IATV :: Volume #23

#2245: Chapter 2245 all dies, the desire comes to naught to the end

Chapter 2247 all dies, the desire comes to naught to the end 第2247章皆死,欲望到头一场空 „ The soul of playing dead, is the research of my lifetime, this bullies a day of say/way, can hide the truth from all sensations. Correct chapter novel read, google search “假死之魂,乃是我毕生的研究,这欺天之道,更是能够瞒过一切感知。【无错章节小说阅读,google搜寻】 You can also kill me to be inadequate. ” 难道你还能杀了我不成。” Not dead Emperor cold sound said. 不死帝君冷声说道。 He has the absolute self-confidence. 他是有着绝对的自信。 After all own bullies a day of say/way, to put it bluntly is not in a space with the ordinary world. 毕竟自己的欺天之道,说白了跟普通的世界就不在一个空间内。 The differences of two dimensions and three dimensions. 二次元与三次元的不同。 To destroy own real soul, must enter with the space of oneself same dimension is good. 要想毁灭自己的真魂,必须进入跟自己同次元的空间才行。 Regarding the words of not dead Emperor, on nine Yang people shake the head with a smile. 对于不死帝君的话,九阳上人笑着摇了摇头。 Said: You made a mistake, you do not know, this bullies a day of say/way to be main, then lies in one bullies the character.” 说道:“你错了,你难道不知道,这欺天之道最主要的,便在于一个欺字嘛。” If were seen through an affair, what Laiqi day.” “若是被拆穿了,又何来欺天。” What I bully is the day, is not you, you know how can,” not dead Emperor not regret say as before. “我欺的是天,又不是你,你知道又能如何,”不死帝君依旧不悔说道。 I had just said that did I and Heaven and Earth in, you forget?” “我刚刚说过,我与天地同在,你忘了吗?” My Great Way is Heaven and Earth part.” “我的大道便是天地的一部分。” On nine Yang person words fall, he has been disinclined to continue rubbish again. 九阳上人话语落下,他已经懒得再继续废话下去了。 The powerful strength is ordinary just like dragon soaring. 强大的力量宛如龙腾一般。 Changes to the dragon shape waterfall to flow swiftly together, outside thousand li (500 km) galloping long cry. 化作一道龙形瀑布一泻而下,千里之外奔腾长鸣。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” This strength is boundless, blocked not the dead Emperor all escape routes of instantaneously. 这力量磅礴,瞬间就封死了不死帝君所有的退路。 Not the dead Emperor complexion changes. 不死帝君脸色微变。 At this moment, the toxic gas of his whole body starts to be defeated and dispersed. 这一刻,他周身的毒气开始溃散。 But brand-new strength is surging. 而一股全新的力量似在涌动而出。 Bang the explosion transmits. “轰”的爆炸传来。 That bullies a day of strength, or is the strengths of different dimension. 那种一股欺天之力,或者说是不同次元的力量。 This strength similar imposing manner is scary, almost with on the strengths of nine Yang people collides in the infinite posture together. 这力量同样气势骇人,几乎以无穷之姿与九阳上人的力量碰撞在一起。 But the explosion in imagination has not appeared. 但想象中的爆炸并没有出现。 Because on the strengths of nine Yang people like easily accomplished, will bully a day of strength to rout thoroughly. 因为九阳上人的力量如同摧枯拉朽般,彻底将欺天之力击溃。 This stemmed from not the dead emperor's speculation obviously. 这显然出乎了不死帝君的猜测。 Sees only him to angrily roar, whole face is incredible. 只见他怒吼着,满脸的不可置信。 Must know that this different dimension strength, is his card in a hand. 要知道这不同次元的力量,可是他的底牌啊。 But now destroyed seemed like some too easily. 但如今被摧毁的似乎有些太轻易了。 I had said that you do not understand the Heaven and Earth mighty force. “我早就说了,你根本不懂天地伟力。 Awing Heaven and Earth is finally Great Way. ” 敬畏天地才是最终大道。” On nine Yang people said lightly. 九阳上人淡淡说道。 That powerful strength after destroying bullied a day of strength, in an instant, changes to together the mighty waves turbulent river. 那强大的力量在摧毁了欺天之力后,转眼之间,又化作一道波涛汹涌的长河。 This is on nine Yang people observes the world river, the sea of Nine Provinces, the river of Great Way finally transforms. 