IATV :: Volume #23

#2244: Chapter 2244 bullies a day of say/way, plays dead divine soul

Chapter 2246 bullies a day of say/way, plays dead divine soul 第2246章欺天之道,假死神魂 Perhaps the dragon snake then dragon snake, oneself later had the chance, can evolve to become the real dragon dragon snake. 龙蛇便龙蛇了,说不定自己以后另有机缘,可以将龙蛇进化成为真龙。 Now dies to knock here, does not have the significance. 如今死磕在这里,也没有意义。 Now on the imposing manners of nine Yang people, even he feels somewhat scary. 如今九阳上人身上的气势,连他都觉得有些骇人。 Nine Yang fellow daoist, old Shen are not willing to fight again. “九阳道友,老申不愿再战。 I can compensate for this time your damage. ” 我可以赔偿此番你的损失。” The snake muskdeer mother-in-law thought that was then good to the stair under. 蛇麝婆婆觉得给个台阶下便行了。 But on the replies of nine Yang people are very not as he expected. 但九阳上人的回复却十分出乎他的预料。 Snake muskdeer, since must fight, why also to walk.” “蛇麝,既然要战,又何必走呢。” Today I fight your three people alone, has not flinched, you are fearing.” “今日我独战你们三人,亦没有退缩,你是在惧怕嘛。” On the words of nine Yang people make the snake muskdeer mother-in-law somewhat angry. 九阳上人的话让蛇麝婆婆有些恼怒。 Only listens to the opposite party saying: Nine Yang, although you strength were promoted, but three of us, if collaborates, not weakly in you.” 只听对方说道:“九阳,你虽然实力得到了提升,但我们三人若是联手,不会弱于你。” Continues to hit, this forest will thoroughly also be destroyed, this is you wants to see.” “继续打下去,这片森林也会彻底被摧毁,这是你想看到的嘛。” Regarding the snake muskdeer mother-in-law's words, soft also has several points to threaten. 对于蛇麝婆婆的话,软中又带着几分威胁。 On nine Yang people sneer saying: „ Snake muskdeer, you and this yama seriously are the equally proud characters. 九阳上人冷笑道:“蛇麝,你跟这冥王当真是一样自傲的性格。 You think that present I, with you are a level. ” 你以为如今的我,跟你们还是一个层次的嘛。” Cuts to kill you then to be similar to the slaughter dog.” “斩杀你们便如同屠狗般罢了。” Good and good very!” The snake muskdeer mother-in-law whole body boundless imposing manner is surging. “好、好的很啊!”蛇麝婆婆周身磅礴的气势在涌动着。 On the words of obvious nine Yang person offended her thoroughly. 显然九阳上人的话彻底得罪她了。 How even if unable to withstand again, her snake muskdeer is still becomes famous for a long time powerhouse, if were insulted hits back, has also degenerated into the laughingstock thoroughly. 就算再怎么不堪,她蛇麝也是成名已久的强者,若是被如此侮辱还不还手的话,已经也就彻底沦为笑柄了。 At this moment, her body transforms again. 这一刻,她的身躯再次幻化。 She is the system giant dragon snake, now under the fluctuations of strengths. 她原本就是体系巨大的龙蛇,如今一道道力量的波动之下。 Sees only that snake scale to start to change the first layer level golden color. 只见那蛇鳞开始变化成一层层的金色。 In that golden color, brings boundless dragon prestige, as if can annihilate all. 那金色之中,带着磅礴的龙威,仿佛能够湮灭一切。 The power and influence astonishing dragon snake was covered by the golden color at this moment, years scary terrifying. 原本本就威势惊人的龙蛇此刻被金色笼罩,更年的骇人恐怖。 But in another side, not the dead Emperor takes the lead forward the steps. 而在另一边,不死帝君率先向前踏步。 His whole body is the green venom is surging. 他周身是绿色的毒液在涌动着。 Unlike the snake muskdeer mother-in-law's initial timid war, not the dead emperor reveres has not thought from beginning to end must run away. 跟蛇麝婆婆起初的怯战不同,不死帝尊自始至终都没有想过要逃走。 Even on after nine Yang people grow stronger, he somewhat is instead eager to try. 甚至于九阳上人变强以后,他反而有些跃跃欲试。 Sees only his tread the sky , arrived on the front of nine Yang people. 只见他一步踏空,来到了九阳上人的面前。 Chuckle, was anticipating said: Nine Yang, come, kills me!” 