IATV :: Volume #23

#2241: Chapter 2241 netherworld, the potential of Heaven and Earth

After all stares at the person in ghostdom to have, even the ghost clan eyes covetously. 毕竟盯着冥界的人有很多,甚至就连鬼族都虎视眈眈。 Founds a race, which is such a easy matter. 创建一个种族,哪是这么容易的一件事。 Must guarantee the multiplication of race, the demands of all foundations. 要保证种族的繁衍,一切基础的需求。 Therefore this time, the yama as well as his ghostdom, must just like the mad dog, maintain their ruthless. 所以这个时期,冥王以及他的冥界,必须宛如疯狗般,保持他们的狠。 Who annoys them, then must kill. 谁惹他们,便必杀到底。 Only by doing so, generally the talent does not dare to annoy the deep clan, the deep clan has enough opportunity and space develops. 只有这样,一般人才不敢惹冥族,冥族才有足够的机会和空间去发展。 Otherwise if flinched, will make one reach out for a yard after taking an inch. 否则若是退缩了,就会让人得寸进尺。 Confronts with the group wolf on for example you, coming a wolf you to kill a wolf. 就比如你跟群狼对峙,来一只狼你就必须杀一只狼。 If fears to retrocede half step, the next quarter flock of wolves have the possibility group to attack it very much, rips the fragment you. 若是惧怕后退半步,下一刻群狼就很有可能群而攻之,将你撕成碎片。 Therefore , on nine Yang people are the luck are not good. 所以说,九阳上人也是运气不好。 Originally seizes the matter of domain, finally evolves so the life and death war. 本来抢占地盘的事,最终演变成这般生死大战。 ...... …… Kills,” yama drinks greatly. “杀,”冥王一声大喝。 Just like startling thunderclap blasting open, the next quarter continuous black air/Qi erupts from his whole body. 宛如惊雷炸裂,下一刻源源不断的黑气从他周身爆发而出。 The black air/Qi covers big hand, patted toward the forest in directly. 黑气笼罩成一只大手,直接朝森林内拍了下去。 On nine Yang person complexion big changes. 九阳上人脸色大变。 Shouted to clear the way lightly: Yama, wants to fight beyond the day a war, why to act to this forest.” 轻喝道:“冥王,想要战去天外一战,何必对这片森林出手。” „The virtue of heaven, all living things must from it, why also so to injure.” “上天之德,众生需从之,又何必如此加害。” Regarding on the words of nine Yang people, the yama sneers saying: „ Nine Yang, I trees that is you to look at own personally planter, were destroyed. 对于九阳上人的话,冥王冷笑道:“九阳,我就是要你看着自己亲手种植的树木,一棵棵被摧毁。 And in your fight, was destroyed by your own. ” 并且还是在与你的战斗中,被你自己一棵棵摧毁掉。” Destroys the beloved thing, this is the scene that a king most likes.” “毁灭自己心爱之物,这才是本王最喜欢的场面。” The big hand of yama has fallen. 冥王的大手已经落下。 Many trees broke off and are captured. 许多树木都被折断、拔掉。 On nine Yang people glower, see only him to lift the hand similarly. 九阳上人怒目而视,只见他同样一抬手。 That boundless Sun is exuding the red glow. 那无边的太阳泛着红芒。 The red glow shining world, is carrying a round of hot sun, rolls by the expansive sky rolling, hits to go toward the yama. 红芒耀世,携带着一轮烈日,滚滚驶过长空,朝冥王撞击而去。 At this moment, deep air/Qi big hand of yama is roaring. 这一刻,冥王的冥气大手似在咆哮着。 That big hand holds the hot sun. 那大手抓住烈日。 Bang. “轰”的一声。 In the pinnacle explosion, the deep air/Qi big hand was blasted open, hot sun powerful. 极致的爆炸中,冥气大手被炸裂,烈日更加的气势如虹。 However the next quarter, the yama puts out a hand to make a fist. 不过下一刻,冥王伸手握拳。 The fist such as the vast meaning, a fist explodes the solar bang. 拳如浩瀚之意,一拳将太阳轰爆。 At this moment, on nine Yang people already tread the sky . 此刻,九阳上人已经踏空而起。 That whole body is nine rounds of hot suns shines upon the vault of heaven similarly. 那周身同样是九轮烈日映照苍穹。 Rumble, rumble.” “轰隆隆,轰隆隆。” Each round of hot sun, sends out is destroying day of the power and influence of extinguishing the place. 