IATV :: Volume #23

#2242: Chapter 2242 say/way finally, with day in

Chapter 2244 say/way finally, with day in 第2244章道之终,与天同在 After changing to the python, sees only this snake muskdeer mother-in-law top of the head, is unexpectedly long two similar dragon corner/horn thing. 化作蟒蛇之后,只见这蛇麝婆婆的头顶处,竟然还长出来两根类似龙角的东西。 She like the python, is less like the dragon snake in legend. 她不像蟒蛇,更像是传说中的龙蛇。 According to the rumor, snake python, python like flood dragon, flood dragon to turn into a dragon. 据传言所说,蛇化蟒,蟒如蛟,蛟成龙。 This is stage by stage the evolution. 这是一个阶段一个阶段之间的进化。 However snake muskdeer mother-in-law's ancestor, is her paternal grandmother, once first batch of cultivator. 但是蛇麝婆婆的先祖,也是她的奶奶,曾经的第一批修炼者 On homemade law of the cultivation. 就自创了一种修炼之法。 By the snake dragon, can omit the middle other steps directly. 由蛇化龙,可以直接省略中间的其他步骤。 inheritance that because the snake muskdeer mother-in-law accepts is incomplete, her present card in dragon snake the stage. 蛇麝婆婆因为接受的传承不完整,以至于她如今卡在了龙蛇的阶段。 It is not able to go a step further, the thorough ecdysis scale, ascends Dragon Gate by the snake. 无法更进一步,彻底蜕皮化鳞,由蛇登龙门。 Therefore after knowing inheritance that in the yama hand has her to need, the snake muskdeer mother-in-law is also resigned to work for the yama. 所以知道冥王手中有她需要的传承后,蛇麝婆婆也是甘心为冥王做事。 After all the posture of dragon snake, had almost become her obsession. 毕竟龙蛇之姿,已经几乎成了她的执念 Naturally, many things have not looked that simple. 当然,许多事情并没有看上去那么简单。 On the strengths of nine Yang people are not weak, even imagines during them must be more powerful. 九阳上人的实力不弱,甚至比他们想象之中还要更强大。 Therefore after the snake muskdeer mother-in-law changes to the dragon snake, the huge body brings the reign of terror, making one be panic at the news. 所以蛇麝婆婆化作龙蛇之后,庞大的身躯带着腥风血雨,让人闻风丧胆。 Roar roar roar......” “吼吼吼……” If dragon Rushe angrily roars to transmit. 如龙如蛇般的怒吼传来。 That huge body has the constriction, the giant tail just like the column that drops from the vault of heaven. 那庞大的身躯极具压迫感,巨大的尾巴宛如从天穹落下的立柱般。 Flung directly. 直接甩了过来。 On nine Yang person both eyes change to the even-numbered days, scalding hot incomparable. 九阳上人双目化作双日,灼热无比。 His both arms like two mountain peaks, the palatial style, stand erect not but actually. 他的双臂如同两座山峰,巍峨气派,屹立不倒。 Sees only him to wield the both arms, just like moves two great mountain -like, the strength is greatly infinite. 只见他挥动双臂,犹如搬起两座巨山般,力大无穷。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 Holds the tail that the snake muskdeer mother-in-law killed forcefully. 硬生生的抓住了蛇麝婆婆杀来的尾巴。 „......” “啊……” He is roaring, holds the tail, makes an effort to lift directly, lifted the body of snake muskdeer mother-in-law's heavy dragon snake unexpectedly. 他怒吼着,抓住尾巴,直接用力一抬,竟然将蛇麝婆婆沉重的龙蛇之躯都抬了起来。 Also is bang. 又是“轰”的一声。 The snake muskdeer mother-in-law was thrown toward not the dead Emperor directly. 蛇麝婆婆直接被朝不死帝君扔了过去。 Could see although on nine Yang people get the winning side, but he also consumes the strength, is somewhat weary. 看得出虽然九阳上人占据上风,但他也耗费力量,有些疲倦。 Another side, the netherworld of yama also spread. 另一边,冥王的冥土也蔓延了过来。 Netherworld quite therefore his domain, in this domain, the yama thinks that is invincible. 冥土就相当于是他的领域,在这领域内,冥王自认为是无敌的。 The netherworld spreads to come. 冥土蔓延而来。 Just like ten million/countless hungry ghost from feared. 宛如千万饿鬼从其中怕了出来。 The Paramita (the other shore) flower blooms, Ming He/underworld river flows. 彼岸花开,冥河流动。 