IATV :: Volume #23

#2247: Chapter 2247 Heavenly Way plans, True Fate transformation

Chapter 2249 Heavenly Way plans, True Fate transformation 第2249章天道算计,真命转换 Actually is that what thing?” “那那究竟是什么东西?” Some people are pointing at the vault of heaven, dumbfounded. 有人指着苍穹,目瞪口呆。 The Yuan Yang Continent outline has appeared, for the time being does not raise other mainland. 元央大陆的轮廓已经出现,暂且不提其他的大陆。 Is Heavenly Peak Territory people, so long as raised the head can see clearly. 仅仅是天极域的人们,只要抬头就能看清。 Comes just like a star suppression. 就宛如一颗星球镇压而来。 This heading on constriction with shocking is unequalled. 这种扑面而来的压迫感跟震撼是无与伦比的。 Is just like you to stand under, faces directly the entire star. 就好比你站在底下,直面整个星球。 That is one type with shock that the writing is unable to describe. 那是一种用文字无法去描述的震撼。 Regarding mortal, more is startled. 对于凡人来讲,更多的便是惊慌。 Even if floor cultivator, cannot contact more secrets the news. 哪怕是底层修士,也接触不到更多隐秘的消息。 Judgment day, is for different reasons?” “世界末日,还是另有原因?” In city the grain price rose, you said that this colossus falls, everyone death will settle everything. “城内粮价都涨了,你们说这庞然大物落下,所有人都一死了之。 Manages his anything glory, splendor, riches and honor. ” 管他什么荣华富贵呢。” I heard that side East city is chaotic, some people passed on a message what celestial phenomenon is chaotic, the world will destroy. “我听说东城那边已经乱了,有人传言说什么天象已乱,世界将毁。 Can not use the manages anything order and regulation, this is the final revelry. ” 可以不用去管什么秩序和律法,这是最后的狂欢。” Lunatic, is one group of lunatics.” “疯子,都是一群疯子。” This is average person's response, some people of terror, some people borrow the life to be chaotic, wants to achieve own goal. 这是普通人的反应,有人惶惶不安,也有人借此生乱,想要达成自己的目的。 But about some powerhouses. 而关于一些强者。 Actually they had the guess before. 其实他们之前都有猜测。 Or True Martial Great Emperor must cut down the day the matter never to think the hidden. 或者说真武大帝要伐天的事情从未想过隐藏。 Therefore many powerhouses know. 因此许多强者都知道。 Everyone also gives special attention to this matter. 大家也都特别关注这点事。 After all several time no one has cut down the day. 毕竟好几个时代已经没人伐天了。 Even if some people of innermost feelings earnestly seek, but does not dare to take truly this step. 就算有人内心渴求,但也都不敢真正迈出这一步。 Especially some have arrived at three corpse boundaries, even is the powerhouse of grasping principles. 尤其是一些已经到达三尸境,甚至是悟道的强者。 They can obviously feel the confusedness of road ahead very much. 他们能够很明显感觉到前路的迷茫。 Seemed this road to arrive at the bottom. 就好像这条路走到底了。 The top of the head as if has first layer barrier wall, this barrier wall prevents the road that they went forward. 头顶似乎有一层隔膜,这隔膜阻挡了他们前进的路。 But they cannot puncture barrier wall. 但他们又不能戳破隔膜 Because this means that is going to open cuts down a day of war, no one has the guts to dare to face directly Heavenly Way. 因为这意味着将要开启伐天之战,谁也没有胆量敢直面天道 One of these main reasons. 这其中最主要的原因之一。 Also is because the mass of nine territory world are placed in this. 也是因为九域世界的体量摆在这。 Grasping principles is the end. 悟道便已经是尽头了。 You want to break through this end, must leave nine territory world. 你想突破这个尽头,就必须离开九域世界。 For billion years, but also no one can accomplish this matter. 千百万年来,还没有人能办到这件事。 Therefore many people are staring at True Martial Great Emperor, actually wants to have a look at him to arrive which step. 所以很多人盯着真武大帝,想看看他究竟能走到哪一步。 Even has many people, although does not dare to cut down the day, but actually hopes very much True Martial Great Emperor can be successful. 甚至有很多人,虽然不敢伐天,但其实还是很希望真武大帝能够成功的。 