IATV :: Volume #23

#2246: Chapter 2246 Yuan Yang Continent arrives, judgment day

„The desire of person, inexhaustible.” “人之欲望,无穷无尽。” After you comprehend the system, you want homemade Clan.” “当你领悟体系之后,你又想要自创一族。” „After that your homemade Clan, must make anything, when this world's control.” “那等你自创一族之后呢,又要做什么,当这个世界的主宰嘛。” On nine Yang people asked. 九阳上人反问道。 Why not?” The yamas said. “有何不可?”冥王说道。 Cultivation is endless, we cultivation or the achievement eternal life do not die, or power and influence world. “修炼是没有尽头的,我们修炼或成就永生不死,或权势天下。 Must have a goal. ” 总要有一个目标吧。” What is your goal?” “你的目标又是什么?” Thinks that the homemade Great Way system, you have achieved now, then?” “只是想自创大道体系嘛,你现在已经做到了,然后呢?” Life must have the new goal.” “人生总要有新的目标吧。” Regarding the words of yama, on nine Yang people did not refute. 对于冥王的话,九阳上人也不反驳。 But said: „ You have not comprehended the Great Way essence. 而是说道:“你还没有领悟大道的精髓。 When you comprehended truly, then understands, Great Way is without limits. ” 待你真正领悟了,便会明白,大道无止境。” Can roam through within the four seas of Great Way, then attempts with the life sufficiently.” “能够遨游大道之海内,便足以用一生去尝试。” Yama mirthless smile. 冥王惨笑了一声。 Said: „ I am not truly clear, I only know that the person is not oneself, the condemned by heaven and earth. 说道:“我确实不明白,我只知道人不为己,天诛地灭。 Wish is Heaven and Earth, that is impossible. ” 想要为天地,那不可能。” Different is not the stratagem, why also to say.” “道不同不相为谋,又何必多说呢。” On nine Yang people shake the head slightly. 九阳上人微微摇头。 Sees only the strength of his whole body to surge again. 只见他周身的力量再次涌动。 That strength condenses a sword. 那力量凝聚成一柄剑。 A cuts the sword of ghost. 一柄斩鬼之剑。 Yamas essentially, although the homemade deep clan, the ambition is very big, but his ability is also not enough to support him to arrive this step. 冥王从本质上来讲,虽然自创冥族,野心很大,但他的能力还不足以支撑他走到这一步。 Therefore a part of his essentially ghost clan. 所以他本质上还是鬼族的一部分。 He not the bloodlines changes the true deep clan from gene inside as well as. 他并没有从基因里面以及血脉中去改变真正的冥族。 The ghost clan takes the Divine State Continent big race, they with accompany dark, comprehend the say/way of life and death. 鬼族作为神州大陆的大种族,他们与黑暗相伴,领悟生死之道。 In the life and death big terrifying, grasps principles the evolution. 于生死大恐怖之间,悟道进化。 At this moment, nine on Yang lift to cut the sword of ghost every, does not have slight hesitation again, cuts to kill directly under. 此刻,九阳上人手举斩鬼之剑,再没有丝毫的迟疑,直接斩杀而下。 Void was delimited wave of ripples, cuts ghost sword not slight blocking, fell on the head of yama directly. 虚空中被划起一波的涟漪,斩鬼剑没有丝毫的阻塞,直接落在了冥王的头上。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 Has not imagined blood directing current, the after head of yama was cut, bunch of black fog of his nape of the neck place emit. 没有想象中的鲜血直流,冥王的脑袋被斩掉后,一团团的黑雾从他脖颈处冒出。 within the body of this yama, had been covered by the netherworld, this also has not been the flesh and blood. 这冥王的体内,早已经被冥土笼罩,这也早已经不是血肉之躯。 ...... …… After cutting to kill three people. 在斩杀了三人以后。 On nine Yang people walk toward Xu Zimo hastily. 九阳上人连忙朝徐子墨走去。 This time he not only turns danger into safety, obtained unique. 此番他不仅仅是化险为夷,更是得到了超脱。 Sees only him deeply to do obeisance toward Xu Zimo. 只见他深深朝徐子墨一拜。 Serious saying: Thank the help of Sir, otherwise this time must be my right noon time teaches the danger.” 