IATV :: Volume #23

#2248: Beyond Chapter 2248 day the universe, opens the gate of Yuan

This ray is common like the darkness in daybreak. 这光芒如同黑暗中的破晓一般。 That ray breaks through the fetter of Heaven and Earth, jet black vault of heaven illuminating. 那光芒冲破天地的束缚,将原本漆黑的苍穹给照亮。 Must know after Yuan Yang Continent appears, the vaults of heaven of nine territory world as if experienced a solar eclipse. 要知道在元央大陆出现后,九域世界的天穹就仿佛经历了一场日食。 Like the day dog food day, entire Heaven and Earth was pitch-dark. 如同天狗食日,整个天地都是伸手不见五指。 But this wisp of ray is similar to Sun. 而这缕光芒就如同太阳般。 Shining world. 照耀世界。 Sees only in that vault of heaven, True Martial Great Emperor self- True Fate is vanishing little. 只见那苍穹上,真武大帝的自我真命正在一点点消失。 Displaces, is the appearance of Yuan Yang Continent star. 取而代之的,便是元央大陆星球的样子。 Dark, True Martial Great Emperor can say that fuses together with Yuan Yang Continent thoroughly. 冥冥之中,真武大帝可以说彻底跟元央大陆融为一体。 If, before were only some both relations are one of them, then Yuan Yang Continent has become his True Fate now thoroughly. 如果说,以前只是两者有些联系在其中,那么现在元央大陆已经彻底成为了他的真命 This is absolutely the different concepts. 这是绝对不同的概念。 Sees only True Martial Great Emperor to cry loud and long. 只见真武大帝长啸一声。 It may be said that is defends the fog to dial enlightened. 可谓是守得云雾拨开明。 Yuan Yang Continent starts to move, that void ray liberates thoroughly. 元央大陆开始移动,那虚空中久违的光芒彻底解放。 At this moment, everyone's vision falls on the body of Yuan Yang Continent. 这一刻,所有人的目光都落在元央大陆的身上。 In the northeast corner, has to wear the black robe, the mighty middle-aged person, incredible is muttering. 在东北角,有身穿黑袍,气势恢宏的中年人,不可置信的喃喃自语着。 Beyond world trend another road at the day, made him succeed seriously.” “以天外世界走向另一条路,当真让他成功了。” World rare, world rare!” “世所罕见,世所罕见啊!” Has antiques that almost must pass away, was almost returns to consciousness just before dying to crawl from the bed. 有几乎要老死的古董们,几乎是回光返照般从床上爬了起来。 This, if made him cut down day to succeed, only feared that will take road of the own system.” “这若是让他伐天成功了,只怕会走出一条属于自己的体系之路。” At this moment, the vision of many place focus in this. 这一刻,很多地方的目光都聚焦于此。 Especially Heavenly Peak Territory. 尤其是天极域 Has the old man, has the taoist priest, has monster race, there are various powerful existences. 有老者,有道士,有妖族,也有各种实力强大的存在。 But regarding spying on these people, True Martial Great Emperor does not care at first. 而对于这些人的窥探,真武大帝起初是不在意的。 After all the True Fate world, the itself/Ben is he must prove with everyone. 毕竟真命化世界,本就是他要跟所有人证明的。 However saw that the True Fate world has fused to complete, the vision of these people are still investigating unceasingly. 不过眼看着真命世界已经融合完成,这些人的目光还在不断的探查着。 This made True Martial Great Emperor some unhappy. 这就让真武大帝有些不喜了。 When he prepares to make anything, suddenly in the vault of heaven transmits startling thunderclap together just like crack. 正当他准备做些什么时,突然苍穹上传来一道宛如惊雷般的炸响。 Only listens rumble, rumble the sound is lingering on faintly. 只听“轰隆隆,轰隆隆”的声音不绝于耳。 When that startling thunderclap blasting open, Heaven and Earth air/Qi reverberation with deep veneration. 那惊雷炸裂时,天地肃然之气回荡。 Sees only at this moment, when everyone raised the head, on that day on arched was the strength of rich Great Way is surging. 只见此刻,所有人抬头之时,那天穹上是浓郁的大道之力涌动着。 But the strength of this Great Way is different from the strength of ordinary Great Way. 但这大道之力跟普通的大道之力不同。 