每一轮烈日,都散发着毁天灭地的威势。 No probe, on nine Yang person making a move offensive are similar to the gust of wind brashly. 没有任何的试探,九阳上人一出手攻势便如同疾风骤雨般。 The powerhouses battle, is so simple. 强者交战,便是如此简单。 A flaw, might be being been pressing hitting by the opposite party. 一个破绽,很可能就会被对方压着打。 Nine days fire!” “九日之火!” Sees only on nine Yang people to raise head, in nine Sun, erupts astonishing imposing manners respectively. 只见九阳上人仰头而起,九轮太阳内,各自爆发出一道道惊人的气势。 From the flame of roaring can destroy all. 从其中,咆哮的火焰能够毁灭一切。 Nine flame in the middle position, start to gather to fuse together. 九道火焰在中间的位置,开始汇聚融为一体。 Changes to a vaster boundless flame long class/flow, killed toward the yama. 化作一条更加浩瀚磅礴的火焰长流,朝冥王杀了过去。 The yamas knit the brows slightly. 冥王微微皱眉。 towards other two said: Two, make a move together, but other capsize in a drain.” 朝另外两人说道:“两位,一起出手吧,可别阴沟里翻船。” Yama both hands fast knot seal. 冥王双手快速结印。 That previous purple ray by the body, explodes to shoot extremely. 那身前一道极紫色光芒透过身体,爆射而出。 „The gate of ghostdom.” “冥界之门。” Deep Wang Xian keeps off in the forefront, the crack in a door of ghostdom. Blocks all, even if nine Yang fires, was lived by short resisting. 王先是挡在最前面,冥界之门缝。封锁一切,纵然是九阳之火,也被短暂的抵挡住。 Broken,” on nine Yang person drink greatly. “破,”九阳上人一声大喝。 Fluctuates along with his powerful strength unceasingly. 伴随着他强大的力量不断波动而出。 Nine Yang fire combustion, defeated the gate of ghostdom directly. 九阳之火燃烧的更甚,直接击破了冥界之门。 Makes me come,” snake muskdeer mother-in-law stood on own initiative. “让我来,”蛇麝婆婆主动站了出来。 Sees only her to transfer begins the snake-shaped walking stick, a giant ancient snake from roared. 只见她转动手中的蛇形拐杖,一条巨大的古蛇从其中咆哮而出。 The ancient snake opens the mouth, actually wants swallow alive these nine Yang fires. 古蛇张开嘴巴,竟然想要生吞这九阳之火。 Sees only its abdomen to have some strange vortex probably, is swallowing nine Yang fires the instances, the ancient snake then starts the little dissipation. 只见它的腹部好像有某种奇怪的漩涡,在吞噬九阳之火的瞬间,古蛇便开始一点点的消散。 However it is truly swallowing nine Yang fires. 不过它确实在吞噬九阳之火。 Until finally, when its final wisp of body by nine Yang fire burning down completely, these nine Yang fires were also swallowed. 直到最后,当它最后的一缕身体被九阳之火焚烧殆尽时,这九阳之火也同时被吞噬完。 Also is one way of perishing together. 也算是同归于尽的一种方式。 But nearby not dead Emperor also acted. 而一旁的不死帝君也出手了。 He seems like very old body speed actually wonderful quick incomparable. 他看上去很苍老的身体速度却奇快无比。 The flash appeared on the back of nine Yang people. 一瞬间就出现在了九阳上人的背后。 Roar...” “吼…” Under angrily roars, not the dead Emperor opens the mouth, the black poisonous fog emits. 一声怒吼之下,不死帝君张开嘴巴,黑色的毒雾喷吐而出。 His these poisons are not the ordinary poisons, even if on nine Yang person also fearing, does not dare to contaminate the half a point. 他的这些毒可不是普通的毒,哪怕是九阳上人也十分的惧怕,不敢沾染半分。 Otherwise when the time comes including nine Yang fires unable to burn. 否则到时候连九阳之火都无法燃烧。 Although on nine Yang person dangers dangerous evaded the poisonous fog, but poisonous fog in not the dead Emperor mouth saves are getting more and more. 虽然九阳上人险之又险的避过了毒雾,但不死帝君口中的毒雾积攒的越来越多。 Until finally, has formed tornado. 直到最后,已经形成了一道龙卷风。 As long as place visited, infertile, all full of vitality flowers and plants trees change to the ashes completely. 但凡所过之处,寸草不生,所有生机勃勃的花草树木全部化作灰烬。 You court death,” on nine Yang people angry roar. “你找死,”九阳上人怒吼一声。 