郑重的说道:“感谢大人的帮助,否则此番必是我正阳教危矣。” Sir is my right noon time teaches to include my savior.” “大人乃是我正阳教包括我的救命恩人。” Xu Zimo beckons with the hand. 徐子墨摆摆手。 Said: You only need to remember your original intention, cannot put behind then good.” 说道:“你只需要记住你的初衷,不可忘却便行。” Sir felt relieved, this is my foundation,” on nine Yang people return hastily said. “大人放心,这是我的立足之本,”九阳上人连忙回道。 Person may die, may not move to its will firmly.” “人可死,确不可移其志。” Ok, I should also walk,” Xu Zimo beckons with the hand. “行了,我也该走了,”徐子墨摆摆手。 He did not have other matters here. 他在这里也没有其他事了。 Last good collection, is very interesting. 最后一个善的收集,也是很有意思的。 On nine Yang people also know, Xu Zimo does not belong to here, must leave finally. 九阳上人也知道,徐子墨不属于这里,终要离开的。 He has not detained. 他也没有挽留。 Looks back that Xu Zimo leaves, his long does obeisance. 看着徐子墨离开的背影,他长长的一拜。 Shouts greatly: My life, hope the good of line of Heaven and Earth.” 大喊道:“我之一生,愿行天地之善。” As an creator of system, on nine Yang people start to have custom-made the canon. 作为一个体系的创造者,九阳上人开始定制起教规来。 After all he knows, the following right noon time teaches only to fear is place that countless people go after like ducks. 毕竟他知道,接下来的正阳教只怕是无数人趋之若鹜的地方。 Before then, own cultivation system has not obtained the approval of Heaven and Earth, joins the person who the right noon time teaches to be not many. 在此之前,自己的修炼体系没有得到天地的认可,加入正阳教的人不算多。 After all without confirming cultivation system, how possible obedience. 毕竟没有验证过的修炼体系,又怎么可能服众呢。 But now he becomes together, moreover said newly. 但如今他自成一道,而且还是新道。 When the time comes will have countless people to crush the head to want. 到时候会有无数人挤破头颅想要进来的。 Matter were many, must have the rules and regulations. 事情多了,就要有规章。 Especially wish makes this Heaven and Earth Great Way continuous inheritance get down, needs safe processing. 尤其是想要让这天地大道绵绵不绝的传承下去,就更需要一个稳妥的处理。 ...... …… After leaving Zhengyang teaches, Xu Zimo looks up the sky. 离开正阳教后,徐子墨抬头看了看天空。 Sky over the discovery has the cold air to flow. 发现上空有冷空气在流动。 It seems like late autumn, the beginning of winter indication has approached. 似乎是深秋将过,入冬的征兆已经来临了。 He discovered the matter that present, possibly do conveniently, will affect a future of person sufficiently. 他发现如今的自己,可能随手之间做的事,就足以影响一个人的未来。 Possibly influence future Heaven and Earth general trend. 可能影响未来的天地大势所趋。 Therefore Xu Zimo was more discrete. 所以徐子墨更加的谨慎了。 Sometimes, the right is bigger, the received fetter are instead more. 有些时候,权利越大,受到的束缚反而越多。 After all Divine State Continent is closely linked with him. 毕竟神州大陆跟他息息相关。 If screwed up, that also ended thoroughly. 若是搞砸了,那也就彻底完了。 The extremely good thing, only has last to be friendly now. 极善之物,如今只剩下最后一个善了。 However Xu Zimo does not worry. 但是徐子墨不着急。 Because he also lost a lot of time in Divine State Continent this period of time, his mind went to look to the outside world. 因为他这段时间在神州大陆也耽误了不少时间,他的心神去到外界看了看。 Discovered that True Martial Great Emperor is summoning Yuan Yang Continent to arrive at the last act. 发现真武大帝在召唤元央大陆已经到了尾声。 He decides to go to look. 他决定出去看一看。 After all is a world breaks through a wall to come, to enter another world. 毕竟是一个世界破壁而来,进入另一个世界。 This has been nine territories since the birth, but also has never had matter. 这是九域从诞生以来,还从未发生过的事情。 This big event Xu Zimo naturally must arrive. 