It is well known, powerhouse after entering grasping principles boundary, can face directly Heaven and Earth, comprehends Great Way. 众所周知,强者在进入悟道境后,可以直面天地,去领悟大道 This time, Great Way is gentle. 这个时期,大道是平缓的。 He is not partial to cultivator, will not deliberately feel embarrassed cultivator. 他既不偏向修炼者,也不会刻意为难修炼者 Any cultivation is conducted according to the rule. 任何的修炼都是按照规则进行的。 Therefore the strength of Great Way in people's eyes, is always gentle. 所以大道之力在众人的眼中,向来都是平缓的。 But at present top of the head the strength of Great Way, actually feels tyrannical and destruction feeling. 但眼前头顶的大道之力,却充满了暴虐以及毁灭感。 Probably a torn world has the strength that. 就好像一个被撕裂的世界才有的力量。 „The say/way of annihilation.” “湮灭之道。” True Martial Great Emperor muttered. 真武大帝喃喃自语了一声。 The say/way of so-called annihilation, is cuts down the time (Tian Shi), the strength that Heavenly Way has. 所谓湮灭之道,乃是伐天时,天道所拥有的力量。 This strength powerful self-evident. 这种力量的强大不言而喻。 Moreover the emergence of this strength is very harsh. 而且这种力量的出现更是很苛刻。 It is said when only when a world will soon destroy, the say/way of talent annihilation will appear. 据说只有当一个世界即将毁灭时,湮灭之道才会出现。 The say/way of annihilation will kill all lifeform, tears up Great Way, thus destroys all. 湮灭之道会杀死所有的生物,撕毁大道,从而毁灭一切。 Finally welcomed an end point of the world. 最终迎来一个世界的终点。 At present annihilates the say/way emergence, is Great Way to one response of True Martial Great Emperor. 眼下湮灭之道出现,便是大道真武大帝的一种回应。 Even if how you world as the backing, the say/way of annihilation then can destroy Yuan Yang Continent. 你纵然有一个世界作为后盾又如何,湮灭之道便可以毁灭了元央大陆 This is not late. 这还不算晚。 After the say/way of annihilation appears, void presented small area black hole. 在湮灭之道出现后,虚空中出现了一个小面积的黑洞。 This black hole penetrates the world wall probably, direct connection outside universe. 这黑洞就好像透过世界壁,直接联接着宇宙外。 Xu Zimo has seen this type of black hole. 徐子墨见过这种黑洞。 Initially he broke the world wall forcefully, returned to Yuan Yang Continent from nine territory world, almost between two world, was in the universe does not come back. 当初他强行打破世界壁,从九域世界回到元央大陆时,差点就在两个世界之间,也就是宇宙中回不来了。 The universe mighty force is no one can provoke. 宇宙的伟力更不是什么人都能挑衅的。 In that universe black hole, at first is only black one piece, looked long as if can swallow all. 那宇宙黑洞中,起初只是黑色一片,看的久了仿佛能够将一切都吞噬。 But following closely, in the universe is starting to change. 但紧随着,宇宙中开始变化起来。 Inside as if conceals a small battlefield. 里面似乎暗藏一个小战场。 Blood red Heaven and Earth, the world of sores all over the eye, the sea water exudes white of morbid state just like the vomit, the land has been baking like the volcano, has the delapidated feeling of several points of mountain mud. 血红的天地,满目疮痍的世界,海水宛如呕吐物般泛着病态的白,大地如同火山烘烤过,带着几分山泥的颓感。 In the air is filling the desperate aura. 空气中弥漫着让人绝望的气息。 Under examines carefully, discovered that mountain, unexpectedly innumerable corpse stacks, the corpse mountain connection mountain range, the white bones pave the flagging. 细看之下,发现那一座座山,竟然无数尸体堆积而成,尸山连接山脉,白骨铺就石板路。 That sea, is a little bit blood condenses. 那海,是一滴滴鲜血凝聚而成。 Under is the scarlet, the surface is exuding the foam, because in the course of time, appearing is very dirty and rotten. 底下是猩红色,表面泛着白沫,因为日久天长,显得无比肮脏和腐烂。 All around of that bloodshed, is connecting blood rivers. 那血海的四周,连接着一条条血河。 Each blood river to lead to corpse mountains. 每一条血河都通向一座座的尸山。 In the bloodshed is floating the five main internal organs (entrails), is floating various organs. 