At least can make the people see the hope. 起码能让众人看到希望。 If can cut to kill Heavenly Way, gives to open the front doors of nine territory world, that was then good. 若是能斩杀天道,将九域世界的大门给打开,那便再好不过了。 ...... …… At this moment, after Yuan Yang Continent thorough is stable. 此刻,当元央大陆彻底稳定之后。 True Martial Great Emperor deeply inspires, seems very excited. 真武大帝深吸一口气,显得很激动。 Although had trained many times before, he also prepared the innumerable subsequent hands. 虽然之前已经演练过很多次,他也准备了无数的后手。 But is implementing seriously, and when success, that mood is different. 但当真正实施起来,并且成功之时,那种心情还是不一样的。 Nearby Great Emperor Three Blades is also very excited including Divine Travelling Great Emperor. 旁边的三刀大帝包括神行大帝也都很兴奋。 First ancestor, must open Yuan Yang Continent,” Great Emperor Three Blades asked. “始祖,要打开元央大陆嘛,”三刀大帝问道。 True Martial Great Emperor nods. 真武大帝点点头。 He looked up the vault of heaven, saw only above that vault of heaven, as before was tranquil incomparable. 他抬头看了看苍穹,只见那苍穹之上,依旧是平静无比。 Heavenly Way ignores probably, whatever develops. 天道就好像置之不理,任由发展。 But True Martial Great Emperor understands, Heavenly Way will not give up absolutely. 真武大帝明白,天道绝对不会善罢甘休的。 Once Yuan Yang Continent were opened, then innumerable Yuan Yang Continent indigenous will enter to nine territory world.” “一旦元央大陆被打开,那么无数元央大陆的土著都将进入到九域世界。” Only fears following some time, nine territory world with lively, particularly our Heavenly Peak Territory.” “只怕接下来一段时间,九域世界会跟热闹,尤其是咱们天极域。” Divine Travelling Great Emperor said with a smile in the one side. 神行大帝在一旁笑道。 True Martial Great Emperor has not said anything but actually, sees only his both hands fast knot seal. 真武大帝倒也没有多说什么,只见他双手快速结印。 His whole body, a very strong imposing manner eruption. 他的周身,一股很强的气势爆发而出。 This imposing manner is not simple, such as the strength of vast boundless Great Way fills the air. 这股气势可不简单,如浩瀚无垠的大道之力弥漫而出。 In the strength of this Great Way, seeming to be the form is together partly visible. 在这大道之力内,似有一道身影若隐若现。 That is a giant. 那是一尊巨人。 Giant who a top of the head vault of heaven, foot treads the nether world. 一尊头顶苍穹,脚踏幽冥的巨人。 Although is very fuzzy, but the body of this giant actually erupts the aura that is making everyone change countenance. 虽然很模糊,但这巨人的身上却爆发着让所有人都动容的气息。 But the strength of this Great Way, is the direct impact clouds, is mixing the sidereal revolution cold penetrating, as if can destruction all. 而这股大道之力,更是直冲云霄,搅动着周天寒彻,仿佛能够覆灭一切。 Carefully looks again, will discover that giant long really has several points of similar to True Martial Great Emperor. 再仔细看去,就会发现那巨人长的竟然跟真武大帝有好几分相似。 God of the north True Fate.” “真武真命。” This is True Martial Great Emperor True Fate. 这是真武大帝真命 True Fate of person, is one of the he strongest strengths. 一个人的真命,乃是他最强的战力之一。 Generally speaking, will condense the most familiar thing. 一般来讲,都会凝聚成自己最熟悉的东西。 Some person of inscribing swords, some people of inscribing livelihoods , some people of wind and rain thunder and lightning. 有人铭刻刀剑,有人铭刻日月,也有人风雨雷电。 But True Martial Great Emperor, will then inscribe in True Fate. 真武大帝,则是将自己铭刻到了真命内。 I am True Fate!” “我即真命!” Naturally, makes the advantage also to have the fault. 当然,这么做有好处也有坏处。 The advantage then regarding the control and familiar of True Fate, must understand compared with anybody. 好处便是对于真命的掌控和熟悉,比任何人都要了解。 Moreover True Fate follows grows together. 而且真命伴随一同成长。 But the fault is also obvious. 但坏处也是显而易见的。 If runs into very strong enemy, needs to stay for temporary lodging the potential of True Fate time, will not have the potential to borrow. 