These hungry ghosts fuse together, around the change of environment along with the netherworld, wants to cover on nine Yang people. 这些饿鬼融为一体,伴随着冥土四周环境的变化,想要将九阳上人笼罩其中。 On the however nine Yang people also know the goal of opposite party, if were stranded to the netherworld, only feared that troubled. 不过九阳上人也知道对方的目的,若是被困到冥土内,只怕就麻烦了。 After all three pairs one, he suffered a loss. 毕竟三对一,他本来就是吃亏的。 Gets up...” “起…” On nine Yang person both hands lift, see only the potential of Heaven and Earth he senses to erupt from the whole body. 九阳上人双手一抬,只见他感悟的天地之势从周身爆发而出。 That powerful potential and netherworld presented the resistance. 那强大的势与冥土出现了对抗。 Must fall, must rise. 一个要落,一个要升。 But in this time, static and other time not dead emperors has been acting. 而正在这时,一直静等时机的不死帝君出手了。 He is not rash like the snake muskdeer mother-in-law, but seeks is striking the fatal good time. 他不像蛇麝婆婆那么莽撞,而是寻找着一击致命的好时机。 On nine Yang people must resist the netherworld shortly, the form beat of not dead Emperor in void. 眼看着九阳上人要对抗冥土,不死帝君的身影跳动在虚空中。 Sees only him to lift the hand. 只见他一抬手。 His entire arm was stained by the green venom. 他整条胳膊都被绿色的毒液所沾满。 „The poison of burying!” “葬之毒!” This green venom seemingly has no difference from the ordinary venom. 这绿色的毒液看上去好像跟普通的毒液没什么区别。 But actually it is the toxin that not the dead Emperor researches and develops proudly, toxicity, in the opponent, this poison cannot live at least in the past. 但其实它乃是不死帝君最自豪研发出来的毒素,毒性之强,起码在他往昔对手中,中了此毒者没有一个能活着。 Although on nine Yang people had avoided very much diligently, but the speed of not dead Emperor was too fast. 尽管九阳上人已经很努力去躲避了,但不死帝君的速度太快了。 The time that in addition he looks for is also very perfect. 再加上他找的时机也很完美。 Covers entirely the palm of toxin to reflect thoroughly on the abdomens of nine Yang people. 布满毒素的手掌彻底映在九阳上人的腹部。 The powerful strength is exploding, first struck to fly on nine Yang people. 强大的力量在爆炸中,先是将九阳上人击飞了出去。 What is most terrifying, on nine Yang people stand up, his whole body the potential of Heaven and Earth is vanishing. 最恐怖的是,当九阳上人站起身时,他周身的天地之势正在消失。 On the body, the toxin is corroding his life continuously. 身体上,毒素在源源不断的腐蚀他的生命。 Although on nine Yang people revolve all strengths to prevent, but slows down the time of toxin outbreak merely, but cannot eliminate it completely. 尽管九阳上人运转一切力量去阻挡,但仅仅只是减缓毒素发作的时间,而不能完全清除它。 This is the poison of burying terrifying place. 这便是葬之毒的恐怖之处。 Not the dead Emperor studies the poison at first, does not die for the eternal life. 不死帝君起初研究毒,是为了永生不死。 Afterward with a poisonous say/way profounder research, he started to have the innumerable theories. 后来随着毒道更加深邃的研究,他开始有了无数的理论。 And immortal anti-sense, is the relative poison, was studied by him. 其中永生的反义,也是相对之毒,便被他研究出来了。 He gives a name for the poison of burying. 他起名为葬之毒。 , Buries all meaning probably, ruins all. 大概意思就是说,埋葬一切,葬送一切。 Vitality that on nine Yang person sensations are abating, some round of cold. 九阳上人感知着自身消退的生命力,不禁有些发寒。 ...... …… But in the outside world, is in the forest. 而在外界,也就是森林内。 The white clothing man is entreating Xu Zimo. 白衣男子正在哀求着徐子墨 Sir, you are the envoy in heaven, definitely has the means to save the founder, pleading you to make a move.” “大人,您是上天的使者,肯定有办法救教主的,恳求您能够出手。” Xu Zimo naturally cannot on nine Yang so dead here. 徐子墨自然不会让九阳上人就这般死在这里。 But something are not anxious, need a process. 但有些事不急,需要一个过程。 At this moment he also thought that the time was similar. 此刻他也觉得时机差不多了。 