血海里漂浮着五脏六腑,漂浮着各种器官。 Present one, is who has not seen. 眼前的一幕,是谁也没有见过的。 Even if the brutal war, the bloody battlefield, as if compares this. 纵然再残酷的大战,再血腥的战场,似乎都比不过这一个。 Heavenly Way battlefield!” 天道战场!” True Martial Great Emperor has understood all, when but the battlefield real evolution appears in the front, he feels sending of faint trace coldly. 真武大帝了解过一切,但当战场真正演化出现在面前时,他还是感觉到一丝丝的发寒。 What Heavenly Way battlefield. Must know that every cuts down a day of war one time, is almost a century war. 何谓天道战场。要知道每一次的伐天大战,都几乎是一场世纪大战。 If the fight of this rank happened in nine territory world. 如果这种级别的战斗发生在九域世界内。 Only feared that the whole world must be hit the waste, innumerable all living things complementary waves can not know many merely. 只怕整个世界都要被打废,无数芸芸众生仅仅余波就能不知死多少。 Therefore cuts down a day of war, is not in nine territory world. 所以伐天之战,并不在九域世界内。 But universe beyond day. 而是在天外宇宙。 Naturally, beyond this day the universe is also the name that the later generation gives. 当然,这个天外宇宙也是后人起的名字。 That piece of Heaven and Earth is Heavenly Way opens specially. 那一片天地天道特意开辟出来的。 There most is close to the universe, the injury of any material is unable to cause the damage to there. 那里最接近宇宙,任何物质的伤害都无法对那里造成伤害。 Because of the strong attack, collapses at the first blow in front of the universe. 因为再强的攻击,在宇宙面前都不堪一击。 Therefore that region is the Heavenly Way battlefield, all previous generations cuts down the place that day can go. 所以那一片区域便是天道战场,历代伐天者都会去的地方。 Won, passes through beyond directly day the universe, can obtain the true freedom. 打赢了,直接穿过天外宇宙,可以得到真正的自由。 If lost. 若是打输了。 That only then becomes a part of corpse mountain blood sea. 那就只有成为尸山血海的一部分。 Regardless of you are how matchless, shakes melts the generation of past and present, or the power is near through ancient times, potential like beautiful woman 无论你是多么举世无双,震铄古今之辈,亦或者权临亘古,势如倾城 In brief, to here one corpse. 总之,到了这里不过一具尸体罢了。 On the same day after outside the universe appeared, suddenly buzz also resounded. 当天外宇宙出现后,突然“嗡”的一声也随之响起。 Resembling is bronze ancient bell is sounded. 似是一声青铜古钟被敲响。 That ancient ding brings some type of special flavor. 那古老的钟声带着某种特殊的韵味。 Suddenly among Heaven and Earth strong winds erupts, rainstorm pouring, thunder. 一时间天地间狂风大作,暴雨倾盆,电闪雷鸣。 Resembling is dust-laden for a long time, having the opening the door sound of ancient meaning to get up. 似是尘封许久,带着亘古之意的开门声响起。 When does not know, among Heaven and Earth presented a gateway. 不知何时,天地间出现了一道门户。 That is start/open Yuanmen 那是“启元门” This is not the world gets up, but is Heaven and Earth evolves. 此门并非世人所起,而是天地演化而出。 Opening the Yuan two characters is to have special significance. 启元二字更是意义非凡。 The change of epoch is timeless. 纪元的更替是亘古不变的。 The heart failure and rise of the world are also doomed. 世界的心衰与起落也是注定的。 The life of person and inscribes in the destiny river. 人的一生并铭刻在命运长河中。 But a life of the world, we call it epoch it. 而一个世界的一生,我们将其称之为纪元 Nine territory epoch start 130 million years ago, has continued until now. 九域纪元开始于一亿三千万年前,一直持续到如今。 Enters this door, the defeat dies, if will succeed you to open new epoch. 进入这扇门,败则死,若成功你将开启新的纪元 Opens the gate of Yuan to open greatly. 启元之门大开。 This is declaring war of Heavenly Way. 这是天道的宣战。 Comes in the gate beyond the day a universe war! 来门内天外宇宙一战! 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