IATV :: Volume #23

#2243: Chapter 2243 Heaven and Earth Great Way, mountain range suppression

Chapter 2245 Heaven and Earth Great Way, mountain range suppression 第2245章天地大道,山峦镇压 You do not believe that is your matter, but the revolution of Heaven and Earth does not exist with your will.” “你不相信那是你的事,但天地的运转不以你的意志而存在。” At this moment, on nine Yang people only feel the whole body incomparable comfort. 此刻,九阳上人只觉得全身无比的舒坦。 That type has never had, even has strength unceasing surging of feelings in within the body. 那种从未拥有过,甚至是有所感想的力量不断的涌动在体内。 Originally his potential the comprehension to Heaven and Earth, he thinks is very profound. 原来他对天地之势的领悟,他自认为已经很深刻了。 But now looks like, as before is the fur/superficial knowledge. 但如今看来,依旧不过是皮毛罢了。 At this moment, on nine Yang people even have an misconception, oneself are hugging Heaven and Earth. 这一刻,九阳上人甚至有种错觉,自己在拥抱天地 Heaven and Earth part of secrets even appear in him at present. 天地的一部分秘密甚至在他眼前浮现。 This is true Heaven and Earth. 这是真正的天地 His deep breath one breath, the potential of mountains rivers must erupt probably in the abdomen. 他深呼吸一口气,山川河流之势就好像在腹中要爆发出来。 He wields conveniently, then has the strength of shocking the entire world. 他随手一挥,便拥有震撼寰宇的力量。 Yama, you have not wanted to walk own say/way.” “冥王,你不是一直想走自己的道嘛。” Saw it, this was the say/way finally.” “看见了吗,这便是道之终。” „A success Great Way initiator, can communicate Heaven and Earth, changes into Heaven and Earth part.” “一条成功大道的创始者,可以沟通天地,化为天地的一部分。” Being short in that was self-satisfied,” yama complexion is gloomy. “少在那得意了,”冥王脸色阴沉。 The sound brings several points of crazy, loudly exclaimed: Today comes no matter, I must cut to kill you, teaches to raze to the ground your right noon time.” 声音带着几分疯狂,大吼道:“今天不管谁来,我都要斩杀你,将你们正阳教夷为平地。” The netherworld appears again. 冥土再一次浮现而出。 With crazy of yama, that netherworld as if also came under the influence. 伴随着冥王的疯狂,那冥土似乎也受到了影响。 The powerful strength in the rebellion wells up, breaks in the posture of mighty current. 强悍的力量在暴动涌中,以洪流之姿破发而来。 The yama vision is gloomy, he is very self-confident regarding oneself Great Way. 冥王目光阴沉,他对于自己的大道很自信。 After all the netherworld is he works wholeheartedly to research and develop, even obtained the testimonies of countless person. 毕竟冥土是他呕心沥血所研发,甚至得到了无数人的见证。 These witnesses, degenerate into the netherworld finally some nourishment. 那些见证者,最终也都沦为冥土的一部分养料。 At this moment, on nine Yang people first are the whole body shake. 此刻,九阳上人先是浑身一震。 The toxicant that not the dead Emperor will research and develop annihilates thoroughly, worn down without a trace. 将不死帝君研发的毒药彻底湮灭,消磨的无影无踪。 Sees only on nine Yang person big hands to wield. 紧接着,只见九阳上人大手一挥。 Powerful imposing manner eruption. 强大的气势爆发而出。 All around void unceasing is breaking. 四周的虚空都在不断的破碎着。 Especially his double pupil, is such as the blazing hot sun, two golden mighty current rebellions. 尤其是他的双眸,其中更是如炽热烈日,两道金色洪流暴动而出。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 Several hot sun mighty currents collide above the netherworld. 几只的烈日洪流碰撞在冥土之上。 Simply does not have the slight resistance and deadlock, that netherworld was passed through instantaneously. 根本没有丝毫的抵抗和僵持,那冥土瞬间被贯穿。 Above the yama, starts to burn. 紧接着,冥王之上,开始自行燃烧起来。 Sun really does not have the thing not to burn a continuously hot, the myriad things are the fuels, needs the netherworld combustion completely. 一缕缕太阳真火无物不焚,万物为燃料,需要将冥土燃烧殆尽。 