如果遇到很强的敌人,需要借住真命之势的时候,也会无势可借。 Cuts down a day of war on for example this time. 就比如此番伐天之战。 True Martial Great Emperor then needs to change into Yuan Yang Continent own True Fate. 真武大帝便需要将自己的真命换成元央大陆 This can differentiate with nine territory world from the strength. 这样才能从力量上与九域世界区分开。 Rather than forever can only limit in nine territory world. 而不是永远只能局限于九域世界内。 After True Martial Great Emperor True Fate appears, that True Fate changes to together the flowing light, spreads to go toward Yuan Yang Continent directly. 真武大帝真命出现后,那真命化作一道流光,直接朝元央大陆蔓延而去。 God of the north True Fate and Yuan Yang Continent conducted some special relation probably. 紧接着,真武真命元央大陆好像进行了某种特殊的联系。 Sees only True Martial Great Emperor to sit cross-legged to sit. 只见真武大帝盘膝而坐。 True Fate started the transformation stage, among Heaven and Earth built a bridge immediately. 真命开始了转换阶段,天地间顿时搭起来一座桥梁。 This is the bridge of True Fate. 此为真命之桥。 This time, it can be said that True Martial Great Emperor weakest time. 这个时期,可以说是真武大帝最虚弱的时间段。 If Heavenly Way wants to attack, definitely will choose this stage. 如果天道想要攻击,也必然会选择这个阶段。 Great Emperor Three Blades several old ancestors are also ready in full battle array. 三刀大帝几名老祖也是严阵以待。 Starts in all around Way Protector. 开始在四周护道 In order to avoid some people disturb True Martial Great Emperor. 以免有人打扰到真武大帝 However above vault of heaven, as before very peaceful. 不过苍穹之上,依旧十分的安静。 Probably during Heavenly Way was dark tacitly consented to this behavior. 好像天道冥冥之中默许了这种行为。 But heavenly prestige is difficult to predict, no one dares to bet. 但天威难测,谁也不敢去赌。 Xu Zimo also walked from Divine State Continent, tread the sky , arrived in front of True Martial Great Emperor. 徐子墨也是从神州大陆走了出来,踏空而起,来到了真武大帝面前。 You came, our pressures were also lighter,” Divine Travelling Great Emperor said with a smile. “你来了,我们的压力也就轻了很多,”神行大帝笑道。 I cannot come, the Martial Way friends the prepare all,” Xu Zimo had really said. “我来不来,想必真武道友都已经布置好了一切吧,”徐子墨说道。 Then must open Yuan Yang Continent, if when the time comes the order has the issue, but also needs the eternal fellow daoist to help.” “接下来要开启元央大陆,到时候秩序若是有问题,还需要万古道友帮忙。” But,” Xu Zimo slight nod. “可,”徐子墨微微点头。 Said ; I hope actually Heavenly Way can make a move at this time, but the opposite party is very it seems like discrete.” 说道;“我倒是希望天道这个时候能出手,但看来对方很谨慎啊。” Heavenly Way sees the whole matter clearly, only feared that it the prepare all,” Great Emperor Three Blades had said. 天道洞察一切,只怕它早已经布置好了一切,”三刀大帝说道。 Although Heavenly Way is not the category of life. 天道虽然不属于生命的范畴。 But his innumerable years, experienced did not know the development and changes of many things. 但他这无数年来,见识了不知多少事物的发展和变化。 His wisdom has even gone beyond the category of human. 他的智慧甚至早已经超越了人类的范畴。 Therefore no one dares to belittle the Heavenly Way wisdom. 所以没有任何人敢小觑天道的智慧。 It walks every time one step, the back has infinite planning. 它每走一步,背后都有无穷的算计。 True Martial Great Emperor starts to transform Heavens's Will, this time continued entire three days. 真武大帝开始转变天命,这个时间持续了整整三天。 These in three days, many powerhouses knew this matter. 这三天内,很多强者都知晓了这件事。 Also some countless people from come in all directions, wants gradually this once in a thousand years event. 也有无数人从四面八方而来,就想渐渐这千载难逢的事件。 Finally, in an evening of third day. 终于,在第三天的一个晚上。 Suddenly the bright ray shoots up to the sky from the vault of heaven together. 突然一道明亮的光芒从天穹冲天而起。 () ()
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