这是九阳上人观天下长河,九州之海,最终幻化出来的大道之河。 Suppresses the mountain of yama to be the same with that is the strength of thick Heaven and Earth condenses. 就跟那镇压冥王的大山一般,乃是浓浓的天地之力凝聚而成。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 Ample force that under the strength of pinnacle, not the dead Emperor simply has not revolted against. 极致之力下,不死帝君根本没有反抗的余力。 The sea sweeps across in which him thoroughly, raises ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) monstrous waves, the flat land ascends the vault of heaven at one fell swoop. 大海彻底将他席卷其中,掀起万丈巨浪,平地一举登天穹。 Not dead Emperor at this moment, is similar to a small boat in sea, does not have the strength of slight resistance. 此刻的不死帝君,就如同大海内的一叶扁舟,没有丝毫的反抗之力。 That sea is coercing him, unceasing building up is melting. 那大海裹挟着他,不断的炼化着。 Also is the strength of not dead Emperor came from his false soul, therefore on nine Yang people need to refine the false soul, can kill him truly. 也是不死帝君的力量来自于他的假魂,所以九阳上人需要炼化假魂,才能真正杀死他。 But in another side, fights with on nine Yang people while not the dead Emperor, no one noticed own snake muskdeer mother-in-law to start to begin. 而在另一边,趁着不死帝君跟九阳上人大战,没有人注意到自己的蛇麝婆婆开始动手了。 But she has not mixed in two people fight, but before arrives at the mountain of Great Way, wants to release the yama. 但她没有掺和到两人的战斗中,而是来到大道之山前,想要将冥王释放出来。 Sees only the body of her giant dragon snake to twine the mountain of Great Way, the whole body scale is sending out the golden ray. 只见她巨大的龙蛇之身缠绕住大道之山,浑身的鳞片都散发着金色的光芒。 Under the ray, the strength of giant dragon snake surges. 光芒之下,巨大的龙蛇之力涌动而出。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” The dragon snake angrily roars, starts to send out from the body with the infinite strength. 龙蛇怒吼,开始用无穷的力量从躯体中散发出来。 Then is everything may become vulnerable, the land has the innumerable cracks. 紧接着,便是地动山摇,大地出现无数的裂缝。 The snake muskdeer mother-in-law wants completely to crush this mountain, or moves out of the way. 蛇麝婆婆想要将这大山彻底粉碎,或者说挪开。 But whatever his imposing manner is astonishing, the infinite mighty force spreads the body of brune snake, is unable to vacillate the mountain of half a point Great Way unexpectedly. 但任凭他气势惊人,无穷伟力遍布龙蛇之身,竟然丝毫无法动摇大道之山半分。 The snake muskdeer mother-in-law somewhat was anxious. 蛇麝婆婆不禁有些急了。 She said to the yama: We make an effort together, looked that can throw off this mountain peak.” 她对冥王说道:“我们一起用力,看能不能把这座山峰掀翻。” Yama slight nod. 冥王微微点头。 The netherworld of his whole body at rebellion. 他周身的冥土在暴动着。 As if all strengths erupt in this flash. 仿佛所有的力量都在这一瞬间爆发出来。 Meanwhile, the snake muskdeer mother-in-law is spares nothing, even burnt own dragon source. 与此同时,蛇麝婆婆更是不惜一切代价,甚至燃烧了自己的龙本源。 The strength of this source is she melts the dragon most precious strength she usually not to hate to use. 这本源之力乃是她化龙最珍贵的力量她平时根本舍不得用。 At this moment, the snake muskdeer mother-in-law could not have attended to these. 此刻,蛇麝婆婆已经顾不上这些了。 Dragon source of combustion on as if heart in drop blood, but she is full power. 燃烧的龙本源就仿佛心头在滴血般,但她还是全力施法。 At this moment, void was collapsed, the space was shattered, the crack propagation of land in all directions. 这一刻,虚空都被崩坏,空间破碎,大地的裂缝蔓延四面八方。 But even so, the mountain of that Great Way as before is as stable as Mount Tai, simply does not have the slight vacillation. 但即使是这样,那大道之山依旧是稳如泰山,根本没有丝毫的动摇。 Ok,” this moment yama first gave up. “算了吧,”这一刻冥王自己先放弃了。 He thought that the mountain of this Great Way is unshakeable. 他觉得这大道之山不可动摇。 All are not studious. 一切都是无用功。 