Because the netherworld is very special, is with the deep Wang Weiyi body, coevolutionary algorithm. 因为冥土十分特殊,乃是跟冥王为一体,共同进化的。 This moment netherworld was burnt, the yama naturally about is also the ignition commits suicide by fire. 此刻冥土被燃烧,冥王自然合也是引火焚身。 He calls out in alarm one. 他惊叫一声。 Feels just like eclipse bone the stabbing pain and ignition, he revolves hastily his strength, wants putting off this flame. 感受到身上宛如蚀骨般的刺痛和灼烧,他连忙运转自身的力量,想要将这股火焰给扑灭。 But Sun is really hot is so can it be that easy to extinguish. 但太阳真火岂是这么容易就灭的。 Especially on nine Yang people connect Heaven and Earth, has his continuous strength to support. 尤其是九阳上人连通天地,有他源源不断的力量支撑着。 The yamas discovered oneself are unable to extinguish this flame, even exuberance of more and more solar really hot combustion. 冥王发现自己根本无法熄灭这股火焰,甚至太阳真火燃烧的越来越旺盛。 Had covered his whole body. 已经将他全身都笼罩了起来。 Damn, damn.” “该死,该死。” The yamas are startled and anger. 冥王可谓是又惊又怒。 I must die, will not make you feel better.” “我要死,也不会让你好过。” At this moment the yama felt the death, this was a sixth sense misconception. 这一刻冥王感受到了死亡,这是一种第六感的错觉。 But Sun is really truly hot to burn, his physical body and divine soul must die without doubt. 但确实太阳真火这么燃烧下去,他的肉体与神魂都必死无疑。 Seeing only the yama double pupil fully is the crazy meaning. 只见冥王双眸满是疯狂之意。 Looks that the whole body fire yama towards oneself throws. 看着浑身大火的冥王朝自己扑过来。 On nine Yang people were obviously calm. 九阳上人明显淡定了许多。 Sees only him to shake the head, said yama, you had not realized, now between you and me disparity.” 只见他摇了摇头,说道“冥王,你还没有意识到,如今你与我之间的差距嘛。” You still in trying to find out Great Way, but my Great Way is exceedingly high, becomes Heaven and Earth part.” “你还在摸索大道中,而我的大道已经通天,成为了天地的一部分。” Speaking of this, sees only on nine Yang people to put out a hand. 说到这,只见九阳上人伸出手。 A mountain emerges out of thin air, whatever he controls. 一座大山凭空出现,任由他控制。 At this moment, on nine Yang people are the true feeling these first batch of cultivator, is the first group of Great Way exceedingly high powerhouses was joyful. 这一刻,九阳上人是真实感受到那些第一批修炼者,也就是第一批大道通天强者们的快乐了。 No wonder others said that benefit that first eats the crab is biggest. 怪不得别人都说,第一个吃螃蟹的受益最大。 He believes that even if later period, these will study his Great Way person not to have the so big chance. 他相信,哪怕是后期,这些学习他大道的人也不会有如此大的机缘。 This chance, only then as the developer of cultivation system, truly has the qualifications has. 这种机缘,只有作为修炼体系的开发者,才有资格真正的拥有。 Goes nonstop to Heaven and Earth! 直通天地啊! This moment mountain emerges out of thin air, mountain peak palatial not but actually, stands erect above Heaven and Earth. 此刻大山凭空出现,山峰巍峨不倒,屹立在天地之上。 With on nine Yang person right hand meetings. 伴随着九阳上人右手一会。 Drinks lightly: Falls.” 一声轻喝:“落。” In an instant, the giant mountain peak to hold up a day of posture from top to bottom, direct suppression. 刹那间,巨大的山峰以擎天之姿从上而下,直接镇压而来。 Nine Yang, you were muddled, a mountain peak also presumptuously thinks the town/subdues I.” “九阳,你糊涂了,一座山峰也妄想镇我。” The yamas loudly shouted. 冥王大喝道。 His fist goes to toward that mountain peak bang, wants to obliterate the mountain peak directly shatter. 他一拳朝那山峰轰去,想要将山峰直接破碎磨灭。 The strength in fist is similar to easily accomplished, cannot look disdainfully. 拳中的力量如同摧枯拉朽,不可睥睨。 But when his fist and mountain peak collision, the yama is actually the instantaneous complexion big change. 但当他一拳与山峰碰撞时,冥王却是瞬间脸色大变。 He discovered that own all strengths hit probably on the cotton were the same. 他发现自己所有的力量就好像打在了棉花上一样。 