Then looks to nine Yang people, said the real name of opposite party, said: simultaneous/uniform Heng, you may the knowledge found Great Way, means anything.” 便看向九阳上人,直呼对方的真名,说道:“齐珩,你可知创建一种大道,意味着什么嘛。” Heard Xu Zimo to open the mouth, on nine Yang people obviously gawked. 听到徐子墨开口了,九阳上人明显愣了一下。 Although he already on the point of death, but he has not prayed for rescue from Xu Zimo as before. 尽管他已经命在旦夕,但他依旧没有向徐子墨求救。 Because he knows, the envoy has own idea, if oneself pray for rescue on own initiative, instead will be loathful. 因为他知道,使者有自己的想法,自己若是主动求救,反而会惹人嫌。 At this moment heard the Xu Zimo driving opens the mouth. 此刻听到徐子墨主动开口了。 On nine Yang people turn serious, very serious saying: Also asked the envoy to grant instruction.” 九阳上人神色一正,十分郑重的说道:“还请使者赐教。” „Who is this fellow?” Yama several people knit the brows slightly. “这家伙又是什么人?”冥王几人微微皱眉。 As if breaks they several people of disaffection very to Xu Zimo that braves suddenly. 似乎对突然冒出来的徐子墨打断他们几人十分的不满。 The yamas said: Boy, you , to die does not need to worry, waits to meet naturally can be one's turn you.” 冥王不禁说道:“小子,你要想死也不用着急,等会自然会轮到你。” Xu Zimo is disinclined to pay attention to him. 徐子墨懒得理会他。 But looks to nine Yang people, said: Most people think, homemade together finally is only the founder of some say/way, becomes ten thousand people to respect, harvests the name and advantage.” 而是看向九阳上人,说道:“大多数人以为,自创一道最终只是某个道的祖师,成为万人敬仰,收获名与利。” But actually these external.” “但其实这些都是外在的。” I must tell you today, intrinsic.” “我今天要告诉你的,是内在的。” Your homemade say/way, goes nonstop to Heaven and Earth, with vault of heaven in.” “你自创的道,直通天地,与天穹同在。” With Heaven and Earth in” “与天地同在” On in the mind of nine Yang people, is reverberating unceasingly these words. 九阳上人的脑海中,不断的回荡着这句话。 How is Heaven and Earth in. 如何是与天地同在。 This point he does not understand. 这一点他不懂。 But Xu Zimo had not explained again, but makes him feel with the absolute strength. 徐子墨也没有再解释,而是用绝对的力量去让他感受。 Sees only Xu Zimo to wave. 只见徐子墨一挥手。 The aurora direct impact horizon goes together. 一道极光直冲天际而去。 This ray shines upon above the vault of heaven, just like opening natural moat. 这道光芒映照苍穹之上,宛如打开了天堑般。 Above vault of heaven, immediately wind and cloud gathering. 苍穹之上,顿时风云汇聚。 The strength of innumerable Great Way are roaring. 无数的大道之力在咆哮着。 Agitation everywhere wind and cloud at the same time, in Heavenly gate the pinnacle ray shines in the bodies of nine Yang people. 搅动漫天风云的同时,天门内极致的光芒映照在九阳上人的身上。 At this moment, is almost the power and influence eruption that soars to the heavens, the ray packages thoroughly on nine Yang person whole bodies. 这一刻,几乎是冲天的威势爆发而出,光芒彻底将九阳上人全身都包裹起来。 What is this?” Yamas and the others looked at each other in blank dismay. “这是什么?”冥王等人面面相觑。 Does not know the present change is anything. 丝毫不知晓眼前的变化是什么。 Only feels a powerful strength just like the heavenly prestige town/subdues town/subdues, making me not dare to look straight ahead, does not dare to contend. 只感觉一股强大的力量宛如天威镇镇,让我不敢直视,不敢抗衡。 Homemade school, is difficult to be inadequate really can exceedingly high inadequate,” yama is not willing to believe that also cannot believe. “自创一派,难不成真能通天不成,”冥王不愿相信,也不敢相信。 Climbed up Heaven and Earth regarding on what nine Yang people, this is the not possible matter. 至于说什么九阳上人攀上了天地,这更是不可能的事情。 Heaven and Earth does not have the life, the revolution of Great Way is fixed. 天地是没有生命的,大道的运转都是固定的。 The yamas do not believe this laughable theory. 冥王才不相信这种可笑的理论。 () ()
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