 你们对我而言,又何尝不是呢。” Xu Zimo shakes the head slightly. 徐子墨微微摇头。 The right foot one step treads forward. 右脚向前一步踏出。 The right foot falls to the ground, seems the inexplicable power and influence on fall. 右脚落地,似有莫名的威势落下。 In an instant, is centered on Xu Zimo, the inexhaustible power and influence shoots up to the sky, eruption. 刹那间,以徐子墨为核心,无穷无尽的威势冲天而起,爆发而出。 This power and influence is irresistible. 这股威势不可阻挡。 Visible, is ordinary just like the aurora, throws off among Eternal Universe. 肉眼可见,宛如极光一般,掀翻恒宇之间。 Xu Zimo puts out a hand. 徐子墨伸出手。 At this moment, his hand strength of Great Way fills the air. 这一刻,他手中的大道之力弥漫而出。 Regardless of tremendous dangers and difficulties how momentum enormous and powerful falling. 无论刀山火海如何声势浩荡的落下。 As if hard to have the injury to him. 似乎都对他难以产生伤害。 () ()
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