An injury has not created, even was absorbed including own strength. 一点伤害都没有造成,甚至连自身的力量都被吸收了。 How can?” “怎么会?” The yamas in great surprise, the subconsciousness want to avoid. 冥王大惊,下意识想要躲避。 But the mountain falls heavily, suppresses from void him directly under. 但大山沉重落下,直接将他从虚空中镇压而下。 This what's the matter?” “这到底怎么回事?” The yamas go all out to revolt to shout. 冥王拼命反抗大喊着。 But does not help matters, when the mountain peak falls, seems Heaven and Earth to descend, does not have any strength can prevent. 但都无济于事,山峰落下时,就好像天地在降落,根本没有什么力量能够阻挡。 Until finally. 直到最后。 Only listens to bang. 只听“轰”的一声。 The mountain falls on the ground, suppressed the grandson monkey like Wutzushan. 大山落在地上,就像五指山镇压了孙猴子般。 The yamas were pressed under the mountain, only the other heads beamed with joy. 冥王被压在山下,只余下一个脑袋露脸了出来。 His complexion is pale, is going all out to revolt as before. 他脸色铁青,依旧在拼命反抗着。 But is useless. 但都没什么用。 Do not struggle, you think that this is the ordinary mountain peak?” “别挣扎了,你以为这是普通的山峰?” On the vision of nine Yang people keep aloof looks at him. 九阳上人的目光高高在上的看着他。 This vision makes the yama very uncomfortable, he struggles was fiercer. 这种目光让冥王很不爽,他挣扎的更加剧烈了。 But on nine Yang people anxiously are unhurried. 但九阳上人不急不慌。 Explained: This is the mountain of Heaven and Earth, is I comprehends Heaven and Earth Great Way, observes the potential of Mt. Baekak peak, finally condenses the formation.” 只是解释道:“此为天地之山,是我领悟天地大道,观百岳山峰之势,最终凝聚成型的。” Is placed in front of you, is not a mountain, but is the strength of inexhaustible Heaven and Earth.” “摆在你面前的,不在是一座山,而是无穷无尽的天地之力。” Your strength came from Heaven and Earth, you actually attempt to resist with Heaven and Earth, how also possibly to succeed.” “你的力量来自于天地,你却妄图与天地对抗,又怎么可能成功呢。” Heaven and Earth such as sea, your strength such as drop of water drop, considers the water drop to be hidden in water, is unable to exude including drop of ripples.” 天地如一片大海,你的力量如一滴水珠,试想一下水珠隐没于水,连一滴涟漪都无法泛起。” Since obtaining changing magically of Xu Zimo, on nine Yang people opened the front door of the world truly. 自从得到徐子墨的点化后,九阳上人可谓是真正打开了世界的大门。 He the homemade cultivation system gave a name to himself. 他给自己自创的修炼体系取了一个名字。 Heaven and Earth Great Way 天地大道 This field of endeavor attaches above Heaven and Earth, observes Heaven and Earth all, finally by strength of substantializing Heaven and Earth. 此道依附于天地之上,观天地的一切,最终以天地之力实质化。 This is absolute extraordinary Great Way. 这是一个绝对了不起的大道 Is listening to the words of nine Yang people, just like desperate dark. 听着九阳上人的话,就犹如绝望中的黑暗般。 The yamas revolt from initial fierce finally, was gradually peaceful. 冥王从最初的剧烈反抗到最后,逐渐安静了下来。 He knows, oneself is unable to revolt. 他知道,自己无法反抗。 But he is not willing to give up as before, but looks as well as not the dead Emperor to the snake muskdeer mother-in-law in vault of heaven. 但他依旧不愿放弃,而是看向苍穹上的蛇麝婆婆以及不死帝君。 Shouting: „ Two idiots, have not saved me. 喊道:“两个蠢货,还不来救我。 This king if died, you can escape the relations. ” 本王若是死了,你们难道能逃得了关系嘛。” Just fell along with the words voice of yama, on the vision of nine Yang people also fall in the vault of heaven their body. 伴随着冥王的话语音刚落,九阳上人的目光也随之落在苍穹上两人的身上。 At this moment two people are also unable to back down. 此刻两人也是骑虎难下。 The snake muskdeer mother-in-law even had drew back intent. 蛇麝婆婆甚至有了退意。 After all although inheritance is important, but can also compared with own life. 毕竟传承虽然重要,但还能比过自己的性命嘛。 () ()
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