At this moment, his tread the sky welcomed the day. 这一刻,他踏空迎天而起。 Besides nine rounds of hot sun encirclement whole bodies, within the body mountains rivers and Beidou stars also all projected. 除了九轮烈日环绕周身外,体内山川河流、北斗星辰也全部投射了出来。 He cultivates, what becomes aware is the potential of Heaven and Earth. 他所修炼,所悟的乃是天地之势。 How among Heaven and Earth also possibly to only have Sun, the mountains rivers, dark all living things and stars Beidou calculate. 天地之间又怎么可能只有太阳呢,山川河流、冥冥众生、星辰北斗都算在内。 Even on nine Yang people have not been able proficiently to control, but this strength end is formidable. 就算九阳上人还不能熟练掌控,但这股力量端是利害。 When the innumerable phenomenon appear, or appears on the back of nine Yang people, either by him was treadonned. 当无数异像出现,或浮现在九阳上人的背后,或被他脚踏而出时。 On the strengths of nine Yang people also in unceasing sublimation. 九阳上人的力量也在不断的升华。 His fist fell on the face of not dead Emperor directly, shortly, the head of opposite party was hit to explode. 他的一拳直接落在了不死帝君的脸上,顷刻之间,对方的脑袋都被打爆了。 However not the dead Emperor consciousness as before clearly, the form fast retreat then spread out with on nine Yang people quickly. 不过不死帝君依旧意识清楚,身影快速后退很快便与九阳上人拉开了距离。 He starts to remould the head, restores in a flash such as beginning. 他开始重塑脑袋,转瞬之间又恢复如初。 Good extraordinary Great Way,” not dead Emperor commended one. “好了不得的大道,”不死帝君不禁称赞了一句。 Said that on your nine Yang people open the new cultivation system, has not thought that also really made you arrive at this degree.” “都说你九阳上人开辟新的修炼体系,没想到还真让你走到这种程度了。” Pitifully, what a pity today you , if not die, in the future must have a great achievement.” “可惜了,可惜今日你若是不死,日后必有一番大成就。” Rubbish, my life and death, only then Heaven and Earth decides,” on nine Yang people shouted coldly. “废什么话,我之生死,只有天地说了算,”九阳上人冷喝道。 But nearby yama, is the face distortion of envy. 而旁边的冥王,已经是嫉妒的脸部扭曲。 He and on nine Yang people are very similar, is the homemade cultivation system, even he must crazy. 他与九阳上人很类似,都是自创修炼体系,甚至他要更加的疯狂。 Wants homemade Clan. 想要自创一族 But his cultivation system had arrived at the bottleneck recently, very long has not broken through. 但他的修炼体系最近已经走到了瓶颈,很久没有突破了。 But reviews on nine Yang people, actually opens access. 但反观九阳上人,却一路畅通无阻。 He shouts fiercely greatly: Takes him, pressed for an answer his say/way, could nourish my Great Way, making me go a step further.” 他狰狞大喊道:“拿下他,逼问他的道,说不定能滋养我的大道,让我更进一步。” Netherworld!” “冥土!” At this moment, along with the angry roaring sound of yama. 这一刻,伴随着冥王的怒吼声。 Sees only centered on him, all around void started changes. 只见以他为中心,四周的虚空开始变了。 It seems the hell to arrive, the netherworld destroys all. 就好像地狱降临,冥土毁灭一切。 The blood red world covered the whole body, the blood moon/month and blood day in, at the same time the each and everyone evil spirit crawled from the ground. 血红色的世界笼罩全身,血月与血日同在,与此同时一个个厉鬼从地面上爬了起来。 In netherworld I am invincible.” “冥土之内我无敌。” The yama big hand wields, the finger direction front, all lifeform in yama came in swarms instantaneously, change to the mighty current to kill toward on nine Yang people. 冥王大手一挥,手指指向前方,冥王内的所有生物瞬间蜂拥而至,化作洪流朝九阳上人杀了过去。 As for the snake muskdeer mother-in-law, swallows snake-shaped walking stick in the hand directly, changes to a giant incomparable python. 至于蛇麝婆婆,直接吞掉自己手中的蛇形拐杖,化作一条巨大无比的蟒蛇。 () ()
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