这种大事件徐子墨自然要到场。 Does not know when the time comes Heavenly Way is anything responds. 只是不知道到时候天道是什么反应呢。 Prevents or ignores. 阻止还是漠视呢。 Xu Zimo divine soul then returned to nine territory world quickly. 徐子墨神魂很快便回到了九域世界内。 Over the following several days, he is practicing moral culture to control one's breathing, was at most complete condition by own body. 接下来几天,他都在修身调息,让自己的身体处于最完好的状态。 But in the outside world, the average person cannot see, however Xu Zimo vision penetration layer upon layer dense fog. 而在外界,普通人看不到,但是徐子墨的目光穿透层层迷雾。 Has been able to see, Yuan Yang Continent this huge world was moved thoroughly. 已经可以看到,元央大陆这个庞大的世界被彻底移动。 As long as moves a world, that needs the greatest mighty force. 但凡移动一个世界,那都需要莫大的伟力。 However True Martial Great Emperor succeeded. 但是真武大帝成功了。 Yuan Yang Continent after arriving in route of formulation, finally stopped nearby the world walls of nine territory world. 元央大陆在抵达制定的路线后,最终停在了九域世界的世界壁跟前。 Before world wall, two world start to conflict. 世界壁之前,两个世界开始冲突。 However this conflict is benign, but is not the malicious conflict. 不过这种冲突乃是良性的,而并非恶意冲突。 Yuan Yang Continent does not need to exceed nine territory world, so long as can integrate nine territories by oneself then. 元央大陆不需要胜过九域世界,只要让自身能够融入九域即可。 Probably a river with a sea. 就好像一条河跟一片海。 Does not need to argue that the great strength of river sea, rivers entering the sea, was then enough. 没必要去争论河海的强大,河流入海,便足够了。 ...... …… At this stage, at first did not have the special phenomenon, can feel the difference besides some powerful powerhouse, the mortal cannot feel. 在这个阶段,起初还没有特别的异像,除了一些十分强大的强者能够感受到差别外,凡人是感受不到的。 But afterward, as Yuan Yang Continent approaches nine territory world more and more. 但后来,随着元央大陆越来越靠近九域世界。 At this moment, in Heavenly Peak Territory. 此刻,在天极域内。 That vault of heaven turned into the paint black. 那苍穹都变成了漆黑色。 It seems like the solar eclipse, Sun was given to block completely. 就好像日食般,太阳被全部给挡住。 Moreover in addition, in the sky is the flying sand and rocks, the cold wind is intermittent. 而且除此之外,天空中是飞沙走石,阴风阵阵。 Xu Zimo looks up, like having a look at Heavenly Way can be anything responded. 徐子墨抬头看,像看看天道会是什么反应。 In this critical phase, Heavenly Way whether will act. 在这个关键阶段,天道又是否会出手呢。 What a pity Heavenly Way has not appeared, the phenomenon between Heaven and Earth continued to have within two the time (Tian Shi). 可惜天道没有出现,天地间的异像持续了能有两天时间。 Suddenly in some moment, only listens to bang. 突然在某一刻,只听“轰”的一声。 Resembling is one thunders. 似是一声轰鸣。 Two powerful things collided in together. 有两个强大的事物碰撞在一起了。 However the explosive sound has not resounded, instead is Yuan Yang Continent successful integrated into nine territory world. 不过爆炸声并没有响起,反而是元央大陆成功的融入了九域世界中。 This time, the entire nine territory world start to vibrate. 这一次,整个九域世界都开始震动起来。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” The boundless strength is fluctuating unceasingly 磅礴的力量不断波动着 In the vault of heaven, had the innumerable cracks void, continuously, limitless spread. 苍穹上,虚空出现了无数的裂缝,源源不断,无边无际的蔓延。 This situation continued to be very long. 这种情况持续了很久。 Remote that very although spreads, but has not actually exploded. 虽然蔓延的很久远,但是却没有爆炸开。 Everyone looks up, can see the Yuan Yang Continent outline. 所有人抬头看,都能看到元央大陆的轮廓。 () ()
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