After all, could not have vacillated like this including a mountain, what discussed that moves the mountain. 毕竟已经这样了,连一座山都动摇不了,更何谈搬山呢。 The snake muskdeer mother-in-law also despaired. 蛇麝婆婆也绝望了。 However while desperate, she is also angry. 不过在绝望的同时,她也不禁愤怒起来。 The infinite strength starts toward the mountain of attack Great Way. 无穷力量开始朝大道之山攻击。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” ...... …… On after nine Yang people start to refine not the dead Emperor, will immediately focus on the snake muskdeer mother-in-law's body. 九阳上人开始炼化不死帝君后,随即将目光放在蛇麝婆婆的身上。 Now the yama by the mountain of suppression Great Way, not the dead Emperor was built up by the sea of Great Way. 如今冥王被大道之山镇压,不死帝君被大道之海炼化。 This snake muskdeer mother-in-law is last. 这蛇麝婆婆就是最后一个。 On nine Yang people choose process the snake muskdeer mother-in-law finally, is because the strength of opposite party is weakest. 九阳上人之所以选择最后处理蛇麝婆婆,也是因为对方的实力最弱。 Are least to the trouble that other party becomes. 给他造成的麻烦最少。 Snake muskdeer, this/should you.” “蛇麝,该你了。” On nine Yang people said lightly. 九阳上人淡淡说道。 Strength of you Great Way can destroy can it be that a small dragon snake, even transforms has not completed, but also the delusion challenges heavenly prestige.” 大道之力岂是你能够破坏的,一个小小的龙蛇,连蜕变都没有完成,还妄想挑战天威。” On nine Yang people spoke, imposing manner surged again. 九阳上人说话之间,身上的气势再一次涌动而出。 Sees only his big hand to search forward. 只见他大手向前一探。 At this moment, the vault of heaven presented the short darkness. 这一刻,苍穹出现了短暂的黑暗。 But under darkness, is the inexhaustible stars starts to surge little. 而在黑暗之下,则是无穷无尽的星辰开始一点点涌动。 Stars just like star meteor. 星辰宛如星陨般。 Starts to drop from the clouds, the meteorite has the incomparable gravity. 开始从天而降,陨石带着无比的重力。 At this moment, the snake muskdeer mother-in-law raised the head. 这一刻,蛇麝婆婆抬头。 Then is everywhere stars pounds toward her. 便是漫天星辰朝她砸来。 Although she is avoiding and struggling furiously, but the quantity of star meteor was really many. 尽管她奋力的躲避、挣扎着,但无奈星陨的数量实在是太多了。 Almost cannot count to her many. 多到她几乎数不过来。 Rumble and rumble “轰隆隆、轰隆隆” With snake muskdeer mother-in-law pitiful yells, her huge body was annihilated thoroughly in the star meteor rain. 伴随着蛇麝婆婆一声声惨叫,她庞大的身躯彻底被湮灭在星陨雨中。 At this moment, among Heaven and Earth only has on nine Yang person tread the sky . 这一刻,天地间唯有九阳上人踏空而起。 He looks that the snake muskdeer mother-in-law was battered to death, looks not the dead Emperor brings final is unwilling to be built up dies. 他看着蛇麝婆婆被砸死,看着不死帝君带着最后的不甘被炼化死。 Immediately gradually moves toward the yama. 随即一步步走向冥王。 The yamas as if also know that oneself time of death is near. 冥王似乎也知道自己的死期将近。 His originally thinks oneself saw through, when but died arrives at the front truly, his unexpectedly heartbeat accelerates, starts to be flustered. 他原本以为自己看开了,但当死亡真正走到面前时,他竟然心跳加速,开始慌张起来。 Do not kill me, what condition I can promise you.” “别杀我,什么条件我都可以答应你。” Deep clan, I gives you deep clan completely.” “冥族,我把冥族全部给你。” Your Great Way has become, had the system, you do not want to go a step further, again homemade Clan.” “你大道已成,有了体系,难道你不想更进一步,再自创一族嘛。” The yamas said many words, tries to seduce on nine Yang people by various conditions. 冥王说了很多话,试图以各种条件诱惑九阳上人。 But sees on nine Yang person vision to be firm and resolute, simply has not vacillated. 但见九阳上人目光坚毅,根本没有丝毫动摇。 On the strengths of nine Yang people in unceasing is surging. 九阳上人身上的力量在不断的涌动着。 Only listens to him saying: When is the desire of person a head?” 只听他说道:“人的欲望什么时候是个头?” () ()
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