轻笑着,又期待着说道:“九阳,来,打死我!” Sees the opposite party to open the mouth is such request, on nine Yang people naturally cannot be polite. 看到对方开口便是如此的要求,九阳上人自然不会客气。 Drinks lightly. 一声轻喝。 Sees only on nine Yang person both hands to reach the vault of heaven. 只见九阳上人双手伸向苍穹。 Above that vault of heaven, ancient Sun has the ray of projection probably, fell in both hands of nine Yang people directly. 那苍穹之上,亘古的太阳好像带着投射的光芒,直接落在了九阳上人的双手上。 In strength of control hand Sun. 太阳之力掌控手中。 On nine Yang people are the big hand wield. 紧接着,九阳上人又是大手一挥。 Sees only in the vault of heaven, an original Sun turned into two Sun unexpectedly. 只见苍穹上,原本的一轮太阳竟然变成了两轮太阳。 Sun that this splits newly is similar to together the meteorite, falls from the day directly, pounds toward not the dead Emperor. 这新分裂出的太阳就如同一道陨石般,直接从天而坠,朝不死帝君砸去。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 One group of fiery-red strengths fall from nine days above. 一团火红色的力量自九天之上落下。 Not the dead Emperor does not avoid. 不死帝君也不躲避。 Sees only him to open the bosom, venom is seething with excitement, roaring. 只见他张开怀抱,身上的毒液沸腾着,咆哮着。 Finally, the entire Sun submerged him. 终于,整个太阳都将他淹没了起来。 It seems like for does not injure the forest of ground, after Sun not the dead Emperor will submerge . 似乎是为了不伤害地面的森林,太阳将不死帝君淹没以后。 Has not continued to crash again downward, but explodes directly in void. 并没有再继续往下坠落,而是在虚空中直接爆炸起来。 Feels in the explosion complementary waves, that vague vitality, on nine Yang person vision tight is staring. 感受到爆炸余波中,那若有若无的生命力,九阳上人目光紧紧的盯着。 As by the flame incinerator for the deserted, entire vault of heaven was presented the short vacuum period void. 随着虚空被火焰焚烧为空寂,整个天穹都出现了短暂的真空期。 Only has is scorched together, having the form of fire to stay in the vault of heaven. 唯有一道被烧焦的,带火的身影留在苍穹上。 Hasn't died?” On nine Yang people muttered. “没死?”九阳上人喃喃自语了一句。 At first that say/way scorched form cannot see clearly, but gradually, as the poison of life exudes the fluctuation in the form. 起初那道被烧焦的身影都看不清,但渐渐的,随着生命之毒在身影上泛起波动。 Finally, that form stood slowly. 终于,那身影缓缓站了起来。 Although the five senses have twisted, does not have the slight complete spot from top to bottom. 虽然五官已经扭曲,浑身上下没有丝毫的完整部位。 However not the dead Emperor has not died. 但是不死帝君没有死。 Withstood the so powerful strength, has not died as before. 承受了如此强大的力量,依旧没有死。 This is the poison of life he researches and develops. 这便是他研发的生命之毒。 Naturally, the name of poison of this life is also he gets up. 当然,这个生命之毒的名字也是他起的。 Now the research of this toxicant had entered the bottleneck period, therefore not the dead Emperor is urgent, needs the inspiration. 如今这毒药的研究已经步入了瓶颈期,所以不死帝君迫切的,需要灵感。 Only the continuous death, he can from the process of life and death, comprehends the true eternal life. 只有源源不断的死亡,他才能从生与死的过程中,领悟真正的永生。 Has saying that this not dead Emperor is the talent. 不得不说,这不死帝君还是挺天才的。 The road that although the opposite party takes is uncertain is right, even can say that is definitely wrong. 虽然对方走的路并不一定是对的,甚至可以说肯定是错的。 After all this world immortal possibly has, the eternal life will definitely not have. 毕竟这世间长生可能有,永生绝对不会有。 Does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish will have heard Xu Zimo at least tomorrow. 不死不灭起码连徐子墨都明天听说过。 Even if cuts down day to succeed, Xu Zimo did not determine whether this means does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish. 哪怕是伐天成功,徐子墨也不确定这是否意味着不死不灭。 ...... …… Again come, my some clue.” “再来,我有些头绪了。” On not the dead Emperor face brings demented. 不死帝君脸上带着癫狂。 It seems like some crazy scientific research, has fallen into the degree that was unable to extricate oneself. 就好像某个疯狂的科研者,已经陷入了无法自拔的程度。 „The poison of your so-called life, said in the final analysis the strengthening about divine soul aspect.” “你所谓的生命之毒,说说到底只是关于神魂方面的强化吧。” On nine Yang people said suddenly. 九阳上人突然说道。 Not the dead Emperor knits the brows slightly, calmly is waiting for on the nine Yang person following words. 不死帝君微微皱眉,静等着九阳上人下面的话。 Enlarges divine soul, discards the physical body. “放大神魂,舍弃肉体。 This also caused how, regardless of others kill your physical body to be useless. ” 这也就导致了无论别人怎么杀死你的肉体都没用。” On nine Yang people continue to say. 九阳上人继续说道。 Also wants, not only enlarges divine soul, you even also prepared the false soul, is right.” “还要,不仅仅是放大神魂,你甚至还准备了假魂,对不对。” On the words of nine Yang people let not the dead Emperor complexion big change. 九阳上人的话让不死帝君脸色大变。 He seems like a frantic asking dead, actually these are his camouflage. 他看上去就像一个狂热的求死者,其实这些都是他的伪装罢了。 He was clear compared with anyone, the difficulty of say/way of this eternal life. 他比谁都清楚,这永生之道的难度。 He is not a fool. 他也不是傻子。 Enlarges divine soul, even is the poison of life, is his camouflage. 放大神魂,甚至是生命之毒,都不过是他的伪装罢了。 Those who let not the dead Emperor not think, on nine Yang people looked at one merely, can see his details unexpectedly. 让不死帝君没想到的是,九阳上人仅仅看了一眼,竟然能看出他的底细。 He felt immediately thornily. 他顿时感觉到了棘手。 After all whatever, if were completely understood, did not have the secret, this is most fearful. 毕竟无论怎么样,若是被人看透,没有了秘密可言,这才是最可怕的。 Bullies the day, is right.” “欺天,对不对。” On nine Yang people shouts: Your say/way bullies a day of say/way.” 九阳上人大喊道:“你的道乃是欺天之道。” Really extraordinary, I also think, only then I with yama, we in the homemade Great Way system.” “真了不起啊,我还以为只有我跟冥王,我们在自创大道体系。” Never expected that you also took this road, and deep that must hide compared with us.” “没想到你也走上了这一条路,并且比我们都要隐藏的更深。” To be honest, if not for on this nine Yang person's by strength of in addition Heaven and Earth was held. 说实话,若不是这一次九阳上人被天地之力加持。 Vision or sensation promotion doubled and re-doubled. 无论是眼界还是感知都成倍的提升。 He is impossible to discover the secret of not dead Emperor. 他根本不可能发现不死帝君的秘密。 So-called bullies the day, actually deceives Heavenly Way. 所谓欺天,其实就是欺骗天道 Makes a false appearance, making Heaven and Earth think that you died, hides itself from the destiny river. 制造一种假象,让天地以为你死了,从命运长河中隐藏自己。 Then the rule of Heaven and Earth birth and death will then not arrive to your body. 那么天地生老病死的规则便不会降临到你的身上。 Who will make a deceased person die again time one. 谁会让一个死人再死一次呢。 Therefore deceives people easily, bullying the day is very difficult, even it can be said that is extremely not realistic. 所以说欺人容易,欺天却很困难,甚至可以说是极其的不现实。 But sometimes, only then attempts to know to be possible. 但有些时候,只有尝试过才知道可不可能。 This is also in the human history the most tenacious quality. 这也是人类历史上最坚韧不拔的品质。 Bullies the day, plays dead. 欺天,假死。 Not the dead Emperor stands firm own mind, when was just seen through an affair, he somewhat is truly scared. 不死帝君稳住自己的心神,刚刚被拆穿时,他确实有些恐慌。 But at present is ready in full battle array quite well. 但眼下还是严阵以待比较好。 He looks to nine Yang people, said calmly: How you see through an affair even can.” 他看向九阳上人,平静说道:“你就算拆穿又能怎么样。” () ()
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